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Orphans Court Proceedings: Appointment of Guardians and Land Division, Study notes of Law

This document details the proceedings of an Orphans Court in Chester County, Pennsylvania from December 1751 to an unspecified date in June. The court appoints guardians for various children and heirs, and orders the division of land according to the wills of deceased individuals. petitions from individuals seeking guardianship and the court's subsequent appointments.

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Volumes 5 and 6

Transcribed By

Dorothy B. Lapp


Frances B. Dunlap

Under the auspices of the


Published by

Richard T. and Mildred C. Williams

Danboro, Pennsylvania 18916


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 75-)^



The first Records of the Courts of Chester County was published by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, in

.. Under the Auspices of the Chester County Historical Society. ' "Records of the Courts of Chester County, Pennsylvania 1697-1710" was published in 1972, as Volume 2.

"Enterys of the Orphans Court, Chester County,Pennsyl- vania 1716-1730 •• 1732-1734 11 was published in 1973,

as Volume 3.

"Orphans Court Minutes, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1716-1746/7 was published in 1974 as Volume 4.

This Book of the "Minutes" presents more on the Court history of the County .... Importance must be stressed upon one, that the spelling is as it was written in the original records.


The Chester County Historical Society

225 N. High Street

West Chester, Pennsylvania

Miss Dorothy B. Lapp Mrs. Frances B. Dunlap






1747 - 1752



Att an Orphans Court held and kept at the House of WILLIAM

REEDS in Newgarden for the County of Chester the fixth day of Ap-


and JOB RUSTON Esq~ Justices pfent ·.

JOHN WILLIS Son of JOHN WILLIS Late of Thornbury Deced Pe-

titioned the Court for Liberty to Choofe his Guardian which is

allowed and he makes Choice of his Uncle WILLIAM WEBB Esqt who is

thereupon admitted &c. Purfuant to an order of an Orphans Court

held at Chester the 17th day of March last past Directing to the

Executors of JAMES LOGAN late of Londonderry Deced to make a fi-

nall End and Settlem~ of their Acco~s with the Guardians of said

Children and Give Security for what remains in their hands the

said Ex~ Vizt WILLIAM MCKANE who being Intermarried with the wi-

dow & Relict and JAMES DONNALD the other Executor appeared but

not being in reddinefs to make ye Settlemen~ & Give Security as

p s9 order Directed, the Court Allows yes Ex~^8 The further

Space of time till the 7 th^ Inftant at· the at the Hour of Twelve

O'Clock at which time afores9 the said Exrs are ordered to attend

the Court and give Security Accordingly -

7th WILLIAM McKANE and JAMES DONNALD appeared but not Com-

plying in Procuring Security as above Directed WILLIAM McKANE

Alledging he was not Legally Served with a Copy of the order of

Last Orphans Court held at Chester the 17th day of March last

past it is ordered ~I the Court that the sd Exr^5 be and Appear to

make up their Acco. and Give Security as the Law directs at the

next Orphans to be held at Chester in June next and that in order

to forward the said Settlement ye Court appoints JOB RUSTON Esqr

JOHN FFREW and WILLIAM REED Auditors to adjust and Settle the sg

Acco~s & make report the said Orphans Court And that the said

Ex£!: be Legally Served with a Copy of this rule -

LYDIA MINCHER one of the Daughters of JOHN MINEHER Late of

Sadsbury Deced Petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse her

Guardian which is allowed of &c. She makes Choice of JAMES WIL-

LIAMS her Brother in Law who is thereupon Admitt9 & c. -

RACHEL MINCHER one of the Daughters of JOHN MINCHER Late of

Sadsbury Deced Petitioned the Court for to Appoint a proper pfon

to be her Guardian which is allowed of & the Court appoints EL-

LIS LEWIS Junr to be her Guardian who is thereupon Admitted

JAMES WILLIAMS who Married ANNE one of the Children of JOHN

MINCHER late of Sadsbury Deced Petitioned the Court for a Divi-

sion of his sg father in law's Effects the Court taking the Same

into Consideration appoints JOHN ALLEN, NATHANIEL PENNOCK and AL-

EXANDER LACKEY Auditors to Adjust and Settle the Accot of the sg

JOHN MINCHER Deced and make report &c. at the next Orphans Court

to be held at Chester in June next -


Page 1 continued

JOSEPH WILLIAMS who Married MARY one of the Children of JOHN

· MINCHER Late of ~adsbury Deced having Petitioned the Court for a

Division of hiss fatherinlaws Eftate the Court taking the fame

into Consideration Appoints JOHN ALLEN NATHANIEL PENNOCK and AL-

EXANDER LACKEY Auditors to Adjust and Settle the Accots of the sd

Eftate and Make report &c to the next Orphans Court to be held at

Chester in June next - ·

The Court being Informed by ELIFHA GATCHELL Esq~ that WILLI-

AM THOMAS & MARY HALE the Children of WILLIAM HALE Late of East

Nottingham Deced, are like to. be Distrefsed in their Estate

therefore the Court appoints THOS ROGERS & ROWLAND ROGERS as

Guardians of Children who are thereupon Admitted &

,-. .,. '. '

deredJ!;;B~e!~Nhl:t;.~~~~st~: ~~~~~t;~a~ow!I~;t:!;1'~fm~At



RY Late of Kennett Deced and the Court Taking the fame into Con-


LER Junt Auditors to Adjust and Settle the Acco~^6 of the sg Es-

tate & make return To the ne!t Orphans Court to be held at Chest-

er in June next & that the s. HARRY be Legally Served with a Copy

of this rule -

THOMAS HARLAN Executor to the Estate of THO~ HARLAN Late of

Kennitt Dec'd Petitioned the Court That (he having rendered his

Acco s) would please to order Auditors to Examine and Settle Said

Acco~^5 and Taking the fame into Consideration have Appointed ED-


Acco~ Relating to Said Estate and that they make report to the

next Orphans Court to be held at Chester in June next -

JOSEPH HOBFON who Married the Widow Relict and Admx of

FFRANCIS FFORSTER Deced Exhibitted his Acco~s Upon Examining the

Same there appears a ballance of Sixty Seden pounds three Shil-

lings and ten pence in the hands of the s JOSEPH HOBFON for the

use of the Children of the said FFRANCIS FFOSTER vizt ELIZABETH,

THOMAS and FFRANCIS. FFORSTER, and th~t the Interest and profitts

of the place or Plantation of the s. Deced for the time past is

allowed for the Bringing up the s~ Children -


SON, THOMAS GREAG, and WILLIAM JACKSON Appointed by an order from

an Orphans Court held at the House of WILLIAM REEDS in Newgarden

for the County of Chester the 5th day of ffebruary last past to

them Directed for making Division of the Estate of NATHANIEL

RICHARDS Late of Newgarden Deced between the Widow and the Child-

ren of the sq. Deced have made their return Setting forth Such Di-

vision Could not be made ass~ order Directed without doing great







Page£ continued

Damage to the proper heirs of s~ Estate

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester the fixteenth Day of




JAMES LOGAN Deced having Exhibitted the Acco. of their Admon on

the Said Eftate pfuant to the former order which was allowed of

and the Court Allowed 7½ pCent for Comifsions on Six hundred pounds which is forty five pounds & one pounds Sixteen Shillings

allowed for Comifsn~ & Mistake So that the Whole Ballance is One

hundred & forty Eight pounds and nine pence half penny one third

of which to be Deducted for the Widows Share (or as the Will Di-


ANNE LACKEY Petitioned the Court in Behalf of MARGARET

LACKEY the Daughter of ALEXAN.oI' LACKEY Deced for the Court to ap-

point proper pfons to be her Guardians which is allowed of and

the Court appoints JOSEPH WILLFON and JOHN ROBB to be her Guardi-

ans who are thereupon Admitted &C.

