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OSHA Final Exam 2024/2025 Questions and Answers 100% Verified ., Exams of Workplace Safety

OSHA's mission is to - ANSWER-Protect the safety and health of america's workers The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers - ANSWER-the right to a safe and healthful workplace The OSHA standards for contruction and general industry are also known as: - ANSWER-Part 1926 and part 1910 if you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option? - ANSWER-submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in - ANSWER-section 11(c) of the OSH act MSDS sheets give info about - ANSWER-hazardous chemicals Osha requires that employers pay for most required PPE including: - ANSWER-Hard Hats

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OSHA Final Exam 2024/2025 Questions

and Answers 100% Verified.

OSHA's mission is to - ANSWER-Protect the safety and health of america's workers The creation of OSHA provided this important right to workers - ANSWER-the right to a safe and healthful workplace The OSHA standards for contruction and general industry are also known as: - ANSWER-Part 1926 and part 1910 if you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards corrected at your workplace, which is your best option? - ANSWER-submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard information The right of workers to seek safety and health on the job without fear of punishment is spelled out in - ANSWER-section 11(c) of the OSH act MSDS sheets give info about - ANSWER-hazardous chemicals Osha requires that employers pay for most required PPE including: - ANSWER-Hard Hats one of the ain responsibilities employers have under OSHA is to: - ANSWER-provide training required by OSHA standards What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely? - ANSWER-imminent danger when the emplyer receives an OSHA citation, it must be - ANSWER-posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed during an osha inspection - ANSWER-you have the right t talk to the inspector privately among the rights related to osha recordkeeping, workers have the right to review - ANSWER-the osha 300 log and teh OSHA 300A summary The abatement date is the date to - ANSWER-correct violation within 10 calendar days after _______, the employer must certify to OSHS that each cited violation has been abated - ANSWER-abatement date

advance notice of inspection is always given to the employer - ANSWER-false each citation (one or more copies) should be posted for employees until a violation is abated for _________ working days - ANSWER- if the employer objects to the inspection, the Safety and Health officer will - ANSWER- terminate the inspection or continue the inspection in area where no objection is raised the employer must post a copy of each docment submitted to the agency or a summary of the document - ANSWER-in a place near where the violation occurred the employer must comply with an employee's or employee representative's request to examine and copy abatement documents within_______ working days of receiving the request - ANSWER- in cases of apparent imminent danger, advance notice of inspection - ANSWER-will be given which of the following will be given an opportunity to accompany the compliance safety and health officer during the physical inspection of any workplace for the purpose of aiding such inspection? - ANSWER-all of the above it is not necessary to implement safety and health programs in the workplace to reduce the likelihood of employee injury and added costs - ANSWER-false which of the folowing can be a result of not implementing a safety and health program into the workplace? - ANSWER-all of the above education and training in safety and health protection is especially critical for employees who are assuming new duties - ANSWER-true __________focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools and the work environment - ANSWER-job hazard analysis a question such as- is one person clearly responsible for the overall activities of the safety and health program?- should be part of the : - ANSWER-safety and health checklist if an employee receives a severe injury and loses his fingers and hands, this is an example of - ANSWER-the consequences of the hazard which of the following is implemented during a worksite analysis - ANSWER-all of the above

management should believe that safety and health on the job is______organizational objectives, such as cost control, quality and productivity - ANSWER-as important as hazard information that is needed by employees includes - ANSWER-all of the above if all hazard controls are in place to eliminate or minimize the workplace and job hazards, the are no other safety measures that need to be taken. - ANSWER-False it is not necessary to implement safety and health programs in the workplace to reduce the likelihood of employee injury and added costs - ANSWER-false which of the following can be a result of not implementing a safety and health program into the workplace? - ANSWER-all of the above education and training in safety and health protection is especially critical for employees who are assuming new duties - ANSWER-true _______ focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools and the work environment - ANSWER-job hazard analysis at what point do employers stop counting lost work days? - ANSWER- The osha annual summary must be posted the following calendar year between - ANSWER-Feb.1 and April 30 a case is work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the resulting condition - ANSWER-true in a privacy concern case, the employer should write ____ in the name column - ANSWER-privacy case incidents involving at least one fatality or hospitalization of multiple workers must be reported to OSHA - ANSWER-within 8 hours which of the following is a recordable injury or illness? - ANSWER-all of the above in which of the following would a case be considered new? - ANSWER-the employee has not previously experienced a recorded injury/illness of the same type that affects the same part of the body the injury and illness incident report is reffered to as osha form - ANSWER- recording or reporting a work-related injury, illness or fatality does not mean that the employer or employee was at fault, that an osha rule has been violated or that the employee is eligible for workers' compensation or other benefits - ANSWER-true

