Download Paramedic FISDAP Final Exam 2024 Latest With 170 Questions & 100% Verified Answers Graded and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! P ag e1 Paramedic FISDAP Final Exam 2024 Latest With 170 Questions & 100% Verified Answers Graded A+ Of the following, which item is acceptable and productive to ask a 14 year old female in the presence of her parents - ANSWER History of childhood illness You are treating an 82 year old female who is having difficulty breathing in a nursing home. Her only history is of a fever yesterday and frequent UTI. While listening to her chest you hear rhonci and slight cradles in all fields. BP is 110/80 Pulse is 100 & regular RR- 30. Temp is 102F. Her jugular veins are flat and there is no pedal edema. She denies chest pain or pressure. What condition is most likely causing her symptoms - ANSWER Pneumonia You are treating an 82 year old female who is having difficulty breathing in a nursing home. Her only history is of a fever yesterday and frequent UTI. While listening to her chest you hear rhonci and slight cradles in all fields. BP is 110/80 Pulse is 100 & regular RR- 30. Temp is 102F. Her jugular veins are flat and there is no pedal edema. She denies chest pain or pressure. What will be your treatment? - ANSWER High flow oxygen, IV fluid bolus, & transport P ag e2 You are treating an 82 year old female who is having difficulty breathing in a nursing home. Her only history is of a fever yesterday and frequent UTI. While listening to her chest you hear rhonci and slight cradles in all fields. BP is 110/80 Pulse is 100 & regular RR- 30. Temp is 102F. Her jugular veins are flat and there is no pedal edema. She denies chest pain or pressure. After your initial treatment of the patient she becomes unconscious. She is using accessory muscles to breath. How would you treat her next? - ANSWER Attempt insertion of an oral airway Which of the following is least likely to cause crackles - ANSWER Asthma Which of the following medications is least likely to be a part of standard therapy for a patient suffering from exacerbated emphysema - ANSWER Nitrates Which of the following is true about respiratory physiology? - ANSWER Changes in PO2, PCO2, or pH stimulate chemoreceptors P ag e5 placement. Auscultation reveals sounds heard over epigastrium and an absence of breath sounds over the right and left chest. What is your best course of action? - ANSWER Deflate the ET tube cuff, remove the ET tube, pre oxygenate the pt with a BVM A 67 year old man is complaining of sudden onset of difficulty breathing. Exam reveals pt is laboring to breathe and his jugular veins are distended. His BP is 140/84, p 118, RR- 32, breath sounds clear and equal bilaterally. Pts wife states he is recovering from hip surgery. What condition do you suspect? - ANSWER Pulmonary Embolism What is the name of the syndrome marked by increased capillary permeability & respiratory distress usually due to trauma, inhaled toxins, or gastric aspiration? - ANSWER Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ADRS) For which of the following is nasotracheal intubation absolutely contraindicated - ANSWER 70 y/o male in cardiac arrest You are called for a young man choking. On arrival, you find very scared parents desperately trying to dislodge a piece of food from their 110 year old Childs airway by P ag e6 administering back lows and abdominal thrusts. The child is limp. As you take over, you discover that the child is able to move minimal amount of air. You should: - ANSWER Continue with back blows & abdominal thrusts until the food is dislodged or the obstruction becomes complete You have just intubated an adult patient. You believe you have been successful. you are listening for sounds in the epigastric area and hear nothing. What would you do? - ANSWER Attach an ETCO2 monitoring device What changes in blood gasses occur when a patient is hyperventilating - ANSWER Decreased CO2: Increased PaO2 First responders are applying unusually long ventilations with oxygen resuscitator to an apnea adult female. they are also passing in between breaths. What negative effects can this increased pressure create? - ANSWER Increased pulmonary elasticity You are treating a cardiac arrest patient who you have successfully resuscitated. The patient is still unconscious, apneic, and he is endotracheally intubated. The patient suddenly becomes cyanotic and his SpO2 decreases from P ag e7 98% to 82%. His heart rate decreases from 110 to 40. What caused these sudden changes? - ANSWER Dislodged endotracheal tube What is the primary danger to the infant during a precipitous delivery - ANSWER Cerebral Trauma You are treating a 26 year old male victim of an assault. The patient was struck in the chest and abdomen with a baseball bat. Vital Signs: P- 110, R- 6 with sonorous respirations. The patient is place on high flow O2. While attempting an oral airway the patient gags. The oral airway is removed. How are you attempting to secure his airway next? - ANSWER Place an NPA and ventilate with a BVM What effects does morphine sulfate have on the venous system? - ANSWER increases venous pooling, resulting in decreased preload and after load You are treating a 48 year old female with chest pain. On scene you administer oxygen, aspirin, and two nitro tablets. En route to the hospital your patient states her pain decreases to a 1 on a scale of 0-10. To provide the best care, you should: - ANSWER continue high flow P ag e1 0 a strange appearing complex. What is that complex known as? - ANSWER Fusion beat Most common causes of premature atrial contractions? - ANSWER stimulants such as caffeine or tobacco Your 66 yom patient is experiencing crushing chest pain, and has a BP of 80/64. Your monitor shows him to be in VTACH at a rate of 176. How would you treat this patient? - ANSWER synchronized cardioversion at 100J A 20 yom presents to you complaining of diffuse chest pain that increases with deep inhalation but decreases when he leans forward. His 12 lead EKG shows changes in all leads. He recently had a viral infection. From this information, what is his most probable diagnosis? - ANSWER pericarditis What does Starling's Law state? - ANSWER The strength of a contraction of a muscle fiber is proportional to how far it is stretched Which of the following scenarios may best describe a patient experiencing an acute mi - ANSWER 79 yof gets in an argument with her sister. She begins feeling substernal pressure that is unrelieved by rest and nitro. P ag e1 1 An elderly female is found unresponsive by a neighbor. Your crew has initiate CPR. The cardiac monitor show VFib How would you treat this patient? - ANSWER continue CPR, then prepare to defibrillate at 360J What is the electrical axis of the heart? - ANSWER the average of all depolarizations of the heart Under which conditions does a Type II AV block have a very serious prognosis? - ANSWER AV dissociation exists What are the primary causes of symptoms in patients experiencing tachydysrhythmias? - ANSWER decreased ventricular filling and stroke volume Your patient is a 58 yom with a history of alcoholism and and cirrhosis of the liver. The patient is vomiting copious amounts of blood. Which is most likely the cause? - ANSWER Esophageal Varices Correct bolus amount for a 44 lb child in hemorrhagic shock? - ANSWER 400 mL You are treating a 80 yom who complains of headache, blurred vision, and left sided weakness. He has a history P ag e1 2 of heart problems and takes digoxin. Which of these is the most likely cause of his symptoms? - ANSWER embolic stroke caused by afib You are caring for a patient with a heart rate of 50. He is alert and oriented. His BP is 126/72 and he denies chest pain or respiratory distress. How would you initially treat this patient? - ANSWER gather a complete history and physical assessment Which is the ion responsible for determining the resting membrane potential of a cardiac cell? - ANSWER Potassium A 55 yom complains of sudden onset of acute shortness of breath. He denies chest pain and is alert and oriented but anxious. Skin is pale (with cyanosis), cool, and diaphoretic. BP 230/110, P 110, R 28. No JVD. Crackles are heard bilaterally. He has a hx of heart attack 5 years ago. The patient is most likely suffering from? - ANSWER Left sided heart failure A 55 yom complains of sudden onset of acute shortness of breath. He denies chest pain and is alert and oriented but anxious. Skin is pale (with cyanosis), cool, and diaphoretic. BP 230/110, P 110, R 28. No JVD. Crackles P ag e1 5 Rifampin. he feels febrile to the touch. What illness is likely causes his symptoms. - ANSWER Tuberculosis A 24 year old female present with complaints of headache, nausea, joint pain, and loss of appetite. She has white sores in her mouth and a reddish rash on her palms and the soles of her feet, she states they do not itch. Which of the following is likely to cause her presentation - ANSWER Herpes You have just accidnelty given yourself a needle stick and exposed yourself to a patients blood. You don't know their disease status. What are you most at risk of contracting? - ANSWER Hepatitis C A virus may cause which of the following illnesses - ANSWER Pancreatitis You 20 year old male patient was discharged from the ED earlier in the day after receiving a prescription for an antibiotic and an injection of Compazine for nausea. He is presenting with arching of the back, forced jaw opening, facial grimacing, and profusion of his tongue. What is likely his condition? - ANSWER Acute dystonic reaction P ag e1 6 You 20 year old male