THOMAS CUMMINGS having Petitioned the Court for a repeal of

the Letters Testamentary formerly Granted to the Widow HEWES be-

caufe of her Incapacity Whereupon ordered that the Adm~ Give fur-

ther Security in Twenty Days or to Grant Admen as the Law Di-


The Guardians of the Eftate of the Children of JAMES T§EGOE

Deced having made Application for Pfons to Settle the Acco. 8 of


OFBORN or any Two of them to fettle yes.

(Accots) ·

'' i, ,,


Acco • and make report to the next Court of alfo what remains du

to the Widow of the Intestate by any way or means whatfoever W.£.._^6

was allowed of -

The perfons appointed to make a Valuation of the real Eftate

of WILLIAM HEWES Deced made return of their report which being

read and heard and fame Objections being made therefore ordered

to Lye over till the next Orphins Court and that in the Mean €1me

the Widow to make up her Acco.s of her Admen or an Attachm to


HANNAH CORREY having Petitioned the Court in Behalf of JAMES

TOWNSEND Son of JAMES TOWNFEND Deced for Liberty to Chuse his

Guardians which is allowed of & he makes Choice of WILLIAM JEFF-

ERIES and JOHN TAYLOR (son of PHILIP) to be his Guardians who are

Pagel continued

thereupon Admitted &c. -

JAMES WILLIAMS Petitioned the Court to appoint Auditors to

adjust and Settle the Acco.s of WILLIAM BOYD Admr of JOHN MINFHER

because ALEXANDER LACKEY one of the former Auditors is dead

therefore the Court orders that NATHANIEL PENNOCK JOHN ALLEN and

JOHN JACKSON Storekeeper or any two of ym to Adjust and Settle

the said Accoll and make report to the next Court..

·. BENJAMIN WELDON apgfiared according to the former order and

_Exhibitted his Acco~s W. being read and fome Objections being

made Therefore all the Parties Agreed to Settle it among them-

felves -

The Auditors of the Eftate of EVAN HARRY Deced having made

return of their Report Which being read and heard and no Materi-

al Objection being made Therefore Allowed of & Confirmed -

And now at this Day to wit the Sixteenth day of June in ye


having made return of the Division of the Lands of JOHN BENNETT

late of Burmingham Gent Deced among his Widow, Children and their

Representatives in pfuance of an Order of the Court to them for

that purpofe Directed the fame was read and Considered and at ye

Request and by Confent of the parties of the fame is ordered to

be Confirmed and Recorded wyh s~ Return follows in these words

(to wit) To the Honourable Justices at the Orphans Court held at

Chester the Sixteenth day of the fourth month Annoq Dom 1747 We

the Undersubferibers being appointed by an Orphans Court held at

Chester the Seventeenth day of the first month Last to make Divid

fion of the Eftate of JOHN BENNETT Late of Burmingham in the s.

County Deced who Died Intestate Between the Widow and the Child-

ren of the said Intestate according to and purfuant to the Same

We mett upon the prmifes and having viewed the Same by the Auth-

ority of the said order of Court tg us Granted Proceeded to Di-

vide and make partition of the s. Eftate in manner follcwing

(that is to fay) To JOHN the Eldest Son a tract of Land Beginning

at a Post being a Corner of ye lands Belonging to ABRAM DARLING-

TON JOHN HOUFE & NATHANIEL PENNOCK in Right of his Wife thence running North 65 degrees Easterly by a line of the Lands of the

House WILLIAM DEAN and JOHN WOODWARD Two hundred and forty Six

Pches to a post being a Corner of TITUS BENNETTs Land thence 25

Deggees Easterly by the land of TITUS and WILLIAM BENNETT one

hundred & thirty Six Pches to a poft Being alfo a Corner of JAME~

BENNETTs Land thence South Sixty five degrees Wefterly by the s

JAMES BENNETTs land two hundred and forty Six perches to a post

thence by the land of ABRAM DARLINGTON North 25 degrees Westerly

one hundred and thirty Six .Pches to the Beginning Containing two

hundre~ & nine acres and Sixteen pches with the Buildings and Im-

pravem~ thereon he paying the furn of Eighty pounds Towards pay-

ing the Debts and the Widow her Dower or thirds, To WILLIAM an-

other of the fons of the Deced a tract or lott of land Beginning



Page 3 continued

at a poft Standing in a

Line of EDWARD BRINTONs Land being alfo a Corner of JAMES REN- NETTs Land and thence North Sixty five degrees Easterly by the s<t EDWARD BRINTONs Land and the Lands of WILLIAM BRINTON and SAMUEL BETTLE one hundred and forty Seven perches to a post a Corner of JOSEPH BRINTONs land thence north twenty five degrees Wefterly by the said JOSEPH BRINTONs Land one hundred and thirteen perches & 3/4 to a post being a corner of TITUS BENNETTs land thence South Sixty five Degrees Westerly by the said TITUS BENNETTs Land one hundred and forty Seven perches to a Small Black Oak being also a Corner of TITUS BENNETTs Land thence South twenty five degrees Easterly by the Lands of JOHN and JAMES BENNETT one hundred and thirteen Pches & 3/4 to the Beginning Containing one hundred and four acres and a half and two perches with the Buildings and Im- provements thereon he paying the Sum of twenty five pounds for the use aforesaid, To TITUS another of the fons of the Deced a tract or Lott of Land Beging at a post Standing in the Line of JOHN WOODWARDS Land being alfo a Corner of JOHN BEN~ETTs land thence South twenty five degrees Easterly by the s. JOHN BEN- NETTs land Ninety pches & a¾ to a black oak Being a Corner of

WILLIAM BENNETTs land thence North 65 degrees Easterly by the

said WILLIAM BENNETTS Land one hundred and forty Seven perches to a post being another Corner of wm BENNETTs land thence North 25 degrees Wefterly to a post being a Corner of JOSEPH BRINTONs land fourteen pches & a¾ thence by the Said JOSEPH BRINTONs land north 65 Degrees 1 Easterly forty five perches to a poft thence by the Land of SAM BETTLE North 25 degrees Wefterly Seventy six perches to a post thence by the land of JOHN WOODWARD South Sixty five degrees Westerly one hundred and Ninety two perches to the Beginning Containing one hundred and four acres ¾ & 6 perches with the Buildings and Improvements thereon To JAMES BENNETT an- other of the Sons of the Deced a tract or lott of land Beginning at a post a Corner of JOHN BENNETT's land Standing in a line of WILLIAM BENNETTs Land thence fouth 65 degrees Westrly by the land of JOHN BENNETT aforesaid two hundred and forty Six perches to a post being another Corner of JOHN BENNETTS land thence South 25 degrees Easterly by ABRAM DARLINGTONs land 68 peirches to a Hick- ery being a Corner of ERWARD BRINTON's land thence· north 65 de- grees Easterly by the s. EDWARD BRINTONs Land two hundred forty Six perches to a post being a Corner· of WILLIAM BENNETTS land thence north 25 degrees Westerly by the sg WILLIAM BENNETTS land 68 perches to the Beging Containing one hundred ind four Acres½ and Eight perches with the Buildings & Improvem~ THEREON To NA- THANIEL PENNOCK in Right of his Wife ANNE she being one of the Daughters of the Deced another Lott or tract of Land Beging at a post Deem'd a Corner of JOHN BENNETT's ABRAM DARLINGTON and JOHN HOUSES land thence north 25 degrees Westerly 42 perches to a post

