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PA Emissions Inspector Certification Exam with correct And Answers, Exams of Nursing

PA Emissions Inspector Certification Exam with correct And Answers

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PA Emissions Inspector Certification

Exam with correct Answers

Station Hotline - Answer- (888) 265- Customer Hotline - Answer- (800) 265- Sticker Department - Answer- (717) 705- An emissions inspector must meet what requirements? - Answer- Be at least 18 years of age Have a valid driver's license To deliver emissions waivers you must become a(n)... - Answer- emissions Certified Repair Technician (CRT) To become a CRT you must... - Answer- Have a valid driver's license What is the Northern-Emission Inspectors Certification program? - Answer- Limited to performing the visual antitampering check and gas-cap test. Upon successful completion of the N-EIC program you will receive.. - Answer- An emissions inspection ID card from PennDOT that allows you to perform inspections on vehicles registered in the Northern Region counties only. Air pollution - Answer- Contamination of the atmosphere by gaseous, liquids or solid wastes or byproducts. Emitted from natural or human-made sources. Most of the world's air pollution problems are... - Answer- Human-made Major Pollutants - Answer- Hydrocarbons (HCs), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (released from fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel) Hydrocarbons - Answer- Unburned fuel of any class of organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen Carbon Monoxide - Answer- Colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas. Created when an engine burns HV in the presence of O2.

Oxygen - Answer- Too much or too little can cause improper combustion and result in pollution Ozone (Smog) - Answer- Not emitted directly into the air, it is created at ground level by a chemical reaction between NOx and HC in the presence of sunlight. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) - Answer- Excessive amounts can be caused by a lean air-fuel mixture, a defective exhaust gas recirculation valve, higher than normal engine temperatures, vacuum leaks, and advanced ignition timing. Five Gas Theory - Answer- The relationship between HC, CO, O2, CO2, and NOx are the same in all gasoline engines. Stoichiometric Ratio - Answer- For all engines, a mixture of approx. 14.7 parts of air to every one-part of fuel produces the most efficient use of fuel and the lowest emissions. Why would hydrocarbon be higher than the stoichiometric ratio? - Answer- The mixture is very rich or very lean. Normal combustion is 15:1 air/fuel ratio. What happens when there is not enough O2 in an engine? - Answer- It runs rich, meaning combustion forms more CO and less CO2. What does it mean if Hc is high and CO is extremely low? - Answer- The engine is either very lean or there's a misfire. What does it mean if CO is very high? - Answer- The engine is definitely rich, getting too much fuel or not enough air. Why is oxygen the best lean indicator? - Answer- The levels change during lean mixtures. Why is oxygen (O2) not a reliable rich indicator? - Answer- It is low whenever the mixture is rich. Rich mixtures burn all available O2. When did PA implement itd first emissions I/M program? - Answer- 1984 In 1990 Congress set the requirements for an enhanced program in the Clean Air Act Amendments which aimed to do what? - Answer- Lower harmful emissions and increase accountability at the state level. What was the 1992 EPA mandate in accordance with the Clean Air Act? - Answer- PA required a vehicle emissions I/M program be implemented to increase air quality and decrease pollution.

