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Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers, Exams of Nursing

Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers

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Download Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers You are called for a young man choking. Upon arrival you find very scared parents trying to dislodge a piece of hot dog from their 10 year old child's airway by administering back blows and abdominal thrusts, The child is limp. As you take over you discover the child is able to move a minimal amount of air. You should: - Correct Answer ✅continue with back blow and abdominal thrusts until item becomes dislodged or obstruction becomes complete You have just intubated an adult patient. You believe you have been successful. You are listening for sounds in the epigastric area and hear nothing. What would you do? - Correct Answer ✅attach an ETCO2 monitoring device What changes in blood gases occur when a patient is hyperventilating? - Correct Answer ✅decreased CO2; increased PaO2 First responders are applying unusually long ventilations with an oxygen resuscitator to an apneic adult female. They are also not pausing between breaths. What negative effects can this increased pressure create? - Correct Answer ✅increased pulmonary elasticity?? Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers Percutaneous transtracheal ventilation - Correct Answer ✅needle cricothyrotomy You are treating a cardiac arrest patient who you have successfully resuscitated. The patient is still unconscious, apneic, and he is endotracheally intubated. The patient suddenly becomes cyanotic and his SpO2 decreases from 98% to 82%. His heart rate decreases from 110 to 40. What caused these sudden changes? - Correct Answer ✅dislodged endotracheal tube What is the primary danger to the infant during a precipitous delivery? - Correct Answer ✅cerebral trauma You are treating a 26 year old male victim of an assault. The patient was struck in the chest and abdomen with a baseball bat. Vital Signs: P- 110, R- 6 with sonorous respirations. The patient is place on high flow O2. While attempting an oral airway the patient gags. The oral airway is removed. How are you attempting to secure his airway next? - Correct Answer ✅Place a nasopharyngeal airway and ventilate with a bag valve mask Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers The correct dose of naloxone for a 6lb 8oz neonate suffering respiratory depression secondary to in utero exposure to narcotics is - Correct Answer ✅0.3mg Your patient is a 22 yof without a medical history. She was sitting at her office desk where she had an acute onset of dyspnea and pleuritic type chest pain. Presently she is awake but agitated. Upon exam you find she is pale, cool, and diaphoretic. Vital signs are: BP- 92/40, P-142, R-36 and shallow but clear bilaterally. Only medications are Tylenol and a BC pill. What conditions would you suspect? - Correct Answer ✅Pulmonary Embolism Which of the following best describes the term syncope? - Correct Answer ✅sudden temporary loss of consciousness Which vessel provides blood supply to the SA and AV nodes in most patients? - Correct Answer ✅right coronary artery Impulses that originate in both the atria and ventricles simultaneously, meeting somewhere in the heart, create a strange appearing complex. What is that complex known as? - Correct Answer ✅fusion beat Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers Most common causes of premature atrial contractions? - Correct Answer ✅stimulants such as caffeine or tobacco Your 66 yom patient is experiencing crushing chest pain, and has a BP of 80/64. Your monitor shows him to be in VTACH at a rate of 176. How would you treat this patient? - Correct Answer ✅synchronized cardioversion at 100J A 20 yom presents to you complaining of diffuse chest pain that increases with deep inhalation but decreases when he leans forward. His 12 lead EKG shows changes in all leads. He recently had a viral infection. From this information, what is his most probable diagnosis? - Correct Answer ✅pericarditis What does Starling's Law state? - Correct Answer ✅The strength of a contraction of a muscle fiber is proportional to how far it is stretched Which of the following scenarios may best describe a patient experiencing an acute mi - Correct Answer ✅79 yof gets in an argument with her sister. She begins feeling substernal pressure that is unrelieved by rest and nitro. Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers An elderly female is found unresponsive by a neighbor. Your crew has initiate CPR. The cardiac monitor show VFib How would you treat this patient? - Correct Answer ✅continue CPR, then prepare to defibrillate at 360J What is the electrical axis of the heart? - Correct Answer ✅average of all depolarizations of the heart Under which conditions does a Type II AV block have a very serious prognosis? - Correct Answer ✅AV dissociation exists???? What are the primary causes of symptoms in patients experiencing tachydysrhythmias? - Correct Answer ✅decreased ventricular filling and stroke volume Your patient is a 58 yom with a history of alcoholism and and cirrhosis of the liver. The patient is vomiting copious amounts of blood. Which is most likely the cause? - Correct Answer ✅esophageal varices Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers 26 yo female ingested 150 amitryptaline tablets what would be your best thing to watch for changes? - Correct Answer ✅Cardiac monitoring Which of the following statements conserning elderly emergency medical care of the elderly is tru? - Correct Answer ✅Alcohol and drug use may be a cause if ams Which of the following statements concerning seizures is true? - Correct Answer ✅The post-ictal phase preceded the seizure in absence (petit mal) seizures Your Patient is a 41 year old female who is 3 days