Download OMSA Exam Questions and Answers with Complete Solutions 100% Correct 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! OMSA Exam Questions and Answers with Complete Solutions 100% Correct 2024 Beta one controls the: - Correct Answer-Heart the two systems that comprise the autonomic nervous system - Correct Answer-parasympathetic and sympathetic the pathway of the blood flow through the heart - Correct Answer-superior and inferior vena cava - right atrium - tricuspid valve - right ventricle - pulmonic valve - pulmonary artery - lungs- pulmonic vein - left atrium - mitrovalve - left ventricle - aortic valve - aorta - body insufficient blood flow through the coronary arteries can result in - Correct Answer-angina the heart is divided into ____ chanmbers - Correct Answer-4 the upper chambers in the heart are called - Correct Answer- atria pg. 1 professoraxe l the lower chambers in the heart are called - Correct Answer- ventricles Another name for the parasympathetic nervous system - Correct Answer-cholinergic system What valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle - Correct Answer-tricuspid What valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle - Correct Answer-mitral stimulation of the vagus nerve will - Correct Answer-decrease the heart rate The first heart sound is cause by - Correct Answer-the mitral and tricuspid valves closing what is the difference between angina and myocardial infarction - Correct Answer-Angina is chest pain due to pg. 2 professoraxe l the pneumonic for diagnosing a stoke is - Correct Answer- FAST Patients in hypertensive crisis may complain of - Correct Answer-headache CABG needs to be premedicated with antibiotics - Correct Answer-False high blood pressure may increase the patients risk for heart attack and - Correct Answer-stroke Conduction system of the heart - Correct Answer-SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers The P wave is caused by? - Correct Answer-Depolarization of the atria The QRS complex is caused by? - Correct Answer- Depolarization of the ventricles pg. 5 professoraxe l Your patient has an irregularly irregular pulse. She most likely has: - Correct Answer-Atrial fibrillation What is the intrinsic rate of the SA node? - Correct Answer-60- 100 beats per minute The T wave is caused by? - Correct Answer-Repolarization of the ventricles Multifocal PVC's is more dangerous than - Correct Answer- unifocal PV's The most common rhythm of cardiac arrest is: - Correct Answer-ventricular fibrillation Sinus arrhythmia is the same as asystole. - Correct Answer- False The best treatment for ventricular fibrillation is: - Correct Answer-defibrillation pg. 6 professoraxe l What is the correct sequence of impulses through the heart? - Correct Answer-SA node-AV node-Bundle of His-Purkinjie Fibers Cardiac output - Correct Answer-the amount of blood pumped out in one minute and measured stroke volume - Correct Answer-the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat the parasympathetic system is also called the - Correct Answer-cholinergic ischemia - Correct Answer-restriction in blood supply to tissues angina pectoris - Correct Answer-chest pain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen MONA - Correct Answer-Morphine Oxygen Nitroglycerin pg. 7 professoraxe l True or False: You can defibrillate asystole. - Correct Answer- False True or False: Patients in ventricular fibrillation (v fib) have a pulse. - Correct Answer-False The most effective treatment for a patient in ventricular fibrillation is: - Correct Answer-Defibrillation The second medication used in the treatment of ventricular fibrillation is: - Correct Answer-Amiodarone Vagal Maneuvers can be used in diagnosis and treatment of patients with which rhythm? - Correct Answer- Supraventricular tachycardia A patient who is in a narrow complex tachycardia is complaining of chest pain. You notice that the blood pressure is falling and the patient has an altered level of consciousness. Your next move is to: - Correct Answer-Sedate the patient, then perform a synchronized cardioversion pg. 10 professoraxe l The first MEDICATION for a patient in ventricular fibrillation is: - Correct Answer-Epinephrine 1 mg IV The hairlike projections on the cells within the trachea are called: - Correct Answer-cilia The _____bronchus is straighter and wider while the _____ bronchus is narrower and angles more acutely. - Correct Answer-right, left Inspiration is more of a(n)_____process, whereas expiration is more of a(n)______process. - Correct Answer-active; passive The order of airflow inside the upper respiratory system is: - Correct Answer-nasopharynx, oropharynx, larygopharynx (larynx), trachea The order of airflow in the lower respiratory system is: - Correct Answer-trachea, right and left mainstem bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli Oxygen is carried