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OSHA 510 Study Guide with Complete Solutions, Exams of Workplace Safety

This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of osha 510 regulations, covering key topics such as worker safety, accident prevention, and hazard control. It includes a series of questions and answers that test understanding of the material, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health.

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CM 2215 OSHA 510 Study Guide with

Complete Solutions.

Protect safety and health of America's workers - ANSWER-OSHA's mission is to 11(c) - ANSWER-The right of the worker to seek safety and health on the job site without fear of punishment can be found in Section___ of the OSH Act lower morale and increased training costs - ANSWER-Results of workplace injuries and illnesses may include specific industry - ANSWER-Horizontal standards apply when a condition is not covered by a ___ ___ standard consistent - ANSWER-The purpose of OSHA directives, including Enforcement and Compliance Directives (CPL), is to ensure ___ OSHA regulations cited violation - ANSWER-OSHA requires that employers certify that abatement is complete for each ___ its workers - ANSWER-Creating employer failed to inform employees, other than ___, of damaged guardrail would result in a "creating" employer receiving a citation under OSHA's multi-employer citation policy for damaging a guardrail exposing all employees to a fall hazard. opening, walk through/around, closing - ANSWER-In addition to the presentation of credentials, the inspection process includes the ___ conference, the ___ inspection, and the ___ conference. partial - ANSWER-As a result of a work-related illness or injury, days the employee was only able to work a ___ shift would be classified as restricted work activity (not including the day the illness or injury began). 100 - ANSWER-In OSHA Record keeping, an incidence rate is the number of recordable injuries or illness per ___ full-time workers. following - ANSWER-Managers should be an example by knowing and ___ the rules employees are expected to follow to demonstrate management leadership and commitment to safety and health competent - ANSWER-The two main components of an employer's accident and prevention responsibilities required by 1926.20(b) a safety and health program and jobsite inspections by a ___ person.

100 - ANSWER-The maximum travel distance from any point of the protected area to the nearest fire extinguisher shall not exceed ___ feet visible - ANSWER-Accident prevention signs such as; danger, caution, and exit signs shall be ___ when work is being performed. 3.5 - ANSWER-When stopping a fall, a personal fall arrest system, shall bring an employee to a complete stop and limit the maximum deceleration distance to ___ feet. maintained - ANSWER-All hand and power tools, whether paid for by the employer or employee, shall be ___ in a safe condition. qualified - ANSWER-A person who has a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing or who has demonstrated his/her ability to solve problems relating to specific work is a ___ person. sheilded - ANSWER-Whenever practicable, all arc welding and cutting operations shall be ___ to protect employees and other persons working in the vicinity fire - ANSWER-Failure to inspect for oil or grease on regulator fittings, valves, or the cap threads on a cylinder of oxygen can result in ___ or explosion. 6 - ANSWER-Personal fall arrest systems, when stopping a fall, shall be rigged such that an employee cannot free fall more than ___ feet or contact any lower level. 10 - ANSWER-When mechanical equipment is being used perpendicular to the roof edge, the warning lines cannot be closer than ___ feet. employer's - ANSWER-It is the ___ responsibility to initiate and maintain accident prevention programs to comply with all applicable standards permanent - ANSWER-An "Assured equipment grounding program" deals with the cord- set and receptacles which are not part of the ___ wiring of the building or structure. 50 - ANSWER-___ volts or greater is the maximum voltage before guarding is required against accidental contact by cabinets, other forms of enclosure, or by location in a room or enclosure accessible only to qualified persons (electricians). bonding - ANSWER-The practice of connecting two metallic objects to prevent static sparks is called ___ inspection, test - ANSWER-Before the start of any work covered under Subpart V - Power Transmission and Distribution, existing conditions are determined by an ___ or a ___.

competent - ANSWER-OSHA requires that scaffolding being erected, moved, dismantled or altered be supervised by a ___ person. 42 - ANSWER-According to 1926.502(b)(1), the top rail of a guardrail system must be a height of ___ inches +/- 3 inches above the walking/working level. 45 - ANSWER-A material chute used during demolition operations bust be enclosed when its angle is equal to or greater than ___ degrees above the horizontal. B - ANSWER-Sandy clay loam having unconfined compressive strength of 1.2 TSF is a Type ___ soil. 8 - ANSWER-___ ft is the trigger height when masonry walls must be braced. 3 - ANSWER-On temporary stairs, handrails (to provide adequate handholds for employees grasping to prevent falling) shall have a minimum clearance of ___ inches between the handrails and walls 4 - ANSWER-When masonry walls are being constructed, a limited access zone at least the height of the wall plus ___ feet tall shall be established on the side of the wall without scaffolding. 4 - ANSWER-Except for extra-heavy-duty metal or plastic portable ladders, all portable ladders must support ___ times the maximum intended load. 30 - ANSWER-A controlled decking zone can only be used as fall protection up to a maximum height of ___ feet 12 - ANSWER-Type A soil can be sloped at 1/2:1 ratio if the excavation is open for less than 24 hours and is less than ___ feet deep. service - ANSWER-Portable ladders with structural defects such as, broken or missing rungs or split rails shall be removed from ___ until repaired 20 and 30, 48 - ANSWER-Cross bracing on a scaffold is only acceptable as a mid-rail when the crossing point of the two braces is between ___ and ___ inches above the work platform and end points are less than ___ inches apart. shift - ANSWER-Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each ___ and as necessary during use. operators - ANSWER-Crane ___ must have the authority to stop and refuse to handle crane loads until a qualified person has determined that safety has been assured.

stop - ANSWER-During crane operations when signalling is required, if the signals are interrupted the crane operator should safely ___ operations requiring signals until they are reestablished employer - ANSWER-The ___ is responsible to train signal persons to meet the 1926.1428 standard. 0 - ANSWER-The material used in rollover protection structures must have the capability of performing at ___ degrees F 178 - ANSWER-The operator training requirements for rough terrain trucks used in the construction industry are covered under OSHA standard 1910.___ Powered Industrial Trucks Z87.1 - ANSWER-Eye and face protection equipment used to protect against hazards shall meet the requirements specified in ANSI ___ Engineering, Administrative, Personal Protective Equipment - ANSWER-The correct hierarchy for controlling exposure to chemical hazards in 1. ___ controls, 2. ___ controls, 3. ___ ___ ___ 134 - ANSWER-Respirators used in the construction industry are covered under OSHA standard 1910.___ first aid - ANSWER-In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, hospital, or doctor that is reasonably accessible in terms of time and distance from the worksite, the employer shall make sure a person with a valid certificate in ___ training is available at the worksite. tap - ANSWER-According to OSHA, portable containers to provide drinking water shall be tightly closed and equipped with a ___ Lead - ANSWER-___ contaminants are toxic to both male and female reproductive systems and can create significant exposure to workers removing paint from bridges, renovating residences, and demolishing or salvaging structures