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Nursing Assistant Duties and Responsibilities, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of topics related to the duties and responsibilities of a nursing assistant. It provides information on federal laws, work ethics, patient care, infection control, body mechanics, nutrition, vital signs, respiratory care, musculoskeletal system, mental health, and end-of-life care. The document aims to educate nursing assistants on the various aspects of their role in providing quality care to patients. It covers topics such as patient communication, dignity, safety, documentation, and reporting. The document also addresses common medical conditions and the nursing assistant's role in managing them. Overall, this document serves as a comprehensive guide for nursing assistants to understand their scope of practice and effectively carry out their duties in a healthcare setting.

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Available from 08/28/2024




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Download Nursing Assistant Duties and Responsibilities and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! CNA FINAL EXAM questions with correct answers An acute illness is - Ans A sudden illness from which the person is expected to recover Persons living in nursing centers are called - Ans residents The nursing team involves the following except - Ans Doctors You have an important role in meeting standards and in the survey process. You must do the following except - Ans Interview patients and family The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 is a - Ans Federal Law OBRA requires retraining and/or new competency evaluation for persons who - Ans Have not worked as a nursing assistant for 2 years Does a nurse have to delegate a task to you? - Ans No. The nurse makes delegation decisions that are best for the person A nursing assistant is also an EMT who works for the fire dept. In her EMT role, she is allowed to start IVs. On the weekend, she works as a nursing assistant at a nursing center. The RN asks her to start an IV on a resident. What should the nursing assistant do? - Ans Politely refuse to do the task and explain why Unlawful restraint or restriction of a person's movement is - Ans False imprisonment You see a nursing assistant hitting a resident. What should you do? - Ans Tell the nurse Work ethics mean - Ans Behavior in the workplace You should wear a wristwatch that - Ans Has a sweep hand Treating the person with dignity is - Ans Respectfulness A nursing center wants to hire you. Which is NOT required? - Ans A photo You see two health team members talking quietly to each other. You tell your co- worker what you overhear. This is - Ans Gossip You need to talk to the nurse about a patient or resident. Where should you do this? - Ans In private Before leaving the unit for a break, you need to - Ans Tell the nurse A patient's care is assigned to Sally. The patient needs to use the bathroom. Sally is on a meal break. Who will help the patient? - Ans Any staff member on the unit will help Which will NOT protect patients, residents, and you from harm? - Ans Making excuses or blaming others for your actions Too little thyroid hormone results in the following EXCEPT - Ans Too much sugar in the blood The rate of growth and development is the same for each person - Ans False Which is a developmental task of adolescence - Ans Accepting changes in the body and appearance During middle adulthood several physical changes occur. Which is CORRECT? - Ans It is common to need eyeglasses Geriatrics is - Ans The care of aging people Why is the ability to sense heat, cold, and pain reduced in older persons? - Ans The skin has fewer nerve endings Older people usually need a shower or bath - Ans Twice a week Older people often complain about how food tastes. This is because - Ans Taste buds decrease in number An older person may have swallowing difficulties because of - Ans Less saliva Men may have difficulty urinating because the - Ans Prostate gland enlarges The need to urinate at night is reduced if the person - Ans Drinks most fluids before 1700 Paralysis and loss of sensory function in the legs and lower trunk is - Ans Paraplegia To correctly identify the person before giving care, which is correct? - Ans Check identifying information in the assignment sheet with that on the ID bracelet A patient is receiving continuous oxygen. The person wants to smoke. Which is correct? - Ans Smoking is not allowed where oxygen is being used The safe use of electrical equipment involves the following except - Ans Standing in water When transferring a person to or from a wheelchair - Ans The wheels must be locked These statements are about preventing falls. Which is incorrect? - Ans You can borrow a residents wheelchair for another person Bed rails are considered restraints if the person cannot lower them without help - Ans True Restraints are used - Ans When other measures fail to protect the person Restraints are used to - Ans Treat medical symptoms These statements are about restraints. Which is incorrect - Ans Restraints decrease confusion and agitation Which is a restraint? - Ans A chair with an attached tray table A resident keeps trying to pull out her feeding tube. Which restraint is the least restrictive? - Ans Mitt restraints Mitt restraints prevent - Ans Finger use Items are sterilized in - Ans An autoclave A person has protection against a certain disease. The person has - Ans Immunity Sterile means - Ans The absence of all microbes To control the spread of microbes, you should do the following except - Ans Shake linens and equipment to remove dust Which of the following will not control portals of entry? - Ans Wiping from the rectum to the urethra Clean gloves have contact with clean sheets. Which statement is correct? - Ans The gloves and the sheets are still clean Always practice Standard Precautions in home