Page~ continued

thence fouth 65 degrees Westerly by the lands of WILLIAM DOAN and WILLIAM SEAL 416 perches to an Ash Standing on the East Bank of Brandywine Creek thence the Severall Courfes thereof 47 perches to a poft being a Corner of ABRAHAM DARLINGTONs land thence north 65 degrees Easterly by the land of ABRAHAM DARLINGTON 396 pches to the Beginning Containing one hundred and six acres½ and twelve perches with the Buildings and Improvements thareon he paying the Sum of twenty five pounds for the use afores. and it is by us ordered and Agreed that the Severall Sums of money ad- vanced out of them respective Shares to make ym as near as.pofsi- ble to Equal Value with Each other as the law Directs Shall be applyed in manner following That is five pounds to JAMES one of the Sons of ye Deced to make up his Lott in value Equall with the other Children (Except the Eldest fans share) & another part of the money So Arifing to Discharge the debts Due from the Estate the furn being forty Seven pounds and the remaining part being Seventy Eight pounds the Interest of which Sum is to be payd to SARAH BENNETT the Widow of the Intestate to make up one part of her Dower er thirds it being four pounds· thirteen shillings and seven pence Per Annum and we alfo order and Appoint JOHN the Eld- ert fan to pay to his Mother the Widow Annually and Every Year the sum of two pounds Eight Shillings and ten pence, and (William)

WILLIAM TITUS, JAMES & NATHANIEL PENNOCK in Right of his Wife ANNE Every and Each of them Shall pay annually in like manner to the said Widow the Sum of one pounds four Shillin~s and five pence w~ich makes up the Sum of twelve pounds per Annum to the Widow wL we appoint to be raised and levied out of the Estate in manner afores~ which is to be paid to the Widow Annually During her Naturall life whicg we alott her to take in full Satisfaction for Dower or thirds w.£_ we submit to the Wise and prudent Consid- eration of this Court and in Confirmation hereof have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this thirteenth day of the fourth Month In the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & forty Seven- JN0 CHURCHMAN (Seal) TH0 8 WORTH (Seal) JN° HANNUM (Seal) SAMll BETTLE (Seal)

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester the 16th day of June in the Twentyeth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain ffrance and.Ireland King Defender of the faith &c and in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and forty Seven Before CALEB COWPLA~~ THO- MAS CUMMINGS JOSEPH BO~SALL JOHN MATHER and JOHN PARRY Esq-. Jus- ticli pre'sent of our s Lord Ye King Assigned to hold ye Court of Gen Quarter Sessions of the peace in the same Cou'ty and also to hold and keep a Court of Record in the Same County Stild the Orphans Court Otherwise at the Orphans Court held at Chester a- foresd for the County aforesd the said Sixteenth day of June in



Page 2. continued

ye Year afores~ Before CALEB COWPLAND THOMAS CUMMINGS JOSEPH BON- SALL JOHN MATHER and JOHN PARRY Esq!:E.. Justices psent of our Lord the King Assigned To hold the said Court It is thus Contained (to wit)

Whereas MARY SCARLETT Executrix of the last Will and Testament of her former Husband JOHN FLOWER Deced hath made appear to this Court that he the said JOHN FLOWER died leaving a Wife the s~ MARY and Children to Survive him and that Agmon of All and Singular the Goods Chattles and Creditts of the s Deced were af- ter his £icease in due manner Granted to her the said MARY by the Regr Gen- for the Probate of Wills and Granting· letters of Admen in the Province of Pennsylvania to wit at Chester afores~ the Se- venth day of March in ye Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hun- dred and thirty Seven (Eight) and that the said JOHN FLOWER at the time of his Decease was amongst other things owner of Sever- all Lotts or pieces of Ground Scituate in the Township of Chi- chester which he had formerly Mortgaged To the Trustees of the Gen 1 ~ Loan Office for the province of Pennsylva for the Sum of Lawful money of America payable with the Interest thereof at Cer- tain days and times now past and not yett Discharged and after-· wards the said JOHN FLOWER made a Second Mortgage of the said lotts or pieces of Ground 80 the Reverend BACKHOUSE for the Su~ of Lawful money afores. & not yet Discharged as by the s- Mortgages appears And Whereas it is also 1

Tade appear to the Court by the Records remaining in the Reg Gen--s office in this County that the said MARY SCARLETT hath Exhibitted there and to this

Court a true & perfect Inventory and Conscionable Appraisment of

all and Singular the Goods Creditts psonall Estate of the s1 De- ced wch Came to the hands Possession or knowledge of her the s MARY SCARLETT or of any other pson or psons for her Amounting to the Value of Eighty nine pounds ten Shillings and one penny Law- ful money of America and it also appears to the Court RY and Acco! here Likewise Exhibitted by the s9 MARY SCARLETT ~c She

doth Declare upon Affirmation to be a true agd Just Acco. of all

the Debts and sums of Money Owing by the s_ JOHN FLLOWER at the time of his Decease wch are Come to her Knowledge amounting to Y~ sum of one huggred and fifty five pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence W- is Sixty Six pounds four Shillings and two pence more than the Personall Estate Will Extend to pay Now forasmuch as ye said Justices are Given to Understand that the said Lotts or pieces of Ground are not Contained in any Marriage Settlement and it Manifestly appearing to the Court here that the s9 Testa- tors personall Estate will not be sufficient to pay his (Debts)

Debts and bring his Children as the law Directs Therefore upon the Application Request of the said MARY SCARLETT it is allowed and ordered by the Court here psuant to the said Law that it

Page f continued

Shall and may be lawfull to and for the said MARY SCARLETT Exx a- foresaid to Sell and Convey the lott or piece of Ground Called the Woodland (being one of dhe s~ lotts ordpieces of Ground) Seit tuate in Chichester arores. Bounded Eastw- with the land of ROB MOULDER Westward with the Great Road leading to Concord Northward with JOHN RILEYs lands Southward with the land Belonging to the house of JOHN·WELDON Deced Containing Eight Acres (be the same more or less) to such pson or psons as Shall purchase the same in 'fee S

