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Oklahoma Dental Hygiene Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Dental surgery

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the oklahoma dental hygiene jurisprudence exam. It covers various aspects of dental hygiene practice, including supervision requirements, treatment facility definitions, board composition, expanded duty permits, ethical considerations, record-keeping, continuing education requirements, and more. A valuable resource for dental hygiene students preparing for the oklahoma jurisprudence exam.

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Available from 12/09/2024

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Dental ambulatory surgical center (DASC) means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ a facility that operates exclusively for the purpose of furnishing outpatient surgical services to patients. A DASC shall have the same privileges and requirements as a dental office and additionally must be an accredited facility by the appropriate entity DAs work under - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ direct supervision OM surgery assistants work under - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ direct visual supervision Direct supervision means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ the supervisory dentist is in the dental office or treatment facility and, during the appointment, personally examines the patient, diagnoses any conditions to be treated, and authorizes the procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, dental assistant, or oral maxillofacial surgery assistant. The supervising dentist is continuously on site and physically present in the dental office or treatment facility while the procedures are being performed and, before dismissal of the patient, evaluates the results of the dental treatment Direct visual supervision means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ the supervisory dentist has direct ongoing visual oversight which shall be maintained at all times during any procedure authorized to be performed by a dental assistant or an oral maxillofacial surgery assistant General supervision means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ the supervisory dentist has diagnosed any conditions to be treated within the past thirteen (13) months, has personally authorized the procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, and will evaluate the results of the dental treatment within a reasonable time as determined by the nature of the procedures performed, the needs of the patient, and the professional judgment of the supervisory dentist. General supervision may only be used to supervise a hygienist and may not be used to supervise an oral maxillofacial surgery assistant or dental assistant Indirect supervision means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ the supervisory dentist is in the dental office or treatment facility and has personally diagnosed any conditions to be treated, authorizes the procedures to be performed by a dental hygienist, remains in the dental office or treatment facility while the procedures are being performed, and will evaluate the results of the dental treatment

within a reasonable time as determined by the nature of the procedures performed, the needs of the patient, and the professional judgment of the supervisory dentist. Indirect supervision may not be used for an oral maxillofacial surgery assistant or a dental assistant A treatment facility means - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ a. a federal, tribal, state or local public health facility, b. a federal qualified health care facility (FQHC), c. a private health facility, d. a group home or residential care facility serving the elderly, handicapped or juveniles, e. a hospital or dental ambulatory surgery center (DASC), f. a nursing home, g. a penal institution operated by or under contract with the federal or state government, h. a public or private school, i. a patient of record's private residence, j. a mobile dental unit, k. a dental college, dental program, dental hygiene program or dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, or l. such other places as are authorized by the rules of the Board The board consists of - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 8 DDS 1 RDH 2 members of the public How many districts are there? - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 8 How are dentists elected? - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ By other dentists in their district How is the RDH elected? - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ By all RDHs in the state

How are the public members elected? - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ Appointed by the governor with confirmation by the Senate How long can members serve on the board? - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 3 year terms with no more than 3 consecutive terms A vacant among DDS and RDH member shall be filled in a special election within - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 60 days The DH Advisory Committee is composed of - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ One current RDH member of the board Two RDH's recommended by the board Two RDHs recommended by ODHA The DHAC must meet - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ annually, but no more than 4x per year You have to be ____ to practice dentistry. - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 21 You have to be ______ to practice dental hygiene - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 18 Dental specialties recognized by the board are - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ a. dental public health, b. endodontics, c. oral and maxillofacial surgery, d. oral and maxillofacial radiology, e. orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, f. pediatric dentistry, g. periodontics, h. prosthodontics, and i. oral pathology.