settings - Ans True Which is incorrect about masks? - Ans They are NOT reusable The musculoskeletal system does the following except - Ans Helps regulate body temperature A resident's son is visiting. Which will NOT protect the residents privacy - Ans Exposing the residents body in front of her son The white of the eye is the - Ans Sclera After water is absorbed from chyme, the remaining semi-solid material is called - Ans Feces Your work is causing you stress. What should you do? - Ans Talk to the nurse Who helps patients, residents, and families with social, emotional, and environmental issues affecting illness and recovery? - Ans The social worker An assisted living residence - Ans Provides three meals a day and housekeeping and laundry services Which of the following should you report to the nurse? - Ans Red-colored urine A man is going to use the urinal. What should he do when he is done? - Ans Hang it on the bedrail These statements are about incontinence. Which is incorrect? - Ans It is a matter of personal choice A resident has a catheter. Catheter care is given - Ans According to the care plan Persons with catheters need perineal care - Ans Daily and after bowel movements When giving catheter care, you need to hold the catheter at the - Ans Meatus Defecation is - Ans The process of excreting feces from the rectum through the anus Flatus is - Ans Gas or air passed through the anus Which foods are needed for normal bowel movements - Ans Fruits and vegetables Which does not slow the passage of feces through intestines - Ans Exercise and activity You are assisting a resident with elimination. You ned ot do the following except - Ans Stand next to the person until the person is finished A resident complains of diarrhea. The person needs assistance with ambulation. When the person's signal light is on, you need to - Ans Answer promptly A person has fecal incontinence. The following measures are part of the care plan. Which should you questions? - Ans Empty ostomy pouch when feces are present A patient complains of flatulence. The person has the following food choices. Which does NOT cause flatulence? - Ans Potatoes You do not administer an enema that contains - Ans A drug After giving an oil-retention enema, the person is left in the - Ans Sim's or left side-lying position These statements are about colostomies. Which is incorrect? - Ans The more colon remaining, the more liquid the stool Which vitamin is needed for blood clotting? - Ans Vitamin K OBRA requires the following for foods served in long-term care centers EXCEPT - Ans That food be prepared and seasoned in a certain way Food must be served - Ans Promptly A person is on a high-calorie diet. Which is CORRECT? - Ans There are dietary increases in all foods A person's 24-hr fluid intake was 1500 mL. You know this amount - Ans Is below normal requirements Defrosting frozen food on the counter at room temp. prevents the growth of pathogens - Ans False Giving nutrients through a catheter inserted into a vein is - Ans Parenteral nutrition You are admitting a new patient. To find out the person's name - Ans Check the admission form You are admitting a new resident. You should do the following EXCEPT - Ans Discuss the person's diagnoses and medical history Melena is - Ans A black, tarry stool The nurse asks you to collect a random urine specimen. Which is CORRECT - Ans No special measures are needed The nurse asks you to collect a 24-hr urine specimen. Which is CORRECT - Ans The first void is discarded When collecting a sputum specimen, the person coughs up sputum from the - Ans Bronchi and trachea Oral care before collecting a sputum specimen involves - Ans Rinsing with clear water A person fell and fractured his right hip. He is scheduled for surgery in the morning to repair the fracture. This is - Ans Urgent surgery You will help prepare the person for surgery. Your role involves - Ans Explaining the care you will give You assist with pre-operative personal care. Which is CORRECT? - Ans Makeup, nail polish, and fake nails are removed before surgery A surgical consent is signed - Ans When the person understands the information given by the doctor A person wears elastic stockings. Which is INCORRECT? - Ans The person sits up in the chair while the stockings are off A pressure ulcer is called the following EXCEPT - Ans A stasis ulcer A wound has separated. Abdominal organs are protruding through the wound. This is - Ans Evisceration Phlebitis is - Ans Inflammation of a vein Any injury caused by unrelieved pressure is - Ans A pressure ulcer An open wound made by a sharp object is - Ans A puncture wound Which statement about skin tears is INCORRECT? - Ans Skin tears usually occur over a bony area Persons at risk for pressure ulcers are repositioned every - Ans 1 to 2 hours An open wound on the foot caused by complications from diabetes is - Ans A diabetic foot ulcer Bleeding stops and a scab forms during the - Ans Inflammatory phase of wound healing Which is NOT a purpose of wound dressings? - Ans Prevent moisture Which is not a purpose of wound dressings? - Ans Promote arterial and venous circulation Binders are applied to the following areas EXCEPT - Ans The arms and legs Binders do the following EXCEPT - Ans Prevent infection When heat is applied, the skin is - Ans Red and warm Which is a dry-heat application - Ans Aquathermia pad The nurse delegates a hot compress to you. To maintain temperature, the nurse might ask you to - Ans Apply an aquathermia pad over the compress During a sitz bath, you need to carefully observe the person for - Ans Weakness and faintness You are going to apply an aquathermia pad. Which statement is INCORRECT? - Ans Pins are used to secure the pad in place An aquathermia pad is not placed under a body part because - Ans Heat cannot escape A resident gets the house diet. Which is CORRECT? - Ans The person has no dietary limits or changes Respirations are usually counted - Ans After taking the