postoperative, recovering from an abdominal hysterectomy. She smokes and is about 40 pounds overweight. She is taking hormone replacement therapy, an antidepressant, and an antibiotic. She has a sudden onset of sharp left-sides chest pain With dyspnea and near syncope. She is not responsive only two painful stimulus, her school skin is cool and diaphoretic, and she is cyanotic. BP 90/50, P 122 weak but regular, Are 36. Which of the following is most likely the cause of her presentation? - Correct Answer ✅Massive Pulmonary Embolism Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers 17 yo m ingested 20 diazepam tablets, unresponsive to all stimuli and has snoring respiration's at 6 per min. What is the best treatment? - Correct Answer ✅Insert a NPA and BVM Which of the following does not need to be proven by the plaintiff with a malpractice case against a medic? - Correct Answer ✅A duty to act 22 yo female vetinary student, ingested tick killer and is presenting with SLUDGE what med does she need? - Correct Answer ✅Atropine 70 yo male in a bar fell off a stool, responds to verbal has slurred speech and has flank pain and head pain. How would you treat this Pt? - Correct Answer ✅Oxygen, IV 0.9% sodium chloride The correct placement for a needle throacostomy would be - Correct Answer ✅The second intercostal space, over the third rib, midclavicular line. What is the most common cause of pulmonary embolism? - Correct Answer ✅deep leg vein thrombosis Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers You are treating a 6 yo who weighs 40lbs. He is unresponsive with a weak pulse, delayed capillary refill. His vital signs are BP 60/0, P240, R6. EKG shows a narrow complex tachycardia at a rate of 250. What is your initial treatment? - Correct Answer ✅Synchronous at 20 joules What is the most common cause of death in children over the age of 1 year? - Correct Answer ✅Trauma Which of the following has the greatest potential to prevent pediatric deaths? - Correct Answer ✅Car seats, seat belts, and seat belt positioning boosters When assessing the mental status of an 8 month old child, which of the following is expected behavior in a patient with a normal mental state? - Correct Answer ✅Recognizes familiar caretakers Which of the following is the most common concern to the adolescent trauma patient? - Correct Answer ✅Parental reprimand Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers You are assisting with a normal cephalon delivery. The infants head has been delivered. To assist with the delivery of the upper shoulder you should? - Correct Answer ✅Assist the infants head downward What stage of labor begins with cervical dilation and ends with delivery of the infant? - Correct Answer ✅Second Your Pt is G3P2Ab0. 38 weeks began having contractions 2.5 hours ago. Contractions are 2.5 mins apart and regular. The patient states that her water has not yet broken. In considering that the bag of water has not yet ruptured, which of the following is true? - Correct Answer ✅The infant may be delivered without the bag of water breaking Which of the following is the recommended technique of stimulating a distressed newborn? - Correct Answer ✅Running the infants back vigorously with a dry towel You are assisting delivery of a full-term infant. As the bag of water breaks, you notice that it is thick and greenish like pea soup. At delivery, the infant is apneic, blue limp and a HR of 80. what should you do? - Correct Answer ✅Assist ventilations with BVM Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers Which of the following would NOT be appropriate in the emergency management of an inverted uterus? - Correct Answer ✅Applying traction to the umbilical cord to separate the placenta A 31 yo G3 P1 AB1 is in labor at term at home. She's been in labor for 24 hr without dilation. The midwife called for an ambulance. Upon arrival Pt is having strong contractions 2min apart. As you prepare to transport the mother complains of sudden tearing abdominal pain and becomes pale diaphoretic and agitated. Upon palpating the abdomen you feel the outline of the fetus. You should suspect - Correct Answer ✅Uterine rupture Upon examining a 27 yo in labor at 32 weeks gestation you notice that the umbilical cord is prolapsed. Which of the following would you NOT do? - Correct Answer ✅Immediately clamp cord in 2 places and cut between When the monitor is configured to display lead II, what is the polarity of each lead? - Correct Answer ✅Left leg is positive right arm negative Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers What is the earliest gestational age at which a fetus may survive if born early? - Correct Answer ✅26 You have been called to a fitness club where a 28 year old female experienced a sudden onset of lower right quadrant abdominal pain while running in a treadmill. She states she had a normal period 3 weeks ago. Assessment reveals that she is pale and wet with RLQ abdominal pain and tenderness to palpating. Vitals are BP 88/64 P 116. Which of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be causing the patients signs/symptoms? - Correct Answer ✅PID 40 yo female who has been sexually assaulted. She is conscious but has multiple injuries. In addition to management of the patients injuries and attention to her psychological needs which of the following is appropriate? - Correct Answer ✅Place each article of clothing removed in a separate paper bag 5yo was awakened with severe respiratory distress. She has a seal bark cough, fever, and finds it hard to swallow. What do you suspect? - Correct Answer ✅Croup Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers There are 5 plane crash survivors that are ready for transportation to the hospital. Who will notify hospitals and coordinate Pt allocation to those facilities? - Correct Answer ✅Transportation officer At an mci rescuers have just pulled a patient out of the rubble. They