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Questions At what age does an infant start to recognize familiar faces and objects, such as own hand?
- 1 month - 2 months - 3 months - 4 months During the 2-month well-child check-up the nurse expects the infant to respond to sound in what manner? - Responds to name - Reacts to loud noise with Moro reflex - Turns head to side when sound is at ear level - Locates sound by turning head in a curving arc Which of the following characteristics best describes the fine motor skills of an infant at age 5 months? - Neat pincer grasp - Strong grasp reflex - Builds a tower of two cubes - Able to grasp object voluntarily In terms of gross motor development, what would the nurse expect an infant age 5 months to do - Sit erect without support - Roll from back to abdomen - Turn from abdomen to back - Move from prone to sitting position At what age can most infants sit steadily unsupported? - 4 months - 6 months - 8 months - 12 months By what age should the nurse expect that an infant will be able to pull to a standing position - 6 months - 8 months - 11-12 months - 14-15 months
According to Piaget, the 6-month-old infant would be in what developmental stage?
- Use of reflexes - Primary circular reactions - Secondary circular reactions - Coordination of secondary schemata At what age do most infants begin to fear strangers - 2 months - 4 months - 6 months - 12 months At what age would the nurse expect an infant to be able to say mama and dada with meaning? - 4 months - 6 months - 10 months - 14 months At what age should the nurse expect an infant to begin smiling in response to pleasurable stimuli? - 1 month - 2 months - 3 months - 4 months When discussing development and play activities with the parent of a 2-month-old boy, which of the following statements by the parent would indicate a correct understanding of the teaching? - I can give my baby a ball of yarn to pull apart or different textured fabrics to feel - I can use a music box and soft mobiles as appropriate play activities for my baby - I should introduce a cup and spoon or push-pull toys for my baby at this age. - I do not have to worry about appropriate play activities at this age. Which of the following is an appropriate play activity for a 7-month-old infant to encourage visual stimulation? - Playing peek-a-boo - Playing pat-a-cake - Imitating animal sounds - Showing how to clap hands
What information should be given to the parents of a 12-month-old child regarding appropriate play activities for this age?
- Give large push-pull toys for kinetic stimulation - Place cradle gym across crib to help develop fine motor skills - Provide child with finger paints to enhance fine motor skills - Provide stick horse to develop gross motor coordination The parents of a 2-month-old boy are concerned about spoiling their son by picking him up when he cries. The nurse’s best response is which of the following? - Allow him to cry for no longer than 15 minutes, then pick him up - Babies need comforting and cuddling. Meeting these needs will not spoil him - Babies this young cry when they are hungry. Try feeding him when he cries - If he isn’t soiled or wet, leave him and he’ll cry himself to sleep The nurse is interviewing the father of a 10-month-old. The child is playing on the floor when she notices an electrical outlet and reaches up to touch it. Her father says “no” firmly and moves her away from the outlet. The nurse should use this opportunity to teach the father that the child: - Should be given a time out - Is old enough to understand the word “no’ - Will learn safety issues better if she is spanked - Should already know that electrical outlets are dangerous An infant, age 6-months, has six teeth. The nurse should recognize that this is which of following? - Normal tooth eruption - Delayed tooth eruption - Unusual and dangerous - Earlier than expected tooth eruption Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation for relief of teething pain? - Rub gums with aspirin to relieve inflammation - Apply hydrogen peroxide to gums to relieve irritation - Give child a frozen teething ring relieve inflammation - Have child chew on a warm teething ring encourage tooth eruption The mother of a 3-month old breast-fed infant asks about giving her baby water because it is summer and very warm. The nurse should tell her that: - Fluids in addition to breast milk are not needed - Water should be given if infant seems to nurse longer than usual
- Clear juices would be better than water to promote adequate fluid intake - Water once twice a day will make up for losses resulting from environmental temp At what age is it safe to give infants whole milk instead of commercial infant formula? - 6 months - 9 months - 12 months - 18 months The mother of a 6-month-old infant has returned to work and is expressing breast milk to be frozen. She asks for directions on how to safely thaw the breast milk in the microwave. The nurse should recommend which of the following? - Heat only 10 oz. or more - Never thaw or heat breast milk in a microwave oven - Always leave bottle top uncovered to allow heat to escape - Shake bottle vigorously for at least 30 seconds after heating The psychosocial developmental tasks of toddlerhood include which of the following? - Development of a conscience - Recognition of sex differences - Ability to get along with age-mates - Ability to delay gratification The developmental task with which the child of 15-30 months is likely to be struggling is a sense of what? - Trust - Initiative - Intimacy - Autonomy A parent of an 18-month-old boy tells the nurse that he says, “no” to everything and has rapid mood swings. If he is scolded, he shows anger and then immediately wants to be held. The nurse’s best interpretation of this behavior is which of the following? - This is normal behavior for his age - This is unusual behavior his age - He is not effectively coping with stress - He is showing he needs more attention A 17-month-old child would be expected to be in what stage, according to Piaget? - Preoperations - Concrete operations
