Download Object Oriented Programming in C++ and more Study notes Object Oriented Programming in PDF only on Docsity! MSc in Mathematics and Finance, Imperial College London Dr Robert Nürnberg Computing in C++ Part II : Object Oriented Programming in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg What is OOP? Object oriented programming is a fairly new way to approach the task of programming. It supersedes the so called procedural or structured programming languages like Algol, Pascal or C, that have been around since the 1960s. The essence of structured programming is to reduce a program into smaller parts and then code these elements more or less independently from each other. Although structured programming has yielded excellent results when applied to moderately complex programs, it fails when a program reaches a certain size. To allow for more complex programs to be written, the new approach of OOP was invented. OOP, while allowing you to use the best ideas from structured programming, encourages you to decompose a problem into related subgroups, where each subgroup becomes a self-contained object that contains its own instructions and data that relate to that object. In this way complexity is reduced, reusability is increased and the programmer can manage larger programs more easily. All OOP languages, including C++, share the following three capabilities: • Encapsulation – the ability to define a new type and a set of operations on that type, without revealing the representation of the type. • Inheritance – the ability to create new types that inherit properties from existing types. • Polymorphism – the ability to use one name for two or more related but technically different purposes; “one interface, multiple methods.” Recommended books and sites • Daniel Duffy, Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers : An Object-oriented Approach, 2006 • Steve Oualline, Practical C++ Programming, 1995 • Herbert Schildt, Teach yourself C++, 1992 • Jesse Liberty, Teach yourself C++ in 24 hours, 1999 • Bruce Eckel, Thinking in C++, Online at • Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 1997 (technical) •∼bs/C++.html (Stroustrup: C++) • • Compilers • Windows: · Microsoft Visual C++ .NET with Integrated Development Environment (IDE) · GNU C++ compiler (g++) as part of Cygwin or MinGW, without IDE · Dev-C++ – free compiler/IDE that is GNU compatible • Linux: · GNU C++ compiler (g++) – part of any distribution · Intel C++ compiler (icc) – free for students • Mac: · Xcode – free compiler/IDE that is GNU compatible • Windows/Linux/Mac: · Code::Blocks – free compiler/IDE that is GNU compatible · NetBeans – free compiler/IDE that is GNU compatible 1 v/2016/03/17 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg Contents 1 Revision 4 1.1 “Hello World!” revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Using C header files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 Enumerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.6 Signatures of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.7 Passing variables to functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7.1 Reference vs. pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7.2 Reference vs. value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7.3 Keyword const . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.7.4 Default arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.8 File input and output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 Objects 8 2.1 Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.1 Pointers to structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 Classes – private and public members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4.1 Copy constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.5 Destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.6 The this pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.7 Keyword const . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.8 Classes inside classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.9 Friend functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.10 Friend classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.11 Header files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.12 Strings revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 Overloading 14 3.1 Pointers to overloaded functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 Overloading constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 Operator overloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.4 Overloading binary operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.4.1 Overloading relational operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.5 Overloading unary operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.6 Overloading the () operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.7 Using friend operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4 Inheritance 18 4.1 Protected members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2 Constructors, destructors and inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.3 Pointers to derived classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.4 Virtual functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.4.1 Pure virtual functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4.2 Abstract classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.4.3 Constructors and destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.4.4 Pure virtual destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.4.5 Inheriting virtual functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.5 Friend functions and inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.6 Example for inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg name is defined as a macro. Check the usage of #if, #else, #endif, and #ifdef, #ifndef in the example below. #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SQR(a) ((a)*(a)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #ifndef Pi #define Pi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971 #endif #define DEBUG 1 int main() { #ifdef MAX if (MAX(2.0,3.4) > 2.5) cout << "Square of pi is: " << SQR(Pi) << endl; #endif #if DEBUG cout << "Debugging switched on." << endl; cout << " --- " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__ << "--- Compiled on " << __DATE__ << "." << endl; #else cout << "Debugging switched off." << endl; #endif return 0; } Note that the example also uses some standard predefined macros. They are available with the same meanings regardless of the machine or operating system on which you are using C/C++. Their names all start and end with double underscores, e.g. __FILE__, __LINE__ and __DATE__. More information on the C/C++ preprocessor can be found at toc.html. 1.4 Enumerations As in C, enumerations provide a convenient way to define variables that have only a small set of meaningful values. Here is a simple example. enum colour {red, green, blue, black}; colour foreground = black; 1.5 Strings C++ may use the C string functions, where a string is represented by a char*, but they rely on a null termination and proper memory allocation to hold the string. The C++ string class attempts to simplify string manipulation by automating much of the memory allocation and management. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string a("abcd efg"); string b = "xyz ijk"; string c = a + b; // concatenation cout << "First character of ’"<< c <<"’ is : " << c[0] << endl; // as in C return 0; } 1.6 Signatures of functions In C++, in contrast to C, it is possible that two different functions share exactly the same name. That is because in C++ a function is identified by its signature which comprises both the function’s name and 5 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg the list of arguments it takes. Hence the following code is perfectly fine. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void add_some(int *i) { (*i) += 3; } void add_some(double *x) { (*x) += 1.5; } int main() { int a(1); double b(1.23); add_some(&a); add_some(&b); cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; // a = 4, b = 2.73 return 0; } This feature of C++ is also referred to as function overloading. More on that in §3. 1.7 Passing variables to functions 1.7.1 Reference vs. pointers Passing a variable to a function by reference or by pointer is essentially the same thing. For instance, the following two functions do exactly the same. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void add_one_pt(double *x) { ++(*x); } void add_one_rf(double &x) { ++x; } int main() { double a(1.23), b(0.0); add_one_pt(&a); add_one_rf(b); cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl; return 0; } However, there are times when we have to use pointers in order to pass a variable to a function. In particular, if we cannot be sure that the referred to variable will always be defined, we have to pass it via a pointer. Here is a simple example of such an instance. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void execute(void (*f)()) { if (f != NULL) f(); else cout << "Nothing to execute!" << endl; } void print() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; } int main() { void (*p)() = print; execute(NULL); execute(p); return 0; } 1.7.2 Reference vs. value When we do not want to change the value of a variable that is given as an argument to a function, we usually pass it to the function by value. This causes the function to create a local copy of the passed 6 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg variable. When passing large data structures this is usually undesirable. A way out is to pass the variable by reference using the keyword const. This ensures that the compiler will not allow any change to the passed variable within the function. The following two functions demonstrate the two concepts. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void print_by_val(double x) { cout << x << endl; } void print_by_ref(const double &x) { cout << x << endl; } int main() { double p = 3.14; print_by_val(p); print_by_ref(p); return 0; } 1.7.3 Keyword const Similar to the above usage of const in connection with passing arguments by reference, it can be employed when passing arguments by pointers as well. 1.7.4 Default arguments C++ offers the possibility to implement default arguments for functions, in case that they are called with less parameters than originally specified. Here is a simple example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void print(int i = 10, int j = 5) { cout << i << " " << j << endl; } int main () { print(2); // ’2 5’ return 0; } Note that all default parameters must be to the right of any parameters that do not have defaults. Also, once you define a default parameter, all the following parameters have to have a default as well. 1.8 File input and output Input and output from and to a file needs the header file fstream and is similar to using cin and cout. E.g. #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream fout("output.txt"); fout << "Hello World!" << endl; fout.close(); return 0; } When dealing with variable length input files, it should be noted that the insertion operator >> itself returns true whenever the last input operation has been successful. See the example below for an illus- tration. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream fin("data.dat"); if (! fin.is_open()) { 7 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg int main() { student s1; s1.create("Smith", "Alan", 1); s1.print(); return 0; } The big advantage of defining all the member data as private is that firstly we can easily trace an error if something goes wrong, since the only place where the data is changed is in some of the member functions. And secondly, it is very easy to enrich and modify the class later on. For example, we could choose to include a variable address in the class. All we have to do in order to make sure that this new variable is always properly initialized in our program is to change the create method to something like void student::create(const string &n, const string &fn, int y) { name = n; firstname = fn; year = y; address = "unknown"; } and maybe provide another create method to initialize all four variables, e.g. void student::create(const string &n, const string &fn, int y, const string &a) { name = n; firstname = fn; year = y; address = a; } 2.4 Constructors In order to properly initialize an object, C++ allows to define a constructor function that is called each time an object of that class is created. A constructor function has the same name as the class of which it is a part and has no return type. On recalling default arguments from §1.7.4, the constructor for the original student class can be defined as follows. class student { string name, firstname; int year; public: student(const string &n = "unknown", const string &fn = "unkown", int y = 1) { name = n; firstname = fn; year = y; } void print(); }; 2.4.1 Copy constructors A constructor that takes as its only argument an object of its own class is called copy constructor. It is also used whenever a parameter is passed by value and when an object is returned by a function. If there is no copy constructor defined for the class, C++ uses the default built-in copy constructor, which creates a bit wise copy of the object. Hence one only needs to define this special constructor if the class has a pointer to dynamically allocated memory. The declaration of the copy constructor in the case of the student class would have to look as follows. class student { public: student(const student &s); // etc }; Observe that we have to pass the parameter by reference, since otherwise a copy of the argument would have to be made, which would invoke the copy constructor, for which another copy would have to be made . . . etc. Note also that we used the keyword const to ensure that the argument is not changed inside the function. 