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- Where do you administer ery- thromycin?
- What is another name for ery- thromycin?
- When should erythromycin be administered?
- What is erythromycin used for?
- Where is Vitamin K adminis- tered?
- What is another name for a Vitamin K injection?
- When should Vitamin K be administered?
- How much Vitamin K should be administered into a new- born? newborn eyes ophthalmic ointment within the first hour of life to prevent bacterial eye infections IM aquamephyton, phytonadione within the first 4 hours of life 0.5 mg to 1 mg
- What is Vitamin K used for? newborns are born with a minimal amount of vitamin k, injection is given so a newborn can clot normally
- Does there need to be con- sent before administering a Hepatitis B injection to a new- born?
- How is Hepatitis B adminis- tered?
- When should Hepatitis B be administered?
Study online at 2 / yes, there needs to be consent IM asap
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- If a mother is positive for HB- sAG, what injection is given to the newborn along with He- patitis B?
- What 2 factors cause respira- tory instability? hepatitis B IG (HBIG) 1.decreased ability to clear fetal lung fluid 2.surfactant deficiency
- What is TTNB? a condition with lots of air in the lungs and some retained lung fluid
- What kind of newborn is like- ly to be affected by TTNB? planned cesarean
- What is RDS? a condition with no air in the lungs d/t a lack of surfactant
- What kind of newborn is like- ly to be affected by RDS?
- How is exogenous surfactant administered to a premature infant who has RDS?
- What 2 medications are giv- en to benefit the development of surfactant in the newborns lungs?
- Dexamethasone is given at weeks of gestation and is given (location) every hours for doses.
- Betamethasone Corticos- teroid is given at weeks of gestation and is given (location) for doses, hours apart.
Study online at 4 / premature infant with inadequate surfactant in lungs Intratracheal Dexamethasone and Betamethasone Corti- costeroid 24-36 weeks; IM; 12 hours; 4 doses 24-36 weeks; IM; 2 doses; 24 hours
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- How is nitrous oxide adminis- tered? inhaled analgesia
- In what stages of labor is ni- 1st and 2nd stages of labor trous oxide administered?
- Why is nitrous oxide a good women still have a sense of control and option for pain relief during reduced pain perception; they can remove labor? the analgesia whenever and the body will go back to normal after a few breaths of fresh air
- Opioids are reversed by us- narcan ing
- Side effects of narcotic anal- N/V, rash, CNS depression, constipation gesics include
- Fentanyl, Dilaudid, Stadol, narcotic analgesic and Nubalin are classified as what kind of analgesic?
- Epidural is what kind of anal- regional analgesic gesic?
- The goal of an epidural is to relieve pain from contractions (not pressure) and have preservation of some motor func- tion
- What should you administer 500-1000mL of fluid bolus to a patient before adminis- tering their epidural?
- What are 4 nursing care cri- 1. Continuous fetal monitoring
Study online at 6 / 18 teria when a patient has an 2. Bedrest epidural? 3. Frequent bp's (q 5 mins to 15 mins)
- Can use a foley or straight catheter
Study online at 7 / 18 What are 4 risks to adminis- tering an epidural?
- What is the greatest risk as- sociated with epidural?
- How can you reverse epidur- al-induced hypotension?
- In a PPH, in which order are PPH medications admin- istered? 1.Hypotension 2.Decrease FHR 3.Having a hard time breathing if epidural effects rise above the waist 4.Fever hypotension administer ephedrine along with 500mL of fluid bolus 1.Oxytocin 2.Methergine 3.Hemabate 4.Misoprostol 5.TXA
- Brand name for Oxytocin pitocin
- What is oxytocin used for? contraction of the uterus; decreases bleed- ing
- When would you administer oxytocin?
- Are there any contraindica- tions with oxytocin?
- How is oxytocin adminis- tered?
- What are some nursing con- siderations with oxytocin?
- Oxytocin can help to de- crease PPH, but it can also
- Why can oxytocin increase the risk for PPH?
Study online at 8 / 18 To induce labor ONLY if the cervix is ripe; after birth to reduce PPH No IV or IM monitor vaginal bleeding and uterine tone increase the risk for PPH If it is being administered for a prolonged amount of time
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- Brand name for Misoprostol? cytotec
- What is misoprostol used for?
- Why would you administer misoprostol?
- What are 2 issues with miso- prostol?
- Are there any contraindica- tions with misoprostol?
- How is misoprostol adminis- tered?
- What are some nursing con- siderations with misopros- tol?
- Brand name of methyler- govine contraction of uterus to ripen the cervix and start contractions it can initiate intense contractions and cause uterine tachysystole No rectally or PO monitor vaginal bleeding and uterine tone methergine
- What is methergine used for? contraction of uterus
- Methergine is contraindicat- ed in patients who are diag- nosed with
- How is methergine adminis- tered?