patient was discharged from the ED earlier in the day after receiving a prescription for an antibiotic and an injection of Compazine for nausea. He is presenting with arching of the back, forced jaw opening, facial grimacing, and profusion of his tongue. What is the most appropriate medication? - ANSWER Diphenhydramine You are treating a 16 year old boy at the local zoo who has severe respiratory distress, swelling in his neck, a rash and hives all over his body. Symptoms started when he took a few bites of an ice cream cone topped with peanuts and was stung by a bee. pts mom states he is lactose intolerant and eats peanuts all the time without a problem. Pt has never been stung before by a bee. Which allergen is most likely causing his symptoms? - ANSWER Bee Sting You are treating a 16 year old boy at the local zoo who has severe respiratory distress, swelling in his neck, a rash and hives all over his body. Symptoms started when he took a few bites of an ice cream cone topped with peanuts and was stung by a bee. pts mom states he is lactose intolerant and eats peanuts all the time without a problem. Pt has never been stung before by a bee. How would you best treat the patient - ANSWER Epinephrine P ag e1 7 Which of the following conditions causes the symptoms of altitude sickness - ANSWER Decrease in oxygen concentration You patient is a 16 y/o female found responsive to pain. Her mom states she's been increasingly sluggish over the last week, she has been eating and drinking more than normal. Her skin is warm and dry & there is a fruity odor on her breath, her BP is 110/40 Pulse is 120 and regular RR- 32 and deep. Which of the following is most likely causing her presentation? - ANSWER You patient is a 16 y/o female found responsive to pain. Her mom states she's been increasingly sluggish over the last week, she has been eating and drinking more than normal. Her skin is warm and dry & there is a fruity odor on her breath, her BP is 110/40 Pulse is 120 and regular RR- 32 and deep. How would you treat patient. - ANSWER Oxygen, IV, Observation, Transportation Which of the following is characteristics of type 1 diabetes - ANSWER The beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans secrete little or no insulin P ag e2 0 overweight. She is taking hormone replacement therapy, an antidepressant, and an antibiotic. She has a sudden onset of sharp left-sides chest pain With dyspnea and near syncope. She is not responsive only two painful stimulus, her school skin is cool and diaphoretic, and she is cyanotic. BP 90/50, P 122 weak but regular, Are 36. Which of the following is most likely the cause of her presentation? - ANSWER Massive Pulmonary Embolism Your patient is a 17 year old male who has ingested 20 tablets of diazepam (10 mg each). He is unresponsive to all stimuli, has snoring respirations at 6 per minute, BP 70/40, and a weak carotid pulse of 92. Which of the following will have the greatest benefit for the patient? - ANSWER Insert a NPA and BVM Your patient is a 22 year old female veterinary student. She was cleaning up the animal grooming area and accidentally spilled a large quantity of concentrated flea and tick killer on herself. She is nauseated, has abdominal cramping and diarrhea, her eyes are tearing and she is salivating profusely. Which of the following medications is indicated for treatment of this patient's problem? - ANSWER Atropine P ag e2 1 Your patient is a 70 year-old male. Customers in a bar called 911 when the patient fell out of his chair. He responds to verbal stimulus, has slurred speech, and is weak on the right side of his body. He has an odor of alcohol on his breath and indicates that his head hurts. BP 178/110, P 58, R 24. How would you treat this patient? - ANSWER Oxygen, IV 0.9% sodium chloride Which of the following is the underlying cause of the pain associated with a sickle cell crisis? - ANSWER Tissue ischemia The correct dose of naloxone for a 6lb 8oz neonate suffering respiratory depression secondary to in utero exposure to narcotics is - ANSWER 0.3mg The correct placement for a needle throacostomy would be - ANSWER The second intercostal space, over the third rib, midclavicular line. What is the most common cause of pulmonary embolism? - ANSWER DVT You are treating a 6 yo who weighs 40lbs. He is unresponsive with a weak pulse, delayed capillary refill. His vital signs are BP 60/0, P240, R6. EKG shows a narrow P ag e2 2 complex tachycardia at a rate of 250. What is your initial treatment? - ANSWER Synchronous at 20 joules What is the most common cause of death in children over the age of 1 year? - ANSWER Trauma Which of the following has the greatest potential to prevent pediatric deaths? - ANSWER Car seats, seat belts, and seat belt positioning boosters When assessing the