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Oklahoma Dental Hygiene Exam Jurisprudence Questions and Answers, Exams of Dental surgery

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to oklahoma dental hygiene jurisprudence exam. It covers key topics such as indirect supervision, patient of record, treatment facilities, board composition, and renewal requirements. A valuable resource for dental hygiene students preparing for the oklahoma licensing exam.

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Available from 12/09/2024

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Download Oklahoma Dental Hygiene Exam Jurisprudence Questions and Answers and more Exams Dental surgery in PDF only on Docsity!



Indirect Supervision - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… supervising dentist in office and has diagnosed and authorized procedures remains in office and will evaulate procedures. Patient of record - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… Given a medical history and has examined and accepted for dental care Treatment Facility - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… Federal, state, local, group home, hospital, nursing home, penal institution, pt of record at home, mobile dental unit, dental hygiene school, accredited dental program. The oklahoma board consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 8 dentists 1 hygienist 2 members that represent the board How do public members of the board become members? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… approved by govenor subject to confirmation by state. Each member of the board will only hold an office for how many years? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 3 How many consecutive terms can a board member serve? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 3 How is a dentist or dental hygienist eligible to serve on the board? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… must be licensed in state for at least 5 years prior to date of ballots. Nominations for dentist members of the board must be by petition and signed by at least how many dentists residing in the district to be represented by the nominee? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 10

Nominations for dental hygienists of the board must be petitioned and signed by at least how many dental hygienists? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 10 Dentist members of the board may be recalled and removed from the board in a special recall election to be conducted by the board upon receipt of a written recall position signed by at least what percentage of dentist residing in the district represented by the member who is subject to the recall position? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 20% Dental hygienists of the board may be recalled and removed from the board in a special recall election to be conducted by the board upon receipt of a written recall position signed by at least what percentage of dentist residing in the district represented by the member who is subject to the recall position? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 20 % The board is authorized and empowered to _________and test the qualifications of applicants for a license or permit to be issued by the board. - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… Empowered Affiliate by contract or cooperative agreement with another state or combinations of states for the purpose of conducting simultaneous __________ examinations of applicants for a license to practice dentistry, dental hygiene or dental specialty. - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… regional Maintain a list of the _______ current_______ mailing address and principal. - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… name and mailing

  1. How many hygienists can a dentist employ? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… The equivalent of 2 full time.
  2. Authorization for general supervision shall be limited to a maximum of of how many months following an examination by the supervising dentist of a patient of record? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 13 months What are the two advanced procedures that hygienists can perform? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… N and local administration

Can a dental hygienist operate an independent practice of dental hygiene? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… no When is the deadline for annual renewal for dentists and dental hygienists? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… January 1st or beginning of each year. What is included in the annual renewal for dentists or dental hygienist? - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… A form perscribed by the board signature of the dentist or dental hygienists current mailing address principal office address number of the license of the dentist or hygienist statement whether she or he has been engaged during the proceeding year in the active or continuous practice of dentistry or hygiene with or without the state Renewal fee established with the rule of the board Failure to pay the annual fee WE must pay the fee with in 2 months after january 1st the board shall notify DH or dentist by sending a letter to the last documented - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… address If a license will be automatically canceled if the holder fails to secure a renewal certificate within _______ - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ… 3 months from the 31st of december each year. If a license is canceled by - CORRECT ANSWER- โœ”โœ”โœ