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OLERE State Board Exam Questions and Answers for Licensed Professional Counselors, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of the olere state board exam for licensed professional counselors (lpcs). It covers key definitions, requirements, and procedures for obtaining an lpc license in the state of olere. Questions and answers related to various aspects of professional counseling, such as counseling interventions, consulting, referral activities, and research. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of the state board of behavioral health licensure and the requirements for licensure.

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Available from 11/15/2024




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OLERE State Board Exam Questions and Answers 2025

"Licensed professional counselor" or "LPC" - ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛ a n y person who offers professional counseling services for compensation to any person and is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act.,,, Board - ⬛✓⬛✓⬛State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure Counseling - ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛ - facilitate human development and adjustment throughout the life span

  • prevent, diagnose or treat mental, emotional or behavioral disorders or associated distress which interfere with mental health
  • conduct assessments or diagnoses for the purpose of establishing treatment goals and objectives
  • plan, implement or evaluate treatment plans using counseling treatment interventions; Counseling treatment interventions - ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛ t h e application of cognitive, effective, behavioral and systemic counseling strategies which include principles of development, wellness, and pathology that reflect a pluralistic society. Such interventions are specifically implemented in the context of a professional counseling relationship Consulting - ✓⬛⬛✓interpreting or reporting scientific fact or theory in counseling to provide assistance in solving current or potential problems of individuals, groups or organizations Referral activities - ⬛✓✓⬛evaluating of data to identify problems and to determine the advisability of referral to other specialists Research activities - ⬛✓⬛✓reporting, designing, conducting or consulting on research in counseling

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Specialty - ⬛✓⬛✓designation of a subarea of counseling practice that is recognized by a national certification agency or by the Board Supervisor - ⬛✓ ✓ a⬛ person who meets the requirements established by the Board and who is licensed pursuant to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act Licensed professional counselor candidate - ⬛✓ ✓ a⬛ person whose application for licensure has been accepted and who is under supervision for licensure as provided in Section 1906 of this title Executive Director - ⬛✓⬛✓⬛th e Executive Director of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure. The Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall not be construed to include the pursuits of the following professionals acting within the scope of their duties as such professionals, nor shall the title "LPC" be used by such professionals unless said licensed professional counselor is also licensed or accredited by an appropriate agency, institution or board - ⬛✓ ⬛ 1 .✓⬛ Physicians, psychologists, social workers, marital and family therapists and attorneys, who are licensed by their respective licensing authorities

  1. Rehabilitation counselors, vocational evaluation specialists, psychiatric and mental health nurses, alcohol and drug counselors, school administrators, school teachers and school counselors, who are certified by their respective certifying authorities
  2. Persons in the employ of accredited institutions of higher education, or in the employ of local, state or federal government
  3. Members of clergy. The activities and services of a person in the employ of a private, nonprofit behavioral services

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provider contracting with the state to provide behavioral services with the state shall be exempt P a g e 2 | 44

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from licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor if - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ s u c h activities and services are a part of the official duties of such person with the private nonprofit agency. Any person who is unlicensed and operating under special exemptions shall not use any of the official titles or descriptions: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ a. psychologist, psychology or psychological b. licensed social worker c. clinical social worker d. certified rehabilitation specialist e. licensed professional counselor f. psychoanalyst g. marital and family therapist. State agencies contracting to provide behavioral health services will strive to ensure that quality of care is not compromised by contracting with external providers and that the quality of service is at least the service that would be delivered if that agency were able to provide the service directly. - ✓⬛⬛✓ e q u a l to Agencies will also ensure that the entity with which they are contracting has qualified professionals in its employ and that sufficient is in place to allow for reasonable recourse by the public. - ⬛✓✓⬛liability insurance The activities and services of a person in the employ of a private, for-profit behavioral services provider contracting with the state to provide behavioral services to youth and families in the care and custody of the Office of Juvenile Affairs or the Department of Human Services on March 14, 1997, shall be exempt from licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor if - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ s u c h activities and services are a part of the official duties of such person with the private for-profit contracting agency.

