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OSMT Exam 2025: Questions and Answers for Medical Laboratory Technicians, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the osmt exam, covering various aspects of medical laboratory technology. It includes topics such as blood collection techniques, laboratory procedures, specimen handling, and safety protocols. Designed to help students prepare for the osmt exam and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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Available from 12/21/2024

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Download OSMT Exam 2025: Questions and Answers for Medical Laboratory Technicians and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

OSMT EXAM 2025 OSMT EXAM 2025 WITH GUARANTEED ACCURATE ANSWERS |VERIFIED "ug" is a unit to describe? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ weight A profile is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ A number of related laboratory tests A PKU test detects? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a genetic defect in metabolism purpose of cleaning venipuncture site? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ to carry away micro organisms cause of a hematoma? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ puncturing a vein through both sides

whole blood is obtained by using? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a tube containing an anticoagulant needles should be discarded into? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sharps container if a vein feels lumpy or ropey it is probably? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ tortuous (full of twists and turns) equation for Celsius to Fahrenheit - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ F = C / 1.8 - 32 equation for Fahrenheit to Celsius - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ C = F x 1.8 + 32 myocardial infarction is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ death of a heart muscle glassware used to measure a 24 hour urine? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ graduated cylinder Glassware used to make 100 mls. of a 12% solution is a? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ volumetric flask a safety bulb is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a suction device used to suck up liquids

The pipette with a bulged out portion in the middle is a? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ volumetric pipette glassware that would not give critical measurement? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ beaker Solid crystals of potassium oxalate are added to distilled water in a container. What term would describe the potassium oxalate? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ solute The destruction of all microorganisms including spores is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sterilization a pH of 2 is how many more times acidic than 5? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 1000x cells in a hypertonic state will? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ dehydrate The solution used to fix a pap smear is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ cytospray Blood for an RBC count must be prepared from - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ EDTA blood

Which reagent is not routinely used to preserve tissue in a life-like manner? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ formic acid Which piece of histology equipment is not temperature dependent? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ microtome what is a biopsy? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ excision of a representative tissue sample correct sequence of steps for tissue processing - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ dehydration, clearing, infiltration why is fixation of tissue important? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ prevents cell morphology changes and allows tissue to be examined in a life-like condition and facilitates the staining process. The liquid portion of blood remaining after a clot has formed is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ serum Which test could not be performed on a serum? sample? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ clotting factors The shape of a normal erythrocyte is described as? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ bi concave disk

Glucose results are correctly reported in? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ mmol/L If a patient refuses to have a venipuncture done you should? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ notify the patients physician or nurse Which needle gauge corresponds with the smallest needle size - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 23 The vacutainer tube which is used to collect and separate serum is the? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ SST tube order of draw - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ blood cultures, light blue, red, gold, mint, green, lavender, pink, grey, navy blue. the tourniquet is used to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ increase venous fill If a patient faints during venipuncture, you should? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ remove needle and tend to patient What vein/veins is not used to obtain a venous blood sample? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ femoral vein

A blood specimen collected in a heparinized tube is centrifuged. It will separate into? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ plasma, buffy coat, red blood cells Hemolysis may result from? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ using a 25 gauge needle on an adult, vigorously shaking the blood specimen, refrigerating the vacutainer before use, or leaving the tourniquet on for 3 minutes The test procedure that uses a Westergren tube is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Latex gloves protect the lab employee from? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ body fluids When setting up an ESR you should not? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ set up by a centrifuge normal temperature of laboratory fridge? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 3 degrees The purpose of doing a differential is to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ determine the proportions of WBC's in whole blood

Blood samples for cell counts must be thoroughly mixed immediately before testing to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ensure even distribution of all blood components An automated hematology cell count uses the principle of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ changes in cell electrical currents The maximum depth to perform a heel puncture on a newborn is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 2.4 mm The first drop of blood is wiped away after performing a skin puncture to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ remove the last traces of alcohol and remove any excess tissue fluid What areas on an infant are suitable for skin puncture? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the lateral, flat portion of the heel What laboratory department studies antigen-antibody reaction? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ immunology What tube would be drawn for ANA (lupus)? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ SST A disinfectant used on metal surface is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 2% gluteraldehyde

What tube would be collected for a cross-match - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Plain red top Separated serum that is dark yellow to amber in color is termed? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ icteric Which factor would interfere with growth of a pathogen? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ an acidic pH A specimen is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a small sample taken to represent the whole organism or system The purpose of heat fixing a bacterial smear is to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ prevent cells from being washed off during staining The site of a specimen must be written on a swab container to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ determine suitable agar and atmospheric requirements correct sequence of steps on the gram stain procedure - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ primary stain, mordant, decolorizing, counterstain How should commercially prepared culture plates be stored? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ inverted to prevent condensation dripping on the media and at a temperature of 2C - 4C

