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Oregon Contractors License exam with correct answers A licensed landscape contracting business that constructs fences, decks, arbors, patios, landscape edging, driveways, walkways or retaining walls is exempt from licensing as a contractor. True or False - ....VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔True
Typology: Exams
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A licensed landscape contracting business that constructs fences, decks, arbors, patios, landscape edging, driveways, walkways or retaining walls is exempt from licensing as a contractor. True or False - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔True what is a small residential structure? - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A nonresidential structure with a ground area of 10,000 square feet or less and the structure is not more than 20 feet tall; or A nonresidential unit in a larger structure if the unit is 12, square feet or less and the unit is not more than 20 feet tall; or Any appurtenance to the above (appurtenances are any necessary improvement to real estate associated with a structure); or A nonresidential structure of any size if the contract price for all construction is not more than $250,000. A large commercial structure is any nonresidential structure that is larger than a small commercial structure. What isa residential structure? - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential structure includes a site-built home; a structure that contains one or more dwelling units and is four stories or less; a condominium or other residential unit; a modular home constructed off-site; a floating home; a manufactured dwelling; and any appurtenance to the listed structures.
What isa residential contractor? - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential general contractor is a contractor whose business (including subcontracts) requires the use of more than two unrelated business trades and who undertakes or offers to undertake work in connection with residential or small commercial structures. Residential General Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential general contractor is a contractor whose business (including subcontracts) requires the use of more than two unrelated business trades and who undertakes or offers to undertake work in connection with residential or small commercial structures. Notice that the residential general contractor can perform small commercial projects as well, but is not allowed to perform work on large commercial structures. Bond: $20, Insurance: $500,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: 16 hours of continuing education RMI: Must have an RMI Residential Specialty Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential specialty contractor is a contractor whose business requires the use of two or fewer unrelated business trades and who undertakes or offers to undertake work in connection with residential or small commercial structures (generally less than 20 feet tall and less than 10,000 square feet; see ORS 701.005 for more).
Bond: $15, Insurance: $300,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: 16 hours of continuing education RMI: Must have an RMI Residential Limited Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential limited contractor performs work on residential or small commercial structures but does not perform work exceeding $40,000 in annual volume or enter into any one contract to perform work that exceeds $5,000 per job site per year. Bond: $10, Insurance: $100,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: 8 hours of continuing education RMI: Must have an RMI Residential Developer - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A residential developer is a developer of property that is zoned for or intended for use compatible with a residential or small commercial structure. Bond: $20, Insurance: $500,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: None RMI: No RMI is required
Commercial General Contractor Level 1 - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A commercial general contractor level 1 is a contractor whose business (including subcontractors) requires the use of more than two unrelated business trades and who undertake or offers to undertake work in connection with small or large commercial structure. (For definitions of small and large commercial structures, see ORS 701.005.) Here are the requirements a Commercial Contractor level 1. Remember to bookmark this information in NASCLA Contractors Guide 1-4. Bond: $75, Insurance: $2,000,000 Aggregate Experience: 8 years experience or qualifying substitute education Training: Up to 80 hours of continuing education for key personnel (Key personnel is defined as a CCB applicant or an employee) RMI: Must have an RMI Commercial General Contractor Level 2 - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔Bond: $20, Insurance: $1,000,000 Aggregate Experience: 4 years experience or qualifying substitute education Training: Up to 32 hours of continuing education for key personnel RMI: Must have an RMI Commercial Specialty Contractor Level 2 - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔Bond: $20,
Insurance: $500,000 Occurrence Experience: 4 years experience or qualifying substitute education Training: Up to 32 hours of continuing education for key personnel RMI: Must have an RMI What's the difference between occurrence and aggregate? For test purposes you really only need to know limits as they apply to the various endorsements, but when you start looking to purchase liability insurance, you should know that per occurrence is similar to saying per incident, while aggregate limits can apply to one or more than one occurrence or incident during the insurance policy period. Commercial Developer - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A commercial developer is a developer of property that is zoned for or intended for use compatible with a small commercial or large commercial structure. A developer may only act in association with licensed and properly endorsed general contractors and may not perform any of the actual construction work on the property. Bond: $20, Insurance: $500,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: None RMI: No RMI is required Note: Where it states above that a certain class may have "Up to X number of hours," of required continuing education, that number may vary as demonstrated in the example here (these are actual hour requirements):
