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PAS-1000 Final Exam 2024-2025. Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+, Exams of Nursing

PAS-1000 Final Exam 2024-2025. Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+

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Available from 09/01/2024

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Download PAS-1000 Final Exam 2024-2025. Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! PAS-1000 Final Exam 2024-2025. Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+ Academic calendar - ANSThe college's calendar that provides important dates throughout the semester, including due dates for tuition payments and dropping classes Academic integrity - ANSDoing honest work on all assignments and tests Academic integrity - ANSRefraining from cheating or using unapproved resources for a test or an assignment; completing a test or an assignment on your own Accelerated classes - ANSClasses that are faster paced than a regular term; may require more time per week to complete the classes, but may also allow you to complete sequences of classes more quickly Acquaintance rape - ANSSee date rape Acronym - ANSAn abbreviation in which the first letters create a word (for example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome) Acrostic - ANSA mnemonic device in which the first letter of each word in a sentence stands for information or a process (for example, Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is an acrostic for the order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction) Active lifestyle - ANSMaintaining regular exercise Active listening - ANSlistening with focus and a purpose Active listening - ANSListening with focus and a purpose Active reading - ANSReading to remember and understand; reading with a purpose Add/drop dates - ANSThe dates in your academic calendar when you can add or drop a class from your schedule; usually occurs within the first week of classes Administrator - ANSA person who manages staff at the college Advisor - ANSA person who works with students to provide guidance and planning for a degree Ageism - ANSDiscrimination against a person in a certain age group Alcohol abuse - ANSUsing alcohol excessively or using it to the impairment of your senses Analytical thinking - ANSBreaking apart information and examining its parts Annotating - ANSTaking notes within a text Background - ANSThe experiences you have had that make up who you are Balanced living - ANSFinding balance in your personal, academic, and professional life that provides you with a sense of well-being Bibliography - ANSA list of books or other sources Brainstorming - ANSA prewriting technique that involves writing down everything that comes to mind in a list Career - ANSan occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. Career fair - ANSAn event that brings various employers together into one place Course objectives - ANSThe goals of a course Cover letter - ANSA letter that covers a resume and provides a more detailed description of a job applicant's qualifications Creative thinking - ANSThinking that involves generating ideas Creative thinking - ANSThinking that involves generating ideas Credit hour - ANSThe unit of measurement that colleges use that usually equals the amount of time you are in class each week during a 16-week semester Critical listening - ANSListening to evaluate the information Critical reading - ANSReading to evaluate and to question Critical thinking - ANSThe ability to use specific criteria to evaluate reasoning and make a decision. Critical thinking - ANSThinking that involves reviewing information for accuracy, authority, and logic before considering it useable Daily calendar - ANSA calendar that shows one day at a time Date rape - ANSRape, or forced sexual contact, between two people who know each other or who are dating Degree plan - ANSA list of classes that you must complete successfully in order to be awarded a degree Dendrite - ANSThe branch at the ends of neurons Disability accommodation policy - ANSA policy that states how accommodations for documented disabilities will be handled Diversity - ANSA state of difference; variety Diversity - ANSA state of difference; variety Due date - ANSThe day that an assignment must be completed and turned in Due process - ANSFormal procedures designed to protect a person's rights Dyslexia - ANSA learning disability that makes it difficult for a person to read, spell, or listen effectively Energy zapper - ANSAn activity or person that lowers your energy levels Essay - ANSA type of assignment that has an introduction, a thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion Essay test question - ANSA test question that requires a student to answer in the form of an essay Essay test questions - ANSan examination question that requires an answer in a sentence, paragraph, or short composition Faculty - ANSA person or persons who teach FAFSA - ANSFree Application for Federal Student Aid FERPA - ANSFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act; federal law that regulates the communication and dissemination of your educational records Final exam - ANSAn exam that is given at the end of a semester Finals week - ANSThe week scheduled in the academic calendar in which final exams will be held; your class meeting time may change during this week Financial aid - ANSFinancial Aid is any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help a student meet his/her college expenses. Freewriting - ANSA prewriting technique that involves writing freely and without consideration of punctuation, grammar, or spelling GPA - ANSGrade point average; each grade that is earned is awarded grade points that are multiplied by the number of credit hours taken Grading criteria - ANSThe standards by which an assignment is graded GRIT - ANS(Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity) Your capacity to dig deep and do whatever it takes even sacrifice, struggle, and suffer--in the pursuit of your important goals. Homophobia - ANSIrrational fear of homosexuals How can you decide if a reference source is accurate? Credible? - ANS1. Check the date and credentials 2. Distinguish between reporting and opinion. Check if there is formal education behind them and if they're reliable. Hybrid classes - ANSClasses that are held on campus for part of the term and online for the other part; will require access to a computer and the Internet Index - ANSAn alphabetical list of subjects or terms that appear in a book; appears at the end of a book Motivation - ANSWhat keeps you moving toward your goal Multiple Intelligences - ANSLearning style preferences, or "intelligences," that include bodily/kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, spatial-visual, logical-mathematical, linguistic, and