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1. The Basics
2. ACID Properties
3. Atomicity and Two-Phase Commit
4. Performance
5. Styles of System
1.2 The ACID Properties
- Transactions have 4 main properties
- Atomicity - all or nothing
- Consistency - preserve database integrity
- Isolation - execute as if they were run alone
- Durability - results aren’t lost by a failure
- All-or-nothing, no partial results.
- E.g. in a money transfer, debit one account, credit the other. Either debit and credit both run, or neither runs.
- Successful completion is called Commit.
- Transaction failure is called Abort.
- Commit and abort are irrevocable actions.
- An Abort undoes operations that already executed
- For database operations, restore the data’s previous value from before the transaction
- But some real world operations are not undoable. Examples - transfer money, print ticket, fire missile
Example - ATM Dispenses Money
(a non-undoable operation)
T1: Start
... Commit Dispense Money
T1: Start
... Dispense Money Commit
System crashes
Deferred operation never gets executed
System crashes Transaction aborts Money is dispensed
Reading Uncommitted Output Isn’t
T1: Start ... Display output ... If error, Abort
T2: Start Get input from display ... Commit
User reads output … User enters input Brain transport
Compensating Transactions
- A transaction that reverses the effect of another transaction (that committed). For example, - “Adjustment” in a financial system - Annul a marriage
- Not all transactions have complete compensations
- E.g. Certain money transfers
- E.g. Fire missile, cancel contract
- Contract law talks a lot about appropriate compensations
A well-designed TP application should have a compensation for every transaction type
Every transaction should maintain DB consistency
- Referential integrity - E.g. each order references an existing customer number and existing part numbers
- The books balance (debits = credits, assets = liabilities)
Consistency preservation is a property of a transaction, not of the TP system (unlike the A, I, and D of ACID)
- If each transaction maintains consistency, then serial executions of transactions do too.
Some Notation
- ri[x] = Read(x) by transaction Ti
- w (^) i[x] = Write(x) by transaction Ti
- c (^) i = Commit by transaction Ti
- a (^) i = Abort by transaction Ti
- A history is a sequence of such operations, in the order that the database system processed them.
Consistency Preservation Example
T 1 : Start; A = Read(x); A = A - 1; Write(y, A); Commit;
T 2 : Start; B = Read(x); C = Read(y); If (B > C+1) then B = B - 1; Write(x, B); Commit;
- Consistency predicate is x > y.
- Serial executions preserve consistency. Interleaved executions may not.
- H = r 1 [x] r 2 [x] r 2 [y] w 2 [x] w 1 [y]
- e.g. try it with x=4 and y=2 initially
- Intuitively, the effect of a set of transactions should be the same as if they ran independently
- Formally, an interleaved execution of transactions is serializable if its effect is equivalent to a serial one.
- Implies a user view where the system runs each user’s transaction stand-alone.
- Of course, transactions in fact run with lots of concurrency, to use device parallelism.
A Serializability Example
T 1 : Start; A = Read(x); A = A + 1; Write(x, A); Commit;
T 2 : Start; B = Read(x); B = B + 1; Write(y, B); Commit;
- H = r 1 [x] r 2 [x] w 1 [x] c 1 w 2 [y] c (^2)
- H is equivalent to executing T 2 followed by T (^1)
- Note, H is not equivalent to T 1 followed by T (^2)
- Also, note that T 1 started before T 2 and finished before T 2 , yet the effect is that T 2 ran first.