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The State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure shall: - ⬛✓ ✓⬛ 1. Prescribe, adopt and promulgate rules to implement and enforce the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act, including the adoption of the State Department of Health rules by reference

  1. Adopt and establish rules of professional conduct
  2. Set license and examination fees as required by the Licensed Professional Counselors Act. The Board shall have the authority to: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ 1. Seek injunctive relief
  3. Request the district attorney to bring an action to enforce the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act
  4. Receive fees and deposit said fees into the Licensed Professional Counselors Revolving Fund as required by the Licensed Professional Counselors Act
  5. Issue, renew, revoke, deny, suspend and place on probation licenses to practice professional counseling pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act
  6. Examine all qualified applicants for licenses to practice professional counseling
  7. Request assistance from the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision for the purposes of investigating complaints and possible violations of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act
  8. Accept grants and gifts from various foundations and institutions; and 8. Make such expenditures and employ such personnel as the Executive Director may deem necessary for the administration of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act. Applications for a license to practice as a licensed professional counselor shall be made to the Licensure in writing. Such applications shall be on a form and in a manner prescribed by the. The application shall be accompanied by the fee required by the Licensed Professional Counselors Act, which shall be retained by the and not returned to the applicant. - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ S t a t e Board of Behavioral Health Each applicant for a license to practice as a licensed professional counselor shall: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ 1. Be

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possessed of good moral character P a g e 4 | 44

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  1. Pass an examination based on standards promulgated by the Board pursuant to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act
  2. Be at least 21 years of age
  3. Not have engaged in, nor be engaged in, any practice or conduct which would be grounds for denying, revoking or suspending a license pursuant to this title
  4. Otherwise comply with the rules promulgated by the Board pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act. In addition other qualifications an applicant for a license to practice as a licensed professional counselor shall have: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ 1. Successfully completed at least 60 graduate semester hours 90 graduate quarter hours of counseling-related course work. These 60 hours shall include at least a master's degree in a counseling field.
  5. 3 years of supervised full-time experience in professional counseling subject to the supervision of a licensed professional counselor pursuant to conditions established by the Board. 1 or 2 years of experience may be gained at the rate of 1 year for each 30 graduate semester hours earned beyond the master's degree, provided that such hours are clearly related to the field of counseling and are acceptable to the Board. The applicant shall have no less than 1 year of supervised full-time experience in counseling. Applicants with degrees from schools outside the United States may qualify with Board approval by providing the Board with - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ a n⬛ acceptable comprehensive evaluation of the degree performed by a foreign credential evaluation service and other requirements the Board deems necessary Examinations shall be held at such times, at such place and in such manner as the directs. - ✓⬛ ⬛ S t✓⬛ ate Board of Behavioral Health Licensure Examinations (OLERE & NCE) shall be held at least - ⬛✓ ✓ a n n⬛ ually

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The OLERE & NCE shall cover - ⬛✓⬛✓technical, professional and practical subjects as relate to the practice of professional counseling If an applicant fails to pass the examinations, the applicant - ⬛✓ ⬛ m a y✓⬛ reapply The Board shall preserve answers to any examination, and the applicant's performance on each section, as part of the records of the Board for a period of following the date of the examination. - ⬛✓ ✓ 2 ⬛ years An applicant who meets the requirements for licensure pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act, has - ⬛✓ ✓ p⬛ aid the required license fees and has otherwise complied with the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall be licensed by the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure. Each initial license issued pursuant to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall expire from the date of issuance unless revoked. - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ 2 4 ⬛ months A license may be renewed upon application and payment of fees. - ⬛✓ ⬛ a n n✓⬛ ually The application for renewal of the license shall be accompanied by evidence that the applicant has completed relevant professional or continued educational experience during the previous

. - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ 2 4 ⬛ months Failure to renew a license shall result in - ⬛✓ ⬛ f o r✓ feiture of the rights and privileges granted by the license A person whose license has expired may make application within following the

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expiration in writing to the Board requesting reinstatement in a manner prescribed by the Board P a g e 6 | 44

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and payment of the fees required by the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act.

  • ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛ 1 year The license of a person whose license has expired for more than 1 year shall - ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛ n o t be reinstated. A person may reapply for a new license if - ⬛✓ ⬛ t h✓⬛ e license has been expired for over one year and was not reinstated during that time or has been retired. A licensed professional counselor whose license is current and in good standing, who wishes to retire the license, may do so by - ⬛✓ ⬛ i n✓ forming the Board in writing and returning the license to the Office of Licensed Professional Counselors. A retired license shall be reinstated. - ⬛✓ ✓ n⬛ ot No person licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall knowingly and willfully disclose any information the licensee may have acquired from persons consulting the licensee in his professional capacity as a professional counselor or be compelled to disclose such information except: - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ 1 .⬛ With the written consent of the client, or in the case of death or disability of the client, the consent of his personal representative or other person authorized to sue or the beneficiary of any insurance policy on his life, health or physical condition
  1. If the person is under 18 and the information acquired by the licensed person indicated that the child was the victim or subject of a crime, the licensed person may be required to testify fully in relation thereto upon an examination, trial or other proceeding in which the commission of such a crime is a subject of inquiry
  2. If the client waives the privilege by bringing charges against the licensed person
  3. When failure to disclose such information presents a danger to the health of any person