In 1997 PennDOT implemented an enhanced decentralized vehicle emissions inspection program that featured what? - Answer- Tailpipe testing of vehicle exhaust emissions Our goal? - Answer- Clean air, PA emissions inspection program is part of the state's plan to clean the air and keep it clean in the future. Subject Vehicles - Answer- Vehicles of model year 1975 and newer, having a gross vehicle weight rating of 9,000 lbs or less. Gasoline powered buses that seat 15 or fewer and have a GVWR of 9,000 lbs or less are also required to undergo emissions testing. Non-subject Vehicles - Answer- Classic, antique, specially constructed, or collectible motor vehicles (titles/registered as such). Buses with a seating capacity of 16 or more. Vehicles with a GVWR of 9,001 lbs or more 1974 and older model year vehicles Vehicle exemptions - Answer- New or current model year subject vehicles that have never been registered in PA or any other jurisdiction before the current owner, and have less than 5,000 miles on the odometer. Vehicles driven less than 5,000 miles in the previous 12 months that have been owned by the same person for a minimum of 1 year. What do you do if a vehicle qualifies for exemption? - Answer- Only verify that the odometer is operation DO NOT do any other visual inspections. Customer is refusing to authorize an I/M test? - Answer- You may refuse to perform his/her safety inspection. Leased Vehicles are subject to... - Answer- Emissions inspection based on the county listed on the registration card. Can out-of-state vehicles entering PA with a cardboard transportation tag be tested? - Answer- Yes! as long as the vehicle can legally be driven on the highway. Vehicle owners need to apply for registration within 20 days of entering PA. There are two main forms that are presented to a customer following an inspection... - Answer- Passing = one form Failing = two forms

What is the form given if a vehicle fails inspection? - Answer- The repair data form to complete and return upon re-inspection (should be completed regardless of who performs the repairs). What are the rules when a customer challenges an I/M result? - Answer- Must be made within 10 days of the date on which the vehicle failed. If vehicle passes, an emissions sticker must be issued for the vehicle and must not be charged. Customer must pay if the retest fails. When is proof of insurance required? - Answer- Not for emissions but it is required for safety inspection. What do you fill the mileage field with if the odometer does not work? What does this signify to PennDOT? - Answer- All zero's except for the last digit which should be a 1 (000001). Signifies that it was not working when the vehicle was inspected. Procedures that apply to the emissions sticker: - Answer- Do not remove any stickers until the vehicle has passed inspection and is issued a new sticker. Wipe, dry, and clean the surface on which the sticker is being attached. Fill out the VIN, date, mileage, and sign the sticker using a permanent marking pen. Remove the protective slip-sheet Place proper monthly insert so that the month and year are visible to oncoming traffic. Position to the immediate right of the safety sticker. Must be affixed on the premises , on a portion located within 100 feet, and on the same side of the street. Void emissions sticker and record in the analyzer and retain for the QAO during the next audit. Sticker Security - Answer- Safe place, under lock and key, at all times. Record Keeping - Answer- Paperwork should be generated as stickers are issued. Stations have the ability to print out duplicate copies of each VIR, printouts documenting replacements, and mileage exemptions.

Safety Sticker Replacement - Answer- Fee paid by the station for the inspection sticker, plus no more than $2 labor. Emissions Sticker Replacement - Answer- Current program management fee, plus no more than $2 labor. What if a vehicle has failed an emissions test, the owner has met the minimum emissions-related repair costs and the vehicle still fails the emissions test? - Answer- The owner may be eligible for a waiver. When should a waiver be offered? - Answer- Any time a customer is eligible. If interested explain the next steps and whether or not your station can provide the waiver. Who can issue a waiver? - Answer- A certified repair technician What is the cost limit? - Answer- $150. A vehicle may qualify for a waiver if: - Answer- Failed initial and retest Owner presents the VIR from failed test Presents a completed repair data form Owner has documentation indicating that the cost limit has been met. Repairs have been made within the 60 days Repairs may include labor and electronic diagnosis performed by any recognized repair facility. Repairs on the form were actually performed Vehicle is equipped with all emissions system components as originally installed by the manufacturer Documenting Waivers - Answer- VIR from initial test failure VIR from second failure Completed repair form Receipts/invoices documenting the cost limit has been satisfied with repairs related to the failure. The sticker issuance report Stations should have a "waiver file" to present when requested by an auditor. What is done during the pre-inspection safety evaluation? - Answer- The vehicle is checked to make sure you can safely perform an emissions inspection without causing risk or harm to yourself and/or causing damage to the vehicle. What is the unique reference number for the vehicle? - Answer- VIN What if bar code scanning is not possible? - Answer- The equipment will require duplicate data entry to ensure the accurate collection of critical vehicle information.

What will a certified emissions inspector look for during a visual antitampering check? - Answer- Catalytic Converter EGR Valve PCV Valve Fuel Intake Restrictor Air Pump Evaporative control system components (vapor canisters and lines) ((SES light does NOT matter)) What is a gap cap test? - Answer- To see if the gas cap seals properly. What happens if a gas cap is not properly sealed? - Answer- Harmful evaporative emissions are released into the atmosphere. What if a gas cap is locked? - Answer- Vehicle must be rejected from testing. What is the tailpipe Emissions Test (No-Load Testing)? - Answer- Two speed idle test that measures the vehicles exhaust emissions at 2,500 revolutions per minute and at idle. (PASS, FAIL, or INVALID) -inspector may abort test at any time What if the vehicle stalls while waiting to be tested? - Answer- Restart the vehicle and wait 30 seconds prior to starting the test. How far should the exhaust sample probe be inserted? - Answer- 10 inches ; a tailpipe extension must be used in the event that the exhaust prevents insertion of the probe. What is a Tailpipe Emissions Test using Dynamometer (Loaded-Mode Testing) - Answer- Uses emissions equipment and a treadmill-like device which puts a load on the engine to simulate driving conditions at 15 miles per hour. What are the numbers in "ASM5015"? - Answer- The vehicle will be tested at 50% of maximum load at a steady speed of 15 miles per hour. What is TSI testing? - Answer- Two Speed Idle Test What do you do if the ambient temperature exceeds 72 degrees? - Answer- Place a large van in front of the vehicle to simulate normal road air flow and to help the cooling system maintain normal operating temperatures. What vehicles can the ON-Board Diagnostics I/M Check be performed on? - Answer- Most 1996 and newer model year gasoline-powered passenger vehicles, vans, and light duty trucks with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs and less.

Do vehicles that receive the OBD-II I/M check also receive a visual antitampering check? - Answer- NO! These items are checked by the on board system. What does the 'No Communication' error message mean? - Answer- Common fixes and not intended to cover all possible causes. (perform a min of 3 attempts to communicate with the vehicle) True or False: 2 readiness monitors can be "Not Ready" with vehicles 1996 and newer.

  • Answer- True True or False: Only 1 readiness monitor for cars newer than 2001. - Answer- True What is the Positive Crankcase Ventilation System's purpose? - Answer- To control cylinder blow-by gases and HC emissions. What is the purpose of the Evaporative Emissions System? - Answer- To capture and store HC emissions produced by the evaporation fuel from the storage system. What are the EGR valves used for? - Answer- To reduce NOx emissions on some engines. This is accomplished by allowing a metered amount of gas to be reintroduced into the combustion process to displace O2, which then reduces peak combustion temps. Air pumped into the exhaust helps to? - Answer- Oxidize exhaust gases before they enter the catalyst and helps quickly bring the catalytic converter up to operating temps. Powertrain Control Module - Answer- Use a microprocessor that processes info from engine inputs (sensors) and command outputs (actuators). Can store info for future access. The DLC configuration and placement in the vehicle were also standardized by OBD-II regulations is from what 1990 act? - Answer- Federal Clean Air Act Where is the DLC required to be? - Answer- Somewhere between the left end of the driver's side of the instrument panel and 1 foot beyond the centerline on or below the instrument panel. True or False: Consists of a five-character alphanumeric code consisting of a single letter character followed by four numbers. - Answer- True Freeze Frame - Answer- Where emissions related malfunctions are stored. When does the malfunction indicator light flash? - Answer- When severe misfire occurs that could damage the catalytic converter. Continuous monitors: - Answer- Engine misfire

Fuel system performance Comprehensive components Non continuous monitors - Answer- EGR O2 sensors Catalytic Converter Evaporative emissions system Others if equipped