by the: - Correct Answer-Red blood cell pg. 11 professoraxe l The anatomic structure where a cricothyrotomy is performed is: - Correct Answer-through the cricothyroid membrane Foreign bodies that are aspirated usually go down the____ mainstem bronchus. - Correct Answer-right Gas exchange (where oxygen goes from the air to the blood and CO2 goes from blood to the air) takes place in the: - Correct Answer-alveoli Control of respiration is dependent on? - Correct Answer-the level of carbon dioxide in the blood Epiglottis - Correct Answer-A flap of tissue that seals off the windpipe and prevents food from entering the respiratory system brochioles - Correct Answer-tubes that branch off from the bronchi into smaller tubes in the lungs hypernea - Correct Answer-deep rapid breathing pg. 12 professoraxe l What does the Thyroid do? - Correct Answer-Produces hormones that control metabolism and growth What is the danger doing surgery on a patient who is adrenally suppressed? - Correct Answer-They may experience a drop in blood pressure and shock Where is Insulin produced? - Correct Answer-Pancreas What is the problem with performing surgery on a patient whose blood sugar is too high? - Correct Answer-They will have difficulty with wound healing What is the Endocrinology? - Correct Answer-It is the study of glands that secrete hormones that regulate the body True or False: Patients with liver disease should be given higher doses of anesthetic agents. - Correct Answer-False The optimal time for elective procedures to be performed on a pregnant patient is the: - Correct Answer-Second trimester pg. 15 professoraxe l An extreme allergic reaction is called: - Correct Answer- Anaphylactic shock Johnny's mother states he is allergic to Penicillin because he got sick to his stomach the last time he took it. You calmly tell mom: - Correct Answer-No, Mom. Johnny had an ADVERSE reaction to Penicillin, not a true allergy Medications for treatment of allergic reactions include Benadryl and: - Correct Answer-Decadron Indications for patients to be on Coumadin include: - Correct Answer-Stroke or cerebral vascular accident In a patient in anaphylactic shock, the two most important considerations are: 1 the drop in blood pressure, and 2: - Correct Answer-Laryngeal edema Your patient is in kidney failure and requires dialysis. He is on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday dialysis schedule. Which day do you want to do surgery on? - Correct Answer-Tuesday or Thursday pg. 16 professoraxe l An important blood level to inquire about in an HIV positive patient is: - Correct Answer-T helper cell count Which of the following are signs of a true allergic reaction? - Correct Answer-Itchy rash Less severe venipuncture complications include: - Correct Answer-Phlebitis and extravasation Treatment of an intra-arterial injection is: - Correct Answer- 10cc 1% procaine Why must you run the IV fluid through the line before administering to the patient? - Correct Answer-To prevent air embolus Inflammation of the vein is called: - Correct Answer-Phlebitis The danger of an intra-arterial injection is: - Correct Answer- Intense chemical inflammation destroying the inner layer of the artery, preventing blood supply to the limb pg. 17 professoraxe l The main organ that processes the anesthetic drugs and changes the chemical structure of the drug is the: - Correct Answer-Liver Simply shutting off Nitrous Oxide and allowing the patient to breathe room air can result in: - Correct Answer-Diffusion Hypoxia Atropine or glycopyyrolate are sometimes given to: - Correct Answer-reduce salivary secretions Benzodiazipines are reversed by: - Correct Answer-Romazicon (flumazinil) True or False: Morphine is stronger than Fentanyl. - Correct Answer-False The most rapid and effective method of administration of drugs is: - Correct Answer-Intravenously (IV) pg. 20 professoraxe l The function of narcotics is to: - Correct Answer-minimize or eliminate pain Steroids are used to: - Correct Answer-decrease swelling and inflammation The action of benzodiazipines is to: - Correct Answer-relax and sedate the patient BrevItal may predispose the patlent to: - Correct Answer- Laryngospasm Acetominophen toxicity affects which organ? - Correct Answer-Liver Ketamine is classified as a: - Correct Answer-Dissociative Anesthetic True or False: Ketamine can cause respiratory depression. - Correct Answer-False pg. 21 professoraxe l Which category of patlents will usually require MORE Propofol? - Correct Answer-Children and women Early signs of a local anesthetic overdose include: - Correct Answer-Anxiety, talkative, disoriented Propofol is classified as a: - Correct Answer-Sedative Hypnotic Brevital is classified as a: - Correct Answer-Barbiturate Contraindications for the use of Propofol include allergy to: - Correct Answer-eggs and soy True or False: Brevital can cause