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  1. If the licensed professional counselor is a party to a civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from such therapy, in which case any waiver of the privilege accorded by this section shall be limited to that action. No information shall be treated as privileged and there shall be no privileges created by the Licensed Professional Counselors Act as to any information acquired by the person licensed pursuant to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act when such information pertains to - ⬛✓ ✓ c r i m i n⬛ al acts or violation of any law. The Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall not any licensed person from testifying in court hearings concerning matters of adoption, child abuse, child neglect, battery or matters pertaining to the welfare of children or from seeking collaboration or consultation with professional colleagues or administrative superiors on behalf of this client. - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ p r o h i b i t It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed or supervised pursuant to or specifically exempt from the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act to: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ 1. Advertise or otherwise offer to perform counseling services
  2. Use the title of Licensed Professional Counselor or any other name, style or description denoting that the person is licensed as a licensed professional counselor
  3. Practice counseling The State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure may deny, revoke, suspend or place on probation any license or specialty designation issued pursuant to the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act to a licensed professional counselor, if the person has: - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ 1. Been convicted of a felony
  4. Been convicted of a misdemeanor determined to be of such a nature as to render the person convicted unfit to practice counseling
  5. Engaged in fraud or deceit in connection with services rendered or in establishing needed qualifications pursuant to the provisions of this act

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  1. Knowingly aided or abetted a person not licensed pursuant to these provisions in representing himself as a licensed professional counselor in this state P a g e 8 | 44

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  1. Engaged in unprofessional conduct as defined by the rules established by the Board
  2. Engaged in negligence or wrongful actions in the performance of his or her duties
  3. Misrepresented any information required in obtaining a license. If the Board determines that a felony conviction of an applicant renders the convicted applicant unfit to practice counseling, the Board shall provide notice and opportunity to the applicant, by certified mail at the last-known address, for an before the Board may deny the application - ⬛✓ ✓ a d⬛ ministrative hearing The request shall be made for an administrative hearing by the applicant within of receipt of the notice. - ⬛✓ ✓ 1 5 ⬛ days No license or specialty designation shall be suspended or revoked, nor a licensed professional counselor placed on probation until - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ n⬛ otice is served upon the licensed professional counselor and a hearing is held No action of license removal shall be taken without prior notice unless - ✓⬛✓⬛the Board determines that there exists a threat to the health and safety of the residents of Oklahoma. Any person who is determined by the Board to have violated any provision of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act, or any rule promulgated or order issued pursuant thereto, may be subject to - ⬛✓ ✓ a n⬛ administrative penalty. The maximum administrative penalty shall not exceed - ✓⬛ ✓ $ 1 ⬛ 0,000. Administrative penalties imposed pursuant to this subsection shall be enforceable in - ⬛✓⬛ ✓ t h e⬛ district courts of this state

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All administrative penalties collected shall be deposited into - ✓⬛⬛✓⬛th e Licensed Professional Counselors Revolving Fund. A professional specialty designation area may be established by the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure upon receipt of a petition signed by fifteen qualified persons who are currently licensed as licensed professional counselors, and who meet the recognized minimum standards as established by appropriate nationally recognized certification agencies; provided, if a nationally recognized certification does not exist - ✓⬛ ✓ t⬛ he Board may establish minimum standards for specialty designations. Upon receipt of credentials from the appropriate certification agency, the may grant the licensed professional counselor the appropriate specialty designation. - ⬛✓ ✓⬛ B o a r d The licensed professional counselor may attain specialty designation through - ⬛✓⬛ ⬛ e x a m i n✓⬛ ation A licensed professional counselor shall not claim or advertise a counseling specialty and shall not incorporate the specialty designation into the professional title of such licensed professional counselor, unless - ⬛✓ ✓⬛ t h e qualifications and certification requirements of that specialty have been met and have been approved by the Board and the appropriate certification agency. The licensing fee and the annual renewal fee shall be amounts fixed by the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure upon recommendations of the - ⬛✓ ✓ O k l a h⬛ oma Licensed Professional Counselors Advisory Board The Board shall the amount of the fees so that the total fees collected will be sufficient to meet the expenses of administering the provisions of the Licensed Professional Counselors Act and so that there are no unnecessary surpluses in the Licensed Professional Counselors Revolving Fund. - ⬛✓ ✓ fi x⬛