MSDS need only be accessible to employers and shift-leaders or foremen - ANSWER- false chemical evaluation canbe done by testing the mixture as a whole - ANSWER-true which of the following are common problems with employee training programs? - ANSWER-all of the above where employees must travel between workplaces during a workshift, i.e., theri work is carried out at more than one geographical location, the MSDS may be kept at the primary workplace facility - ANSWER-True which of the following is not a classification of chemical hazards? - ANSWER-irritant a proper hazardous chemical label does not need to include - ANSWER-instructions for spillage cleanup when putting your hazard communication program into practice, you should identify resonsible staff and identify haardous chemicals before you begin implementing your program - ANSWER-true inhalation is most common method for chemicals to enter the body - ANSWER-true which of the following is not a condition that allows for the withholding of trade secrets?

  • ANSWER-the specific identity is made available to all employers which of the following employee identification information should a fire prevention plan contain - ANSWER-both a and b which of the following is a workplace where an exit door can be locked from the inside?
  • ANSWER-correctional facility an evacuation warden is a person employers can designate: - ANSWER-both a and b exits must be separated by ______ materials - ANSWER-fire resistant the emergency action plan must be in writing, except for firms with______ or fewer employees - ANSWER- exit routes must be ________ and there must be enough exits in the proper arrangement for quick escape - ANSWER-permanent an exit is permitted to only have openings necessary to allow access to the exit from occupied areas of the workplace or exit discharge - ANSWER-true a class c fire extinguisher is for - ANSWER-energized electrical equipment

all exit route environments should be well lit so that an employee along the route - ANSWER-false contents which are liable to burn extremely fast or that can produce poisonous fumes or explosions in a fire are known as - ANSWER-high hazard contents which of the following persons is resonsible for fire detection systems being designed to operate in time to control or extinguish a fire? - ANSWER-both a and b in order to be fully operational, fire detectors need to be cleaned of - ANSWER-all of the abov the employer must post hazard warning or caution signs at the entrance to, and inside of, areas protected by fixed extinguishing systems which use agents in concentrations known to be hazardous to employee safety and health - ANSWER-true generally, it is important that the employer not delay alarms or devices initiated by fire detector actuation for more than: - ANSWER-30 seconds all standpipe systems installed before Jan. 1, 1981, for use by employees, must be equipped with the lined hose - ANSWER-false the employer must restore all fire detection systems and components to normal operating condidtion as promptly as possible________ each test or alarm - ANSWER- after Any defects or impairments of fixed extinguishing systems must be properly corrected by the employee - ANSWER-false all fire detection systems must be tested and adjusted_______ to maintain proper reliability and operating condition except that factory calibrated detectors need not be adjusted after installation - ANSWER-as often as needed hose systems must be inspected at least _________and after each use to assure that all of the equipment and hos are in place, available for use and in serviceable condition

  • ANSWER-annually the employer must ensure the use of ________needed for immediate rescue of employees trapped in hazardous atmospheres created by an agent discharge - ANSWER-PPE which of the following is not approved or suitable for use with flexible cords and cables?
  • ANSWER-none of the above

if you come into contact with an energized black wire and you are also in contact with a white grounded wire - ANSWER-current will pass through you body and you will receive a shock in general, a disconnecting means must be located in sight from the controller location - ANSWER-true in general, a disconnecting means must be located in sight from the controller location - ANSWER-true overcurrent devices for circuits rated 600 volts nominal or less must be reaily accessible to each employee or authorized building management personnel - ANSWER-true all circuits breakers must clearly indicate whether they are in the open ___ or closed- ____ position - ANSWER-off,on workers in elevated locations who experience a shock can fall, resulting in serious injury or death - ANSWER-true an open conductor must have at least 18 feet of clearance above a public street - ANSWER-true dry skin has a fairly high resistance, but when moist, resistance drops radically, making it a ready conductor - ANSWER-true if metal covers are used for __________, they must be grounded - ANSWER-all of the above temporary wiring over 600 volts, nominal, may be used only during - ANSWER-all of the above non-power-limited fire protective signaling circuits and ______ cuircuits may occupy the same enclosure, cable, or raceway provided all conductors are insulated for maximum voltage of any conductor within the enclosure, cable or raceway - ANSWER-class 1 emergency circuit wiring must be kept entirely independent of all other wiring equipment

