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This comprehensive study guide covers a wide range of medical topics and conditions, providing the correct answers to various questions. It includes information on conditions such as Epstein-Barr virus, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Boerhaave syndrome, Charcot's triad, Crohn's disease, impetigo, Cushing's triad, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rheumatic fever, cystic fibrosis, COPD, TTP, AML, H. pylori, TORCH infections, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium bovis, schizotypal personality disorder, ulcerative colitis, SCFE, Churg-Strauss disease, asbestosis, silicosis, RSV, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, polymyalgia rheumatica, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, anthrax, scarlet fever, celiac disease, Cushing's syndrome, Cushing's disease, H. influenzae, menopause, ACEIs, scabies, tinea capitis, basal cell carcinoma, impetigo, lichen planus, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, ectopic pregnancy, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, cataract surgery, anaplastic carcinoma, hookworm, multiple myeloma, Duchenne'
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A patient presents with white plaques on his knees. When the plaques are scratched off, the lesions bleed. This finding is known as what sign? - Correct Answer-Auspitz's sign Ausptiz's sign is associated with what condition? - Correct Answer-Psoriasis A "starry-sky" histological pattern is associated with what condition? - Correct Answer-Epstein-Barr virus (also associated with Burkitt's lymphoma) reticular opacities, honeycombing, and 'ground glass' appearance in the lung tissue on CT - Correct Answer- Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) or Pneumocystis Jiroveci A low blood sugar in the early morning (i.e. 3 am) that becomes elevated upon awakening is known as what phenomenon? - Correct Answer-Somogi effect
Rupture of the esophagus after vomiting is know as what syndrome? - Correct Answer-Boerhaave syndrome What diagnostic test confirms Boerhaave Syndrome? - Correct Answer-Gastrograffin Swallow Study target-lesion rash is characteristic of what? - Correct Answer- Erythema Multiforme "hot potato" voice is seen with what? - Correct Answer- Peritonsillar abscess Test of choice for Meckel's Diverticulum - Correct Answer- 99mTc scan What is the formula for converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit? - Correct Answer-F = (degrees Celsius x 1.8) + 32 "Maltese cross" on blood smear (what condition?) - Correct Answer-Babesiosis
(malaria-like parasitic disease caused by infection with Babesia) What type (i.e. I, II, etc.) of hypersensitivity reaction is Erythema multiforme? - Correct Answer-Type IV List the components of Charcot's triad - Correct Answer-*Right upper quadrant pain (RUQ) *Fever *Jaundice List the components of Reynolds' pentad - Correct Answer- *Right upper quadrant pain (RUQ) *Fever *Jaundice *Hypotension
*Altered mental status A "cobblestone appearance" is descriptive of what gastrointestinal disease? - Correct Answer-Crohn's disease Describe the effect of prostacyclin (PGI2) on vascular smooth muscle - Correct Answer-Vasodilation Where is the major site of iron absorption within the GI tract?
defect in what sections of the GI tract? - Correct Answer- Duodenum or upper jejunum How is a a soluble transferrin receptor (TFR) level useful in differentiating iron deficiency from anemia of chronic disease?
What is the underlying physiological cause of the petechiae noted in patients with fat emboli? - Correct Answer-Increased intravascular pressures cause third spacing Xerophthalmia is a condition of excessive dryness of the conjunctiva & cornea, which lose their luster & become keratinized. This may result from local disease or due to a systemic deficiency of what vitamin? - Correct Answer- Vitamin A Describe the formula for calculating the minimum appropriate systolic blood pressure for a pediatric patient - Correct Answer-70 + (2 x age in years) What factors comprise Cushing's triad? - Correct Answer- *Hypertension *Bradycardia *Abnormal respiratory pattern What is Cushing's triad associated with? - Correct Answer- Severe increased intracranial pressure (active herniation)
Osborn waves on EKG are associated with what condition? - Correct Answer-Hypothermia A "Christmas tree" rash on the back/trunk is associated with what dermatologic condition? - Correct Answer-Pityriasis rosea (never on palms/soles) Is hyper- or hyponatremia associated with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? - Correct Answer-Hyponatremia The Jones criteria are used to diagnose what condition? - Correct Answer-Rheumatic fever Kids of what do not get rheumatic fever? - Correct Answer-< years Erythema Marginatum is associated with.... - Correct Answer- Rheumatic Fever Coca-cola colored urine following a strep infection - Correct Answer-Post-Strep Glomerulonephritis
Barking cough - Correct Answer-Croup Oligoclonal (clonal) bands on CSF suggests what diagnosis? - Correct Answer-Multiple Sclerosis (MS) What is the gold standard for diagnosing cystic fibrosis? - Correct Answer-Chloride sweat test (over 60 mmol/L is diagnostic; must be documented on two different tests) Sputum cultures demonstrate the presence of Burkholderia cepacia. This organism is pathogenic for what condition? - Correct Answer-Cystic fibrosis What biological marker is a genetic risk factor early-onset COPD? - Correct Answer-Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency List the components of the clinical triad associated with TTP - Correct Answer-*Anemia *Bleeding
Neurologic symptoms (i.e. HA, confusion, dysphagia) P ANCA antibodies are associated with what? - Correct Answer-Ulcerative colitis What is the hallmark hematologic finding associated with TTP? - Correct Answer-Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with fragmented red blood cells What universal finding is associated with TTP? - Correct Answer-Anemia (may be severe) Describe Evans syndrome - Correct Answer-ITP plus autoimmune hemolytic anemia (positive Coombs) Pre-Eclampsia Triad - Correct Answer-HTN *Proteinuria *Edema (always after 20th week of pregnancy)
Auer rods on cytochemical staining is characteristic of what pathology? - Correct Answer-AML (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) Abnormal Philadelphia Chromosome (Translocation of cs 9 and 22) is the hallmark of what pathology? - Correct Answer- CML (occasionally AML) MALT lymphoma is famously associated with what organism?
What derm condition looks like blackheads on the nose, except for a vellus hairs in follicles - Correct Answer- Trichostasis spinulosa What is the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding? - Correct Answer-Peptic ulcer What is a likely cause of chronic meningitis in a patient with AIDS? - Correct Answer-Cryptococcus neoformans "bamboo spine" appearance on X-ray - Correct Answer- Anklyosing spondylitis "pencil and cup" disease - Correct Answer-DIP disease (psoriatic arthritis) Most common cause of a pulmonary empyema? - Correct Answer-Staph. aureus What kind of hernia passes through Hesselbach's triangle? - Correct Answer-Direct inguinal Hernia
What organism commonly infects: Custard, ice cream, potato, tuna fish salad - Correct Answer- Staph Aureus Mycobacterium bovis is a bacteria that commonly infects what food? - Correct Answer-Milk Name the personality disorder: lifelong pattern of indifference to others as well as odd behavior and thinking, and no desire for a social life - Correct Answer-Schizotypal Crypt abscesses and superficial mucosal involvement are colonoscopy findings associated with what? - Correct Answer- Ulcerative colitis What condition most usually appears in overweight male teenagers and presents with hip and/or knee pain, hip stiffness, altered gait, and decreased range of motion - Correct Answer-SCFE (without surgery, there is high risk of AVN)
Routine suctioning of the nose and mouth is no longer recommended in newborn infants. Except under what 3 circumstances? - Correct Answer-*HR < *Depressed Respirations *Poor Muscle Tone Which procedure allows for the earliest prenatal diagnosis in pregnancy? - Correct Answer-Chorionic Villus Samplings What is the optimal, definitve treatment of Borhaave's syndrome? - Correct Answer-Surgical Exploration What is the famous AE of zidovudine (HIV/AIDS/drug)? - Correct Answer-mitochondrial toxicity, leading to lactic acidosis (may present as elevated LDH)
Lead pipe colon is associated with what? - Correct Answer- Ulcerative Colitis (description is for how colon looks with barium Enema) Common extra intestinal manifestations of Ulcerative Colitis (6 listed) - Correct Answer-*erythema nodosum (described as erythematous plaques and nodules on pretibial areas) *arthritis *pyoderma gangrenosum *uveitis *episcleritis *sclerosing cholangitis. Although Kaposi's sarcoma is associated with AIDS, what virus causes it? - Correct Answer-human herpesvirus 8 What is a "teardrop pupil" associated with? - Correct Answer- penetration of the globe. An X-ray or CT scan of the orbit should be ordered (Common in those working with metal)
What will be present between 2 and 4 days post-proximal humerus fracture? - Correct Answer-Gross Ecchymosis Which presents with deafness and congenital Heart Disease: 1-Congenital syphilis 2 -Fetal alcohol syndrome 3 -Cretinism 4 -Lead poisoning 5 -Congenital rubella - Correct Answer-5 - Congenital Rubella Spondyloarthropathies carry what marker? - Correct Answer- HLA-B C-ANCA is Sensitive for what pathology? - Correct Answer- Wegener's granulomatosis P-ANCA is positive in what 2 pathologies? - Correct Answer- *Polyarteritis Nodosum *Churg Strauss Disease
eosinophilic granulomatosis with vasculitis and (usually) asthma - Correct Answer-Churg Strauss Disease Treatment for Churg Strauss Disease: - Correct Answer- Steroids (send to immunology) Felty's syndrome (2 components) - Correct Answer-Pancytopenia *Splenomegaly 1st line therapy for central Ankylosing Spondylitis - Correct Answer-TNF-Alpha Inhibitor Pregnant woman with vaginal bleeding, intermittent contractions, tenderness to palpation of uterus =? - Correct Answer-Abruptio Placentae Most common presenting symptom of Vulvar Cancer? - Correct Answer-Pruritis (itching)
Unilateral swelling of inferior lateral portion of introitus is common with what pathology? - Correct Answer-Gonorrhea Epithelioid granulomas with inclusion bodies and elevated angiotensin converting enzyme levels is seen with what? - Correct Answer-Sarcoidosis What vitamin prevents INH induced peripheral neuropathy? - Correct Answer-Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) What vitamin should be given with Wernicke's aphagia? - Correct Answer-Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) What vitamin deficiencies cause nerve dysfunction? (2 listed) - Correct Answer-B12 (Folate) B6 (Pyrodoxine) Localized wheezing in the chest may indicate what? - Correct Answer-Endobronchial tumor or foreign body
What med should you use for exercise induced asthma? (and when should you take it?) - Correct Answer-SABA (Albuterol) BEFORE the exercise How long do SABA's last for asthma control? LABAs? - Correct Answer-SABA = 6 hours LABA = >12 hours Most common side effects of B2-adrenergic agonists (2) - Correct Answer-Muscle tremors and papitations What is the best controller therapy available for asthma patients? - Correct Answer-Inhaled CorticoSteroids What are the 2 most common side effects of Inhaled CorticoSteroids (ICS)? - Correct Answer-*Candidaisis Oral Hoarseness How can you decrease the oral adverse effects of Inhaled CorticoSteroids (ICS)? - Correct Answer- Use a Spacer
Wash out mouth after ICS use What asthma controller medication is a blocking antibody that neutralizes IgE? - Correct Answer-Omalizumab (used only for refractory asthma despite maximal Bronchodilator and ICS therapy) Pt has hx of PE and currently presents with theraputic INR levels on warfarin. What is your next step? - Correct Answer- *IVC filter Treatment for croup (acutely) - Correct Answer-Racemic Epinephrine (since viral cause, no Abx are necessary.) (may send home with oral steroids to taper) Risk with asbestosis: - Correct Answer-Mesothelioma
Eggshell calcifications (calcifications of the periphery of lymph nodes) - Correct Answer-Silicosis most common cause of bronchiolitis - Correct Answer-RSV Coal miner's lung disease - Correct Answer-Theophylline What med is good for childhood asthma (as it does not lead to agitation). It acts by preventing mast cell degranulation? - Correct Answer-Cromolyn Sodium RR in a calm, awake newborn - Correct Answer-30- Rusty colored sputum =? - Correct Answer-Strep Pneumo What portion of the brain is responsible for the release of NE?
(Thrombocytopenia risk) First diagnostic aid to diagnose a patient with Dementia who presents with mental status change? - Correct Answer-MMSE What CT finding is indicative of early Schitzophrenia? - Correct Answer-Enlargement of Lateral and Third Ventricles Lanugo is most closely associated with what pathology? - Correct Answer-Anorexia ( The growth of lanugo is one of the body's ways of insulating itself. When an anorexic loses too much weight and no longer has enough body fat to help heat herself ) First line therapy for early treatment alzheimer disease - Correct Answer-Donepazil (Aricept) (good for ALL stages of Alzheimer's Disease)
What is the most studied medication for prevention of spasms in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage? - Correct Answer-Nimodipine (Nimotop) Muscle weakness, no diplopia, no muscle enzymes - Correct Answer-Polymyalgia Rheumatica Muscle weakness, no diplopia, + muscle enzymes (aldolase), no rash - Correct Answer-Polymyositis Muscle weakness, no diplopia, + muscle enzymes (aldolase), and Heliotrope rash on face and shoulders - Correct Answer-Dermatomyositis Treatment of dermato/polymyositis - Correct Answer- Cotricosteroids Tingling/tenderness behind the medial malleolus that gets worse after running - Correct Answer-Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Gram + rods with a boxcar appearance in a patient with a Black necrotic Scab - Correct Answer-Anthrax
What is the best treatment for anthrax? - Correct Answer- Cipro (doxy or Levo are 2nd line) Exudative pharyngitis,Fever, and punctate rash in a 15 year old is likely what? - Correct Answer-Scarlet Fever What titer is likely positive in a patient with Scarlet Fever? - Correct Answer-Antistreptolysin O titer Tumor marker for adenocarcinoma of the colon: - Correct Answer-CA 19-9 Test of choice for celiac disease diagnosis - Correct Answer- Antiendomysial antibodies Kussmaul respirations are most commonly seen with what pathology? - Correct Answer-Acidosis (DKA)
Gram - intracellular diplococci --- eye discharge in 23 y.o female - Correct Answer-Gonococcus (Ceftriaxone) Erythema multiforme is a hypersensitivity reaction usually triggered by infections, most commonly what? - Correct Answer-HSV Tetrology of Fallot - Correct Answer- Ebstein anomaly - Correct Answer- Eisenmenger syndrome - Correct Answer- Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure reflects pressures of what portion of the heart? - Correct Answer-Left Atrium What causes paradoxical splitting of S2? - Correct Answer- LBBB How long is Troponin I elevated? - Correct Answer-10 days
Hyperkinetic pulse (bounding pulse) is a result of what valve abnormality? - Correct Answer-Aortic Regurgitation Maternal rubella infection leads to what heart defect? - Correct Answer-PDA Hippel-lindau syndrome - Correct Answer- HTN, Depression, Increased abdominal gerth with purple striae, Moon Facies ===? - Correct Answer-Cushings Which is associated with a pituitary adenoma: Cushing's Syndrome Cushing's Disease - Correct Answer-Cushing's disease (caused by direct release of ACTH by the pituitary --> glucocorticoid excess) Cushing's syndrome (= any other pathology resulting in increased glucocorticoids)