- What are some nursing con- siderations with methergine?
- Brand names for methyl- prostaglandin
Study online at 10 / HTN, preeclampsia, cardiac disease IM, intrauterine, oral check patients blood pressure before admin- istering, do not administer if bp is >140/> prostin, hemabate
- contraction of uterus
Study online at 11 / What is prostaglandin used for?
- What is the brand name for Prostaglandin E2?
- What is the brand name for Prostaglandin F2?
- Hemabate is contraindicated in patients who are diag- nosed with
- Which 2 Prostaglandins can a pregnant mother who has asthma take?
- How are prostaglandins ad- ministered?
- Nursing considerations with prostaglandin
- Brand name for tranexamic acid Prostin Hemabate asthma and HTN Prostin and Cytotec IM or intrauterine monitor vaginal bleeding and uterine tone TXA
- Why is TXA used for? contraction of uterus
- TXA is contraindicated in pa- tients who have a history of a thromboembolic event during pregnancy
- How is TXA administered? IV
- What are some nursing con- siderations with TXA? give patient education about TXA, explain that it has been shown to decrease blood loss and prevent PPH,
Study online at 12 / compatible with breastfeeding
- What does labetalol do? decreases cardiac output by decreasing heart rate
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- Labetalol is a beta blocker
- How does Labetalol affect fe- tal weight? it can decrease fetal weight
- What is labetalol used for? HTN
- How is labetalol adminis- tered? IV and PO
- What is nifedipine used for? HTN and is a tocolytic
- Nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker
- What does nifedipine do? relaxes arterial smooth muscle
- How is nifedipine adminis- tered?
- What are some nursing con- siderations in HTN care? PO and sublingual frequent vitals, accurate bp, DTR's, strict I/O and daily weight, fetal assessment, lateral position (side lying), give meds as ordered
- Magnesium sulfate is used to prevent seizures in preeclampsia patients and to protect the premature baby
- What are some nursing con- siderations with magnesium sulfate?
- What is an important direc- tion to give the patient when they are taking magnesium sulfate?
- An antidote of magnesium sulfate is monitor vitals, especially RR and level of consciousness, monitor for urine output and check DTR's strict bedrest calcium gluconate
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- hormonal changes; resistance to insulin
Study online at 15 / Gestational diabetes oc- curs d/t that cause to insulin.
- What is a non- pharmacologic way that gestational diabetes is controlled?
- What pharmacologic medica- tions are used to control ges- tational diabetes?
- When is gestational diabetes detected? dietary measures metformin, and if ineffective, then insulin 2nd or 3rd trimester
- If a maternal mother is obese, 1st trimester when can she get tested for gestational diabetes?
- If a patient has been diag- nosed with gestational dia- betes, what is the patient at greatest risk for? Type 2 diabetes
- Define Type 1 diabetes unable to produce insulin
- Hyperglycemia is to the teratogenic; miscarriage fetus and is a frequent cause of.
- Does insulin cross the pla- No centa?
- Define Type 2 diabetes resistance to insulin
- With a Type 2 diabetes mater- nal mother, what is the main goal? get off of meds
- metformin
Study online at 16 / What is the most common medication in gestational di- abetes?
- What diabetic medication has no negative impact on preg- nancy?
- When administering Pitocin, it is important to use the dose to achieve effec- tive.
- Contractions that last more than 2 minutes long are called
- When a patient is experienc- ing more than 5 contractions over 10 minutes, this is called
- Pitocin is defined as a high alert medication be- cause harmful effects are
- When is Pitocin considered to be a high risk medication?
- Why does the FHR have to be monitored when a patient is taking pitocin?
- What are the 2 tocolytics used in labor? metformin smallest; contraction pattern Tetanic contractions uterine tachysystole dose-related Before birth, pitocin during the postpartum period is not considered high risk Pitocin can lead to progressive decline in fetal oxygen Terbutaline and Nifedipine
- Terbutaline works by relaxing smooth
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- How is terbutaline adminis- tered? PO or sub q
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- Terbutaline has what two ef- fects on the fetus?
- Terbutaline is contraindicat- ed in patients diagnosed with
- Are there any fetal affects when taking nifedipine?
- Nifedipine is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with
- How does magnesium sulfate protect a fetus?
- When should magnesium sulfate be used if it is being used for a fetus?
- What are the 2 high risk labor medications?
- The placental hormones in pregnancy that cause insulin resistance are tachycardia and alterations in fetal glucose metabolism maternal hyperthyroidism and seizure disor- der None maternal CV disease and hypotension used for neuroprotection and is used against intraventricular hemorrhage in a baby; it can also decrease the risk for cerebral palsy use if delivery is expected to be less than 32 weeks of gestation Pitocin and Magnesium Sulfate human placental lactogen, cortisol, and es- trogen