Level 2 commercial general or specialty contractors need: 32 hours of education.? Level 1 commercial general or specialty contractors need: 5 or more key employees: 80 hours 4 key employees: 64 hours 3 key employees: 48 hours 2 key employees: 32 hours 1 key employee: 16 hours Residential Locksmith Services Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A contractor that operates a business providing the services of locksmiths. The contractor may not provide other services. Bond: $10, Insurance: $100,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: None RMI: RMI must be certified locksmith Home Inspector Services Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A contractor that operates a business providing the services of home inspectors. The contractor may not provide other services. Bond: 10, Insurance: 100,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: None
RMI: RMI must be certified home inspector Home Services Contractor - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔A contractor that operates a business assigning home energy performance scores. The contractor may not provide other services. Bond: $10, Insurance: $100,000 Occurrence Experience: None Training: None RMI: Needs RMI. Owner or employee must be certified home energy assessor. Special Endorsements Certified Lead-Based Paint Renovation Contractors that perform renovations on target housing or child- occupied facilities are required to hold a certified Lead-Based Paint Renovation (LBPR) Contractor's License. A renovation refers to the modifying of an existing structure (or portion of the structure) that disturbs the painted surface. Renovations do not include minor repairs and maintenance. Another way to look at this is that renovations do not include any modifications that disrupt less than 6 square feet of an interior painted area, or that disrupt less than 20 square feet of a painted exterior surface.
Target housing is housing built before 1978. This doesn't include housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities; or housing with no bedrooms. Child-occupied facilities are buildings that are regularly used by the same child under age 6. Child-occupied facilities can include the follo - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔Day care centers Preschools Kindergarten classrooms Restrooms commonly used by children under age 6 Child-occupied facilities usually don't include the following. Sunday school classrooms (used only weekly) Supermarkets (visits less than 3 hours; not same child) Hallways in public schools Special Endorsements Locksmith Services Certification To advertise, offer, and perform locksmith work in Oregon, a contractor must have a CCB license, and an RMI who is certified as a locksmith. A locksmith is someone who services, installs, repairs, rebuilds, rekeys, repins or adjusts locks, hardware peripheral to locks, safes, vaults, safe deposit boxes or mechanical or electronic security systems. Certain exemptions from the certification requirement are allowed for the following: Tow truck drivers performing work for a certified towing business.
A person who duplicates keys at a fixed location as long as the person does not offer other locksmith services. A licensed construction contractor (and employees) acting within the scope of the CCB license if they are not holding out as a locksmith provider - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Special Endorsements Oregon Certified Home Inspector To advertise, offer, and perform home inspection work in Oregon, a contractor must have a CCB license; and an RMI who is certified as a home inspector. A home inspector is an individual who, for a fee, inspects and provides a written report on the overall physical condition of a residential structure. A home inspector inspects more than one structural component and provides a written report of his or her findings. Certified home inspector requirements do not apply to individuals who were acting within the scope of specific licenses, such as appraisers licensed under ORS 674, or building inspectors. Persons performing, or reporting on, the following are exempt from the requirements for certified home inspectors. Energy audits Forensic evaluations Home performance review - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Special Endorsements EEAST Certification
The Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Technology (EEAST) program is managed by Oregon's Department of Energy. Utility companies loan funds to customers who use the money for energy efficiency projects based on an energy audit. The Construction Contractors Board must certify contractors that want to work on these projects. Learn more about EEAST certification. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Bond Requirements A CCB surety bond is a promise by a bonding agency to provide limited payment to a consumer if a contractor fails to pay a CCB determination. A property owner can file a CCB complaint against a contractor for a breach of contract (including failure to complete work), or for negligent or improper work. If the CCB determines a contractor owes the property owner money, the contractor has to pay as ordered. If the contractor does not pay, the bonding company will cover the money owed up to the amount of the bond. The bonding company will then seek reimbursement from the contractor. A licensed contractor is required to provide and maintain a CCB surety bond in the full amount that is required for the license endorsement. If the bonding agency cancels the surety bond and does not renew it, the contractor's license will be automatically suspended for 30 days from the date the cancellation is received by th - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Maintaining the CCB License The following are common business changes that need to be reported.