2.5 Destructors The complement of a constructor is a destructor. This function is called automatically whenever an object is destroyed, i.e. for local variables when they go out of scope and for global variables when the program ends. This special member function should never be called explicitly. A destructor needs to be 10 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg implemented only for classes that have a pointer to dynamically allocated memory, for all other classes the default destructor is sufficient. The destructor function has the name of the class preceded with a ~. It has no return type and takes no parameters. Here is an example. class array { double *a; int len; public: array(int l = 0) { len = l; a = new double[len]; } // constructor ~array() { delete[] a; } // destructor }; 2.6 The this pointer C++ contains a special pointer that is called this. this is a pointer that is automatically passed to any member function when it is called, and it is a pointer to the object that generates the call. E.g. given the statement, the function bar() is automatically passed a pointer to foo, which is the object that generates the call. This pointer is referred to as this. Hence an equivalent definition of the function student::print() from §2.3 is void student::print() { cout << this->name << ", " << this->firstname << " (YEAR " << this->year << ")" << endl; } Of course, there is no reason why one should use the this pointer as shown here, because the shorthand form is much easier. However, the this pointer has several uses, including aiding in overloading operators. See e.g. §3.4 for more details. 2.7 Keyword const When passing objects by using the keyword const, as described in §1.7.3, as a parameter to a function that possibly calls some of the object’s member functions, one has to tell C++ that these methods will not change the passed object. To do this one has to insert the keyword const in the methods’ declarations. Here is a short example. class myclass { int a; public: void showvalues(const myclass &A) { this->print(); A.print(); } void print() const { cout << a << endl; } // const needed! }; It is always advisable to use the keyword const for member functions that you as the programmer know will not change the object’s data. For instance, it makes debugging easier and it helps to avoid some errors already at the compilation stage. 2.8 Classes inside classes Apart from member data and member functions, classes can also define their own data types. These new class definitions, inside the given class, can then be used by the class’s member functions as well as from outside the class. In the latter case, one has to use the scope operator. See the following example for details. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class myclass { int a; public: class local_type { double t; public: local_type(double x) { t = x; } 11 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg void print() const { cout << "Local type: " << t << endl; } }; void print() const { cout << a << endl; } }; int main() { myclass::local_type z(2.3); z.print(); return 0; } Note that the same access restriction for member data and member functions also applies to classes defined inside other classes. I.e. these classes can only be used from outside the class in which they are defined, if they were declared as public. 2.9 Friend functions There will be times when the programmer wants a function to have access to the private members of a class without that function actually being a member of that class. To this end, C++ supports friend functions. A friend is not a member of a class but still has access to its private elements. Since a friend function is neither private nor public, it can be declared anywhere in the class definition. The following example demonstrates the syntax as well as how to make a function friend of more than one class. class classB; class classA { int a; friend bool is_equal(const classA &, const classB &); }; class classB { int b; friend bool is_equal(const classA &, const classB &); }; bool is_equal(const classA &A, const classB &B) { return (A.a == B.b); } As a general rule of thumb, use member functions where possible, and friend functions only where necessary. In much the same way as you should make data and methods of your classes private where possible, and public where necessary. 2.10 Friend classes In much the same way that we can make a (global) function a friend of a class, we can also declare another class to be a friend of a class. This means that the member functions of the friend class are allowed to access also the private member data of the original class. Here is a short example. class classA { int a; friend class classB; }; class classB { int b; public: void convert(const classA &A) { b = A.a; } }; 2.11 Header files In large programming projects it is often necessary to make use of header files. Usually, the header file will include all the information, that other parts of the project need to know in order to use certain functions and classes. Including a header file with the #include preprocessing directive, followed by the 12 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg types. I.e. when overloading an operator at least one of its arguments must be a newly defined class (or enumeration). Hence an overloaded operator never loses its original meaning. Instead, it gains additional meaning relative to the class for which it is defined. Furthermore, even if an operator is overloaded, it maintains its precedence over other operators and its associativity. When overloading an operator relative to a newly defined class, where an object of that class appears on the left hand side of the operator, there are two ways of defining the operator function. Either the operator is overloaded by a member function of the class, or the operator is defined as a global function. In the first case the operator function has to be passed one parameter less than the operator takes, since the call of the operator function will always be generated by the object on the left hand side of the operator. In the second case, the operator function takes as many parameters as the operator itself. Moreover, in general this global operator function will be declared as a friend of the class it is defined for, cf. §3.7. Finally, operators may not have default parameters. In the following example, the [] subscript operator of a class is overloaded. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: void operator[] (int i) { // overloading A[int] cout << "You want: [" << i << "]." << endl; } }; int main() { A a; a[5]; // ’You want: [5].’ return 0; } Although it is permissible to have an operator function perform virtually any action (see example above), it is highly advisable to stick to operations similar to the operator’s traditional use. 3.4 Overloading binary operators When a member operator function overloads a binary operator, the function will have only one parameter. This parameter will receive the object that is on the right hand side of the operator. The object on the left hand side is the object that generated the call to the operator function. Here is an example of overloading the assignment operator=(). student &student::operator=(const student &s) { name =; firstname = s.firstname; year = s.year; return *this; } Note the use of the this pointer and the fact that the operator=() function returns a reference to the object that something is assigned to. This is done in order to allow multiple assignments like a = b = c;, which are syntactically correct in C++. Observe that for basic classes like student the assignment operator is already well defined, similarly to the copy constructor (cf. §2.4.1). This is due to the fact that the built-in assignment operator performs a bit-wise copy operation. Hence in practice one only needs to overload the assignment operator if the class has a pointer to memory that is dynamically allocated. The following program demonstrates that it can be important to differentiate between the object that generates the call, and the object that is passed as a parameter. In this example the operators -= and - are overloaded. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { double x,y; 15 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg public: Point(double a = 0, double b = 0) { x = a; y = b; } Point &operator-= (const Point &p) { x -= p.x; y -= p.y; return *this; } Point operator- (const Point &p) const { Point r(x-p.x,y-p.y); return r; } void print() const { cout << x << "," << y << endl; } }; int main() { Point p(1.0,2.0), q(0.0,0.5), r; r = p -= q; p.print(); // ’1,1.5’ r = p - q; // ’1,1’ r.print(); return 0; } Observe that the operator-= () function could have been defined to return void instead. But then statements like r = p -= q; would no longer work. 3.4.1 Overloading relational operators A special family of binary operators are the relational and logical operators. Naturally, they too can be overloaded for newly defined classes. Here is an example. class Point { double x,y; public: bool operator< (const Point &p) const { return (x < p.x || (x == p.x && y < p.y)); } // etc }; The C++ compiler treats the relational operators like any other binary operator. In particular, overloading the operator < does not give meaning to the operators >, <= and >=. That means that if you want to make use of them, you have to overload them individually. 3.5 Overloading unary operators Overloading a unary operator is similar to overloading a binary operator. The only difference is that there is only one operand to deal with. Hence when overloading a unary operator using a member function, the function takes no parameters. Some unary operators have both a prefix and a postfix version. In order to differentiate between these two when overloading the operator, the postfix version of the operator is defined as if it takes a (dummy) parameter of type int. In the following example you can see how to overload unary operators, and in particular how to define both the prefix and postfix version of the ++ operator. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { double x,y; public: Point(double a = 0, double b = 0) { x = a; y = b; } Point &operator++ () { x++; y++; return *this; } // prefix Point operator++ (int) { Point r(x,y); x++; y++; return r; } // postfix Point operator- () const { Point r(-x,-y); return r; } operator double() const { return x; } // casting void print(ostream &os) const { os << "(" << x << "," << y << ")"; } }; ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const Point &p) { 16 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg p.print(os); return os; } int main() { Point p(0,0); cout << p++ << endl; // ’(0,0)’ // postfix cout << p << endl; // ’(1,1)’ cout << ++p << endl; // ’(2,2)’ // prefix cout << p << endl; // ’(2,2)’ cout << -p << endl; // ’(-2,-2)’ // always prefix cout << p << endl; cout << (double) p << endl; // ’2’ return 0; } Note also the example for overloading the type casting operator, in the example above for the casting to type double. 3.6 Overloading the () operator The () function call operator allows you to define functions as freely as you can outside classes. The function call operator can take any number of parameters and return any type you want. Here are two simple examples. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { double x,y; public: Point(double a = 0, double b = 0) { x = a; y = b; } void operator() (double x) const { cout << "Function called with double x=" << x << "." << endl; } int operator() () const { cout << "Function called with ()." << endl; return 1; } }; int main() { Point p; p(2.0); // ’Function called with double x=2.’ int i = p(); // ’Function called with ().’ return 0; } 3.7 Using friend operators It is also possible to overload an operator relative to a class by using a (global) friend rather than a member function. In this case, a binary operator has to be passed both operands explicitly, while a unary operator has to be passed the single operand. Friend operator functions are usually used when defining operations involving built-in types, where the built-in type is on the left hand side of the operator. Hence the call to the operator function cannot be generated by an object of your newly defined class. The most common example is to overload the inserter operator <<, where usually an object of type ostream is on the left hand side of the operator. See e.g. the following example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; 17 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg p = &b; // p points to base object p = &s; // p points to derived object Although you can use a base pointer to point to a derived object, you can access only those members of the derived object, that were inherited from the base class. This is because the pointer has knowledge only of the base class. It knows nothing about the members changed or added by the derived class. Note that a pointer to a derived class cannot be used to access an object of the base class. Finally, everything mentioned here about pointers to derived classes also holds true for passing arguments by reference. I.e. a function that expects a reference to a base class object can also be passed a reference to a derived class object. The following example illustrates that. void show(const base &b); // reference to base class int main() { sub s(1,2); show(s); // pass reference to derived object // etc } 4.4 Virtual functions Virtual functions implement the “one interface, multiple methods” philosophy that underlies polymor- phism. A virtual function is a class member function that is declared within a base class and redefined by a derived class. The virtual function within the base class defines the form of the interface to that function. Each redefinition of the virtual function by the derived class implements its operation as it relates specifically to the derived class and hence creates a specific method. In order to declare a function virtual, precede its declaration in the base class with the keyword virtual. What makes a virtual function special and interesting is that it supports so called run-time polymorphism. That is, when a base class pointer (or a base class reference) points to a derived object that contains a virtual function and that virtual function is called by using that pointer, C++ determines which version of that function to call based upon the type of the object that is pointed to. This idea is best illustrated with an example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: virtual void print() const { cout << "base" << endl; } // virtual ! }; class sub : public base { public: void print() const { cout << "sub" << endl; } }; class subsub : public sub { public: void print() const { cout << "subsub" << endl; } }; int main() { base b; sub s; subsub ss; b.print(); s.print(); ss.print(); // "base", "sub", "subsub" base *p[3]; // pointers to base class p[0] = &ss; p[1] = &s; p[2] = &b; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) p[i]->print(); // "subsub", "sub", "base" return 0; } Observe that without declaring the print() member function in the base class as virtual, the last three outputs would all read "base". Only by making the function virtual do we force the compiler to select 20 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg the appropriate member function for each object of the derived classes. In case that a virtual function is not overridden in one of the derived classes, the version of the next highest class where the function is redefined is executed. E.g. on introducing the derived class class subsubsub : public subsub {}; the following statements in main() would also lead to the output "subsub". subsubsub sss; p[0] = &sss; p[0]->print(); // "subsub" Finally, the virtual nature of a base member function is also invoked, when the function is called inside another base member function. Here one can think of the this pointer being used, see §2.6. The this pointer inside a base member function is a pointer of type base *. When that pointer is used to call a virtual member function, C++ determines which version of that function to call, depending on the object it points to. The following example demonstrates this. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: virtual void print() const { cout << "base" << endl; } // virtual ! void show() const; // non-virtual }; class sub : public base { public: void print() const { cout << "sub" << endl; } }; void base::show() const { print(); } // or: this->print(); int main() { base b; sub s;;; // "sub", "base" return 0; } 4.4.1 Pure virtual functions Sometimes when a virtual function is declared in the base class, there is no meaningful operation for it to perform. I.e. its definition in the base class would merely be used to define the function’s interface, while there would be no sensible method for it in the base class. This situation is quite common because often a base class does not define a complete class by itself. Instead, it simply supplies a core set of member functions and variables to which the derived classes supply the remainder. When there is no meaningful task for the base class virtual function to perform, then any derived class must override this function. In C++ this is ensured by defining the concerned function as pure virtual. A pure virtual function has no definition in the base class, only the function’s declaration is included. To make a virtual function a pure virtual function, it has to be “assigned” the value 0, e.g. class base { public: virtual void print() const = 0; // etc } Some programmers do not like this somewhat arbitrary syntax and define a special preprocessor macro called pure as follows. #define pure = 0 Then the previous definition of the pure virtual function print() would change to the following. 21 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg class base { public: virtual void print() pure; // etc } Keep in mind that when a function is defined as pure virtual, it forces any derived class to provide an overriding definition. 4.4.2 Abstract classes A class that contains at least one pure virtual function is called an abstract class. All other classes are called concrete classes. Since an abstract class contains at least one function for which no body exists, it is technically speaking an incomplete type. In particular, no objects of that class can be created. The only purpose of abstract classes is to be inherited by derived classes. Note, however, that it is still possible to use pointers (and references) to abstract base classes. Here is an example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: virtual void print() const = 0; // pure virtual ! }; class sub1 : public base { int a; public: void print() const { cout << "sub1: " << a << endl; } }; class sub2 : public base { double b; public: void print() const { cout << "sub2: " << b << endl; } }; int main() { sub1 s1; sub2 s2; base *p[2]; // pointers to base class p[0] = &s1; p[1] = &s2; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) p[i]->print(); return 0; } 4.4.3 Constructors and destructors While constructor functions cannot be made virtual, destructor functions can. The restriction for con- structors makes sense since constructors must always be called explicitly, by naming the exact class to construct. They can never be called by pointer