naturalistic Multiple-choice test question - ANSA type of test question in which an incomplete sentence or a question is given and the correct response must be chosen from a list of possibilities Musical intelligence - ANSencompasses the mind's proficiency with the rhythms of music and hearing tones and beats Networking - ANSCreating connections among people for the purpose of helping them or having them help you Neuron - ANSA cell in the nervous system Nutrition - ANSthe process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Objective - ANSA statement in a resume that explains your career goals Objective test question - ANSa question that presents a limited number of possible answers; includes matching, multiple choice, true/false, and short answer Objective test question - ANSA question that presents a limited number of possible answers; includes matching, multiple choice, true/false, and short answer Office hours - ANSThe hours your intructor is in her office and is available to meet with students; can be found in the syllabus Online test - ANSA test that is taken through the Internet or through a course management system such as Angel or Blackboard Open-book test - ANSA test one takes in which one can look up answers in a textbook or in one's notes Organization - ANSHow your details for your essay or paper are placed Outline - ANSThe essential parts of a paper or speech; usually presented in a specific outline format using Roman numerals for each major part Outlining - ANSan arrangement of information that is ordered by how the information is presented Outlining - ANSAn arrangement of information that is ordered by how the information is presented Peer mentor/peer leader - ANSA person of equal status who provides advice or guidance Peer review - ANSA process in which a peer or classmate evaluates your paper or project Perkins Loan - ANSLow-interest loan that helps students pay for undergraduate education Physical delivery - ANSThe bodily and facial movements that enhance or distract from a speech Physical health - ANSThe condition of one's body plagiarism - ANSthe act of using some else's words,images, and ideas without properly and accurately acknowledging them PLUS loan - ANSParent Loan for Undergraduate Students Portfolio - ANSA collection of separate assignments or of drafts of an assignment Prefrontal cortex - ANSA region at the front of the brain where complex thinking is believed to occur Prerequisite - ANSA course that must be taken before one can take a course Priorities - ANSSomething that is important at that moment Priority - ANSSomething that is important at that moment Procrastination - ANSThe act of delaying an activity Procrastination - ANSThe act of delaying an activity Quality points - ANSThe points determined by a grade point multiplied by the credit hours for a course; e.g., an A (4 grade points) in a writing class (3 credit hours) will equal 12 quality points; used to calculate grade point average Racism - ANSHatred of a race; discrimination against a person of a certain race Re-energizer - ANSAn activity or person that increases your energy levels Realistic goals - ANSGoals that you can achieve Recommendation letter - ANSA letter written to provide a recommendation of your abilities and skills References - ANSPeople listed on a resume who can provide a recommendation of your abilities and skills Research - ANSThe act of finding, evaluating, and incorporating sources into an assignment Stress-related illness - ANSAn illness that is caused by the body's reaction to stress Student study day - ANSThe date in the academic calendar in which no classes or final exams are held; intended for students to have a day of studying before the week of finals begins Studying - ANSdevote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on (an academic subject), especially by means of books. subjective test question - ANSask for your opinion about the material or ask you to apply the material in a new way. Essay and problem solving questions (critical thinking) are subjective because there are a variety of ways the questions can be answered correctly Subvocalization - ANSSounding out individual words while reading Syllabus - ANSThe contract between an instructor and a student; provides information about the course content, course objectives, grading criteria, and course schedule T-System - ANSAlso known as the Cornell System Thesis - ANSAn essay's central idea that is supported throughout the writing Think and reason - ANSthe process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or judgment. Transitions - ANSWords or phrases that signal a change in thought or additional ideas Tutor - ANSA person who provides academic support Value - ANSWhat you believe in Verbal abuse - ANSHarmful treatment of someone through yelling, name-calling, or insults Verbal/linguistic intelligence - ANSevident in people who can use language with ease Weekly calendar - ANSA calendar that shows one week at a time What are basic learning styles and how should you study once you know your preferences? - ANSVAK Visual Auditory Kinesthetic V: Pictures, Diagrams, Charts A: Reading/Talking out loud. K: Acting out or simply writing and drawing. What are good ways to use highlighting in a textbook? - ANShighlight BIG IDEAS or CENTRAL CONCEPTS. What are some positive ways to manage stress? - ANSExercise, Prayer, Deep Breathing. Reduce extra stimuli Get off of social media What are some strategies for active listening? - ANSFocus on the person, their feelings, and what's being said. What are some ways you can demonstrate respect for people who are different than you (different culture, religion, sexual orientation, ability, age, etc.)? What are some ways you can make a person feel welcome in a group in which they feel like they don't "fit in?" - ANSTreat others how you would like to be treated. What are the best strategies for successful reading and studying? - ANSStudy Everyday: Spread out study sessions instead of cramming. Study in 1 Hour Chunks for optimal efficiency. Study in an isolated environment: REMOVE DISTRACTIONS. BE FOCUSED What are the reasons to take good notes in class? - ANSEasier to study later on. Easier to form personal study guides etc. What does it mean for a goal to be SMART? What are some examples of SMART goals? - ANSSpecific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-Framed Ex: Planning out your workouts (Workout routine) and diet for a healthy body. Planning out your whole college career. What is different about preparing for and answering essay test questions as opposed to multiple choice questions? - ANSMultiple Choice: Need to know facts and details Essay Questions: Need to have a great understanding of concepts