  • ANSWER-true if too many devices are plugged into a circuit, the current will heat the wires to a very high temperature which may cause a fire, this is known as a(n) - ANSWER-overload hazard _________labels must be attached on the equipment and be plainly visible even when doors are open or panels are removed from compartments containing voltages of over 250 volts AC or DC - ANSWER-danger

AC systems supplying fixed and portable electric equipment within the cell line working zone need not be grounded - ANSWER-true qualified persons must, at a minimum, be trained in and familiar with the following - ANSWER-all of the above if work is to be performed near overhead lines, the lines must be __________or other protective measures must be provided before work is started - ANSWER-both a and c according to safe work practices for deenergizing equipment, each tag must contain a statement: - ANSWER-prohibiting unauthorized operation of the disconnecting means and removal of the tag conductors emerging from the ground must be enclosed in approved raceways - ANSWER-true a limit switch or other device must be provided to prevent the load block from passing the safe upper limit of travel of any hoisting mechanism - ANSWER-true The third step to controlling a hazard when handling spills or leaks is - ANSWER- contain the material the ____ the flash point, the _____the hazard - ANSWER-lower, greater when vapors of a flammable or combustible liquid are mixed with air in the proper proportions in the presence of a source of ignition, rapid combustion or an explosion can occur - ANSWER-true which of the following is prohibited to use for storage of a flammable or combustible liquid? - ANSWER-open metal container inside a storage cabinent portable fire extinguishment and control equipment must be provided - ANSWER-in such quantities and types as are needed for the special hazards of operation and storage transferring flammable liquids by mean of air pressure on the container or portable tanks is acceptable - ANSWER-false materials which react with water must not be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids - ANSWER-true storage cabinets must be designed and constructed to limit the internal temperature to not more than 325F when subjected to a standardized 10-minute fire test - ANSWER- true

in every inside storage room, there must be maintained an aisle of at least 3 feet wide - ANSWER-true flammable liquids are more dangerous than combustible liquids since they have flashpoints ____ degrees F and may be ignited at room temperature - ANSWER-below 100 exposure to electrical hazards from work on, near or with conductors or equipment in electri utilization installations, which is covered by electrical regulation, is also covered by lockout/tagout requirments - ANSWER-false lockout devices and tagout devices must indicate the identity of: - ANSWER-the employee attaching the device prior to starting work on machines or equipment that have been ocked out or tagged out, the authorized employee must verify that__________ and deenergization of the machine or equipment have been accomplished - ANSWER-isolation The employer must have certification that employee training has been accomplished that includes: - ANSWER-both a and b tags and theri means of attachment must be made of materials which will withstand - ANSWER-any conditions in the workplace Which of the following is covered by the lockout/tagout standard? - ANSWER-the control of energy during servicing and/or maintenance of machines and equipment in the the case of tagout devices, print and format criteria does not need to be standerdized - ANSWER-false it is important that the employer conduct a periodic inspection of the energy control procedure at least __________ to ensure that the procedure and the requirements of this standard are being followed - ANSWER-annually if an energy isolating device is not capable of being locked out, the employer's energy control program: - ANSWER-must utilize a tagout system to ensure that any machine or equipment is isolated and inoperable before employee performs any type of work on it, the employer is required to establish a program consisting of - ANSWER-all of the above which of the following devices utilizes cables or straps that are attached to the operator's hands and a fixed point? - ANSWER-restraint when using abrasive wheels on mounted wheels, used in portable operations, 2 inches and smaller in diameter, it does not require safety guards - ANSWER-true