respiratory depression. - Correct Answer-True Versed is classified as a: - Correct Answer-Benzodiazepine A 78 year old female is given 5 mg Versed and 50 micrograms of Fentanyl. She now needs her chin tilted upwards to keep her airway open and she does not respond to verbal stimul. pg. 22 professoraxe l Children have___ heart rates and ____blood pressures when compared to adults. - Correct Answer-higher, lower True or Flase? It is okay to use the patient's family to watch the patient in recover while we do the next procedure. - Correct Answer-False The following questions should be asked while the patient is in recovery in which order: - Correct Answer-Do they still need airway assistance? What is their 02 saturation on room air? Is the patient awake? Elderly patients require ____medications than younger adults. - Correct Answer-Less Passage of air into the lungs follows the course: - Correct Answer-nose/mouth, nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx, trachea that day. You should tell her: Johnny is a 5 year old male who requires extraction of 4 carious baby teeth. His mom calls the day before his surgery stating he came down with a cold - pg. 25 professoraxe l Correct Answer-Wait until Johnny feels beteter. Then call us and we will schedule you 2 weeks from then. The trachea is___ to the esophagus. This means, when the patient is lying supine (on their back), the trachea will be ____to the esophagus. - Correct Answer-anterior, superior The danger of administering Narcan for treatment of respiratory depression Is: - Correct Answer-Narcan may wear off before the respiratory depressive effect of the narcotics wear off The most common cause of airway obstruction is: - Correct Answer-base of tongue falling back and occluding the airway Bronchospasm can be diagnosed by: - Correct Answer- expiratory wheeze and difficulty in positive pressure ventilation Laryngospasm is a: - Correct Answer-protective reflex closure of the vocal cords to prevent foreign material from entering into lungs. pg. 26 professoraxe l Bronchospasm accurs when: - Correct Answer-constriction of smooth muscle walls of the bronchloles Treatment of bronchospasm is: - Correct Answer-Beta 2 agonists such as Albuterol & Epinephrine Treatment for respiratory depression is: - Correct Answer- Narcan 4 mg IV Your sedated patient vomits mid-procedure. What do you do? - Correct Answer-Roll the patient to his right side and suction airway ASA Guidelines for NPO prior to surgery are: - Correct Answer- No solids for 6 hours prior to procedure and clear liquids up to 2 hours before procedure The side effect of succinylcholine to be careful of is: - Correct Answer-is a muscle relaxant and can cause patient to stop breathing Your patient is extremely nervous and apprehensive. The EKG shows sinus tachycardia at 135 bpm (beats per minute). Your pg. 27 professoraxe l IV fluid:D51/2NS - Correct Answer-5% dextrose in half normal saline IV fluid: d51/4NS - Correct Answer-5% dextrose in quarter normal saline radial - Correct Answer-wrist Brachial - Correct Answer-upper arm (shoulder to elbow) carotid artery - Correct Answer-artery on each side of the neck that supplies blood to the head sympathetic stimulation - Correct Answer-increases heart rate and blood pressure and bronchodilators the airway Parasympathetic - Correct Answer-Stimulation of stimulation of salivary glands and slows the heart rate Two different types of strokes - Correct Answer-ischemic (blood clot causes the vessel to become occluded and hemorrhagic (where a blood clot ruptures and bleeds) pg. 30 professoraxe l SA node - Correct Answer-right atrium-60-100 Anticoagulants - Correct Answer-prevent blood clot formation ( commanding) P wave - Correct Answer-atrial depolarization (contraction) QRS wave - Correct Answer-ventricular depolarization (contraction) T wave - Correct Answer-Repolarization of ventricles (relaxation) AV node - Correct Answer-40-60 bpm normal sugar level - Correct Answer-80-130 Glucose - Correct Answer-Excess ( too much) Glycogen - Correct Answer-Storage form of glucose pg. 31 professoraxe l Glucagon - Correct Answer-stimulates liver to release glucose into the blood The first drug given to a patient who's having a anaphylaxis stock : - Correct Answer-Epinephrine- this will keep the BP and HR up. The second drug: is a corticosteroid (Decadron) You will also need to give a patient an antihistamine (Benadryl) to prevent the chemical histamine from being released by the cells. phlebitis - Correct Answer-inflammation inside the vein due to chemical (drugs) or physical trauma Treatment: elevation, moist heat and NSAIDS ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Motrin Extravasation - Correct Answer-When the fluid goes outside the vein ( known as infiltration) intra-arterial - Correct Answer-Medication goes into the artery by mistake. pg. 32 professoraxe l