Which Gram stain reagent acts as a mordant to bind the stain to the bacteria? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ grams iodine Susceptibility testing identifies? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the appropriate antibiotic needed to kill the micro-organism when a specimen is cultured - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the equipment required is a loop and a direct flame. the media is brought to room temperature before use. the media selected is dependent on the type of specimen. the loop is sterilized prior to inoculation. most commonly used for protection when processing swabs, body fluid or blood? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ class ll laminar flow hood the autoclave is set at? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 121 degrees Celsius for one hour at 15 p.s.i. The autoclave is set at what, for small loads? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 130*C for 30min at 30 p.s.i. The universally accepted disinfectant for the medical workplace is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 1% hypochlorite A patient's health card number consists of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 10 digits

Approximately how many centimeters are in one foot? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 30 Two standard deviations from the mean include? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 95% of all values A patient has hepatitis, which tests will be increased? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ALT, AST, alkaline phosphates and bilirubin Acid phosphatise is an enzyme which increases in? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ prostate cancer Which enzymes would be increased in a patient with acute Ml? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ CK and AST Glycosylated hemoglobin indicates? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ blood glucose levels from preceding months Serum is acidified after separation for which test? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ acid phosphate WHMIS stands for? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ workplace hazardous materials information system

MSDS sheets do not contain - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hazard symbols when using acid and water? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ acid is slowly added to water Insidious hazards include? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ aerosols, carcinogens, mutagens, and radiation Which test would not be performed on plasma or serum? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hemoglobin electrophoresis The function unit of the kidney is the? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ nephron Pus cells or fat in urine would cause what colour? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ milky white The end products of protein digestion are? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ amino acids reagent strips should be tested how often? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ daily with control

Before performing an R & M on a specimen, the urine would be? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ brought to room temperature and mixed well A backup tests to confirm a positive protein in urine would be? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ SSA and TCA test Which test result would increase in a urine specimen sitting at room temperature for 3 Hours? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ nitrate Water that is free of charged particles is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ deionized All are true when using a serological pipette: the pipette tip is below the liquid surface when filling - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ releasing the safety bulb will draw liquid into the pipette. it delivers total capacity or multiple volumes. it is held vertically and allowed to drain freely The destruction of erythrocytes to release hemoglobin is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hemolysis The test measuring the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBC? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hemoglobin (HGB)

An immature neutrophil is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a band cell The test that counts the number of immature RBC's is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ reticulocyte count Which test does not monitor a patient's coagulation mechanism - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ACTH A plasma protein involved in coagulation is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ fibrinogen The buffy coat is made up of - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ white blood cells and platelets quality control is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ running known and unknown controls, involvement in LPTP program, for accuracy and precision, and insuring control values are within 2 SD (standard deviants) A microbiology transport medium will contain activated charcoal to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ absorb toxic substances All are liver function tests - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ALB, ALP, bilirubin, and AST

When collecting specimens for C & S one should? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ stop taking antibiotics several days before collection When an agar plate is streaked correctly the final result is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ individual colonies Which chemical is not explosive? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ crystal violet Which reagent is not used to concentrate and stain ova and parasite specimen? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ crystal violet is saline flammable? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ no specific gravity for urine should be? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔

The "universal solvent" is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ water A patient with a heart condition may be sent to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ICU and CCU The most commonly used microscope in the clinical laboratory is the? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ light

A condition in which red blood cells and hemoglobin are decreased? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ anemia Some bacteria can produce a capsule that is resistant to heat and drying?

  • ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a spore The layer above the precipitate in a solution is called the? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ supernatant The function of the respiratory system is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ to supply oxygen to tissue and to remove carbon dioxide from tissue EDTA prevents clotting by? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ binding calcium ion Which type of plastic ware can be autoclaved? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Polypropylene Which type of pipette has calibration marks to the tip? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Serological Blood taken from arterial or venous blood gases is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ put on ice and preformed STAT

Insulin is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a hormone produced by the pancreas, has the opposite effect to glucagon, and is also produced by the parathyroid glands TSH is a hormone which? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ stimulates T and T4 to be secreted, 17-hydroxy steroid (17-OH) and 17-ketosteroids (17-KS) requires a 24 hour urine Cortisol is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ tested on plasma (green top tube) or serum (SST/yellow top) and drawn as a fasting to timed specimen Lactose tolerance testing will? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ diagnose a patients inability to digest milk sugar and will diagnose enzyme deficiency All the white blood cells - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Monocytes. Basophil. eosinophil. lymphocyte. Neutrophils The anticoagulant required for a differential blood film - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ EDTA Kidney function test (s) include - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ BUN, creatinine clearance, electrolyte profile, and total protein.