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The Board shall not fix a license fee at an amount $300.00 and a renewal fee at an amount $200.00. - ⬛✓ ⬛✓⬛m o re than The fee for the issuance of a license to replace a license which was lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be - ⬛✓ ✓ $ 2 ⬛ 5.00 The fee for the issuance of a license to replace a license which was lost, destroyed or mutilated shall accompany the - ⬛✓✓⬛application for a replacement license. The fee for specialty designation shall not exceed - ✓⬛ ✓ $ 1 ⬛ 50.00 The fee for an examination required pursuant to the Licensed Professional Counselors Act shall not exceed the Board's - ✓⬛⬛✓⬛actual costs for holding and grading the examination. Nothing in this act shall be construed to require reimbursement under the policies of health insurers and nonprofit hospital or medical service plans unless - ⬛✓ ⬛ t h✓⬛ e contract specifically calls for reimbursement to licensed professional counselors. It shall be the responsibility of LPCs, in their commitment to the understanding of human behavior, to value objectivity and integrity, and in providing services, to strive to maintain the highest standards of their profession. LPCs shall accept responsibility for the consequences of their work and make every effort to ensure that their services are used appropriately. LPCs shall be alert to personal, social, organizational, financial, and political situations or pressures that might lead to the misuse of their influence. LPCs shall not participate in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. LPCs shall not exploit their relationships with clients for personal advantage, profit, satisfaction, or interest. - ⬛✓ ✓ R e s p o⬛ nsibility

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LPCs shall practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate P a g e 11 | 44

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professional experience. An LPC shall only practice in a new area when said LPC has received the necessary education, training and supervised experience, and shall take steps to ensure the competence of work provided and to protect others from possible harm. - ⬛✓⬛✓ Co u n selin g Competence LPCs shall know the limits of their competence and shall therefore perform only those testing and assessment services for which they have received training and supervision in the administration, scoring and interpretation processes associated with the provisions of such services. - ⬛✓ ⬛✓ T e st in g and assessment Competence shall be responsible for receiving training on testing and assessment instruments that have been revised or updated. - ⬛✓⬛⬛✓LPCs LPCs shall be familiar with related , proper application, copyright restrictions and security demands of any testing or assessment technique utilized. - ⬛✓ ⬛ s t✓⬛ andardization LPCs shall provide the proper diagnosis of mental disorders in their clients - ⬛✓⬛⬛✓Competence and Diagnosis of mental disorder LPCs shall not offer or render professional services when such services may be impaired by a personal physical, mental or emotional condition(s). - ⬛✓ ✓ C o m⬛ petence Impairment LPCs shall for any such personal problem(s) with their physical, mental or emotional condition, and, if necessary, limit, suspend, or terminate their professional activities. - ⬛✓ ✓ s e e⬛ k assistance If an LPC possesses a bias, disposition, attitude, moral persuasion or other similar condition that limits his or her ability to recommend a course of treatment or decision-making that is

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indicated, and under such circumstances where all other treatment and decision options are P a g e 12 | 44

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contra-indicated, then in that event the LPC shall - ⬛✓ ✓⬛ n o t undertake to provide counseling and will terminate the counseling relationship in accordance with these rules. If a LPC becomes aware that a LPC or LPC Candidate is violating an obligation or other provisions the LPC must, within report the situation to the Board. - ⬛✓⬛ ⬛✓ 3 0 days LPCs and LPC Candidates may perform forensic services, which include, but are not limited to, assessments, interviews, consultations, custody evaluations, reports, expert testimony, or other such activity that is undertaken or conducted by the candidate or licensee in contemplation that the results may, or are intended to be, later furnished to a trier of fact or other decision maker if

  • ✓⬛ ⬛✓ 1. LPCs must demonstrate competence by education and experience in the subject matter relevant to the issues in question, as determined by the court.
  1. LPCs shall provide a written notice and make a reasonable attempt to obtain a signature acknowledging receipt of such notice, from each person or persons who is the subject of the forensic services.
  2. LPCs shall maintain written records, in a form or format that is legible or readable to third persons, of all contacts and information received and used in the preparation of their report.
  3. LPCs must conduct a thorough examination and must utilize face-to-face interviews of the person(s) who is the subject of their forensic analysis, and such other person or persons who has/have a legally recognizable right in the subject matter of the proceeding.
  4. LPCs shall base their findings and conclusions only upon information gained by appropriate and lawful means. Interviews of minor children shall be preceded by written consent from the joint-custodial parents or from the custodial parent or from the legal guardian or from the legal custodian appointed by the Court.
  5. LPCs who provide counseling services for a client shall only provide fact witness testimony, which may include diagnostic impressions, treatment plans and other factual clinical information ordinarily included in a treatment file.
  6. Assessments, interviews, consultations, custody evaluations, reports or other activity not performed in contemplation that the results would be furnished to a trier of fact or decision maker, must be kept confidential and cannot be utilized in the formation or publication of an