1 1mple or Otherwise and with the Money raised by the Sale thereof to pay· the said Mortgages Monies and somuch of the Testa- tors debts as his pson Estate will fall Short to satisfie and to apply the Residue thereof as the law of this Province Directs But before any Such sale be Made Its Ordered that the Clerk of this Court Shall make Eight or more Distinct Writing~ upon Parchm~ or Good Paper to Signifie & Give Notice of the s Sale and of the day and Hour when and place Where the same will be and what lands

& Tenemts are to se Sold and where they Lie And it is further or-

dered that the s. Writings Notifying the Sale thereof Shall be Delivered to the Constables of the Neighbouring Townships or to the Sheriff of thi8 County ~ho shall make~ bblication of the sale by Affixing the s. Writing in the Most publick places of this County at least ten days before the Sale And that the s~ MARY SCARLETT Shall bring her proceedings thereon to the Next Orphans Court to be held at Chester the third Tuesday in Septembr next upon Affirmation -

The Guardians of ye Children of JOHN WELDON Deced appeared pursuant to ye order of Last Court and WILLIAM VAUGHAN Desired Time till the next Orphans Court to bring in an accot from ELiza BROGDEN -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester ye fifteenth day of September Anno Dom 1747 Before CALEB COWPLAND THOMAS CU~.MINGS JO- SEPH BONSALL & JOHN MATHER Esqrs Justices psent -

JOHN GWIN Eldest son and Heir at law of OWEN GWIN. Deced hav- ing Petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse his Guardians wch was Allowed of & he makes Choice of LEWIS DAVY and JAMES DAVID to be his Guardians who are thereupon admitted -

SARAH THATCHER Petitioned ye Court in Behalf of HANNAH AR- NOLD the Daughter of ANTHONY ARNOLD Deced for ye Court to appoint proper Persons to be her GuardiaHs wch was Allowed _of and the Court appoints THOMAS WORTH & EDW BRINTON to be her Guardians who are ther~upon admitted -

MOSES PATTERSON Petition'd ye Court for Liberty to Chuse his Guardians wch was allowed of and he makes Choice of THOMAS HOULD- ON to be his Guardian who is thereupon Admitted -

The Auditors of wm BOYD (in right of his Wife) ExecuX of ye Estate of JOHN MINSHALL having made Return of y^6 Report Which be-

ing read and heard & no Material Objection being made therefore



. ';

Page 6 continued

Allowed o:r'·and .confirmed - ..'<:.^


GEORGE ORSON father of WIL~IAM ORSON deced having Pettitiond ye Court that the Ex~ of yes WILLIAM ORSON Deced might appear at ye next Orphans Court wch was Allowed of -. ,... ,.

;J.^ ..;

WILLIAM HEWES having Petitioned ye Court for to Set aside the former Valuation & to appoint an other Inquest to make a Valua- tion of ye Real Estate of WILLIAM HEWES Deced But forasmuch as ye Accots of ye Psonall Estate not being made up therefore ordered that ye Admt make up his Accots by ye next Orphans Court

JACOB BARNARD and ISAAC BARNArD two of ye Sons of THOMAS BARNARD Deced JOHN ~EWES in Right of his Wife MARY who was ye Daughter of ye Deced Petitioned ye Court yt BENJa.WELDON adm~ ~f sQ THOMA~ BARNARD might !mediately appear and make up his Acco. 8 and yes BENJa WELDONd Appe~red 8

nd pray'd ye Auditors might be Appointed to settles Acco~ W~ was Allowed of & ye Court ap- points JOHN HANNUM, WILLIAM PETERS, CADWAL!DER EVANS and THO~ PENNELL to be Auditors to Adjust & Settle s Accots and to make report to ye next Ornhans Court -..

The Auditors of ye Estate of JAMES TREGOE deced having made an Imperfect Report and ye Adm~s not having rendered their Acco~s thfire~ore ordered that they Render thei~ Accots to Morrow Morning w2- s Time ye Adm~ appeared and having Rendered and Irregular Ace~ Therefore ordered that to be Recomitted to to Settle &c State a new Accot & to make report to ye next Orphans Court to be held at Chester the Thirtieth day of ye Instant September and to Divide ye Ballance amongst ye Widow and Children of ye Deced as ye Law Directs -

WILLIAM VAUGHAN having Produced the Acco~ of ELiza BROGDEN agt WILLIAM WRIGHT but the Court not thinking it Legall therefore Ordered y~ the Guardians of ye Children of JOHN WELDON deced to pay to WILLIAM WRIGHT ye sum of Eight pounds in Consideration for Maintaining SAMl & ELiza WELDON two of ye Children of ye deced -

FRA~CES HALE Adm~ of WILLIAM HALE Rnced having her Acco of her Admon on said Estate W- being read and ye Particular Vouchers being produced therefore Confirmed -

Exhibitted and heard allowed of

FRANCES HALE Petitioned the Court in Behalf of ANNE HALE one of ye Children of WILLIAM HALE Deged for the Court to appoint a proper Pson to be her Guardian w^0 was Allowed of and the Court appoints the sd FRANCES HALE to be Guardian to ye said ANNE HALE-

Page 7 continued

WILLIAM HALE Petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse his Guardians w.££ was Allowed of and he makes Choice of ABRAM MIT- CHELL and ROBERT TOMS to be his Guardians who are thereupon ad- mitted &c -

JOHN MOORE and ELrza ~is wire Admrs of JOHN DRUIT Deced hav- ing Exhibitted their Acco s w^0 being read and heard and No Ob- jection being Made therefore allowed of and Confirmed -

Whereas upon hearing the Petition of JOHN HOPTON Eldest son and heir at Law of JOHN HOPTON deced JOSEPH NICKLIN Junr in Right of his Wife MARY. (the) ~ "·........

  • (^) ·',, ' (^) ~.·i.

the Daughter of the Deced~ wherein it is shown that the said JOHN HOPTON died Intestate and at the time of his death was seized in ffee of & in Sundry Messuages or Tenements with Severall tracts or parcells of Land thereunto Belonging Scituate in Bethell and Aston in ye said County together with a Considerable Psonall Es- tate & at the time of the Said JOHN HOPTONs decease he left his Wife RACHELL and Issue one Son (to wit) ye sd JOHN HOPTON and one Daughter MARY ye Wife of sd JOSEPH NICKLIN Junr to Survive him Prr~ing that partition may be made of ye said Mefsuages or Ten- emh Langs and Hereditaments together with the personall Estate w£.... yes JOHN HOPTON the father died seised of amongst all the Children of ye deced allowing the Widow a third part and ye Eld- est son a double share according to the form of an act of Assem- bly of this Province Intituled an act for ye settling of Inte- states Estates -

Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that wm PETERS, JOSEPM CLOUD, JN° HANNUMS & JOSEPH CHAMBERLIN all of Chester County af- Gent be psons agreed upon by all parties and approved of by the Court as proper and Indifferent Psons to make a Division of ye said Messuages or Tenements wth^ the tracts or parcells of land thereunto Belonging together with the personall estate shall go tohye said Messuages or tenements and tracts or pieces of land w£.... the. sd JOHN HOPTON died Seized of and that· having put an e- qua.11 Value .upon y^6 same as near as in Your judgme~ts you shall think right that you make an Equal division of ye st Messuages or Tenemts and tracts or parcells of _Land together W h the Psonall Estate in manner following (that is to say) one third part of ye Surplusage to RACHELL the late Wife of y~ Intestate and the other two parts that You Divide by Equall portions amongst all the Children of the antestate having a Due regard both ye Quality and Quantity of yes. Lands allowing ye Eldest son a Double share and all ye rest into Equall parts to and amongst ye remainder of ye sd Children (or their legall representatives) and how you shall make ye division ard you make known to ye Justices at an Orphans Court to be held at Chester ye fifteenth Day of December next un-