The 5 types of expanded duty permits for dental assistants are - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 1. Radiation safety;

  1. Coronal polishing and topical fluoride;
  2. Sealants;
  3. Assisting in the administration of nitrous oxide; or
  4. Assisting a dentist who holds a parenteral or pediatric anesthesia permit; provided, only the dentist may administer anesthesia and assess the patient's level of sedation. An OM surgery assistant must be employed by an oral surgeon at all times or - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ their license will automatically revert to a DA permit It is illegal for an RDH to - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 1. Advertise or publish, directly or indirectly, or circulate through the usual commercial channels, such as the press, magazines, directories, radio, television, sign, display or by leaflets, the fact that he or she is in the practice of dental hygiene;
  5. Place his or her name in any city, commercial or other directory;
  6. Place his or her name in the classified section of a telephone directory;
  7. Offer free dental service or examination as an inducement to gain patronage;
  8. Claim the use of any secret or patented methods or treatments;
  9. Employ or use solicitors to obtain patronage;
  10. Pay or accept commission in any form or manner as compensation for referring patients to any person for professional services;
  11. In any way advertise as having ability to diagnose or prescribe for any treatment;
  12. Publish any schedule or comparative prices or fees for his or her services;
  13. Claim or infer superiority over other dental hygienists;
  14. Perform any services in the mouth other than those which are hereafter authorized by the Board of Dentistry pursuant to authority conferred by the State Dental Act;
  15. Attempt to conduct a practice of dental hygiene in any place or in any manner other than as authorized by Section 328.34 of this title;
  16. Attempt to use in any manner whatsoever any oral prophylaxis list, call list, records, reprints or copies of same or information gathered therefrom, or the names of patients whom he or she has formerly treated when serving as an employee in the office of a dentist for whom he or she was formerly employed; or
  1. Fail to keep prominently displayed in the office of the dentist for whom he or she is employed his or her license and annual renewal certificate. Patient records should be kept for - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 7 years Lab prescriptions should be kept for - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 3 years A dentist may delegate the following procedures to an RDH - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ a. the duties and expanded duties authorized for dental assistants by the State Dental Act or the rules of the Board of Dentistry, b. health history assessment pertaining to dental hygiene, c. dental hygiene examination and the charting of intra-oral and extra-oral conditions, which include periodontal charting, dental charting and classifying occlusion, d. dental hygiene assessment and treatment planning for procedures authorized by the supervisory dentist, e. prophylaxis, which means the removal of any and all calcareous deposits, stains, accretions, or concretions from the supragingival and subgingival surfaces of human teeth, utilizing instrumentation by scaler or periodontal curette on the crown and root surfaces of human teeth, including rotary or power driven instruments. This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit the use of a rubber cap or brush on the crowns of human teeth by a dental assistant who holds a current expanded duty permit for Coronal Polishing/Topical Fluoride issued by the Board, f. periodontal scaling and root planing, g. dental hygiene nutritional and dietary evaluation, h. placement of subgingival prescription drugs for prevention and treatment of periodontal disease, i. soft tissue curettage, j. placement of temporary fillings, k. removal of overhanging margins, l. dental implant maintenance, m. removal of periodontal packs, n. polishing of amalgam restorations, and o. other procedures authorized by the Board. RDH's are required to complete ____ CE hours every 3 years - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 30

A violation fine may not exceed - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ $1, Any fatality of a dental patient within ____ hours of receiving anesthesia are required to be reported to the board. - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 48 Annual renewal fee for an RDH - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ $ All licensees practicing dentistry should notify the board within _____ hours of discovery of a death of a patient or a hospital visit related to dentistry - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 24 Anyone may file a complaint to the board. It must be - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ written and signed Categories of CE for RDHs - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ At least 50% from categories A and/or B No more than 50% from category C Category A - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ Formalized structured learning situations at colleges or universities at regular undergraduate or college course levels will be allowed one (1) hour credit for each hour in attendance. Regular university or college courses are evaluated at semester hour, i.e.: A dentally related three (3) hour college credit course will be allowed three (3) hours of continuing education credit. Category B - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ Formalized meetings Advanced Study Category C - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ Publishing papers Presenting clinics Teaching Self-instructional programs Volunteer service

No more than 3 hours can be from ______ courses - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ practice management Fine for failing to report CEs - CORRECT ANSWER- ✔✔✅ 1000- dentists 500- RDHs