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OMSA Fall 2024 Practice Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

OMSA Fall 2024 Practice Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 The safest time to extract a "bad tooth" on pregnant patient is: - Correct Answer-Second trimester A patient is experiencing a laryngospasm (spasm of the vocal cords). The correct sequence for the treatment of this is: - Correct Answer-Stop, pack off site, suction, positive pressure oxygen, succinylcholine Drugs (PO, IM or IV) given to patients are usually metabolized (broken down) in the body by what organ: - Correct Answer-Liver A patient who is a 72 year old male presents for his implant surgery. He has a history of an MI 6 years ago with angioplasty and a stent. He tells you that he stopped his aspirin a week ago (not instructed by his physician but he just did that on his own). Before you start, he complains of a vague chest pain, almost like indigestion, but it is radiating to his left arm. He is also diaphoretic (sweating). Your diagnosis (

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Download OMSA Fall 2024 Practice Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! OMSA Fall 2024 Practice Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 The safest time to extract a "bad tooth" on pregnant patient is: - Correct Answer-Second trimester A patient is experiencing a laryngospasm (spasm of the vocal cords). The correct sequence for the treatment of this is: - Correct Answer-Stop, pack off site, suction, positive pressure oxygen, succinylcholine Drugs (PO, IM or IV) given to patients are usually metabolized (broken down) in the body by what organ: - Correct Answer- Liver A patient who is a 72 year old male presents for his implant surgery. He has a history of an MI 6 years ago with angioplasty and a stent. He tells you that he stopped his aspirin a week ago (not instructed by his physician but he just did that on his own). Before you start, he complains of a vague chest pain, almost like indigestion, but it is radiating to his left arm. He is also diaphoretic (sweating). Your diagnosis (what is causing it) pg. 1 professoraxe l for this patient is: - Correct Answer-Angina, possible heart attack (MI) A pediatric airway is different than an adult airway in that: - Correct Answer-Kids have a larger tongue and a conical shaped airway Your patient is a relatively difficult anesthetic: he is morbidly obese with a short neck, recessed lower jaw, and Mallampatti score of VI. You're struggling to chin him. You've already put in a nasal pharyngeal airway. What else might you try before you intubate him? - Correct Answer-Laryngeal-Mask-Airway A laryngospasm (spasm of the vocal cords) a disorder of the: - Correct Answer-Upper airway Which monitor gives the most information about ventilation? - Correct Answer-Capnograph pg. 2 professoraxe l As patients undergo anesthesia, they pass through different stages of anesthesia. According to the American Society of anesthesiology, surgery is usually performed in what stage of anesthesia? - Correct Answer-Stage 3 Stimulation of the Sympathetic Nervous System will result in: - Correct Answer-Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure You just finished removing 4 wisdom teeth on a 20 year old male. He received quite a bit of anesthetic agents. Specifically, 200 mg of Propofol, 8 mg of Versed, 200 umg of Fentanyl. He has been in recovery for about 15 minutes when the alarm on the pulse oximeter goes off. You check on him and find him unarousable, ashen colored with a respiratory rate of 8 which is very slow breathing. What drugs would you consider giving him? - Correct Answer-Flumazenil (Romazicon) and Narcan (Naloxone) You are checking in the next patient who is a 50 year old male. He is really nervous about the procedure. You confirm the surgical plan and then notice that he's avoiding eye contact, appears very pale, nearly grey and is sweating. He suddenly "passes out". Your diagnosis is: - Correct Answer-Syncope (vasovagal) pg. 5 professoraxe l You have a patient that is a 17 year old female who is undergoing the removal of all 4 wisdom teeth. During the surgery, you hear a high pitched crowing sound. You look down and her chest and abdomen and "not in sync" when she is breathing. Her oxygen saturation begins to fall rapidly. Your diagnosis and treatment are: - Correct Answer-Laryngospasm; Positive pressure oxygen & Succinylcholine if needed The classifications of drugs used to relax patients or reduce anxiety are called: - Correct Answer-Benzodiazepines There are two main categories of local anesthetics used in dentistry. The most common category of local anesthetic used in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is an: - Correct Answer-Amide You have a patient that is a 17 year old female who is undergoing the removal of all 4 wisdom teeth. She has a history of asthma which was more prevalent as a child, not so much now. During the surgery, you hear a wheezing sound and her oxygen saturation begins to fall. Your diagnosis and treatment are: - Correct Answer-Bronchospasm; Give inhaler & Epinephrine if needed pg. 6 professoraxe l The agent that is used to reverse (reversal agent) the effects of Midazolam (Versed) is: - Correct Answer-Romazicon (Flumazenil) Your patient arrives for a 1:30 pm surgery. (1:30 pm in the afternoon). He admits he was so thirsty he had a sip of water at 1:00 pm so he has been NPO (nothing by mouth) for only 30 minutes. He assures you it was just a sip of water and nothing more. You tell him: - Correct Answer-Its ok to proceed but we must wait 1.5 hours Your patient is an 82 year old female with a history of coronary artery disease, angina and a previous myocardial infarction (MI) 5 years ago. She has an abscessed painful molar that needs extraction. She wants to be mildly sedated for the procedure. Midway through, you notice the EKG suddenly looks like a wavy, chaotic undulating line. You check the leads and they are all correct. You feel for a pulse, and there is NO PULSE. Your first actions would be to - Correct Answer-Defibrillate with an AED, Start CPR and