BSP is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ complete infection control and has the same guidelines for all north America Xylene is used to? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ clear tissue in paraffin wax extra precautions are necessary when labeling specimens for? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ABO and Rh, cross-matching The tablet used for glucose testing in urine is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Clinitest A refractometer is used to test? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ urines specific gravity (density) Which test/tests is used for the turbidimetric screening of urine protein?

  • ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ TCA and SSA Which reagent is stored under water? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ picric acid Which cytology specimen cannot be prepared by cytospin method? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ joint fluid cytospray is a common? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ fixative

Which is super vital stain? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ New methylene blue stain What could cause precipitation on a slide when performing a Wright's stain? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ insufficient removal of metallic scum during washing What is the mounting medium used to cover slip hematology slides? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ permount How will drawing a small amount of blood in the EDTA tube affect the spun hematocrit value? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ falsely decreased values Which factor would increase tissue processing time for a histology specimen? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ dense tissue When a tissue is fixed it means? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ putrefaction and autolysis are prevented and the tissue is retained in a life-like manner Which reagent is used to embed tissue after processing? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ paraffin wax a tissue is calcified after? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ fixing

What is used to hold a specimen larger than 5 mm for tissue processing?

  • ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a basket Cytology smears of sputum and synovial are fixed with? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 95% ethanol What will increase CO2 tension when incubating microbiology cultures?
  • ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ CO2 incubator and candle jar Which is suitable to culture a mycological specimen? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ large test tubes containing Saubourand's dextrose agar What is the meniscus? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the curved surface of a liquid a blood clot is also called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a thrombus an acid added to a base forms? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a salt When solid particles in a solution settle out, it is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ precipitation Vaporizing and condensing a substance to purify it is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ distilation

a solution that would cause a cell to swell is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hypertonic additive in a green top is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ heparin largest vein in the body? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Vena cava rheumatic arthritis will do what to an ESR? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ increase result creatinine clearance is done to determine? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ kidney function non pregnant GTT test uses? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 75 grams glucose in a 300 ml bottle the following tests give information about erythrocytes - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ malaria smears, RBC count and ESR serum left sitting on a clot will have a higher level of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ potassium blood smears must be made from a tube containing? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ anti coagulant, (EDTA)

icteric serum contains higher amounts of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ bilirubin what is normal flora? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ harmless microorganisms romanowsky stain contains? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ methylene blue and eosin blood films are not fixed before staining because? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Wright's stain contains methanol, which does the fixing Glacial acetic acid is stored? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ in a safety cabinet a buffer is made from mixing? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a weak acid with a weak base large intestine consists of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sigmoid colon, cecum, and rectum blood film that is too thick is the result of? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ too big of a drop

a volumetric pipette will? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ have a bulged out middle, is calibrated TD, and give critical measurements test most affected by have the tourniquet on for more than a minute and a half - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ calcium and RBC count physiological saline is prepared by mixing? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ distilled water and sodium chloride the spleen is not an organ of the? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ endocrine system secretion from the lungs is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sputum and is tested for malignant cells highly contagious lung infected patient would be put into? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ respiratory isolation defibrinated blood is prepared by? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ mixing with glass beads and stirring with glass rod blood passing through the left atrium would go where next? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ left ventricle instrument used to measure hydrogen ion concentration is a? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ pH meter

sterilization by dry heat is done at? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 160 degrees specimen that does not require special diet - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ still for c and s a stool for ova and parasites is collected into? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a jar containing SAF fluid round gram positive bacteria which grow in clusters is called? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ staphylococci 24 hour urine preservative? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hypochlorite acid which test is not done in immunohematology? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ retic count blood bank tests - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ cross match, ground and RH, Coombs direct, and ABO testing which type of water is most chemically pure? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ deionized water

quality control ensures? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ reliable test results bilirubin is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ increased in patients with jaundice, produced from broken down RBCs, increased in babies, and sensitive to light privacy legislation deals with? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the collection, use, and disclosure or personal information the following describes what is meant when a profession is regulated - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ entry of the profession is controlled by an organization, there is a provincial legislation defining who can practice, standards to be met by the profession. Medicare is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Canada's national health insurance program the term statute is interchangeable with the word? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ act a supplier lable is not required when? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ the product is not to leave the work place

regulation 682 defines? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a person who under direct supervision performs tests which require limited skill and responsibilities, an m.l.a.t. tasks that fall under the scope of practice for technicians? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ preparation of samples prior to testing what is a U.N. number? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a 4 digit United Nations number that dangerous goods are assigned who is the immediate line of authority for technicians? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a technologist possible lab findings that indicate the presence of a communicable disease must be reported within? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 24 hours to a medical officer of health when citing the insurance act, an insurer may request that the lab test a human specimen for? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ HIV antibody describe a bill? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a proposed act that is before legislative Assembly the endeavour of the MLA to maintain and improve their skills is? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ mandated by the code of ethics