mental status of an 8 month old child, which of the following is expected behavior in a patient with a normal mental state? - ANSWER Recognizes familiar caretakers Which of the following is the most common concern to the adolescent trauma patient? - ANSWER Parental reprimand How can you reduce gastric distention during ventilation? - ANSWER The patient is ventilated slow with large volumes of oxygen Which of the following pulse rates would be cause for concern in an 18 month old child? - ANSWER 150 P ag e2 5 ANSWER The infant may be delivered without the bag of water breaking Which of the following is the recommended technique of stimulating a distressed newborn? - ANSWER Rubbing the infants back vigorously with a dry towel You are assisting delivery of a full-term infant. As the bag of water breaks, you notice that it is thick and greenish like pea soup. At delivery, the infant is apneic, blue limp and a HR of 80. what should you do? - ANSWER Assist ventilations with BVM Which of the following would NOT be appropriate in the emergency management of an inverted uterus? - ANSWER Applying traction to the umbilical cord to separate the placenta A 31 yo G3 P1 AB1 is in labor at term at home. She's been in labor for 24 hr without dilation. The midwife called for an ambulance. Upon arrival Pt is having strong contractions 2min apart. As you prepare to transport the mother complains of sudden tearing abdominal pain and becomes pale diaphoretic and agitated. Upon palpating the abdomen you feel the outline of the fetus. You should suspect - ANSWER Uterine rupture P ag e2 6 Upon examining a 27 yo in labor at 32 weeks gestation you notice that the umbilical cord is prolapsed. Which of the following would you NOT do? - ANSWER Immediately clamp cord in 2 places and cut between When the monitor is configured to display lead II, what is the polarity of each lead? - ANSWER Left leg is positive right arm negative What is the earliest gestational age at which a fetus may survive if born early? - ANSWER 26 weeks You have been called to a fitness club where a 28 year old female experienced a sudden onset of lower right quadrant abdominal pain while running in a treadmill. She states she had a normal period 3 weeks ago. Assessment reveals that she is pale and wet with RLQ abdominal pain and tenderness to palpating. Vitals are BP 88/64 P 116. Which of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be causing the patients signs/symptoms? - ANSWER PID 40 yo female who has been sexually assaulted. She is conscious but has multiple injuries. In addition to management of the patients injuries and attention to her P ag e2 7 psychological needs which of the following is appropriate? - ANSWER Place each article of clothing removed in a separate paper bag 5yo was awakened with severe respiratory distress. She has a seal bark cough, fever, and finds it hard to swallow. What do you suspect? - ANSWER Croup You are treating a 4 year old who is lethargic. Her vitals are BP 50/0, P 50, R 8. After the airway has been secured how would you treat her next? - ANSWER CPR You are caring for a 4 yo who took four tablets of her mothers elavil. Her vitals are BP 60/palp, P 140, R 6 and she is lethargic. What intervention would you perform first? - ANSWER BVM with O2 Which of the following are early signs of dehydration in an infant? - ANSWER Dry mucus membranes In what zone do EMS units at the scene of a hazardous materials, tactical or other dangerous situation operate? - ANSWER Cold P ag e3 0 ANSWER Have you given any thought to how you might kill yourself? What is the name of the dispatch system that strategically places EMS units based upon projected call volume and dynamically deploys these units based on actual real-time call volumes? - ANSWER System Status Management The medical command physician orders 20mg of lasix IVP for your patient who is short of breath. After receiving the order, what should you do first? - ANSWER Repeat the order back to the physician to confirm You have just finished a run. You are completing a run report and discover an error as you are writing. What should you do? - ANSWER Draw a line through the error, initial it Which of the following is the best example of a subjective and possibly libelous statement? - ANSWER "The Pt was drunk and disorderly" You have arrived at the scene of a MVC. The Pt head is flexed forward, and she does not appear to be breathing. P ag e3 1 What is your immediate concern? - ANSWER Safety of the rescuers You and your partner respond to a full arrest. During the arrest, you are unable to defib the Pt because it won't charge. Later the Pt dies, and the family learns that you forgot to replace the defib battery that morning according to routine procedures. What can the family sue you for? - ANSWER Negligence