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Oregon Nail Technology Exam Latest 2024-2025. Real Exam Questions with Correct Answers, Exams of Health sciences

Oregon Nail Technology Exam Latest 2024-2025. Real Exam Questions with Correct Verified Answers. Graded A

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Download Oregon Nail Technology Exam Latest 2024-2025. Real Exam Questions with Correct Answers and more Exams Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity!

Oregon Nail Technology Exam Latest 2024-2025.

Real Exam Questions with Correct Verified

Answers. Graded A

1/10 of an inch – ANS How fast do nails grow in a month? 100 – ANS How many cell layers are in a nail plate? 125 & 130 degrees Fahrenheit – ANS What is the ideal temperature for a paraffin heater? 15-25 percent - ANSThe nail has what percentage of water content? 36-48" long and 16-21" wide - ANSWhat are the dimensions of a standard manicure table? 5-10 seconds - ANSHow long should you hold a nail tip until the adhesive has dried? 90 Percent - ANSWhat percentage of skin damage is caused by the sun? ABductors draw a limb away from the midline ADDuctors return the limb back toward the body - ANSAbductors and Adductors

Acid Based Nail Primer - ANSCorrosive to skin and potentially dangerous to the eyes Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - ANSAlso known as ABS; a common thermoplastic used to make light, rigid, molded nail tips After each client - ANSHow often should you disinfect the foot spa? After two or more weeks - ANSNail enhancements should be serviced.... Age - ANSNails grow all the time, but the rate of growth slows with... Agnail - ANSWhat is the technical term for a hangnail? Apex - ANSAlso known as the arch area of the nail that has all the strength Bacterial Infection-- not mold - ANSDiscoloration of the nail plate means... Base Coat - ANSColorless polish layer applied to natural nails to improve adhesion of polish Beau's Lines - ANSVisible depressions running across the width of the natural nail plate; Usually a result of major illness or injury that has traumatized the body Bed Epithelium - ANSThin layer of tissue that attaches the nail plate to the nail bed

Bonding Agent - ANSWhat is another name for nail tip adhesive? Callus Softeners - ANSProducts designed to soften and smooth thickened tissue (Calluses) Catalyst - ANSWhat is added to monomer liquid to control curing time? Cause infection and should not be used to remove calluses - ANSBlades can... Chain Reaction; Polymerization - ANSProcess that joins together monomers to create very long polymer chains Cleaned and disinfected - ANSIf you draw blood during a manicure, the implement must be Completely Immersed - ANSImplements must be __________ ________ in disinfectant as required by the EPA Curette - ANSScoop-shaped instrument for scraping the interior of a cavity or removing new growths Ideal implement for use around edges of the big toe Cut or Nip LIVING skin - ANSState regulations do not permit cosmetologists to...

Cuticle to free edge - ANSWhen removing dust from the natural nail plate, stroke the brush from.... Cyanoacrylate - ANSA specialized acrylic monomer that has excellent adhesion to the natural nail plate and polymerizes in seconds Digital Nerve - ANSSensory-motor nerve that supplies impulses to the fingers with its branches Dimethyl Urea Hardeners - ANSA hardener that adds cross links to the natural nail plate Discolored Nails - ANSCondition in which a BLOOD CLOT forms under the nail plate, causing a dark purplish spot Disposable Implements - ANSSingle use implements; must be thrown away or given to the client after each service EX: Single use nail files, buffers, toe separators Dominant Foot - ANSWhich foot usually needs more soaking and attention? Dorsal Nerve - ANSSupplies impulses to toes and foot Effleurage - ANSRelaxing massage movement that should be perfected, varied, and expertly used during the manicure; the massage technique is used most often during a pedicure

Eggshell Nails - ANSNoticeably THIN, WHITE NAIL PLATES that are more FLEXIBLE than normal and can CURVE over the FREE EDGE Eponychium - ANSLiving skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area Essential Oils - ANSOils extracted using various forms of distillation from the seeds, bark, roots, leaves, wood, or resin of plants Exempt from the single-use rule - ANSNail polish brushes are... Exfoliating Scrubs - ANSWater based lotions that contain a mild abrasive and moisturizers for removing dry and flaky skin Extensor Digitorum Longus - ANSExtends toes Fabric Wrap - ANSNail wrap made of silk, linen, or fiberglass Fiberglass Wraps - ANSMade from a very thin synthetic mesh with a loose wave Fine Grit Abrasives - ANS240 and higher grit abrasives designed for buffing, polishing, and removing very fine scratches Fingers and Toes - ANSWhat are phalanges?