abrasive wheel machinery guards must meet the design secifications of the american ational standard safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels, ANSI B7.1-1970 - ANSWER-true __________ motions may be harardous becasue, during the back and forth or up and down motion, a worker may be struck by or caught between a moving and a stationary part - ANSWER-reciprocating in-running nip point hazards are caused by - ANSWER-the rotating parts on machinery the point of operation is - ANSWER-the area on a machine where work is performed a good safeguarding system eliminates the possibility of the operator or other workers placing parts of their bodies near hazardous moving parts - ANSWER-true the purpose of machine guarding is to protect the machine operator and other employees in the work area from the hazards created by - ANSWER-all of the above _______ are guards which mount behind the wheel and turn with it - ANSWER- revolving cup guards the __________ process requires the employer must establish an energy control program consisting of energy control procedures, employee training and periodic inspections - ANSWER-lockout/tagout if there is a drop of more than 4 feet, a ____________ should be provided when there is exposure to falling materials - ANSWER-removeable toeboard trench or conduit covers and their supports, when located in plant roadways, must be designed to carry a truck rear-axle load of at least 20000 lbs - ANSWER-true when walking or working on scaffolds, you should always be aware of the hazards of overhead owerlines - ANSWER-true covers or guardrails are not required for open pits , tanks, vats , or ditches - ANSWER- false every workroom floor must be maintained in a - ANSWER-a and b grab bars must be spaced by a continuation of the rung spacing when they are located in the ____________ position - ANSWER-horizontal hinged floor openings must have a cover of standard strength and construction equipped with standard railings or permanently attached so as to leave - ANSWER-only one exposed side

defective ladders must be withdrawn from use and marked - ANSWER-dangerous, do not use some of the most frequently violated standards in regards to walking and working surfaces involve - ANSWER-housekeeping a standard railing must consist of - ANSWER-all of the above in circumstances for which it is impossible to provide such ventilation, airline respirators or hose masks approved for this purpose by OSHA must be used - ANSWER-false ventilation requirements are established on the basis of which of the following in arc and gas welding which govern the amount of contamination to which welders may be exposed - ANSWER-all of the above cables with splices within 10 feet of the holder may not be used - ANSWER-true the _______ is responsible for determining if combustible materials and hazardous area are present or likely to be present in the work location - ANSWER-supervisor which of teh following can cause hazards in welding, cutting, or heating - ANSWER-all of the above all doors and access panels of all resistance welding machines and control panels must be ________to prevent access, by unauthorized persons, to live portions of the equipment - ANSWER-a and c which of the following must helmets and hand shields be arranged to protect from contact with direct radiant energy - ANSWER-all of the above common side effects of exposure to high concentrations of cadmium fumes include - ANSWER-lung irritation empty cylinders must have their valves - ANSWER-closed a fire watch must be maintained for at least ______ after completion of welding or cutting operations to detect and extinguish possible smoldering fires - ANSWER- minutes all aisles and passageways must be ______ and permanent aisles and passageways must be permanently marked - ANSWER-kept clear, permanently marked employers must conduct an evaluation of each powered industrial truck operators performance at least once every____ years - ANSWER-

when using slings it is advised to engage in shock loading - ANSWER-false training programs on proper lifting techniques should cover several topics including - ANSWER-all of the above trucks approved for fire safety also must bear a label, or some other identifying mark, indicating - ANSWER-it is accepted by a nationally recognized testing laboratory ___________focuses on the work environment, such as its design and function, as well as items such as the design and function of work stations - ANSWER-ergonomics employers and employees must equip fork trucks with vertical load backrest extensions according to ___________ specifications if the load presents a hazard - ANSWER-the manufacturer's the rated capacity of mobile cranes is the same regardless of the length of the boom and the boom radius - ANSWER-false the employer must provide a program to train all employees who service rim wheels in the hazards involved in servicing those rim wheels and the safety procedures to be followed - ANSWER-true some powered industrial trucks are intended for use in atmospheres which may be flammable and are equipped with safeguards to their: - ANSWER-all of the above even if there are no guidelines specific to the industry, an employer still has an obligation under_________ to keep the workplace free from recognized serious hazards, including ergonomic hazards - ANSWER-general duty clause, section 5(a)(1) to avoidlifting injuries, you can use _______ to load machinery into trucks rather than lifting it - ANSWER-a and b good ergonomic work practice includes continually identifying the most hazardous tasks and implementing ________ and________ controls to help reduce or prevent injuries in those tasks - ANSWER-engineering, work practices ________ temperatures can cause decreased muscle flexibility, which can result in muscle pulls - ANSWER-cold osha does not issue citation for ergonomic related hazards - ANSWER-false regardless of how good your working posture is, working in the same position or sitting still for prolonged periods is not healthy - ANSWER-True the three steps to approaching ergonomic problems in the workplace are - ANSWER- review injury and illness records, identify potential MSD cases categorize