or by reference. Moreover there is no need to declare a constructor as virtual, since on recalling §4.2, a constructor in a derived class always invokes the constructor of the next higher class. Destructors, on the other hand, can and often should be made virtual. In particular, if a class contains virtual member functions, then the destructor should be declared virtual to ensure that an object of a derived class is always destructed properly, even when pointed to by a base class pointer. Here is a simple example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { 22 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg cout << "b = " << b << ", s = " << s << endl; return 0; } 4.6 Example for inheritance The iostream library is an object-oriented library that provides input and output functionality using streams. The following figure illustrates the dependence of the different classes provided by the library. <ios> <istream> <iostream> <fstream> <ostream> ios base ios istream iostream ostream ifstream fstream ofstream ? 1 Q Q Q QQs ? 6 - - - - - cin cout cerr clog 5 Templates Templates are a very powerful feature of C++. They are a relatively new addition to C++, and they introduce the concept of generic programming. Generic programming is a data structure independent way of developing and delivering algorithms that need not be bound to a specific object. In particular, C++ templates allow you to implement generic functions or classes independent of a certain parameter’s type. Once a template is defined, it can be used in connection with objects from any type, provided that all the operations within the template are well defined for this type. Templates are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors, stacks or lists, which can be used with an arbitrary type. The most famous example for this kind of application is the Standard Template Library, cf. §6. C++ templates provide a way to reuse source code as opposed to inheritance and composition which provide a way to reuse object code. In C++ you can define two kinds of templates: class templates and function templates. The Standard Template Library, for example, uses function templates to define generic algorithms, and the containers are implemented as class templates. More details on templates and many examples can be found at 5.1 Function templates Here is a very simple example that demonstrates the use of function templates. Observe that the syntax template <class T> is equivalent to the syntax template <typename T> used in this example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> // the following function uses the ’type’ T T absolute(const T &a) { if (a < 0) return -a; else return a; } int main() { int a = -5; double b = 1.2; float c = -0.43; 25 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg long int d = -123456789; cout << "Absolute values are : " << absolute(a) << "," << absolute(b) << "," << absolute(c) << "," << absolute(d) << endl; return 0; } Note that for the above program the compiler creates four different versions of the function absolute() — one for each of the four types the function is invoked for. Moreover, it is worth noting that one could have referred to the different overloaded versions directly, as in the following example. cout << "Absolute values are : " << absolute<int>(a) << endl; In the above example, this is not really necessary. However, this way of identifying the intended function has to be used, whenever at least one template typename T does not appear in the signature of the function. Here is a small example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> void foo(int i) { T local = 0; cout << local << " " << i << endl; } int main() { foo<double>(2); return 0; } 5.2 Class templates Similar to function templates, a class template definition looks like a regular class definition, except that it is prefixed by the keyword template. For example, the next program defines a class template my_pair. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class my_pair { T a,b; public: my_pair(T i, T j) : a(i), b(j) {} void print() const; }; template <typename T> void my_pair<T>::print() const { // define print for my_pair<T> cout << a << "," << b << endl; } int main() { my_pair<int> a(-1,2); my_pair<double> b(1.2,0.1); a.print(); b.print(); return 0; } 5.2.1 Inheritance When inheriting from a class template, one has to specify which version of the base class one refers to. In particular, one could either inherit the full template, or just one instantiation. Here is an example for both. 26 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class base { // base template class protected: T a; public: base(T i = 0) : a(i) {} void print() const { cout << a << endl; } }; template <typename T> class sub : public base<T> { // refer to base<T> , protected: T b; public: sub(T i, T j) : base<T>(i), b(j) {} // its constructor , void print() const { cout << base<T>::a << " " << b << endl; } // and its data }; class subsub : public sub<int> { // refer to sub<int> int c; public: subsub(int i, int j, int k = 0) : sub<int>(i,j), c(k) {} void print() const { cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << endl; } }; int main() { subsub a(-1,2); sub<double> b(1.2,0.1); a.print(); b.print(); return 0; } Here a short remark is due. Observe that in the member functions of the inherited class template sub<T> particular attention has to be paid on how to refer to member data that was inherited from base<T>. In this example, the correct syntax is base<T>::a which is slightly cumbersome. However, this is the only way we can refer to that member data. The reason behind that lies in the C++ standard for templates. Strictly speaking, when the member function in sub<T> is compiled, the base class itself has not yet been instantiated and as a consequence we have no knowledge of what member data it will provide. Referring to the desired member data directly with the help of the scope operator :: circumvents this problem. 5.2.2 Template specialization A template specialization allows a template to have specific implementations when the parameter type is of a determined type. For instance, in the following example the member function mod() returns the module between two integers if the class is my_pair<int> and 0 otherwise. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class my_pair { T a,b; public: my_pair(T i, T j) : a(i), b(j) {} T mod() { return 0; } }; template <> int my_pair<int>::mod() { // overload definition for my_pair<int> 27 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg 6 STL The Standard Template Library (STL) is a general purpose C++ library of algorithms and data structures. The STL is part of the standard ANSI-C++ library and is implemented by means of the C++ template mechanism, hence its name. While some aspects of the library are very complex, it can often be applied in a very straightforward way, facilitating reuse of the sophisticated data structures and algorithms it contains. For a full documentation see 6.1 Vectors The vector template is probably the most important and most widely used container class offered by the STL. What makes it so attractive is that one can use it in the same fashion as C style arrays without having to worry about memory management or possible memory leaks. Furthermore, by virtue of the size() member function, one knows at any point in time how many objects a vector contains. With C style arrays, of course, failure to monitor the size of an array properly can lead to incorrect programs and segmentation faults/fatal exception errors. All of the STL container classes are treated by C++ almost like the built-in standard types. In particular, C++ takes care of the proper destruction of vectors and other containers as soon as one of these objects goes out of scope. Moreover, for the vector class basic operators like =, == and < are already defined and functional. The following table gives an overview over the vector class’s most important member functions. Here we assume that the size of the vector is of type int, that the objects contained in the vector are of type T and that the iterators are of type T*. Some of the type declarations will be omitted in the table. Details can be found at Member function Description Example begin() Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of vector. T *p = v.begin(); end() Returns iterator pointing to the end of vector. T *p = v.end(); size() Size of vector. if ( i < v.size() ) capacity() Number of elements for which memory has been allocated. bool empty() True if vector’s size is 0. if (!v.empty() ) operator[] (int i) Returns reference to the nth element. v[2] = v[3]; at(int i) Same as [] but with boundary check. Not always available. =; vector() Default constructor: creates an empty vector. vector<T> v; vector(int n) Creates a vector with n elements. vector<T> v(100); vector(int n, const T &t) Creates a vector with n copies of t. vector<T> v(100, t); vector(const vector&) Copy constructor. vector<T> u(v); reserve(int n) Increase capacity() to n. v.reserve(10000); push_back(const T&) Inserts a new element at the end. v.push_back(5); pop_back() Removes the last element. v.pop_back(); swap(vector&) Swaps the contents of two vectors. u.swap(v); insert(T *p, int n, const T& t) Inserts n copies of t before p. u.insert(u.end(), 9, t); erase(T *p) Erases the element at position p. v.erase(v.begin() ); erase(T *f, T *l) Erases range [f, l). v.erase(&v[3], &v[8]); clear() Erases all of the elements. v.clear(); resize(int n, const T &t = T()) Inserts/erases elements at the end so that size becomes n. v.resize(50); operator= (const vector&) Assignment operator. u = v; operator== (const vector&) Tests two vectors for equality. if (u == v) operator< (const vector&) Lexicographical comparison. if (u < v) Table 2: Member functions of the STL vector container class. Strictly speaking, the last two functions are no member functions. Instead they are implemented as global functions, taking two parameters of type const vector&. 6.2 Other sequential containers The vector container is one of the sequence containers that the STL offers. The other sequence containers are deque and list. Note that the vector and deque classes support random access to elements, while the list class does not. That is why the STL sort() algorithm (cf. §6.6) does not work for the list class. Hence a sorting algorithm for lists is provided as a member function, see the example below. The following table shows the insert and erase overheads of the containers vector, list and deque. You should keep these in mind when choosing a container for solving a specific task. E.g. a list is preferable when you do not need random access to elements and when you often have to erase elements in the middle, say. 30 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg container insert/erase overhead at the beginning in the middle at the end vector linear linear constant list constant constant constant deque constant linear constant Table 3: Insert and erase overheads for vector, list and deque. Here is a simple example for the list container class. Note that iterators will be covered in more detail in §6.4. #include <iostream> #include <list> using namespace std; int main() { list<int> L; L.push_back(0); L.push_front(0); L.insert(++L.begin(),2,3); L.push_back(5); L.push_back(6); L.sort(); // the STL sort() algorithm does NOT work for(list<int>::iterator i = L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) // linear traversal cout << *i << " "; cout << endl; return 0; } A second group of STL containers are the container adaptors: stack, queue and priority_queue. They were derived from the three original containers described above. 6.3 Associative containers The last group are the so called associative containers. They include set, multiset, map and multimap. A map, for example, is a sorted associative container that holds pairs of keys and data, where each entry’s key is unique. Hence it is ideally suited to implement dictionaries, for instance. Here is a short example for the map container class. #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { map<string, int> freq; // map of words and their frequencies string word; while (cin >> word && word != "quit") { ++freq[word]; } // write the frequency and the word for (map<string, int>::iterator i = freq.begin(); i != freq.end(); ++i) { cout << i->second << " " << i->first << endl; } return 0; } 31 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg Details on all the STL containers can be found at the web site given before and also at e.g. 6.4 Iterators Iterators are a fundamental feature of the Standard Template Library. The concept of iterators was introduced in order to unify access to and traversal of different kinds of STL containers and, in particular, to allow most of the STL algorithms to work for any container type. Let us look at a simple example. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { vector<double> v(20,1.2); list<int> l(10,4); map<string, int> m; m["ab"] = 1; m["yz"] = 4; m["fg"] = 0; map<string, int>::iterator mitr; for(mitr = m.begin(); mitr != m.end(); ++mitr) cout << (*mitr).first << " " << (*mitr).second << endl; list<int>::iterator litr; for(litr = l.begin(); litr != l.end(); ++litr) cout << *litr << " "; cout << endl; vector<double>::iterator vitr; for(vitr = v.begin(); vitr != v.end(); ++vitr) cout << *vitr << " "; cout << endl; return 0; } Observe that the traversal of e.g. a map, a list and a vector can be done in exactly the same way, although the internal data structures of these containers are fundamentally different. You can think of iterators as a special class that belongs to the STL containers and that is overloaded differently for each container. Through appropriately overloading operators such as =, !=, ++, * (see above) and other operators, this iterator class provides access to the elements stored in a container and allows its traversal. Note that pointers are nothing other than special iterators for both C style arrays and STL vectors. There are several advantages for the use of iterators. As you have seen, iterators can be uniformly used for all containers and also arrays. Furthermore, on creating your own container class with an appropriate iterator class, you can use the existing STL algorithms for your new class. Similarly, if you code a new (template based) algorithm for container classes that is written using iterators, it will apply to all existing containers for which there are iterators. A simple example program, that outputs all the elements in a range defined by two iterators, is shown here: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> using namespace std; template <typename T> void show_range(T b, T e) { for (T i = b; i != e; i++) cout << (*i) << " "; cout << endl; } 32 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg cout << "The sum of all elements is " << accumulate(u.begin(), u.end(), 0) << endl; // accumulate cout << "The product of all elements is " << accumulate(u.begin(), u.end(), 1, multiplies<int>()) << endl; return 0; } The remarkable thing about the STL algorithms is that they work with almost any kind of container, including C style arrays. Here is an example, that first sorts and then outputs a given array. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> using namespace std; int main() { int A[] = {1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7}; const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(int); sort(A, A + N); // sort copy(A, A + N, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")); // copy : "1 2 4 5 7 8" cout << endl; return 0; } 7 Miscellaneous 7.1 Namespaces Namespaces allow you to group a set of global classes, objects and/or functions under a name. This can be useful when writing large programs, where one wants to use the same name for two different objects in different contexts, say. If one chooses not to use the using namespace keyword, one can still refer to the defined objects with the help of the scope operator ::. Here is an example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace first { int var = 5; } namespace second { double var = 3.1416; } int main () { { using namespace first; cout << var << endl; } { using namespace second; cout << var << endl; } cout << first::var + second::var << endl; return 0; } When using the ANSI-C++ compliant include files one has to bear in mind that all the included functions, classes and objects will be declared under the std namespace. 7.2 Advanced I/O Here is an example that demonstrates some of the advanced features of output operations under C++. #include <iostream> using namespace std; 35 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg int main() { cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’123.23’ cout.setf(ios::scientific | ios::showpos | ios::uppercase); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’+1.232300E+02’ cout.unsetf(ios::showpos | ios::uppercase); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’1.232300e+02’ cout.precision(1); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’1.2e+02’ cout.precision(5); cout.width(13); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’ 1.23230e+02’ cout.precision(5); cout.width(13); cout.fill(’0’); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’001.23230e+02’ cout.precision(3); cout.width(13); cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’00001.232e+02’ cout << 123.23 << endl; // ’1.232e+02’ return 0; } Of interested could also be the flags ios::right and ios::fixed. For more details visit Another convenient way to simplify I/O operations is to define your own manipulators. Here is a short example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ostream &myformat(ostream &os) { os.width(10); os.precision(4); os.fill(’*’); return os; } ostream &tri(ostream &os) { os << "The result is: "; return os; } int main() { cout << tri << myformat << 123.23 << endl; // ’The result is: *****123.2’ return 0; } 7.3 Static class members If a class member is declared as static, only one copy of it is ever created, no matter how many objects of that class are created. In particular, the programmer has to define the variable also outside the class, so that memory is allocated for it. The following example demonstrates this. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class myclass { public: static int i; myclass(int ii) { i = ii;} }; int myclass::i = 10; int main() { myclass a(5); myclass b(8); cout << a.i << endl; // ’8’ return 0; } 36 OOP in C++ Dr Robert Nürnberg 7.4 Conversion functions In C++ it is possible to define a conversion function that is used whenever an object of this class is found in a place where a different type is expected. Usually this will be one of the built-in C++ types. Here is an example. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class cmplx { double r, i; public: cmplx(double a, double b) : r(a), i(b) {} operator double() { return sqrt(r*r + i*i); } }; int main() { cmplx c(2.0,1.5); double a = c; // conversion to double cout << a << endl; // ’2.5’ return 0; } Obviously, one should use these conversion functions carefully. 7.5 Exception handling Exception handling can be a useful tool when developing and debugging a program. The three commands used for it are try, throw and catch. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { try { double *m; m = new double[10]; if (m == NULL) throw string("Allocation failure"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i > 9) throw i; m[i] = i * i; } // etc delete [] m; } catch (int n) { cout << "Exception: index " << n << " is out of range." << endl; return 1; } catch (string &s) { cout << "Exception: " << s << endl; return 2; } return 0; } If you want to catch any exception within a try block, use catch(...) (i.e. three single dots within the brackets). Finally note that exceptions can also be thrown by functions called within a try block. Below is a simple example. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; 37