Flat across the nail - ANSTo smooth the contact area of nail tips, use a fine-grit buffer block held Foot File - ANSPaddle; Large file used to reduce and smooth thicker calluses; removes dry skin from ball and heel of foot Foot Soak - ANSProducts containing gentle soaps, moisturizers, and other additives that are used in a pedicure bath to cleanse and soften the skin Foot Spa - ANSA bowl for soaking the feet, usually with jets and warm water Four to Six months - ANSFull replacement of fingernails takes how long? Free Edge of Nail - ANSPart of the nail plate that extends over the tip of finger or toe Fungi - ANSParasites that can cause infection to feet and hands under certain conditions Hand Sanitizer - ANSCannot take the place of proper hand washing Hangnail - ANSA condition in which the living tissue surrounding the nail plate splits or tears Hard UV Gels - ANSTraditional UV gels; gels that cannot be removed with a solvent and must be filed off the natural nail

Hold a medium grit abrasive board at a 45 degree angle - ANSHow do you bevel a nail? Hyponychium - ANSThe slightly thickened layer of skin that lies beneath the free edge of the nail plate ILLEGAL in all states - ANSReusing implements without properly cleaning and disinfecting is.... Implements - ANSTools used to preform nail services Implements can be reusable or disposable Indicated by redness, pain, or swelling - ANSHow can you tell if someone has an infection? Inform them they have a disorder and refer them to a physician, or cosmetically improve the problem IF it is not a MEDICAL CONDITIOIN/DISORDER - ANSHow can you help a client deal with disorders? Inhibition Layer - ANSThe tacky surface left on the nail after a UV gel has cured Initiators - ANSSubstance that starts the chain reaction that leads to the creation of very long polymer chains

Integumentary System - ANSWhat system includes the nails? Jaws with a fine point - ANSEffective toenail clippers have.... Latex Gloves - ANSWhat gloves tend to shed when applying certain types of lotion? Leukonychia Spots - ANSWHITE SPOTS; whitish DISCOLORATIONS of the NAILS, usually caused by INJURY TO THE MATRIX AREA; not related to the body's health or vitamin deficiencies Ligament - ANSTough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place Linen Wrap - ANSBulkier natural material that can be used for fabric nail wraps instead of silk or fiberglass Lower Grit Abrasives - ANSLess than 180 grit that quickly reduce the thickness of any surface (Boards and Buffers) Lunula - ANSThe half-moon shaped, whitish area at the base of the nail Manicure - ANSA treatment for hands and nails Material Safety Data Sheets - ANSContain product information on safe handling, first aid, and proper storage

Matrix - ANSThe slightly thickened layer of skin that lies beneath the free edge of the nail plate and where nail plate cells are formed Medium Grit Abrasives - ANSUsed to smooth and refine surfaces and shorten natural nails Melanonychia - ANSDARKENING of the NAILS caused by EXCESS MELANIN; may be in a BAND OR STRIPE; Runs from the base to the free edge Metacarpal - ANSBones of the palm of the hand Metal Pusher - ANSShould NOT be USED to PUSH the EPONYCHIUM; only used to scrape cuticle from nail plate Metatarsals - ANSFoot Bones Methylene Glycol - ANSIngredient in nail hardener that is useful for thin, weak nail plates and should never be applied to hard, rigid or brittle nails Microtrauma - ANSThe act of causing tiny unseen openings in the skin that can allow entry by pathogenic microbes Middle Finger - ANSWhich nail grows the FASTEST? Monomer - ANSOne unit called a molecule

Monomer Liquid - ANSChemical liquid mixed with polymer powder to form the sculptured nail enhancement Monomer Liquids and Polymer Powder Nail Enhancements - ANSEnhancements created by combining monomer liquid and polymer powder More abrasive - ANSLow grit on nail files are Nail Bed - ANSThe portion of living skin that supports the nail plate in which nail plate sits is called Nail Brush - ANSComposed of sable hair and is usually an oval or round style Nail Clippers - ANSA reusable implement used to shorten the nail plate quickly and efficiently Nail Creams - ANSBarrier products that contain ingredients designed to seal the surface and hold subdermal moisture in the skin Nail Cuticle - ANSDead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate Nail Dehydrator - ANSA substance used to remove surface moisture and tiny amounts of oil left on the natural nail Nail Disorder - ANSCondition caused by an injury or disease of the nail unit