- Tertiary circular reaction - Secondary circular reaction Although a 14-month-old girl received a shock from an electrical outlet recently, her parent finds her about to place a paper clip in another outlet. Which of the following is best interpretation of this behavior? - Her cognitive development is delayed - This is typical behavior because toddlers are not very developed - This is typical behavior because of inability to transfer knowledge to new situations - This is not typical behavior because toddlers should know better than to repeat an act that caused pain A toddler, age 16 months, falls down a few stairs. He gets up and “scolds” the stairs as if they caused him to fall. This is an example of - Animism - Ritualism - Irreversibility - Delayed cognitive development Which of the following characteristics best describes the gross motor skills of a 24-month-old child? - Skips - Broad jumps - Rides Tricycle - Walks up and down stairs Which of the following statements is correct about toilet training? - Bladder training is usually accomplished before bowel training - Wanting to please the parent helps motivate the child to use the toilet - Watching older siblings use the toilet confuses the child - Children must be forces to sit on the toilet when first learning The parents of a newborn say that their toddler “hates the baby… he suggested that we put him in the trash can so the trash truck could take him away.” The nurse’s best reply is which of the following? - Let’s see if we can figure out why he hates the baby - That’s a strong statement to come from such a small boy - Let’s refer him to counseling to work this hatred out. It’s not a normal response - That is a normal response to the birth of a sibling. Let’s look at ways to deal with this.
A toddler’s parent asks the nurse for suggestions on dealing with temper tantrums. Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation?
- Punish the child - Explain to child that this is wrong - Leave the child alone until the tantrum is over - Remain close by the child but without eye contact In terms of cognitive development, the 5-year-old child would be expected to do which of the following? - Think abstractly - Use magical thinking - Understand conservation of matter - Understand another person’s perspective A 4-year-old boy is hospitalized with serious bacterial infection. He tells the nurse that he is sick because he was “bad”. Which of the following is the nurse’s best interpretation of this comment? - Sign of stress - Common at this age - Suggestive of maladaptation - Suggestive of excessive discipline at home A 4-year old child tells the nurse that she doesn’t want another blood sample drawn because “I need all of my insides and I don’t want anyone taking them out.” Which of the following is the nurse’s best interpretation of this? - Child is being overly dramatic - Child has a disturbed body image - Pre-schoolers have poorly defined sense of skin properties - Pre-schoolers normally have a good understanding of their bodies Which of the following types of play is most typical of the pre-school period? - Team - Parallel - Solitary - Associative Which of following characteristics best describes the language skills of a 3-year-old child? - Asks meanings of words - Follows directional commands
- Can describe an object according to its composition - Talks incessantly regardless of whether anyone is listening During a well-child visit the father of a 4-year-old boy tells the nurse that he is not sure if his son ready for kindergarten. The boy’s birthday is close to the cut-off date, and he has not attended preschool. Which of the following is the nurse’s best recommendation? - Start kindergarten - Observe a kindergarten class - Perform developmental screening - Post-pone kindergarten and go to pre-school Parents tell the nurse they found their 3-year-old daughter and a male cousin of the same age inspecting each other closely as they used the bathroom. Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation for the nurse to make? - Punish children so this behavior stops - Neither condone nor condemn the curiosity - Get counseling for this unusual and dangerous behavior - Allow children unrestricted permission to satisfy this curiosity A boy age 4 ½ years has been having increasingly frequent angry outbursts in pre-school. He is aggressive toward the other children and teachers. This behavior has been a problem for appx 8- 10 weeks. His parent asks the nurse for advice. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention? - Refer the child for a professional psychosocial assessment - Explain that this is normal in preschoolers, especially boys - Encourage the parent to try more consistent and firm discipline - Talk to the pre-school teacher to obtain validation for behavior parent reports Which one of the following dysfunctional speech patterns is a normal characteristic of the language development of a pre-school child? - Lisp - Echolalia - Stammering - Repetition without meaning The parent of a 4-year old boy tells the nurse that the child believes “monsters and bogeymen” are in his bedroom at night. The nurse’s best suggestion for coping with this problem is which of the following? - Let the child sleep with his parents - Keep a night light on in the child’s bedroom - Help the child understand that these fears are illogical