You have been called to check and alert and oriented diabetic patient who is sweating. He refuses treatment, but you forcibly proceed to give him an injection of glucagon. What legal charge will be most applicable? - ANSWER Committing battery What is a radio "PL" (private line) tone? - ANSWER Allows 2 ambulances to talk to each other privately You are at the scene of a riot. The IC has assigned you to the task of triage. Which of the following patients can wait the longest for transportation? - ANSWER 34 yo near amputation of a leg R18; strong radial; mental status: Alert P ag e3 2 A police officer at the scene of a traffic stop has requested that you medically clear the driver who was arrested for driving erratically. The other claims he's a diabetic. Refusing transport. The officer asks what his BGL was, what will you ANSWER the officer? - ANSWER Apologize to the officer and explain that you can not divulge that information Your partner Colleen, is assisting you with a premature delivery. Colleen is wearing gloves but no gown or face/eye protection. During the delivery amniotic fluid squirts up onto colleens face. After the shift ends, Colleen tells you she is embarrassed about getting amniotic fluid in her mouth and is not planning on reporting the incident. What should you do? - ANSWER Strongly encourage her to report the exposure You are on scene of a mci you are expecting 40 Pt from a building collapse. A patient walks up to you and shows you a 3in laceration on his forearm. What triage priority would you give this patient? - ANSWER Green Your ambulance has malfunctioned? En route to a non emergency call at a clinic. It stalled and will not restart. What is you best action to take next? - ANSWER Request another unit to respond P ag e3 5 Vitals BP 70/60 P 120 R 24. What is the most likely cause of his condition? - ANSWER Pericardial tamponade Compartment syndrome is best defined as - ANSWER Tissue pressure rising above perfusion pressure, resulting in ischemia to the muscle You are dispatched to the scene of a bar fight. Patient 25 yo male, suffered a laceration to the left lateral neck from a broken bottle. In addressing the injury, you should - ANSWER Apply an occlusive dressing 24 yo woman laying in sidewalk after trailer caught on fire. Coughing up black tinged sputum and complains of difficulty breathing. Her breathing is stridorous but both lungs clear. She's awake and able to ANSWER verbally but is hoarse. She moves on command, oriented to person place and time. What's her GCS? - ANSWER 15 A 24 year old woman is found lying on the sidewalk after jumping out of her trailer home bedroom during a fire. She has second degree burns to her face and head, and third degree burns to both her arms. What percent of her body is burned? - ANSWER 18% P ag e3 6 A 24 year old woman is found lying on the sidewalk after jumping out of her trailer home bedroom during a fire. She has second degree burns to her face and head and third degree burns to both her arms. She is coughing up black tinged sputum and complains of difficulty breathing. Her breathing is stridorous, her lungs are clear. She is awake and able to ANSWER verbally but very hoarse. She moves all extremities on common. She is oriented to person , place, time. What is your biggest concern - ANSWER Swelling of airway Dispatched to the scene of a fight. 17 yo male complaining of left upper quadrant pain. He was hit with a bat in the "stomach" one time. On visual inspection you not redness at the left anterior costal margin. Palpating of the same region reviews the presence of slight crepitus. Based on these findings, you would expect damage to which abdominal organ? - ANSWER Spleen What complaint would suggest a traumatic injury to the spleen? - ANSWER "My left shoulder hurts" Injury into the spleen is life threatening. If the structure is severely injured, the greatest concern is which of the following? - ANSWER Rapid and significant blood loss P ag e3 7 When attempting to give the most fluid in the least amount of time through an IV line it is best to use a - ANSWER 14g, 4 inch IV cath On palpating you observe that your patient is complaining of point tender pain in the RUQ. These findings would be consistent with injury to the - ANSWER Liver You are treating a patient and find that a carotid pulse - ANSWER 60-80mmhg Which of the following patients require immediate transport to the nearest appropriate medical facility as opposed to intervention by prehospital personnel? - ANSWER An unresponsive 30yo unrestrained passenger involved in a serious head on MVC A 45 yo woman is found unconscious at the scene of a MVC. Her vitals are bp are BP 80/40, P 130, and R 30. Which of the following is most likely causing her condition? - ANSWER Bleeding into the chest or abdomen