Nail Flexibility - ANSWhat is directly affected by water content? Nail Folds - ANSFolds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate Nail Grooves - ANSSlits or furrows on the side of the sidewall Nail Oils - ANSProducts designed to absorb into the nail plate to increase flexibility and into the surrounding skin to soften Nail Plate - ANSThe ____ _____ is relatively porous and will allow water to pass through Nail Plate - ANSThe ____ _____ is the most visible and functional part of the nail Nail Primer - ANSUsed to prime the nail before application Nail Psoriasis - ANSTiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate Not an infectious disease Nail Pterygium - ANSAbnormal condition that occurs when the skin is stretched by the nail plate Nail Rasp - ANSA metal implement with a grooved edge that is used for filing and smoothing the edges of the nail plate

Nail Tip Adhesive - ANSBonding agent to secure tip to natural nail Nail Wraps - ANSNail enhancements made by using nail-size pieces of cloth or paper to ensure strength and durability Natural Nail - ANSAlso known as ONYX. Made from Keratin Nerves, Lymph, and Blood Vessels - ANSThe Matrix contains.... Nine to Twelve Months - ANSHow long does it take for toenails to be fully replaced? Nipper - ANSA stainless-steel implement used to carefully trim away dead skin around the nails Nylon Brush - ANSAfter the filing procedure, remove dust and filings with a clean and disinfected Oligomer - ANSShort chain of monomer liquids that is often thick, sticky, and gel- like and that is not long enough to be considered a polymer Between a solid and liquid One-Color Method - ANSWhen one color of gel, usually clear, is applied over the entire surface of the nail

Onychia - ANSINFLAMMATION of the NAIL MATRIX followed by shredding of the nail plate Onychocryptosis - ANSWhat is the technical term for ingrown nails? Onycholysis - ANSThe LIFTING of the nail plate from the bed without shedding Onychomadesis - ANSThe SEPARATION and FALLING of a nail plate from the nail bed; can be traced to a local infection Onychomycosis - ANSA fungal infection of the nail plate Onychophagy - ANSWhat is the technical term for bitten nails? Onychorrhexis - ANSSplit or brittle nails Onychosis - ANSAny deformity or disease of the nails in general Onyx - ANSWhat is the technical term for the Natural Nails? Oval Nails - ANSA conservative nail shape that is thought to be attractive on most women's hands. It is similar to a squoval nail with even more rounded corners

Overlay - ANSA layer of any kind of nail enhancement product that is applied over the natural nail or nail and tip application for added strength Oxygen, Vitamins, and Minerals - ANSWhat do your nail beds need? Paddle - ANSWhat is another name for foot file? Paper or foam slippers - ANSA disposable supply given to clients to avoid smudging toenail polish Paper Wraps - ANSTemporary nail wraps made of very thin paper Paraffin - ANSA petroleum by-product that has excellent sealing properties to hold moisture in the skin Paronychia - ANSAny DEFORMITY or DISEASE of the NATURAL NAIL Pedicure - ANSA foot treatment that could include soaking the feet and polishing the toenails Pedicures - ANSWhat was the fastest growing nail service in the 1990s Photoinitiator - ANSA chemical that initiates the polymerization reaction Pincer Nail - ANSAlso known as Trumpet Nail; the increased crosswise curvature throughout the nail plate caused by an increased curvature of the matrix.

The edges of the nail plate may curl around to form the shape of a trumpet or sharp cone at the free edge. Plicatured Nail (folded nail) - ANSA common term used to describe a NAIL with a HIGHLY CURVED NAIL PLATE, usually caused by INJURY TO THE MATRIX and can often lead to INGROWN NAILS Pointed Nail - ANSNail shape suited to thin hands with long fingers and narrow nail beds. The nail is tapered and longer than usual to emphasize and enhance the slender appearance of the hand Polishing - ANSWhat is the last step in a manicure? Polymer - ANSSubstance formed by combining many small molecules into very long chain-like structures Polymer Powder - ANSPowder in white, clear, pink, and many other colors that are combined with monomer liquid to form the nail enhancement Polymerization - ANSAlso known as curing or hardening, chemical reaction that creates polymers Position Stop - ANSEdge of the well that bumps up against the free edge of the natural nails

Protein Hardeners - ANSA combination of clear polish and protein, such as collagen Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - ANSOne of several common BACTERIA that can cause NAIL INFECTION Can grow out of control Pyogenic Granuloma - ANSSevere inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate. Reflexology - ANSA unique method of applying pressure with thumb and index fingers to the hands and feet Repair Patch - ANSPiece of fabric cut to completely cover a crack or break in the nail Ridges - ANSVERTICAL LINES running through the length of the natural nail plate that are caused by uneven growth of the nails Round - ANSNails that are slightly tapered and extend just past the fingertip Separately in a COOL DARK AREA - ANSWhere should primer and liquids be stored? Shaped like a 2-sided nail file with 1 or 2 grits and a final shine surface - ANSWhat are two-way buffers?