report that he is not breathing. When they reposition the patients head to spontaneous breathing begins at 22 per min. His pulse is strong at a rate of 100 and he is now moaning and disoriented. What triage priority would you give this patient? - Correct Answer ✅Red Which of the following variables poses the MOST risk to X-ray techs? - Correct Answer ✅Their proximity to the X-ray device? ??? How should you approach a helicopter that has just landed to pick up your Pt? - Correct Answer ✅Toward the pilots, front of the craft Your Pt is a 40 yo male who has been depressed since his wife left him. He is currently threatening suicide. What would be best for you to ask or say to Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers this patient? - Correct Answer ✅Have you given any thought to how you might kill yourself? The medical command physician orders 20mg of lasix IVP for your patient who is short of breath. After receiving the order, what should you do first? - Correct Answer ✅Repeat the order back to the physician to confirm You have just finished a run. You are completing a run report and discover an error as you are writing. What should you do? - Correct Answer ✅Draw a line through the error, initial it Which of the following is the best example of a subjective and possibly libelous statement? - Correct Answer ✅"The Pt was drunk and disorderly" You have arrived at the scene of a MVC. The Pt head is flexed forward, and she does not appear to be breathing. What is your immediate concern? - Correct Answer ✅Safety of the rescuers You and your partner respond to a full arrest. During the arrest, you are unable to defib the Pt because it won't charge. Later the Pt dies, and the Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers family learns that you forgot to replace the defib battery that morning according to routine procedures. What can the family sue you for? - Correct Answer ✅Negligence You have been called to check and alert and oriented diabetic patient who is sweating. He refuses treatment, but you forcibly proceed to give him an injection of glucagon. What legal charge will be most applicable? - Correct Answer ✅Committing battery What is a radio "PL" (private line) tone? - Correct Answer ✅Allows 2 ambulances to talk to each other privately You are at the scene of a riot. The IC has assigned you to the task of triage. Which of the following patients can wait the longest for transportation? - Correct Answer ✅34 yo bear amputation of a leg R18; strong radial; mental status: Alert Your partner Colleen, is assisting you with a premature delivery. Colleen is wearing gloves but no gown or face/eye protection. During the delivery amniotic fluid squirts up onto colleens face. After the shift ends, Colleen tells you she is embarrassed about getting amniotic fluid in her mouth and is not Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers When calculating kinetic energy, the most important variable relating to total kinetic energy is? - Correct Answer ✅Velocity A dermatome can be described as - Correct Answer ✅An area of the skin inner ages by a specific spinal nerve Which of the following interventions should be performed on the scene (before loading a critical trauma patient into the ambulance) - Correct Answer ✅Decompress a tension pneumo APGAR scores should be obtained at which of the following intervals? - Correct Answer ✅At 1 min after complete delivery and 5 mins after The intercostal artery, vein, and nerve are found - Correct Answer ✅Along the bottom of the rib You are treating a 20 yo male who was an unrestrained driver of a vehicle that hit a pole at 65mph. He is unconscious but has a good airway and clear bilateral breath sounds. He has JVD and a large bruise on his chest, but there is no crepitus or instability to his chest. Vitals BP 70/60 P 120 R 24. What is Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers the most likely cause of his condition? - Correct Answer ✅Pericardial tamponade Compartment syndrome is best defined as - Correct Answer ✅Tissue pressure rising above perfusion pressure, resulting in ischemia to the muscle You are dispatched to the scene of a bar fight. Patient 25 yo male, suffered a laceration to the left lateral neck from a broken bottle. In addressing the injury, you should - Correct Answer ✅Apply an occlusive dressing GCS QUESTION 24 yo woman laying in sidewalk after trailer caught on fire. Coughing up black tinged sputum and complains of difficulty breathing. Her breathing is stridorous but both lungs clear. She's awake and able to answer verbally but is hoarse. She moves on command, oriented to person place and time. What's her GCS? - Correct Answer ✅15 A 24 year old woman is found lying on the sidewalk after jumping out of her trailer home bedroom during a fire. She has second degree burns to her face and head, and third degree burns to both her arms. What percent of her body is burned? - Correct Answer ✅18% Paramedic Final Latest Exam Questions and Answers (Latest Update 2023) Verified Answers Dispatched to the scene of a fight. 17 yo male complaining of left upper quadrant pain. He was hit with a bat in the "stomach" one time. On visual inspection you not redness at the left anterior costal margin. Palpating of the same region reviews the presence of slight crepitus. Based on these findings, you would expect damage to which abdominal organ? - Correct Answer ✅Spleen What complaint would suggest a traumatic injury to the spleen? - Correct Answer ✅"My left shoulder hurts" Injury into the spleen is life threatening. If the structure is severely injured, the greatest concern is which of the following? - Correct Answer ✅Rapid and significant blood loss When attempting to give the most fluid in the least amount of time through an IV line it is best to use a: - Correct Answer ✅14g, 4 inch IV cath You are treating a patient and find that a carotid pulse - Correct Answer ✅60- 80mmhg