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OSHA 10 Exam Questions and Answers: A Comprehensive Guide to Workplace Safety, Exams of Workplace Safety

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to osha 10 regulations, covering various aspects of workplace safety, including fall protection, electrical hazards, confined spaces, and more. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals preparing for osha 10 certification exams or seeking to enhance their understanding of workplace safety practices.

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Available from 12/16/2024

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OSHA 10 Exam Questions & Answers

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Reduction of workplace fatalities and injuries after the Inception of OSHA - ANSWER- Down 62% fatalities, down 40% injuries OSHA's mission - ANSWER-To ensure a safe and healthy workplace for every working man and woman in the nation General duty Clause require from employees? - ANSWER-Comply with occupational safety and health standards Required to be posted in a conspicuous location - ANSWER-OSHA 300a year summary of workplace injuries and illnesses Report of a workplace fatality - ANSWER-8 hours for a fatality Colin 24 hours for hospitalization amputee or eyesight OSHA priority inspections - ANSWER-Imminent danger Violations electrical in nature are considered to be what - ANSWER-Serious When approached by an OSHA inspection officer what must happen first - ANSWER- Presentation of credentials Power delivery employees fall protection - ANSWER-4 feet above ground on poles Towers or similar structures this is a vertical rule What is OSHA's phone number - ANSWER-+1-800-321- OSHA Free Fall distances - ANSWER-6 feet free fall comma three and a half feet deceleration 9 and a half feet total Ladder angle equation - ANSWER-4 feet of height 1 feet of distance 3 foot handrail Positioning device system requirements - ANSWER-Anchorage of at least three thousand pounds Free Fall no more than 2 feet Electrocution hazards be safe acronym - ANSWER-Burns, electrocution, shock Arc, fire, explosions

What electrocution Hazard exists for the system neutral - ANSWER-They carry return path current What does OSHA require of employers for mad over seven 76.6 KV - ANSWER- Calculate transient over-voltage When is ear protection required - ANSWER-Over 85 decibels Administrative control - ANSWER-Item or device fitted to prevent injury or damage Acceptable oxygen levels - ANSWER-19.5% to 23.5% Thunder to lightning equation - ANSWER-5 seconds equals 1 mile Types of hard hats - ANSWER-Type 1 protects top. Type 2 protects top and sides. Class G equals 2200 volts. Class E equals 20000 volt Requirement to wear face shield with balaclava working 3 phase - ANSWER-9 Cal Crystalline silica producers - ANSWER-Soil. Concrete. Dust. Jack hammering Rock. Concrete saw. Why did OSHA adopt the globally harmonized system of classification and labeling chemicals - ANSWER-To standardize around the world Easy method for finding safety data sheets for chemicals - ANSWER-Internet search Marking color codes for utilities - ANSWER-Electric is red. Gas is yellow. Who is green. Telecommunication is orange. Unknown is Pink. Trench to be dug is white. What is the hv ratio for type c soil - ANSWER-1.5 feet over 1 feet equals 34 degrees Which of the following classifications do not require protective system - ANSWER- Stable rock equals 90 degrees Depth required 4 soil to use protection from Kevin - ANSWER-5 feet How much distance can live between a trench box and the bottom of an excavation - ANSWER-2 feet Suspected hazardous atmosphere at what depth is the employer required to test - ANSWER-4 feet Ladder distance in Trench - ANSWER-25 feet apart each Airmailing distance - ANSWER-20 feet

Maximum allowable wear for a half-inch chain - ANSWER-7/64 inches Removing wire rope requirement with visible broken wires - ANSWER-10% Tails protrude beyond the surface of half inch synthetic fiber rope after the last Touch of an eye splice - ANSWER-3 inches Three conditions in which synthetic web slings are required to be removed from service

  • ANSWER-Abnormal wear. Melting. Broken stitches Three criteria for an enclosed space - ANSWER-Periodic entry. Does not have normally hazardous atmosphere. Limited egress or entry At what point is an enclosed space considered to be permit required confined space - ANSWER-When reliable oxygen levels cannot be contained between 19.5% through 23.5% What should be done if the Hazardous atmosphere cannot be removed from a space - ANSWER-Talk to upper management. Full breathing apparatuses will be used Is the attendant allowed to enter an enclosed space - ANSWER-No What are oceans 3 training requirements regarding enclosed spaces - ANSWER-Entry procedures. Hazards of enclosed space entry. Enclosed space rescue procedures. How often is monitoring of the atmosphere inside an enclosed space required - ANSWER-Before entering the hole 1926 - ANSWER-Construction Fesc - ANSWER-Falls. electrocution. Struck by. Caught in between Methods of protection - ANSWER-Barricades. Guards. Engineering controls. Qualified and competent - ANSWER-Qualified as trained. Competent is trained and has Authority USA - ANSWER-Underground Service Alert 811 Shield and balaclava requirement for one phase - ANSWER-13 cal 5 things minimum trained for - ANSWER-Distinguish live parts from others. Determine nominal voltage of exposed parts. Minimum approach distance. Insulate hands, and Feet, PPE. Recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards.
  • Nixon OSHA Act date - ANSWER-December 29th