Shiny - ANSA normal healthy nail is firm and flexible and should be... Sides to center - ANSHow should you file nails? Sidewall - ANSAlso known as lateral nail fold; the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail Sidewall to sidewall - ANSProperly sized nail tips should cover from.... Silk Wraps - ANSMade from a thin natural material with a tight weave that becomes transparent when resin is applied Skin - ANSNails are an appendage of the.... Soft - ANSCaution should be used when filing gel nails because they are Soft UV Gels - ANSAlso known as soakable gels; these gels are removed by soaking in acetone Spatula - ANSUsed to prevent contamination when removing products from containers Specialized doctor of the feet. Send clients if they have fungus, ingrown nail.. - ANSWhat is a podiatrist?

Splinter Hemorrhages - ANSCaused by trauma or injury to the nail bed that damages the capillaries and allow small amounts of blood to flow Square - ANSNails that are straight across with no rounding at the edges Stimulation of circulation, reduction of inflammation, deep penetration of lotions - ANSWhat are the benefits of a paraffin bath? Stop, rock, and hold - ANSThe proper technique to apply nail tips Stress Area - ANSWhere the natural nail grows beyond the finger and becomes the free edge Stress Strips - ANSStrip or fabric applied to the weak point to strengthen it Strong Massage - ANSWhat should you avoid for clients with sensitive skin or who are prone to redness? Tarsal Bones - ANSBones of the ankle The body - ANSThe appearance of nails reflect the general health of the.... The Nail Plate - ANSHardened keratin plate covering the nail bed. Most visible and functional part of the nail The perfect environment for pathogens to grow - ANSAirtight containers create....

The shape of the matrix - ANSThe shape of the nail is determined by The Thicker the Nail Plate - ANSThe longer the matrix produces... The Toenail Matrix - ANSWhat is longer than the fingernail matrix? Thoroughly cleansed - ANSItems must be _________ _______ before placing in disinfectant Thumb - ANSWhich fingernail grows the SLOWEST? Tinea Pedis - ANSAthlete's foot; Fungal infection of the feet that causes itchy, red, rash of the skin on the bottom of feet or in between toes Tip Cutters - ANSSimilar to nail cutter; used for only nail tips Tongs - ANSWhat do you use to remove implements from solutions? Top center to free edge - ANSWhen contouring a UV gel nail enhancement, bevel down, stroking the file at a 45 degree angle from Top coat - ANSPolish applied to prevent chipping and give the nails a glossy finish Transmit the infection to another client if proper safety and sanitation is not followed - ANSClients with a FUNGAL INFECTION can.....

Trash Can with self-closing lid - ANSHow can you prevent odor and vapor? Two-Color Method - ANSA method whereby two colors of resin are used to overlay the nail Uneven growth and age - ANSWhat causes vertical ridges in the nail plate? Unit Wattage - ANSThe measure of how much electricity the lamp consumes Urethane Acrylate & Urethane Methacrylate - ANSMain ingredients used to create UV gel nail enhancements Urethane Methacrylate - ANSMain ingredient used to create UV gel nail enhancements UV Bonding Gels - ANSGels used to increase adhesion to the natural nail plate UV Building Gels - ANSA thick adhesive resin that is used to build an arch and curve to the fingernail UV Gel - ANSA type of nail enhancement product that hardens when exposed to UV light UV Gel Polish - ANSThin gel that is pigmented and packaged in a pot or polish bottle used as an alternative to nail polish

UV Gloss Gel - ANSSealing gel; Finishing gel; or Shine gel Used over the finished UV gel application UV Lamp - ANSA special bulb that emits UV light to cure UV gel nail enhancements UV Self-Leveling Gel - ANSGels that are THINNER than BUILDING GELS—allowing them to settle and level during application Viscosity - ANSMeasure the thickness or thinness of a liquid Wattage - ANSMeasures how much electricity a UV lamp consumes Wells - ANSShallow depressions that serve as contact points for nail tips and the natural nail Wooden Pusher - ANSA wooden stick used to remove cuticle tissue from the nail plate as well as clean under the free edge, or apply products Wrap Resin - ANSUsed to coat and secure fabric wraps to natural nail tip Wrap Resin Accelerator - ANSActivator; acts as the dryer that speeds up the hardening process

Yellow-Green Spotting - ANSWhat is an early sign of bacterial infection on the nail plate