devices used to laterally transfer a patient/resident, for example from bed to gurney are known as - ANSWER-lateral trnsfer devices maintaining sttic postures, such as viewing the monitor, for prolonged period of time without taking a break can fatigue the muscles of the _____and______ that support the head - ANSWER-neck, shoulders if metal covers are used for __________, they must be grounded - ANSWER-all of the above the terms "permit-required confined space and permit space" refer to spaces that meet osha's definition of a confined space and contain health or safety hazards - ANSWER- true which of the following is not a requirement to be included in the the written program for the permit space - ANSWER-none of the above control of atmoshpheric hazards through forced air ventilation constitutes elimination of hazards - ANSWER-false according to the entry chart, what must occur next if the space can not be maintained in a condition safe to enter by continuous forced air ventilation only? - ANSWER-prepare for entry via permit procedures which of the following is not a requirement to be included in the written program for the permit space - ANSWER-test atmospheric conditions in the permit space during and after space entry ________ the initial work assignment begins, the employer must provide proper training for all workers who are required to work in permit spaces - ANSWER-before one of the most dangerous situations associated with confined space entry is the failure to recognize a hazard exists - ANSWER-true employers must provide rescue service personnel with: - ANSWER-all of the above upon permit confined space entry, employers are required to provide at least one attendant outside the permit space into which entry is authorized for - ANSWER-the length of time the operations are to take place when testing for atmospheris hazards, employers are required to test first for oxygen, then for combustible gases and vapors and then for toxic gases and vapors - ANSWER- true

insulating equipment must be inspected for damage_____ and immediately following any incident that can reasonably be suspected of having caused damage - ANSWER- before each day's use protective helmets purchased after 7/25 '94 must comply with ANSI Z89.1-1986 " american national standard - ANSWER-true if an employee who needs eye protection wears prescription lenses, he or she should - ANSWER-all of the above eye and face protection selected for employee use must clearly identify the - ANSWER- manufacturer the first step in developing a comprehensive safety ad health program including ppe is to - ANSWER-perform a hazard assessment if employees use a respirator under any circumstances, teh employer should have - ANSWER-a written respiratory program as a general rule for chemical and liquid rsistant gloves, the ______ the glove material then the greater the chemical resistance - ANSWER-thicker all respiratory protection equipment must be approved by - ANSWER-niosh if the employee provides his or her own protective equipment, the employer is still responsible for: - ANSWER-all of the above this footwear may be designed to be electronically conductive or non-conductive - ANSWER-safety shoes engineering controls are the last strategy of control an employer should use for job hazards - ANSWER-false the employer must ensure that appropriate ppe in the appropriate sizes is readily accessible at the worksite for purchase by the employee - ANSWER-false which of the following are the primar methods used to control th transmission of HBV and HIV - ANSWER-engineering and work practice controls which of the following is not a role of industrial hygienists - ANSWER-training employees on the recognition of hazards the sharps injury log must be reviewed at least _______ during the review and update of the exposure control plan - ANSWER-annually

_____________ includes planning the best way to control or prevent hazards in the event of an emergency - ANSWER-emergency prep the employer must make available the hepatitis B vaccine and vacccination series to all employees who have occupational exposure, and post-exposure evaluation and follow- up to all employees who have had an exposure incident - ANSWER-true contaminated work surfaces must be decontaminated with an appropriate disinfectant after completion of procedures - ANSWER-all of the above one of the primary roles of an industrial hygienist is to decide what is needed to control work hazards - ANSWER-true the most common form of contaminated blood exposure is : - ANSWER-needlestick contact ______ are responsible for the safe conditions of ools and equipment used - ANSWER- employers among the chief hazards of electric-powered tools are burns and slight shocks which can lead to injuries or even heart failure - ANSWER-true a jack can be used for the purposes of supporting a lifted load - ANSWER-false a sound and undamaged wheel wil give a clear metallic tone or ring - ANSWER-true which of the following would require a safety guard? - ANSWER-all of the above all portable, power driven circular saws having a blade diameter greater than in must be equipped with guards __________the base plate or shoe - ANSWER-both a and b in case of a misfire, the operator must hold the tool in the operating position for at least - ANSWER-30 seconds the fluid used in hydraulic power tools should have fire-resistant ingrediants - ANSWER- false the main danger of a pneumatic tool is - ANSWER-both a and b the _______ is responsible for the safe condition of tools and epeuipment used by employees but the _______ have the responsibility for properly using and maintaining tools - ANSWER-Employer, employees