- Tell the child that monsters and bogeymen do not exist Which of the following is the most common form of child maltreatment? - Sexual abuse - Child neglect - Physical abuse - Emotional abuse The parents of a 7-year-old boy tell the nurse that lately he has been cruel to their family pets and actually caused physical harm. The nurse’s recommendations should be based on knowledge that this is: - Expected behavior at this age - A warning sign of a serious problem - Harmless venting of anger and frustration - Common in children who are physically abused In girls the initial indication of puberty is which of the following? - Menarche - Growth spurt - Breast development - Growth of pubic hair Girls experience an increase in weight and fat deposition during puberty. Nursing considerations related to this include which of the following? - Give reassurance that these changes are normal - Suggest dietary measures to control weight gain - Encourage low-fat diet to prevent fat deposition - Recommend increased exercise to control weight gain In boys the initial indication of puberty is which of the following? - Voice changes - Growth of pubic hair - Testicular enlargement - Increased size of penis According to Piaget, adolescents tend to be in which stage of cognitive development? - Concrete operations - Conventional thought - Post-conventional thought - Formal operational thought
Adolescents often do not use reasoned decision making when issues such as substance abuse and sexual behavior are involved. This is because they:
- Tend to be immature - Do not need to use reasoned decision making - Lack cognitive skills to use reasoned decision making - Are dealing with issues that are stressful and emotionally laden Which of the following is most descriptive of the spiritual development of the older adolescent? - Beliefs become more abstract - Rituals and practices become increasingly important - Strict observance of religious customs is common - Emphasis is placed on external manifestations, such as whether a person goes to church According to Erikson, the psychosocial task of adolescence is developing which of the following? - Identity - Intimacy - Initiative - Independence Which of the following is true concerning the development of autonomy during adolescence? - Development of autonomy typically involves rebellion - Development of autonomy typically involves parent-child conflicts - Parent and peer influences are opposing forces in the development of autonomy - Conformity to both parents and peer gradually declines toward the end of adolescence Which of the following is classified as a mixed defect? - Atrial septal defect - Tetralogy of Fallot - Tricuspid atresia - Transposition of great vessels The most common cardiac defect in children is? - Patent ductus arteriosus - Ventricular septal defect - Atrioventricular canal defect - Coarctation of the aorta
Coarctation of the aorta shows few symptoms in newborns. An important assessment to make on all newborns to help reveal this condition is:
- Observe for excessive crying - Assess for the presence of femoral pulses - Record an upper extremity blood pressure - Auscultate for a cardiac murmur Infants with congestive heart failure are positioned with the head elevated to promote: - Improved digestion - Maximum chest expansion - An increase in afterload - Improved hydration The primary concern of parents who have an infant with congestive heart failure is: - Low weight gain - Pale, dry skin - Tires easily during feedings - Flaccid muscle tone Which of the following is a clinical manifestation of left-sided heart failsure? - Dyspnea - Abdominal pain - Weight gain - Hepatomegaly Which of the following interventions would be an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for a child with pneumonia? - Encourage rest - Instruct the child to avoid lying on the affected side - Administer analgesics - Place the child in the Trendelenburg position A mother of a hospitalized child mentions to the nurse that she is having difficulty disciplining her 4-year-old son. What information should the nurse give the mother regarding the use of a “time-out”? Select all that apply. - The child should be placed in "time-out" for 8 minutes each time it is used - Give the child one warning when he is misbehaving
- If he displays any disruptive behavior, the “time-out” period will begin after he quiets down - The child may watch tv or look at a book while he is in “time-out” - The child needs an explanation of why he is in “time-out” Which topics should the nurse discuss with the parents of a young child to promote health in their child? Select all that apply. **- Getting the child immunized at the appropriate ages
