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Overview of History of Canada
Immigration Policy
People have been coming to Canada
for many years ………….
Canada’s immigration policies (or
lack thereof) have always had
significant impacts on the people
who were allowed to come
Early ‘policy’ was very
1896 - 1905
- “I think that a stalwart peasant in a sheepskin coat, born to the soil, with a stout wife and a half dozen children, is good quality”
Clifford Sifton, Ministry of Interior
1901 census
- Population 5,371,
- 96% of European origin
- 13% population were immigrants
- 55% foreign-born were citizens
- 4% Chinese were citizens
- 43% immigrants female
- 41% pop of British origin
- 31% French
- 22,050 Chinese
- 17, 347 Blacks
- 16,131 Jews
Head tax doubled from
the 1885 level of $50 to
- Immigration Act passed to stop ‘undesirable
This Act
immigrants within 2
(then 3 then 5) years
of landing for ….
- Becoming a public charge
- Insanity
- Disease
- Handicap
- Becoming an inmate of a prison or hospital
- Infirmity
- Committing crimes of ‘moral turpitude’
Arrival of Sikhs in BC in 1906-
resulted in an “anti-Asiatic” parade
which ended in a riot
- State the purpose of the discussion
- Identify yourself
1908 - 1910
- Chinese Immigration Act amended to increase
those under the head tax and expand list of
prohibited persons
- Border inspection service created at US-Canada
- Continuous journey rule imposed
- New Act allowed Canada to prohibit immigrants
belonging to any race deemed unsuitable and
expanded deportation grounds to include
immorality and political offences;
- New Act introduced concept of ‘domicile’
- First Caribbean Domestic Scheme
Population 7,206,
- 97% population of European origin
- 22% population immigrants
- 47% of these naturalized (9% Chinese,
22% Japanese)
- 39% of immigrants were women
- Population: 54% British origin
- 29% French origin
- 75,681 Jews
- 27,774 Chinese, 9,021 Japanese
- 3,342 ‘Hindus”
War Initiatives - Terror
Special Measures….
War Measures Act ..
- Increased govt’s power to arrest, detain and deport
- ‘Enemy aliens’ forced to register themselves and subjected to many restrictions
- 8,000 – 9,000 ‘enemy aliens’ interned..
- …..released in response to labour shortages…..
Elections Act (1917)
- Disenfranchised all persons from ‘enemy alien’ countries who had been naturalized since 1902
And for women….
(No – not these women)
And for the women……
- Women's division created in 1919 within Immigration Dept to ‘care’ for single women immigrants
- 1919 .. Immigration Act amended to add new grounds for denying entry and deportation – alcoholism, illiteracy.
- Classes of immigrants could be denied entry because of unsuitability, peculiar habits, modes of life or holding property
- British-born subject to deportation on political grounds (Winnipeg general strike)
1921 Census
- Population 8,787,
- 97.5% European origin
- 22% immigrants
- 44% immigrants female
- 58% of foreign-born naturalized citizens
- 55% pop British origins
- 33% French origins
- 126,196 Hebrews
- 39,347 Chinese
- 23,342 Japanese
- 18, 291 ‘Negroes’
Chinese Immigrants Under
laws come
into effect
1920’s…Attacks on Chinese Immigrants….
- Opium and Narcotic Drug Act led to deportations: 35% of all the deportations in ’23-’24 in Pacific Division
- 1923 Order issued excluding ‘any immigrant of any Asiatic race’ – except agriculturalists, farm labourers, female domestic servants and wife and children of persons legally in Canada
- Chinese Immigration Act – more prohibitions.. Humiliation Day - Doors opened to British citizens, Americans and citizens of ‘preferred countries’. Limitations placed on immigrants from Austria, Hungary, Poland, etc….
Overt Targeting Of Identified
Populations Characterized this period.
- 1930… Order further prohibited the landing of ‘any immigrant of any Asiatic race’ except wives and minor children of Cdn citizens
- Order requiring Chinese and Japanese to renounce their former citizenship before becoming citizens; impact on Japanese.
- Deportations on grounds of becoming public charge increased – from 1930 to ’ 34 the deportations on this ground increased 6x.
A time of terror….
- Communist party made illegal – grounds for deportation (’31)
- Deportation of unemployed
- ’31 political deportations legalized
- ’32 Red Raid
- In ’34 94% of applications for naturalization refused
- Political deportations
Faith communities join with others
- To advocate for Jewish refugees (’38)
- Opposed by many anti- Semitic groups
- Cdn National Cttee on Refugees and Victims of Persecution formed
- Cttee focused on individual cases, as unsuccessful in affecting policy
Reluctant moves on refugee issues…..
- ’38 Canada reluctantly participated in Evian Conference on refugees with ‘NO’ mandate. Canada’s immigration department was anti-Semitic (“None is too many”)
- Canada takes some German refugees, but insists on higher payment from Britain
- In response to ’38 refugee crisis, Canada insisted it would accept only those who met categories for admissible immigrants
- 2,500 “potentially dangerous enemy aliens” brought to Canada from Britain) and interned (in fact many were Jews)
Census ‘41
- Population 11,506,6755
- 98% pop of European origin
- 18% immigrants
- 45% of these female
- 71% of immigrants
- 50% population of British
- 30% French origin
- 170,241 Jews
- 34,627 Chinese
- 22,174 Africans
The End of WW II – Some Change
- Gov’t resistance to pressure for a more open immigration policy began to give way in the mid ’40;s with:
- Sponsorships
- Identity documents
- Citizenship Act
- Emergency measures for refugees (economic considerations)
However… the ’52 Immigration Act still
- Gave the Minister and officials significant
powers over selection, admission and deportation.
- Allowed refusal on grounds of nationality,
ethnic group, area of origin, peculiar customs, unsuitability re: climate, rate of assimilation, sexual orientation, etc.
- Gov’t allowed 4 groups to select and process immigrants in ’53
- Oops! Conflict arose because the groups (churches) selected the people most in need!!
- ’54 Bar Assn criticized the arbitrary exercise of power by immigration officials and called for a quasi-judiciary Immigration Appeals Board