Address Changes: Contractors have to alert the CCB of any changes of address that happen while the contractor is licensed or that happen within a year of the expiration of the license. The notification of a change has to be given within 10 (ten) days of that change. (ORS 701.117) Business Entity Changes: A CCB license cannot be transferred when a business changes from one entity to another (ex. sole proprietor to corporation). If this occurs, the contractor needs to complete a new application for a license and be issued a new CCB number. Endorsement Changes: If a contractor endorsed as one type of contractor, say residential, decides to bid on a project that they are not endorsed for, say large commercial, the contractor would need to change the license to carry both a residential and commercial endorsement. A specialty co - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Who Doesn't Have to Take Classes (Exemptions) These residential contractors are exempt from continuing education: Developers Plumbing contractors and electrical contractors with active licenses issued by the Building Codes Division Licensees at contracting businesses that are owned by (or have an officer who is) a registered architect or a licensed professional engineer - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ A contractor who performs work for an owner of a residential structure or a zero-lot-line dwelling must have a written contract with the owner if the contract price is more than $2,000 (A "zero-
lot-line dwelling" refers to a single family dwelling unit in a group of attached units). - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Information Notice to Owner About Construction Liens This notice explains to customers Oregon's construction lien laws and identifies the rights and responsibilities of property owners and contractors under the law. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Consumer Protection Notice This notice explains to customers what actions they may take to protect themselves during a construction project. The notice addresses contractor licensing, bond, and insurance requirements, warranty requirements, and other information.
The notice indicates the method selected by the contractor to protect the buyer against liens that may be filed or, alternatively, a waiver by the buyer acknowledging there is no protection. The HPA notice must be provided no later than the date of sale of the residential property. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Take note of the very stringent licensing requirements. To summarize, a homeowner can file a complaint as long as the contractor was licensed at some point, the sub can only file if he was licensed throughout the entire work and bid period. An employee can file only if the contractor was licensed during part of the work period and the supplier can only receive damages for the time in which the respondent contractor was licensed. - ....🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Time Limits General Contractor Complaints A general contractor has 14 months after first occupied or two years after completion of the structure. Filings against subcontractors must be within 14 months after the subcontractor's work on the structure was substantially completed. If subcontractor fails to complete the work, the limit is 14 months. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ An employee can file a complaint against an employer who is a licensed contractor within one year after the date unpaid wages were due. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ A material or equipment supplier or a licensed subcontractor can file a complaint against a licensed contractor within one year
after the date the contractor incurred the debt for the materials, equipment, or subcontractor labor. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Oregon law requires anyone who wants to file a complaint against a contractor to notify the contractor of the intent to file before actually filing the complaint. This written notification, usually a letter, must be sent by certified mail to an address listed for the contractor in the CCB Licensing records, at least 30 days before officially filing the complaint. When the complainant files the complaint, he or she must attach a copy of the notice and the mailing receipt to the complaint form. No notice is required if the party having a complaint filed against them already has actual notice of the complaint as described under the CCB's rules. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Oregon law requires that the CCB charge complainants a fee to process a complaint. A $50 fee applies to all types of CCB complaints except those initiated in court or by arbitration. CCB collects the fee after it reviews the filing and determines that it has jurisdiction of the complaint. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Complaints Against Residential Contractors Complaints against a residential contractor can be submitted to the CCB. These complaints are filed on a complaint form and must include things like copies of contracts, change orders, and invoices, to verify a contractual relationship.