**- Children of immigrant families
- Justice - Atraumatic care - Advocacy In about 1 week a stable preterm infant will be discharged. The nurse should place the infant in which of the following positions for sleep? - Prone - Supine - Position of comfort - Abdomen with head elevated Which of the following is a central factor responsible for respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn? - Absence of alveoli - Immature bronchioles - Overdeveloped alveoli - Deficient surfactant production A mother is upset because her newborn has erythema toxicum neonatorum. The nurse should reassure her that this is which of the following? - Easily treated - Benign and transient - Usually not contagious - Usually not disfiguring The newborn with severe jaundice is at risk for developing which of the following? - Brain damage - Bullous impetigo
- Respiratory distress - Blood incompatibility Which of the following interventions may decrease the incidence of physiologic jaundice in a healthy full-term infant? - Institute early and frequent feedings - Bathe infant when axillary temperature is 36.3° C (97.5° F) - Place infant’s crib near window for exposure to sunlight - Suggest that mother initiate breast-feeding when danger of jaundice is past Rh hemolytic disease is suspected in a mother's second baby, a son. Which of the following factors is important in understanding how this could develop? - The first child was a girl - Her first child was Rh positive - Both parents have type O blood - She was not immunized against hemolysis The nurse is caring for a full-term infant who was born after an uneventful pregnancy and delivery. The infant's blood glucose level is 36 mg/dl. Which of the following interventions should the nurse take? - Bring the infant to the mother and initiate breast-feeding - Place a nasogastric tube and administer 5% dextrose water - Start a peripheral intravenous line and administer 10% dextrose - Monitor the infant in the nursery and obtain a blood glucose level in 4 hours Which of the following terms is used to describe the newborn's first stool? - Milia - Milk stool - Meconium - Transitional
The grayish white, cheese like substance that covers the newborn's skin is:
- Milia - Meconium - Amniotic fluid - Vernix caserosa The nurse should expect the apical heart rate of a stabilized neonate to be in which of the following ranges? - 60 to 80 beats/min - 80 to 100 beats/min - 120 to 140 beats/min - 160 to 180 beats/min The child's mother asks about her son's dependence on large doses of pain medication and whether it will cause addiction later in life. What response by the nurse is most appropriate? - "The risk for addiction is extremely low. The child would not want to take this medication if there was no pain." - "As long as he uses the pain medication for less than 2 weeks, there shouldn't be any problem." - "It will be easier for him to become dependent upon this medication if he needs it later in life." - "This is something you really need to address with his surgeon because she ordered the pain medication dosage." The child has patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) of morphine with an 8-minute lockout. Teaching by the nurse has been effective if what behavior is seen in this child? - He pushes the button on the PCA whenever he wants - He waits 8 minutes until pushing the button again - The nurse pushes the PCA button whenever she is turning him - The mother pushes the PCA button whenever the child moans or makes a strange face
What pain scale would be most appropriate for the nurse to use for a four-year-old child?
- The FLACC Pain Assessment Tool - The Comfort Scale - The Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale - The Oucher Pain Scale The child's pain management is of great concern to his mother. What information about this child should the nurse take into account when providing medication for pain? - Children with autism do not perceive pain as do regular children - Children with neurologic disorders, such as autism, are at greater risk than other children for undertreatment of pain - EMLA cream would be contraindicated for use prior to restarting the child's intravenous line - Distraction and guided imagery can be used to help make this child comfortable Instructions for using the MDI include to - Avoid breathing too deeply - Breathe medication in slowly - Hold inhaler at about a 45-degree angle to the mouth - Breathe in through nose and out through mouth The physician orders a lateral neck x-ray film. The most important nursing action related to this is to - Ask parents to remain with Steven during x-ray examination - Request portable x-ray film be taken in the emergency department - Transport Steven in a sitting position to radiology - Transport Steven in a supine position to radiology Which should the nurse do first? - Assess for dehydration - Obtain a throat culture
- Have Steven lie down to ease respirations - Have a pediatric tracheostomy set available The nurse should anticipate that the first treatment for epiglottitis will be - Intubation - IV antibiotics - Cough suppressant - Placement in a croup tent Epinephrine is ordered to be given subcutaneously. The purpose of epinephrine is to - Promote relaxation - Reduce inflammation - Relieve bronchospasm - Correct respiratory acidosis Steven's parents ask what causes epiglottitis. Based on the nurse's knowledge of epiglottitis, the most appropriate response is - Viral - Bacterial, usually staphylococcus aureus - Bacterial, usually Haemophilus influenzae - Bacterial, usually ß-hemolytic streptococci Kimberly needs instructions about using a metered-dose inhaler (MDI). The nurse should explain that the MDI is used to - Improve oxygenation - Assess severity of symptoms - Distribute prescribed medication directly into airways - Distribute prescribed medication systemically without the need for injection