Page~ continued (^) I

der your hands and seals Witness CALEB COWPLAND Esqr at Chester ye 15 day of september in ye Twenty first Year of our reign -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester the thirtieth day of

September Anno Dom 1747 Before CALEB COWPLAND THOS CUMMINGS & JNO

MATHER Esqrs Justices Psent

RICHARD RICHISON having Petitioned the Court in behalf of EVAN GWIN one of the sons of OWEN GWIN deced for Liberty to Chuse his Guardian wch was allowed or ~nd he makes Choice of STEPHEN EVANS & MARY HOCKLEY to be his. Guardians who are thereupon admit- ted -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester the fifteenth day of December Anno Dom 1747 Before CALEB COWPLAND, THOMAS CUMMINGS JO- SEPH BONSALL & JOHN MATHER Esqrs Justices present -

JOHN FLEMING one of the Sons of WILLIAM FLEMING deced havin~ Petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse his Guardians W9h was allowed of and he makes Choice of GEORGE FLEMING & HUGH COWEN to be his Guardians who are thereupon admitted &c

The Auditors of the Estate of THOMAS BARNARD deced having made return of their Report but as they produced no Accot regu- larly Stated of their proceedings therefore returned the report to the auditors again to make anew report to next Orphans Court -

The psons appointed to make a Division of the estate of JOHN HOPTON deced - having made no report therefore Considered by the Court that the Same men be Continued to the next Orphans Court to make report &c -

. '/i , ..,

JAMES FLEMING Admr of MARY FLEMING deced having Exhibitted his Accot~ of his Admon on the afd estate w9h being read and heard and some Objections being made therefore referr'd to further Con- sideration -

JAMES FLEMING having petitioned the Court in Behalf of wm & JAMES FLEMING two of the Children of wm FLEMING decid for ye Court to appoint proper psons to be their Guardians we was al- lowed of and ye Court appoints HENRY and PETER FLEMING to be their Guardians who are thereupon admitted -

MARY HARVEY Admx of BENJa HARVEY deceg having Exhibitted her Accot~ of her Admen on the af. Estate we bein~ read and heard and no material objection being made therefore allowed of and Confirmed -

Page~ continued

~ ' f"· I

ThetAdmx of ye estate of wm HEWES deced not having made up his Acco s therefore Considered by ye Court that he make them up again y~ next Orphans Court -

The Court orders that JOHN RIELY one of ye Guardians of ye Children of JOHN DRUITT Deced Appear at ye next orphans Court to make up his accots of his Guardianship and to be served with a Copy of ye order -

a rs _ JOHN MOOR & ELIZ this Wife.Adm-. of JOHN DRUITT deg~d having exhibitted their Acco s of y~ Admen on ye af9 estate W,- was al- lowed of -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester for ye County of Chest- er in ye province of Pennsylv~ on ye fifteenth day of December in ye twenty first year of our Reign of our Sovereign Lord George ye Second by ye Grace of God of Great Brittain &9 and in ye Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty seven Before CALEB COWPLAND JOSEPH BONSALL THOMAS CUMMINGS and JOHN MATHERS Esqr~ Justices present of our s9 Lord ye King Assigned to hold ye Court of Quarter Sessions of ye peace in ye same County and also to hold & Keep a Court of record in ye same County Stil'd ye Orphans Court otherwise at ye Orphans Court held at Chester afd for ye County af~ ye sd fifteenth day of December in ye Year af~ Before


Justices present of ours Lord the king assign't to hold ye sd Court (It is thus Contained)

Whereas MARY HARVEY Widow Relict and Adm~ of ye Goods and Chat- tles of BENJa HARVEY late of Darby deceased her late husband hav- ing made appear to this Court that he yes~ BENJ~ died Intestate and that letters of admoH of all and singular ye Goods Rights and Creditts of ye ~1 B~NJ were after his ~ 1

cease in due manner Granted to her y s. MARY by ye Regr Gen for ye probate of Wills and gr~nting letters of admon in ye sd Province (to witt) at Chester af ye day of €n ye Year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and and y y~ sd BENJa HARVEY at ye time of his decease was amongst other things owner of one full & equal and Undivided fourth part of a Certain Island Comonly Call'd and known b~ ye name of Smiths Is!and Situate (as tis Suppos'd in Darby af. and left a wife, yes MARY and four Children to Sur- vive him and Whereas it is also made appear to ye Court by ye Re- cords remaining in ye Regr Gen 11 ~ Office in ye County that ye s MARY hath Exhibitted there and to this Court a true and pfect In- ventory & Conscionable appraism~ of dall and ~ingular ye Goods Creditts and psonall estate of yes Deced w° Came to ye hands possession or knowledge of her ye sd MARY or of any other pson or psons for her amounting to ye value of fifty three pounds Eleven shillings & Six pence of lawfull money of America and it also apd pears to ye Court by an accot her Likewise Exhibitted by yes MARY, wch she doth Declare upon her Affirmation to be a true and Just Acco~ of all ye debts and sums of money owing (by) 12



By yes d^ BENJa HAR~Y-at ·^ y e^ time of his death w-ch are Come to her knowledge and Since paid amounting in ye wholg to ye sum of Sixty Seven oounds ten Shillings & eight pence w£... is thirteen Pounds nineteen Shillings and two pence more than the Psonall estate will extend to pay ~ow fforasmuch as yes Justices are given to undeastand yt the s one full equal and individual fourth part of yes Island is not Contain'd in any Marriage Settlem~ and it manifestly appearing to the Court here that the said Intestates Psonall estate will not be sufficient to pay his debts and main- tain his Children or put them out to be apprentices and to teach them to read and wrate accordg to a Law of pennsylvania past at Philadelphia in yes Province in ye fourth year of ye late Queen Anne Intituled an act for ye Better settling of Intestates es- tates in such Cases made and provided therefore upon ye applica- tion and request of ye said MARY HARVEY it is allowed and ordered by ye Court here pursuaat to ye sd Law that it Shall and may be Lawfull to and for yes MARY HARVEY Adm~ afd to Sell ana Convey ye sd one full equal and undivided fourth part of yes Island Situate as afd to any Pson or Psons as shall purchase ye same in ffee Simple or Otherwise aad wth^ ye money raised by ye sale there of to pay so much of yes Intestates debts as his personall es- tate will fall Short to satisfie and to apply y^8 0 residue thereof (if any) for ye maintenance and advantage of yes- Children as ye Orphans Court for ye sd County for ye time·being Shall think fitt to order and direct But before any such sale be made It's order'd that ye Clerk of ye Court Shall make eight or more Distinct writ- i8gs upon parchmt or Good paper to signifie and give notice of ye s Sale and of ye day and Hour when and place where ye same will be and what lands or tenements are 80 be sold and where the lie and it is further order'd that the s Writings notifying ye Sale thereof Shall be delivered to ~e Constables of ye neighbouring Townships or ~o ye Sheriff o.f y County who shall make publica- tion of ye S Sale by fixing ye sd Writings in ye most publick places of ys County at least 10 days before ye Sale and yt ye afd MARY HARVEY being her proceedings therein to ye next orphans Court to be held at Chestt ye third tuesday in March next upon Affirmation -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester ye Tenth day of ffebru- ary Annoq Dom 1747/8 Before CALEB COWPLAND THOMAS CUMMINGS JOHN MATHER Esqrs Justices present -