The CCB will attempt to mediate the complaint. The CCB may recommend to the contractor a resolution that they have deemed appropriate. However, if the parties cannot resolve or settle the complaint, the party filing the complaint must go to court or seek arbitration. If the party filing the complaint prevails, the CCB will make a determination in favor of that party. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Complaints against a commercial contractor must first be filed in court or initiated in arbitration. If the party filing the complaint prevails, the CCB will make a determination in favor of that party. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ If licensee holds both residential and commercial endorsements the complaint is filed according to the type of work completed. If residential, the filing is through CCB. If large commercial, filing is through court/arbitration. If small commercial, filing is through either CCB or court as chosen by the party filing the complaint. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ The party filing the complaint must deliver a copy of the court complaint (or documents initiating arbitration) together with a completed CCB complaint form to the CCB and to the contractor's surety. The CCB then waits for a judgment from the court or a judgment based on an arbitration award. If the court issues a judgment against a contractor, the party filing the complaint must deliver a certified copy to the CCB and the contractor's surety. This copy
has to be delivered within 30 days from the date the judgment was entered by the court. The CCB reviews the judgment to determine jurisdiction and if the complaint can be paid by the surety. If so, CCB makes a determination in the amount of the judgment that falls within the CCB's jurisdiction, along with court costs, interest, and attorney fees awarded by the court. The determination is an "order in other than a contested case." This means that any person that challe - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ General Partnerships In a general partnership, the partners contribute assets to the partnership and share the management, profits and losses. All partners are personally liable for the obligations of the partnership. Property acquired by a partnership is property of the partnership and not of the partners individually. Upon death or withdrawal of one of the partners, the partnership may be subject to dissolution. If the partnership was licensed as a contractor, a new license will need to be obtained. There is a requirement to file an informational tax report. Individual partners must report, and pay, taxes on their share of the partnership income, even if the partnership income is reinvested in the business. Advantages of a General Partnership Easy to form Direct reaping of profits Larger management/decision-making base than sole proprietorship
Does not need to register with Oregon Secretary of State unless using an - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Joint Ventures A joint venture is a partnership that is formed solely for the purpose of a single business undertaking. Workers' comp is required if the partnership is a commercial contractor. Otherwise, it is not required unless the general partnership has employees or if there are more than two partners that are not all members of the same family. In some cases, family-owned companies that do not hire employees are exempt contractors even if multiple family members work for the company. "Family members" refers to parents, spouses, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, daughters- in-law, sons-in-law and grandchildren. For example: Partnerships where all the partners are family members are exempt. Corporations where all the corporate officers are family members are exempt. Limited liability companies where all the members are family members are exempt. The business name of a partnership or joint venture does not have to - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ A limited partnership is formed by two or more persons having one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. (The associating "persons" may include individuals, partnerships, limited partnerships, trusts or corporations - but not limited liability companies).
The general partners control the business and are liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. See "General Partnership." The limited partners take no active role in the management of the business. Limited partners are similar to shareholders in a corporation because their liability for debts and obligations of the limited partnership is limited to the amount of their contribution to the business. Profits or losses are typically allocated to limited partners on the basis of their percentage of ownership. Death or withdrawal of a general partner ordinarily dissolves the limited partnership (unless the partnership agreement provides oth - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Limited Liability Partnerships A limited liability partnership is an association of two or more licensed, professional individuals (including licensed contractors) doing business as a partnership. The concepts of a general partnership are generally applicable, except that partners in a registered LLP are directly liable for their own negligent or wrongful acts (or those committed by persons under their direct supervision and control), but not vicariously liable for other partnership obligations. A qualifying general partnership may convert to an LLP without making a conversion from one form (partnership) to another (corporation) and thus avoid a potentially taxable conversion. Although requiring an existing partnership in place to convert to an LLP, the formation process can be subsumed into a single transaction. Workers' comp is required if the LLP is a commercial contractor. Otherwise, it is not required unless the - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔
A corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners, who are called shareholders. Corporations are created by filing articles of incorporation with the state in which the corporation is formed. This kind of organization acts as a single entity. It exists separately from its owners (shareholders) and continues to exist even though the shareholders may change. A corporation may own property, sue, and be sued. It has a board of directors and officers and observes certain legal formalities such as annual shareholder meetings and the creation of meeting minutes. Corporations have limited liability - meaning that while the corporation is fully liable for all of its business obligations, individual shareholders are liable only to the extent of their investment. For income tax purposes, for-profit corporations file either as a "C" corporation or as an "S" corporation. A "C" corporation pays taxes on its income and the c - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ A limited liability company (LLC) is an unincorporated association that has one or more members. The LLC can be managed either by its members or by one or more managers. Managers can, but are not required to, be members. LLC managers are similar to directors of corporations. Members are like corporate shareholders. To become a member of an LLC, a person ordinarily contributes cash, assets or services. LLCs provide the limited liability protection and operational flexibility of a corporation, together with pass through taxation ordinarily found in "S" corporations (without the restrictions). Workers' comp is required if the LLC is a commercial contractor. Otherwise, it is not required unless the LLC has employees or if