call 911 The difference between a myocardial infarction and angina is: - Correct Answer-Myocardial infarction indicates death or necrosis of the heart muscle pg. 7 professoraxe l The most concerning signs and symptoms of an acute anaphylactic reaction are: - Correct Answer-Airway edema & Circulatory collapse Your patient calls the morning of their procedure. She is scheduled for general anesthesia. She remembers that she should not have anything to eat or drink but cannot remember what to do about her blood pressure medicine. Your advice to her should be: - Correct Answer-Take the normal dose with a small sip of water The pulse oximeter gives us information on: - Correct Answer- Oxygenation A patient comes into your office with a history of diabetes for the placement of a dental implant. As you always do in your office, you perform a "finger stick" to check patient's blood glucose (blood sugar) before you start the procedure. The "finger stick" reveals a blood glucose (blood sugar) of 400. What is the next most appropriate action for your doctor? - Correct Answer-Do not perform the surgery today and delay the implant placement pg. 10 professoraxe l The P wave in the EKG represents: - Correct Answer-Atrial depolarization The normal pathway of the conducting system in the heart is the following: - Correct Answer-SA Node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers Drugs (PO, IM or IV) given to patients are usually excreted from the body after they leave which organ: - Correct Answer- Kidney FAST refers to someone who is having a Stroke (CVA). This acronym stands for: - Correct Answer-Face, Arm, Speech, Time You are discussing post-operative instructions with your patient who has a history of high blood pressure. Suddenly, the patient begins talking but his speech does not make sense. One side of his face droops and he states his arm is weak. These are signs that he is having a: - Correct Answer-Stroke (CVA) A patient is displaying stridor intraoperatively. You have terminated the surgery, packed off the site, suctioned the pg. 11 professoraxe l back of the throat, repositioned the airway, pushed on the chest to listen for a "huff", and the patient continues to be symptomatic. Which drug would you consider administering? - Correct Answer-Succinylcholine One way for your doctor know that he/she has inadvertently placed an IV into an artery (intra-arterial injection) is to see: - Correct Answer-Pulsatile movement and bright red blood in the IV tubing The acronym FAST refers to Facial droop, Arm weakness, Speech problems and Time to call 911. This refers to what condition? - Correct Answer-Stroke (CVA) Which of the following drugs is most commonly associated respiratory depression when given IV (intravenously)? - Correct Answer-Fentanyl Angina (chest pain) is due to - Correct Answer-Decreased blood flow to the heart muscle A patient calls 1 day after the removal of an infected tooth. She reports an itchy red rash all over her body after taking pg. 12 professoraxe l Your doctor has started an IV. You are hooking the IV line and bag of IV fluids to the catheter. Which bag of IV fluids is the preferred for routine healthy patients? - Correct Answer-LR A patient says that she is "Allergic to Amoxicillin and Codeine". Upon further questioning, she says that she had a rash when she took Penicillin and gets really nauseated when she takes Tylenol with Codeine. This patient has: - Correct Answer-An allergy to Amoxicillin and has an adverse reaction to Codeine Asthma is a disease of the lungs. It is specifically considered a disease of the: - Correct Answer-Lower airway, bronchiolar constriction A contraindication to the use of Diprovan (Propofol) include: - Correct Answer-Allergy to eggs The doctor asks you to assess the patient's ventilation. The things you look at include watching the rise and fall of the chest and looking at the: - Correct Answer-Oxygen Saturation and End tidal CO2 (capnograph) pg. 15 professoraxe l The two types of diabetes that are classically characterized as the following: - Correct Answer-Type I is insulin dependent and Type II non-insulin dependent A patient with Type I diabetes (insulin dependent) calls the morning of surgery. She states that she is going to go to "sleep" to have a bad tooth removed. She is aware that she needs to have nothing to eat or drink prior to coming in but she is not sure what to do with her insulin. She asks for instructions on her insulin that she normally injects herself with in the morning. You advise her to: - Correct Answer-You tell her to inject herself with half the normal dose of insulin The following is the correct sequence of blood flow through the heart: - Correct Answer-superior/inferior vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonic valve, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta Dilation or widening of all your arteries and blood vessels will cause your blood pressure to increase. - Correct Answer-False pg. 16 professoraxe l You are starting an IV on your patient in the antecubital fossa. The artery that you want to avoid in the antecubital fossa is: - Correct Answer-Brachial artery Your patient presents for surgery at 10:00 AM. He states he remembered not to eat or drink anything, but out of habit, took his morning dose of Insulin (diabetes medication). He is pale, trembling and not feeling well. You perform a "finger stick" as you always do for your diabetic patients. His blood glucose (blood sugar) is 50. You have not started your IV yet. The best treatment option for this patient is to: - Correct Answer-Start an IV and give D5W as your IV fluids The correct sequence of airflow (flow of oxygen) from the nose to the lungs is: - Correct Answer-Nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, trachea, lungs When insulin is given to a patient it lowers the patient's blood glucose (blood sugar). - Correct Answer-True You have a 68 year old male patient who has a history of hypertension. He had a "heart attack" awhile back. When he had the "heart attack" he states he had an angioplasty with one stent placed. He's really anxious and definitely wants to pg. 17 professoraxe l