SUSANNA WEST Admx of the Estate of THOMAS WEST Dece'd having exhibitted her Accots of her Adman on y 0 afores1 Estate w^0 h being read and heard & the particular vouchers being Produced and no

material objection being made therefore allowed of & Confirmed

SUSANNA WEST having Petitioned the Court in behalf of the Children of THOMAS WEST Deced for ye Court to appoint proper psons to be their Guardians which was allowed of & ye Court ap- points JOSEPH WILLIAMS and PETER DICKS to be Guardians and next

Page 10 continued

friends to the sd Children who are Minors and Under age -

Att an Orphans Court held at Chester ye fifteenth day of



Esqrs Justices present

JOHN SKETCHLY & JACOB ARCHER having pet1tion'd the Court in Behalf of MARY & JACOB ARCHER the Children of ADAM ARCHER for the

Court to appoint a proper person to be their Guardian which was

allowed of & the Court appoints SAMUEL BUNTING to be their Guard-

ian (who are underage) -


of the Sons of JOSEPH ~HARP Deced having petitioned the Court for

the binding out of s .. SAMUEL But foras~uch as it appears that

SAMUEL PYLE was made a Guardian by the s. SHARPs Will therefore

Contd till next Orphans Court -

JAMES DONNALD having petitioned the Court for their Opinion

Relating to his Comissions his Coexecutor refusing to allow him

one half their Opinion was that the petition did not lie under

the proper Consideration of the Court -

The Guardians of the Children of WILLIAM HALL deced made ap-

plication for rectifying some Acco. 5 of the Widows Referred to


make Report during the fitting of the Court who made report to

the Court which was allowed of and the Court orders that the wid-

ow Give Security for the Ballance in her hands due to the Child-

ren - in one month or &c. -

MARY GILPIN Admx of ISAAC GILPIN deced having Exhib1tted her

Accot~ of her A%mon on ye afd Estate but not being in Regular

form nor no Acco of sales the Court orders her to make ym up a-

gain the Morning at wen time she having produced her accots and

no Material Objection being made therefore allowed of and Con-

firmed -

SAMUEL BOON Eldest son and heir at law of ANDREW BOON dece~

having petition'd the Court for Liberty to Chuse his guardian w

was allowed of and he makes Choice oi' MOUNCE RJ\MBO and CHARLES

GRANT Esqt to be his Guardians who are thereupon admitted -

SARAH PEIRCE Adm~ of· GAINER P~IRCE deced having exhibitted

her Accots of her Admen on the s Estate Which being read and

heard and the particular Vouchers being Produced and no Material

Objection being made therefore allowed of & Confirmed -




Page 11 continued

SARAH and SUSANNAH PEIRCE two of the Children of GAINER PEIRCE deced having Petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse

their guardian which was allowed of & they make Choice of CALEB

PEIRCE to be their Guardian who is thereupon admitted -

SARAH PEIRCE having petitioned the Court in Behalf of ,JAMES & GAINER PEIRCE two of the sons of GAINER PEIRCE deced for the Court to appoint proper persons to be their Guardians which was allowed of and the Court appoints CALEB PEIRCE and JOSEPH GIBBONS to be their Guardians -

SARAH WOODWAR~ Admx of EDWARD WOODWARD Junr deced having Ex- hibitted her Acco of her Admon on the afsd Estate which being Read and heard and no Material Objection being made therefore al- lowed of and Confirmed -

SARAH WOODWARD having petitioned the Court in Behalf of MARY


WOODWARD Jur deced for the Court to appoint proper persons to be their Guardians which was allowed of and the Court appoints ABRAM

VERNON & JOHN FFAIRLAMB to be their Guardians -

JOSEPH POWELL and THOMAS EDMONDS Extrs of WILLI!M ORSON deced Ex- hibitted their accounts of their Admon on the s Estate which be- ing read and heard and the particular Vouchers being produced and no Material objection being made therefore allowed of and Con- firmed -

OTTA NATSEILLES and MARY his wife late MARY LENDERMAN widow and Relict of WILLIAM LENDERMAN deced having petitioned the Court for an allowance of an Account fo~ the Laying in Nursing and Bur- iall of one of the Children of s. LENDERMAN and to order the Ex- ecutors of said WILL~ LENDERMAN to pay the same therefore the Court allows the sum of fifteen pounds for the Laying in Nursing and Buriall of sd Child & orders the Extrs to pay the same -

THOMAS PENNELL adm! of THOMAS WELCH deced and HENRY CAMM having petitioned the Court that Auditors might be appointed to settle an accot between the said WELCH's Estate and the said HEN- RY CAMM which was allowed of and the Court appoints JOHN MINSHALL JOHN FFAIRLAMB ang GEORGE MILLER or any two to be Auditors to ad- just and settles Account and make Return to next Court -

The Auditors of the Estate of THOMAS BARNARD having made re- port (by word of mouth) that they are not Likely to agree there- fore the heirs of ye sg BARNARD prays that other Auditors may be appointed to settle the same therefore the Court appoints PETER DICKS CALEB PEIRCE and GEORGE GILPIN or any two to make report to

Page 12 continued

next Court -

The Children of wm tor the Confirmation of Referrd to the Orphans April next -

HEWES deced having petitioned the Court the Return of the Inquest therefore it is to be held here the twenty-Sixth day of

JOHN TAYLOR having petitioned the Court agt JAMES COUGHRAN for detaining some of the Goods Qf ALLEXANDER LACKEY deced There- fore the Court order that the sd JOHN TAYLOR JAMES COUGHRAN and ANNE LACKEY appear at next Orphans Court to Answer

The Guardians of the Children of WILLIAM HALE deced Made applica- tion to the Court for their opinion who should keep the deeds of the said HALEs land the Courts· opinion and that the Widow should Get the deeds recorded and the Cost to Come out of the Estate which the Widow undertakes to Do -

ABRAM DARLINGTON one of the Guardians of the Children of JOSEPH TAYLOR deced made Application to the Court for an order to ye Sheriff to Return the money in his hands to the said Guardians for the use of the said Children But the Court not thinking it proper as yet therefore ordered th~t NATHAN SHELLY and CATHRINE his Wife the Widow and relict of S JOSEPH TAYLOR appear at Next Orphans Court to be held ye twenty Sixth of April to give securi- ty for the Ballance that Remains in their hands Due to the Child- ren - Mary

MARY GILPIN having petitioned the CoMrt in Behalf of HANNAH GILPIN the daughtr of ISAAC GILPIN deceas for the Court to ap- point proper persons to be her Guardians wch was allowed of and the Court appoints THOMAS GILPIN GEORGE GILPIN & SAMUEL PAINTER Junr to be Guardians to the said HANNAH who is a Minor and under age -

JOSEPH ELGAR one of the Children of JOSEPH ELGAR Deced pe- titioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse to his guardian which was allowed and he make Ch~ice of JOHN CHURCHMAN to be his Guardian who is thereupon admitted -.

