Download Orthopedic Nursing Care Exam 74 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT and more Study notes Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Orthopedic Nursing Care Exam 74 Questions with Verified Answers What is the most commonly reported injuries? - CORRECT ANSWER Contusions, Strains, and Sprains. Contusion - CORRECT ANSWER Blunt force-bleeding into soft tissue, but skin remains intact. (Swelling, discoloration of skin) Least serious Strain - CORRECT ANSWER Stretching injury to a muscle or a muscle-tendon unit. Caused by mechanical overloading. (Pain, limited motion, muscle spasms/weakness, swelling.) Most common: lower abck and Hamstring muscle Sprain - CORRECT ANSWER Stretch/tear of ligaments surrounding joint. (Loss of the ability to move or use the joint, feeling a "pop" or tear, discoloration, pain, rapid swelling.) Most common: ankles and knees RICE - CORRECT ANSWER Rest Ice Compression Elevation 24-48hrs do RICE. Joint dislocation - CORRECT ANSWER Trauma or illness forces ends of the bones from normal position. (Pain, deformity, limited motion, shorter limb) Care: Reduction by manual traction or surgery immobilization, hip dislocation requires immediate reduction to prevent complications to prevent necrosis. Subluxation - CORRECT ANSWER partial dislocation is which the bones of the joint remain in partial contact Necrosis - CORRECT ANSWER Death of bone tissue Electrical Bone Stimulation - CORRECT ANSWER Used to treat fractures that aren't healing appropriately, increases migration of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to fracture site.Application of an electrical current What to do for fracture of the skull? - CORRECT ANSWER Assess patient for neurologic changes, document LOC, depressed skull fracture can cause neurologic damage. Fracture Care - CORRECT ANSWER Emergency Care: Immobilize the fracture, maintain tissue perfusion, prevent infection. Medications: Analgesics, NSAIDs, antibiotics,anticoagulants, stool softeners, antacids. Surgery: External fixation device, ORIF Fracture of the Face - CORRECT ANSWER Manifestations: Hematoma, pain, edema, bony deformity. Focus on airway, assess neurologic, body image disturbance, assess pain Fracture of the Spine - CORRECT ANSWER Cervical, lumbar, thoracic, or sacral...damage to spinal cord. MOST SEVERE, can result in ischemia and cause permanent paralysis. Fracture of the Clavicle - CORRECT ANSWER Usually midclavicular, can damage subclavian vessels or lung. Seen most common with falls Fracture of Humerus - CORRECT ANSWER Complications: nerve and ligament damage, frozen or stiff joints, and malunion--fractured fragments are not in good position... Fractures of the proximal humerus are more common in older adults. Fracture of the Elbow - CORRECT ANSWER Usually distal humerus, common complications: nerve or artery damage, hemiartrosis, Volkmann's contracture (claw deformity of hand and fingers). Fall or direct blow is main report. Fracture of the radius and/or ulna - CORRECT ANSWER Complication: compartment syndrome, delayed healing, decreased wrist and finger movement, infection. Care: alleviate pain, immobilization, education. ***Tell MD if changes in sensation Wrist Fractures - CORRECT ANSWER Colle's Fracture: the distal radius fractures after a fall onto an outstretched hand. Patient presents with bony deformity, pain, numbness, weakness, decreased ROM of fingers. Compartment syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Occurs when pressure within a confined space constricts and entraps the structures within. Can lead to limb loss, sepsis, ARF. Early signs: pain, normal or decreased peripheral pulse. Later signs: cyanosis, parethesias, paresis, severe pain. Tx: alleviate pressure, removal of cast, fasciotomy. Do NOT elevate or use ice Fat embolism Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Characterized by neurologic dysfunction, pulmonary insufficiency, and a petechial rash on the chest, axilla, and upper arms. Bone fracture results in a rise of pressure in the bone marrow, fet globules enter the bloodstream and combine with platelets. They occlude small blood vessels, and cause tissue ischemia. Signs: confusion, changes in LOC, petechiae, soft palate, conjunctiva. TX: Intubation, fluid balance, corticosteriods. Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) - CORRECT ANSWER Blood clot forms along the intimal lining of a large vein, accompanied by inflammation of the vein wall. Can lead to venous insufficiency, pulmonary embolism. Signs: Swelling, pain, tenderness, or cramping of the affected extremity.Can be asymptomatic TX: prevention is best. Delayed Union - CORRECT ANSWER Prolonged healing of the bones beyond the usual time period. Diagnosed with serial x-ray studies. May lead to nonunion. Usually affects long bones Delayed Nonunion - CORRECT ANSWER can cause persistant pain and movement at the fracture site. may require surgical intervention, such as internal fixation and bone grafting. Electronic or ultrasonic stimulation of the fracture site may be effective to promote healing. Usually affects long bones Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER may occur after musculoskeletal or nerve trauma. Causes extremity pain that is severe, diffues, and burning. Initially appearing inflamed, edematous but later becomes cool and pale. Muscle wasting, skin and nail changes and bone abnormalities can occur. TX: Sympathetic nervous system blocking agent. Traction - CORRECT ANSWER applies a straightening or pulling force to return or maintain the fractured bones in normal anatomic position. Casts - CORRECT ANSWER Rigid device applied to immobilize the injured bones and promote healing. Immobilizes the joint above the joint below the fractured bone so that the bone will not move during healing. Nursing: Monitor for "hot spots", pain, and drainage. Neurovascular assess, and teaching care of this device. External Fixator - CORRECT ANSWER consists of a frame connected to pins that are inserted perpindicular to the long axis of the bone. The number of pins depends on the type and site of fracture.Monitor Neurovascular assess and infection Closed "Simple" fracture - CORRECT ANSWER skin is intact Open "Compound" fracture - CORRECT ANSWER The skin intergrity is interrupted. Allows bacteria to move into open area and can cause complications. Complete fractures - CORRECT ANSWER Involve the entire width of the bone Incomplete fractures (Greenstick) - CORRECT ANSWER involve only part of the width of the bone. Oblique fracture line - CORRECT ANSWER ar an angle to the bone Avulsed fracture - CORRECT ANSWER when the fracture pulls bone and other tissue awayfrom the point of attachment Spiral fracture line - CORRECT ANSWER curves around the bone Comminuted Bone - CORRECT ANSWER bone breaks into many pieces Compressed Bone - CORRECT ANSWER Bone is crushed Impacted Bone - CORRECT ANSWER Broken bone ends are forced into each other Depressed Bone - CORRECT ANSWER the broken bone is forced inward Stable (nondisplaced) Fracture - CORRECT ANSWER fracture where bones maintain their anatomic alighment Unstable (Displaced) Fracture - CORRECT ANSWER Fracture occurs when the bones move out of the correct amatomical alignment Faciotomy - CORRECT ANSWER Surgical insicion of a muscle or Fascia to relieve pressure within the compartment.. Afterwards the incision is left open, leading to possible infection Volkmann's Contracture - CORRECT ANSWER uncommon complication of elbow or forearm fractures, can result from unresolved compartment syndrome. Signs: Ischemia, degeneration, and contraction of forearm muscles Manual Traction - CORRECT ANSWER applied by physically pulling on the extremity. often is used to reduce a fracture or dislocation. Skin traction (straight traction) - CORRECT ANSWER used to control muscle spasms and to immbolize a part of the body during transport or before surgery. Non-invasive and relatively comfortable for the patient. Most common: Bucks traction: used to immobilize the leg before surgery tp repair a hip or proximal femur fx. Balanced Suspension Traction - CORRECT ANSWER more than once force of pull to raise and support the injured extremity off the bed and maintain its alignment. Increases mobility while maintaining bone position. Skeletal Traction - CORRECT ANSWER Pulling force is applied directly through pins inserted into the bone, allows more weight to be used to maintain the proper alignment. Risk of infection is greater and may cause more discomfort. Internal Fixation - CORRECT ANSWER fracture is reduced (placed back into alignment) and nails, screws, plates, or pins are inserted to hold the bone in place. All done inside. Can be done by (ORIF) Neurovascular assess and monitor infection Stump Care - CORRECT ANSWER Massage, air exposure, keeping area and socks/wraps clean.