pulse Narcotics affect oxygen needs because they - Ans Depress the respiratory center in the brain Aspiration is - Ans Breathing of fluid, food, vomitus, or an object into the lungs bending the foot down at the ankle is - Ans Plantar flexion Internal rotation is turning the joint - Ans Inward Supination is turning the joint - Ans Upward Syncope is - Ans Fainting The act of walking is - Ans Ambulation The doctor ordered trochanter rolls for a patient. The trochanter rolls prevent - Ans The hips and legs from external rotation The doctor ordered a bed cradle for a resident. The bed cradle - Ans Keeps top linens off the feet Which exercises are done to the ankle - Ans Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion When ambulating a person you stand - Ans To the side and slightly behind the person's weak side A prosthesis is - Ans An artificial replacement for a missing body part Which statement about restorative aides is correct? - Ans They are nursing assistants with special training in restorative nursing and rehabilitation skills What is stressed during rehabilitation? - Ans What the person is able to do Activities of daily living refer to - Ans Self-care A resident is paralyzed from the waist down. You would expect the person to learn to use - Ans A wheelchair You are feeling frustrated because a resident's progress is slow. You feel like the person is not trying. What should you do? - Ans Discuss your feeling with the RN Tumors that do not spread to other body parts and usually do not grow back when removed are - Ans Benign A person has CA. Surgery is done to - Ans Remove the CA or tumor Persons receiving chemotherapy are at risk for the following EXCEPT - Ans Hot flashes and blood clots A patient has CA. You find him crying in his room. What should you do? - Ans Use touch and listening to communicate that you care Signs and symptoms of AIDS include the following EXCEPT - Ans Warts and blisters on the genitals, discharge from the vagina or penis, and intense itching Arthroplasty is - Ans The surgical replacement of a joint A person has a fracture. The bone is broken but the skin is intact. The person has - Ans A closed frature A person has an open fracture. The bone has com through the skin. This is also referred to as: - Ans A compound fracture Warning signs of stroke include all of the following EXCEPT - Ans Sudden, severe chest pain and SOB A pt had a stroke. When does rehabilitation being? - Ans At once Which is NOT a sign or symptom of osteoarthritis? - Ans Fractures A resident has osteoarthritis. The person is most likely to have joint pain - Ans With weight-bering and joint motion A resident has osteoporosis. The person's care plan includes the following. Which should you question? - Ans Promote bedrest- turn and reposition gently Skeletal traction is applied to - Ans The bone Schizophrenia involves all of the following except - Ans Obsessive-compulsive behaviors and severe mood swings Infant-like behavior may occur in: - Ans Schizophrenia Drug addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease in which the person has an overwhelming desire to take a drug - Ans True Over time, heavy drinking of alcohol damages the brian, CNS, liver, heart, kidneys, and stomach - Ans True Dementia is - Ans The loss of cognitive function that interferes with routine personal, social, and occupational activities Pseudo-dementia is - Ans A false dementia Cognitive function involves all of the following EXCEPT - Ans The senses and mobility Which statement about acute confusion is NOT true - Ans It is usually permanent You are attempting to communicate with a confused resident. You know you should do all of the following EXCEPT - Ans Avoid touch A resident is confused. You know all of the following measures will help improve the functioning EXCEPT - Ans Remove the person's eyeglasses and hearing aid to prevent loss or breakage Which is not an early warning sign of dementia - Ans Hallucinations A resident has AD. The person has the following behaviors. Which has the greatest risk for danger? - Ans Wandering A resident has AD. She tends to wander. Her care plan includes the following. Which should you question? - Ans Explain to her why she cannot go outside A patient has AD. The person often screams a word in a foreign language. You know the screaming is - Ans The person's way of communicating A person has AD. The person often screams a word in a foreign language. Possible causes of screaming include the following EXCEPT - Ans Depression and aging A resident is in end stage AD. As death nears, the person ay need - Ans Hospice care A patient has AD. The person is trying to tell you something. What should you do? - Ans Let the person speak. Do not interrupt or rush the person A person has AD. Which can offer the person's daughter support and encouragement> - Ans An Alzheimer's support group A developmental disability is - Ans A disability that occurs before 22 years of age The goal for persons with developmental disabilities is - Ans Independence to the extent possible Persons with Down Syndrome usually need the following EXCEPT - Ans Wheelchairs and braces Children with autism usually - Ans Have tantrums for no apparent reason Spina bifida develops - Ans During the 1st month of pregnancy Sex is - Ans The physical activities involving reproductive organs Which statement about sexuality is CORRECT - Ans It involves the whole person Mr. Porter is a resident. His wife now needs nursing center care. OBRA requires that - Ans Mr. and Mrs. Porter share the same room if they wish to Which will NOT promote the baby's safety? - Ans Shaking powder directly over the baby Disposable diapers are - Ans Discarded in the trash You are providing circumcision care. You should do the following EXCEPT - Ans Use warm water and germicidal soap A new mother needs time for herself - Ans True What happens with sudden cardiac arrest? - Ans The heart and breathing stop suddenly and without warning