ELIZABETH ELGAR one of the Children petitioned the Court for Liberty to Chuse allowed of and shG make Choice of MORDECAI ian who is thereupon admitted -

of JOSEPH ELGAR deced her Guardian which was JAMES to be her Guard-

ELEANOR HOSKINS and NATHAN E¥ANS Admrs of CHARLES ARTHUR de- ced having Exhibitted their Acco s of their Admen on sd ARTHURs Estate which being Read and heard and the particular Vouchers be- ing produced and no Material Objection being made therefore al-



Page 1J_ continued

lowed of and Confirmed -

ELEANOR TAYLOR Ext~ of RICHARD TAYLOR Reced having Exhibit- ted her Accots of her adman on sd Estate Wc Being read and heard

and the particular Vouchers being produced & no Materiall Objec-

tions being made therefore allowed of & Confirmed -

JOHN MARSHALL and SAMUEL SELLERS Ext~s of RICHARD TAYLOR de- ced having Exhibitted their Acco~s of their· adman on sd Estate which being Read and heard and the - - - particular Vouchers be- ing produced and no material Objection being made therefore Al- lowed of and Confirmed -

accotiOH~fR~i~Y E!~~~~sPt~~


 1 ~:~at~ 0 ~~~e~~~~uc~~ ~~! twenty Sixth day of April next SARAH, SUSANNAH JAMES and GAINER PEIRCE four of the Children of GAINER PEIRCE late of Goshen Gent deceased by their Guardians and next friends CALEB PEIRCE and JOSEPH GIBBONS Petitioned the Court setting forth that the sd GAINER PEIRCE dyed Intestate and at the time of his decease was seized of one Messuage or tenement & taact or parcell of land thereunto Belonging Scituate in Goshen afs Containing about Eighty nine acres and left Issue a Wife three Sons and four daughters to survive him and prays that par- tition may be made of the said Messuage land & premises for Sev- erallty to Each their particular shares accordg to the direction of ye law in such Cases made and provided Whereupon GEORGE PEIRCE the Eldest Son and heir at Law of the decedts Comes into Court prayi~~ that no partition may be made of the said Messuage or ten 1 J land and premises & Craves the Benefitt of ye late Act of Gen Assembly of this Province made in the fourth Year of the late Queen Queen Anne where 5 n it is Enacted that no partition of the lands and tenements we are to be divided by this and shall be made by or for the Relict or Younger Children of the Intestate If the heir at Law will within the space of twelve months pay somuch money or other Effects to ye person or persons demanding such partition as their respective shares or purpose Shall amount unto by the Valuation of four or more Indifferent persons Chosen by Both Parties or by an Inquest appointed by the Orphans Court to value the same But Inasmuch as all the parties appearing (to wit) those of age in their Proper persons & - those under age by their guardians have unanimously made Choice of AARON ASHBRIDGE JOSHUA HOOPS THOMAS SMEDLY and FFRANCIS MECHAM as proper and Indi!ferent psons to Value the same Therefore the Court orders the s AARON ASHBRIDGE JOSHUA HOOPS THOMAS SMEDLY & FFRANCIS MECHAM pursuant to the agreemt of all the abovenamed parties to go to the sd Mes- 17 I' _f_ ." Page 14 continued suage or tenement lands and premises thereunto Belonging and af- ter that you have deducted the Widows thirds and the Eldest sons double share that then the remainder you put a true Value upon the same according to the Best of your Judgments to be divided Equally to and for ye Use Benefitt and Behoof of all the Younger Children share and share alike and what Value you put upon the same you shall make known to the Justices at an orphans Court to be held at Chester the third tuesday in June next under your hands and seals Witness ELISHA GATCHELL Esqr ye fl.fteenth day of March in ye Twenty first year of our King George ye seconds Reign Annoq dom 1747/8 And now at this Day to wit the fifteenth Day of March in ye year 1747/8 WILLIAM PETERS JOSEPH CLOUD JOHN HANNUM and JOSEPH CHAMBERLIN having made return of the Division of the Lands and personall Estate of JOHN HOPTON late of Chester County Gentl De- ceased among his widow and Children in pursuance of an order of this Court to them for that purpose directed the same was read and Considered and at the request and by Consent of the parties the same is ordered to be Confirmed and recorded w9h ·said return follows in these words (to wit) To the Honourable justices of the Orphans Court held at Chester ye 15 day of March 1748 in pursu- ance of an order directed to us from the said Court held the 15th day of September 1747 to settle and divide the Rail and Persian- ell Est~te of JOHN HOPTON late of Bethell deceas'd amongst his Survivors to wit a Widow and two Children JOHN and MARY the wife of JOSEPH NICHLIN Jonior accordingly we have Carefully Inspected into the premises and finds three hundred and forty Seven pounds and four pence of the pursflanall Estate after all Demands against the same is discharged we we have Divided as following viz The widows third a hundred and fifteen pound thirteen shilling & four pence to wit the Eldest son JOHN one of the Children of the de- ceased a Dubble sheer one hundred and fifty four pounds four shillings and Seven pence JOSEPH NICKLIN Jonior by Right of his wife MARY the Daughter of the deceased his Share Seventy seven pound two shillings & four pence and likewise the rail Estate (Divided) Divided as followeth to wit the Eldest Son JOHN HOPTON having the the Place that he now lives on wch Contains one hundred acres and also the Place that his father lived on Containing one hundred and seventeen acres Both in ye township of Bethell which makes his Dubble sheer out of which he is to pay to the widow in Lue of her thirds six pounds p annum Also JOSEPH NICKLIN Jonior by the Right of his wife MARY a Daughter of the Deced has the Place that formerly belonged to JOSEPH McFFAIRLON Containing Seventy four acres in ye township of Bethell And likewise the Place that form- erly Belonged to Hulford in ye Township of Ashton Containing one hundred acres out of wch he is to pay to the Eldest Son JOHN HOP- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 15 continued TON nineteen pound Seven Shillings and four pence wch is in pro- portion to his Dubble Sheer and also the sd JOSEPH NICKLIN is to pay the widow of the deced three Pound p annum In lue of her thirds As witness our hands and seals this fifteent day of March 1747/8 wm PETERS (Seal) JOSEPH CLOUD (Seal) JN° HANNUM (Seal) JO- SEPH CHAMBERLIN (Seal) MARY HARVEY AdministX of BENJAMIN HARVEY made return of one full Equall and undivided fourth part of a Certain Island Sold by Vertue of anh Order of this Court and Prayd the Confirmation of the same we being read and no person appearing to make any Ob- jection therefore order'd that the return be Confirmed to the purchaser his heirs and Assigns for Ever wch said return follows in these words (to wit) - To the Justices of the Orphans Court to be held at Chester ## the 15th day of March A. D. 171n /8 Pursuant to an order of an Or- phans Court held at Chester the 15th day of December last to me Directed I exposed to pub1ick sale at the house of GEORGE WOOD in Darby on the 16th day of January next following one full equall undivided fourth part of a Certain Island Comonly Called and known by the name of Smiths Island Scituate (as it is supposed) in the township of Darby and the sd one full