there are more than two members that are not all members of the same family. As with corporations, a limited liability company's name must be registered with the Oregon Corporation Division Business Reg
Under state law, minors must be paid the same applicable minimum wage rate as adult employees. Employees ages 16 and 17 may work at any time with no daily hour restrictions up to 44 hours per week. However, they must be paid time and one-half the regular rate of pay for any time worked over 40 hours in a week. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Paid rest periods of at least 15 minutes must be given to minors during each four hour period of work. This differs from the requirement for adults, which is 10 minutes. Meal periods of at least 30 minutes must be provided no later than five hours and one minute after the minor reports to work. Fourteen and 15-year-olds must be fully relieved of work duties during this time. Sixteen and 17-year-old employees may work during a meal period if the nature or circumstances of the work prevent the employee from being relieved of all duty, but the employee must be paid for this time, but only if the situation is temporary, such as in unanticipated or exceptional circumstances. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Form I-9 Requirements Employers must complete Form I-9 and keep it on file for at least three years from the date of employment or for one year after the employee leaves the job, whichever is later. Employers must verify on Form I-9 that you have seen documents establishing identity and work authorization. This must be done for both U.S. citizens and noncitizens. Employers also must accept any valid documents provided by your employees. You may not ask for more documents than those required, and you may not demand to see specific documents,
such as a "green card," because that is considered an act of discrimination. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ W-4 This is the standard IRS form for determining the proper levels of withholding and taxation. This can be updated and altered at any time to suit employee tax needs, by filling out a new form.
overtime pay. Among the requirements mandates time-and-a-half for time worked over 40 hours in a week (with exceptions for certain situations and industries), and regularity of payment on predetermined paydays. Exemptions from overtime pay requirements in the construction industry include: Business executives Administrative personnel Professional employees Outside sales representatives Certain technology-related employees The FLSA also defines the work week as 168 hours w - ....🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Minimum Wage Posters Every employer employing any employees subject to the minimum wage provisions is required to post and keep posted an Oregon "Minimum Wage Poster" summarizing the requirements of Oregon wage and hour laws in a visible location. - ....🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Overtime equals one-and-one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Compensatory Time Compensatory, or "comp" time, is time off granted instead of paying wages for time worked over 40 hours per workweek. Comp time is only available to public employees under certain circumstances. Employers in the private sector are not permitted
to provide compensatory time in place of the payment of overtime. Sick Leave Oregon employers with 10 employees or more (or 6 or more in Portland) are required to provide paid sick leave, at a rate no less than one hour per 30 hours worked, and accruable up to 40 hours per year. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Rest Periods Paid rest periods of 10 minutes are required to be provided to non-exempt adult employees for every four hours or the "major portion thereof" (two hours and one minute in a four hour span) worked in a work period. The rest period is to be taken approximately in the middle of each work segment. Rest periods may not be added to meal periods or deducted from the beginning or end of the employee's work shift to shorten the time worked. In addition, both state and federal laws require employers to provide reasonable rest periods (not less than 30 minutes) to employees who need to nurse children 18 months of age or younger. Employers also are required to make a reasonable effort to provide a private location which is reasonably close to the employee's workstation where she can nurse. The location cannot be a public restroom or toilet stall, and has to be free from intrusion by other employees or the public. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ If an employee quits and has given at least 48 hours notice, the employee's final pay is due on the last work day. If the employee quits without 48 hours notice, final pay is due within five days, or
on the next regular payday after the employee quits, whichever is sooner. If an employee who is regularly required to submit time records to the employer quits without giving at least 48 hours notice, and fails to submit time records, the employer is required to pay the employee the wages that are estimated to be due within five calendar days after the employee quit. If the employee later submits time records, the employer has to pay any additional wages due to the employee within five days of receiving the time records. - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Covered Projects The PWR law applies to "public works" projects carried on or contracted for by a public agency. The term "public works" includes the construction, reconstruction, major renovation or painting of roads, highways, buildings, structures and improvements of all types in order to serve the public interest. The term "public works" can also include. Projects for the construction, reconstruction, major renovation or painting of a privately owned road, highway, building, structure, or improvement of any type that uses funds of a private entity and $750,000 or more of funds of a public agency or in which 25 percent or more of the square footage of the completed project will be occupied or used by a public agency The construction or installation on public property of any device, structure or mechanism that uses solar energy, regardless of the total project cost or whether the project uses funds of a public agen - ....🔰VERIFIED ANSWERS.... ✔✔ Exemptions The following are exempted from the PWR: