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PALS Updated Final Exam 50 Questions & Answers!Rated A+ Answers, Exams of Public Health

1. A 12-year-old child being evaluated in the pediatric intensive care unit displays the following ECG waveform. The team interprets this as which arrhythm ia?: second degree 2. Laboratory tests are ordered for a child who has been vomiting for 3 days and is diaphoretic, tachypneic, lethargic and pale. Which test would the provider use to determine the adequacy of oxygen delivery?: Lactate 3. A 9-year-old patient is presenting with decreased breath sounds, brady- cardia, slowed respiratory rate and a low O2 saturation level. The provider interprets these findings as indicating which condition?: Respiratory failure.

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Download PALS Updated Final Exam 50 Questions & Answers!Rated A+ Answers and more Exams Public Health in PDF only on Docsity! lOMoARcPSD|3013804 PALS post test2 - quiz Intro Nutrition: Allied Health (City College of San Francisco) lOMoARcPSD|3013804 PALS Updated FINAL EXAM 1. A 12-year-old child being evaluated in the pediatric intensive care unit displays the following ECG waveform. The team interprets this as which arrhythmia?: second degree 2. Laboratory tests are ordered for a child who has been vomiting for 3 days and is diaphoretic, tachypneic, lethargic and pale. Which test would the provider use to determine the adequacy of oxygen delivery?: Lactate 3. A 9-year-old patient is presenting with decreased breath sounds, brady- cardia, slowed respiratory rate and a low O2 saturation level. The provider interprets these findings as indicating which condition?: Respiratory failure 4. A 4-year-old child is brought to the emergency department by the parents. Assessment reveals that the child has only gasping respirations and the pulse rate is 65 beats per minute. Which action would the provider initiate first?: Deliver 1 BVM ventilation every 3 to 5 seconds. 5. A 15-year-old patient is being evaluated during a follow-up visit after being diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 months ago. A rhythm strip is obtained as shown below. The provider interprets this rhythm as indicating which arrhythmia?: First-degree atrioventricular (AV) block 6. A child in cardiac arrest experiences return of spontaneous circulation but is exhibiting signs of post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS). The PALS resuscitation team determines that the child is experiencing a systemic response to ischemia/reperfusion. The team bases this determination on which finding(s)?: Hypotension Fever Hyperglycemia 7. A 2-year-old child arrives at the emergency department with the parents. The child is unresponsive, is not breathing and has no pulse. Two emer- gency department providers begin high-quality CPR. Which action(s) by the providers demonstrates high-quality CPR?: Allowing the chest to recoil fully after each compression Providing ventilations that last about 1 second each Compressing the chest about 2 inches Giving 2 ventilations to every 15 compressions lOMoARcPSD|3013804 PALS Updated FINAL EXAM 23. The PALS resuscitation team is providing care to an intubated child in cardiac arrest. Which result best determines the adequacy of the team's chest compressions?: End-tidal carbon dioxide level between 15 and 20 mmHg 24. The PALS team leader is conducting a debriefing session with the team. Which topic(s) would the team leader most likely address during the ses- sion?: Summary of the event, including what actions were taken, Discussion of the pros and cons of the interventions, Identification of ways to improve, Evaluation of the objective data gathered during the event 25. Assessment of a 7-year-old patient with septic shock reveals capillary refill of 3 seconds, diminished pulses, narrow pulse pressure and cool, mottled extremities. The emergency response team interprets these findings as indicating which type of septic shock?: Most children in septic shock pre- sent with cold shock (i.e., delayed capillary refill, diminished pulses, peripheral vasoconstriction, narrow pulse pressure, and cool, mottled extremities) instead of warm shock. 26. Primary assessment of a 10-year-old child reveals septic shock. As part of the secondary assessment, laboratory testing is completed to evaluate the child's status. Which laboratory tests would be ordered for this child?: Labo- ratory testing for the child in septic shock may include CBC, blood cultures, blood gasses, coagulation panel, renal function tests, liver function panel and lactate level. 27. A 4-year-old patient presents with tachycardia, tachypnea, cold extremi- ties and weak pulses. Assessment also reveals an enlarged liver and neck vein distension. The provider interprets these assessment findings as sug- gesting which type of shock?: cardio 28. A 10-year-old child has collapsed in the gym of the elementary school. The school nurse arrives and determines that the child is unresponsive. The school nurse then simultaneously checks for breathing and a central pulse, limiting this assessment to which time frame?: 5 seconds, but no more than 10. 29. A child being cared for in the pediatric telemetry unit suddenly displays the following ECG waveform. The provider prepares to intervene because the child is demonstrating which type of arrhythmia?: Supraventricular tachycar- dia 30. A 6-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department after a bicycle accident. Assessment reveals tracheal deviation to the left side, chest pain on inspiration and decreased breath sounds on the right side. 4 / 7 lOMoARcPSD|3013804 PALS Updated FINAL EXAM The provider suspects obstructive shock caused by what condition?: tension pneumothorax 31. A child is experiencing stable supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and is to receive treatment. Which initial treatment would the provider administer?- : vagal 32. An unresponsive 7-year-old child with no pulse is brought to the pediatric urgent care center by his parents and CPR is initiated. The cardiac monitor reveals ventricular fibrillation. Which action would the PALS team take first?- : initiate defibrillation with 2 J/kg. 33. A child who is stable and exhibiting a narrow-complex tachycardia is to receive adenosine. The provider would be alert for which result after administering this medication?: Patients may have a brief period of "asystole" following the administration of adenosine. This is normal and typically self-limited. 34. An 8-year-old child being treated in the emergency department has signif- icant respiratory distress. The child also exhibits hives, wheezing, angioede- ma, tachycardia and dyspnea. The parents state that the child, who is allergic to peanuts, had eaten some popcorn that had peanuts in it. The team initiates care, preparing to administer which agent first?: epi 35. A 2-year-old child of unknown weight arrives at the emergency depart- ment in cardiac arrest. When preparing to administer medications, which action would be appropriate for the team to take?: tape 36. The PALS team is providing post-cardiac arrest care to an 8-year-old child in the pediatric intensive care unit. Which intervention would the team implement to achieve the primary goal of post-cardiac arrest care?: ensure MAP 37. A 12-year-old is being treated in the urgent care clinic. The mother reports that the child came home from school yesterday with a high fever, vomiting and multiple episodes of watery diarrhea. The healthcare provider obtains a rhythm strip and notes the following waveform. The provider interprets this as which type of arrhythmia?: sinus tahy 38. A child requires cardiac monitoring. A three-electrode system is being used. At which location would the provider place the red electrode?: On the lower left abdomen 39. An advanced airway was placed in a 5-year-old child. Which action(s) would be most appropriate for the team to take to confirm correct place- lOMoARcPSD|3013804 PALS Updated FINAL EXAM ment?: Auscultate over the lungs and epigastrium for air movement, Observe for bilateral chest rise, Evaluate results of capnography. 40. A 12-lead ECG is ordered for a child complaining of a "racing heart." When placing the electrodes on the child, at which location would the lead for V4 be placed?: fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line on the patient's left side. 41. A 7-year-old child collapses on the playground at school. The school nurse is called to the scene and determines that the child is unresponsive and is not breathing and has no pulse. The nurse initiates CPR. At what rate and depth would the nurse deliver compressions to this child?: 100 to 120 compressions per minute at a depth of about 2 inch 42. Which action would the PALS team initiate to manage increased intracra- nial pressure in a pediatric patient?: Maintain the head in midline position with 30-degree elevation 43. child is experiencing shock. The emergency response team prepares for imminent cardiac arrest when assessment reveals which finding(s)?: Hy- potension, Bradycardia, Diminished central pulses 44. A 30-month old child has been diagnosed with moderate croup. Which medication(s) would the provider administer?: Corticosteroids, Racemic epi- nephrine 45. After ROSC, a child is experiencing post-cardiac arrest hemodynamic instability. The PALS resuscitation team would administer which element to restore intravascular volume and optimize preload?: Isotonic fluid boluses 46. A 5-year-old child with a history of a chronic neuromuscular disease is experiencing respiratory distress. The child is breathing spontaneously and receiving supplemental oxygen. Which additional intervention is a critical component of airway management for this patient?: Airway clearance 47. A provider is forming an initial impression of a child using the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT). During which step of the PAT may the provider use the mnemonic TICLS to assess the patient?: appearance 48. A child in the pediatric intensive care unit displays the following ECG waveform. The child has no pulse. The resuscitation team interprets this as which arrhythmia: Monomorphic pulseless ventricular tachycardia 49. A child experiencing unstable bradycardia is receiving CPR. Despite efforts with CPR, including assuring oxygenation and ventilation, the child's 6 / 7