Equall undivided fourth part of the s Island was then and there sold to RICHARD LOYD for twenty three pounds ten Shillings, he being the highest Bider as Witness my hand MARY HARVEY Administratrix - the above sd one fourth part of the sd Island was sold as affore- sd In ye presence of us - ### THO: PEARSON JOHN RUDOLPH - Att an Orphans Court held at Chester ye fifteenth Day of March in the twenty first Year or the Reign of our Sovereign lord George the second king over Great Brittain france and Ireland king Defender of ye faith &c and in ye Year of our lord one thou- sand seven hundred and forty seven (eight) Before ELISHA GATCHELL CALEB COWPLAND THOMAS CUMMINGS JOHN MATHER JOSEPH BONSALL JOB RUSTON and CHARLES GRANT Esqrs Justices present of our said Lord ye king Assigned to hold ye Court of Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace in ye same County and also to hold and keep a Court of Record in ye same County Stil'd ye Orphans Court otherwise at ye Orphans Court held at Chester afsd for ye County arsd afd the said fifteenth day of March in ye Year aforesd Before ELISHA GATSHELL CALEB COWPLAND, THOMAS CUMMINGS JOSEPH BONSALL JOHN MATHER JOB RUSTON and CHARLES GRANT Esqrs Justices present of our sd Lord ye King Assigned to hold ye said Court it is thus Contained to wit. Whereas JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his wife ye Page_16 continued Widow and Relict of CHARLES ARTHUR and one of ye Admrs and NATHAN EVANS ye other Admr of ye said CHARLES ARTHUR deced have made ap- pear to this Court t~at he the said CHARLES ARTHUR dyed Intestate leaving a Wife yes ELEANOR who is since Intermarried with the said JOHN HOPKINS & no Children to survive him and that Asm~n of all and Singular the Goods Chattles and Creditts of ~hes Deced were after his Decease in due manner granted to the s ELEANOR ye Widow & NATHAN EVANS Biggest Creditor of ye decedt by ye Regr Genll for ye Probate of Wills and Granting letters of adm~n in and for ye Province afores 0 to wit at Chester afsd ye Nineteenth day of May in ye Year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and forty seven and that the sd CHARLES at ye time of his decease was amongst other things Owner of a Certain Messuage or tenement tract or parcell of land with ye Appurtenances thereunto Belong- ing Scituate in ye Township of Uwchland and bounded as hereafter follows vizt Beginning Containing And Whereas it is also made appear made appear to ye Court here by ye Records Remaining in the Regr Gen- eralls Office in this County that the s9 JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his Wife and NATHAN EVANS hath Exhibitted there and to th€s Court a true and perfect Inventory and Conscionable appraism of all and singular ye Goods Creditts and personall estate of ye said <laced. wCh Came to the hands possession or knowledge of them the s. JOHN HOPKINS and ELEANOR his wife and NATHAN EVANS or of any other person or persons for them amounting to forty four pounds Eight shillings and a half penny and it also appears to ye Court by an Accot here likewise Exhibitted by ye said JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his Wife and NATHAN EVAN~ wch they do declare upon their oaths to be a true and Just acco of all ye debts and sums of mo- ney owing by ye said CHARLES ARTHUR at ye time of his decease wc~ are Come to .their knowledge amounting to one hundred and thirty one pounds three shillings an'd six pence which is Eighty six pounds fifteen shillings and five pence half penny more than the personall Estate will extend to pay Now forasmuch as ye said Jus- tices are Given to understand that the said Messuage or tenement and tra~t of land and premises are not Contained in any Marriage Settlem and it Manifestly appearing to the Court here that that the sd Intestates personall Estate will not be Sufficient to pay the debts he having no Issue Therefore upon ye application and .Request of the sd JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his Wife and NATHAN EVANS it is allowed and order'd by the Court here pursuant to ye said law that it shall and may be lawfull to and for ye sd JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his Wife and NATHAN EVANS admrs afsd to sell and Convey ye said Messuage or tenemt Scituate .. ; ·t and Being as aforesd with the appurtenances to such person or persons as shall purchase the same in fee Simple or otherwise, 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ## I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 17 continued and with ye money raised by the sale thereof to pay so much of the said Intestates Debts as his Personal estate will fall Short to satisfie and to apply ye Residue thereof as ye Orphans Court for ye time being shall think fitt to order and direct but before any such sale be made It's order'd that ye Clerk of this Court shall make eight or more Distinct writings upon parchment or Good paper to signifie and Give Notice of ye said sale and of ye day and hour when and place where the same will be and what lands or tenements are to be sold and where they lie and it is aurther order'd by this Court that the sd Writings Notifying the s Sale shall be deliver'd to the Constables of ye Neighbouring town- ships oa to the sheriff of the County who shall make publication of yes Sale by fixing ye said ·writings ye most publick places of this County at least ten days before ye sale and that the afsd JOHN HOSKINS and ELEANOR his wife and NATHAN EVANS bring their proceedings therein to the next Orphans Court to be held at Ches- ter ye third tuesday in June next upon oath - Att an Orphans Court held at Chester ye twenty sixth Day of Aprill Anno dom 1748 Before CALEB COWPLAND THOMAS CUMMINGS JOSEPH BONSALL JOSEPH BRINTON JOHN MATHER and CHARLES GRANT Esqrs Jus- tices present - EVAN GRIFFITH principall Legatee of ye estate of PHILIP DAV- ID Deced having petitioned the Court for liberty to Chuse his Guardians which was allowed of and he makes Choice of GRIFFITH GRIFFITHS JOHN GRIFFITHS and DAVID STEPHENS to be his Guardians who are thereupon admitted &c - SAMUEL BUNTING having made application for ye Binding out of MARY ARCHER one of ye Children of ADAM ARCHER he being her Guard- ian Whereupon the Court order'd that she be bound out to JOHN SKETCHLEY and MARY his wife untill she arrives at ye are of Eigh- teen years the Covenants to be according to ye discretion of ye Guardian - ABRAHAM DARLINGTON one of the Guardians of ye Children of JOSEPH TAYLOR deced having moved ye Court pursuant to a former order that the mo~ey remaining in the Sheriff's hands belonging to ye Estate of s JOSEPH TAYLOR Sho9 be delixered to the Guardi- ans for ye use of the Children after the s TAYLORs debts are paid and it appeasing that NATHAN SHELLY ang CATHERINE his wife admrs of ye afores estate having been serv with a Copy of ye said order aHd refusing to appear or give securitydfor ye said money in yes Sheriffs hands ~hat the said money sho be imploy- ed for ye payment of ye Deced s debts and ye remainder (if any) for ye Benefitt of his Children therefore ye Court having duly Considered ye premises orders that the Guardians of the said Children receive the money in the sheriffs hands into their Cus- tody for ye use and Benefitt arsd and to give the Sheriff Dis- charge for ye s~me -