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Whistle Blower Act - ANSWER>>>Prohibits discrimination against employees filing complaints under OSHA or for disclosing safety & health issues concerning the workplace All work related fatalities must be reported within? - ANSWER>>>8 hours All injuries that involve in-patient hospitalization, amputation, eye loss must be reported within - ANSWER>>>24 hours What is serious physical harm? - ANSWER>>>Anything greater than a first aid situation What does NIOSH do - ANSWER>>>OSHA research group / facility Employer Responsibility - ANSWER>>>Shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees. Also shall comply with OSHA OSHA's general duty clause states under "An Act" that it will: - ANSWER>>>assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women Horizontal Standard - ANSWER>>>A standard which is applied to all industries or people. Vertical Standard - ANSWER>>>A standard that applies to a particular or specific group of people or industry. Incorporation By Reference - ANSWER>>>OSHA Directives Compliance Directives GUIDEBOOK
● Enforcement & Compliance Directives (CPL) ● Letters of Interpretation ● Federal Register CPL - ANSWER>>>Compliance.... Floor Hole - ANSWER>>>Opening greater than 1in & less than 12in in any floor, platform, pavement or yard, through which materials (but not persons) may fall through (ex: belt hole, pipe opening or slot opening) Floor Opening - ANSWER>>>Opening greater than 12in (note an OPENING is larger than a HOLE) Minimum width of fixed industrial stairs - ANSWER>>>28 inches wide OSHA certifies that a citation must be - ANSWER>>>● addressed ● corrections must be completed by abatement date ● OSHA has 180 days to issue the actual citation(s) Cages or Wells shall be provided on ladders - ANSWER>>>greater than 20 feet to a maximum of unbroken length of 30 feet (1910.27) General Duty Clause - ANSWER>>>Every employer shall furnish to his employee's employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees. OSHA Inspection Review (priority) - ANSWER>>>1) Imminent danger
Creating Employee - ANSWER>>>One who creates & exposes an employee to hazard(s) Affecting Employee - ANSWER>>> When is a Fit Test required? - ANSWER>>>If voluntary respirator use is permissible, then user must read & sign Appendix D Hazcom 1 983 - ANSWER>>>grants workers' RIGHT TO KNOW (RTK) Hazcom 2012 - ANSWER>>>grants workers' RIGHT TO UNDERSTAND (RTU) 3 Hazard Groups in Hazard Classification - ANSWER>>>1) Physical
When establishing Hazard Controls, what is the 1st priority? - ANSWER>>>Engineering Controls Question #26 - ANSWER>>>ANSWER is C (Dana) Question #46 - ANSWER>>>ANSWER is A "failure to completely tagout" CGA - ANSWER>>>Compressed Gas Association OSHA reference for Compressed Gas(es) - ANSWER>>>CGA Pamphlet P- 1 - 1965 Flash Point - ANSWER>>>minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor within a test vessel in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid Flash Point (short) - ANSWER>>>lowest temperature to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid Flash Point is normally an indication of - ANSWER>>>susceptibility to ignition Key temperature of Flash Point? - ANSWER>>>Less than 75°F is flammable More than 75°F is combustible Industrial Hygiene - ANSWER>>>Science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, & controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers injury or illness IH - ANSWER>>>Industrial Hygiene 3 Principals of Industrial Hygiene - ANSWER>>>REC
4 Most Common Routes of Entry - ANSWER>>>1) Inhalation (most common)
1910.5(a)(1) - ANSWER>>>General Duty Clause - SDS - ANSWER>>>Safety Data Sheet GHS for SDS - ANSWER>>>16 parts in a particular order to standardize SDS formats for international use EMR - ANSWER>>>Experienced Modification Ratio - determines your insurance rate for General Liability Insurance pH - ANSWER>>>Potential Hydrogen Purpose of Bloodborne Pathogens program - ANSWER>>>to protect workers from Infectious Materials (Hepatitis, HIV, etc) Purpose of Exhaust Ventilation - ANSWER>>>1) removes a particular hazard
Average number of people who die in a Confined Space accident? - ANSWER>>>2.5 people (the 1st man goes down, then the next man tries to rescue & usually dies) 88lbs per cubic foot - ANSWER>>>the average weight of dirt when a person is engulfed in an excavation site When do you Guard a machine? - ANSWER>>>If it moves & you can get a body part inside it, the machine should be guarded Why is a machine not guarded? - ANSWER>>>1) the guard is in the way
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg - ANSWER>>>Book about his management of ALCOA & how to use Safety as way to leverage other things that management values: Quality Efficiency Morale Cost Margin SMS - ANSWER>>>Safety Management System Dec 29, 1970 - ANSWER>>>Date President Nixon passed the Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) OSHA Act of 1970 - ANSWER>>>to assure every worker a safe & healthful working conditions to preserve human resources NIOSH - ANSWER>>>Division of Health & Human Resources (HHS); the research arm of OSHA (OSHA does not approve "things") How long can you put off an OSHA investigation? - ANSWER>>>4 hours max (to collect the appropriate managers, etc) - you can also ask for a search warrant before investigation can begin. NACOSH - ANSWER>>>National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety & Health OSHA Citation - ANSWER>>> BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics - ANSWER>>>collects & compiles data collected by the DOL (Dept of Labor) for occupational fatalities, injuried & illneses. CSHO - ANSWER>>>Compliance Safety & Health Officer CFR - ANSWER>>>Code of Federal Regulations ANSI - ANSWER>>>American National Standards Institute
NFPA - ANSWER>>>National Fire Protection Association OSHA tools - ANSWER>>>1) Incorporation by Reference
Crane Modifications - ANSWER>>>Must be rerated by the equipment manufacturer OR a Professional Engineer (PE) Best way to demonstrate Safety & Health? - ANSWER>>>Walk the Talk Lead by Example Effective exhaust ventilation draws contaminated air - ANSWER>>>away from breathing zone. To, through and away from breathing zone. Guard live electrical parts of - ANSWER>>>50 volts or greater Permanent aisles & passageways - ANSWER>>>Must be clear of debris & materials Point of Operation - ANSWER>>>Where cutting, shaping & boring occur (usually the machine, not the person performing the work)