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Pathophysiology Final SLCC Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers covering various topics in pathophysiology, a field of study that examines the underlying causes and mechanisms of diseases and their effects on the body. A wide range of topics, including cellular injury, autoimmune diseases, cancer, genetic disorders, hematological conditions, cardiovascular diseases, renal disorders, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems, endocrine disorders, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological conditions, and skin conditions. The level of detail and the breadth of topics suggest that this document could be useful as study notes, lecture notes, or a summary for students preparing for a final exam in a pathophysiology course at the university level.

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Pathophysiology Final SLCC Exam

Questions and Answers

Cellular iiinjury iicaused iiby iilack iiof iioxygen iithat iiinterupts iioxidative iimetabolism iialong iiwith iigeneration iiof iiATP? ii- iiAnswers ii-Hypoxia Caused iiby iiexcess iiof iicollagen iiand iihypertropic iiscaring iiduring iithe iireconstructive iiphase iiof iihealing? ii- iiAnswers ii-Keloid An iiauto iiimmume iidisease iiis iicaused iiby iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii- iiAnswers ii-Attack iion iiyour iiown iibody iibecause iiit iicannot iitell iiif iiit iiis iiforiegn Which iistage iiof iiinfection iiis iipathogen iireplication iiat iigreatest iiand iimaximum iisymptamatology? ii- iiAnswers ii-Acute Patient iic/o iiHA, iitired iiand iinot iifeeling iiright, iiwhat iistage iiof iiinfection iiare iithey iiat? ii- iiAnswers ii-Prodromal Small iiprotienous iiinfection iiparticle iiand iiis iithe iismallest iipathogen iithat iimust iihave iia iihost iito iireplicate? ii- iiAnswers ii-Prion Which iipathogen iihas iia iiprotein iicoat iisurrounding iia iinucleic iiacid iicore iithat iimust iihave iia iihost iicell iito iiitself iiand iiuses iia iicells iimetabolic iimachinery iito iimake iimore iiof iiitself? ii- iiAnswers ii-Virus Which iidefines iiBioterrorism? ii- iiAnswers ii-a iibiological iiagent iiused iito iiincite iiterror Location iiof iia iipathogen iiuntil iiit iiis iitransmitted iito iia iihost iiis iiidentified iias? ii- iiAnswers ii-Reservoir What iiis iia iicommon iicell iisurface iichange iiof iia iimalignant iicell? ii- iiAnswers ii-Decreased iicontact iiinhibition Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iibest iidescription iiof iia iitumor iimarker? ii- iiAnswers ii- Antigen iiexpressed iion iithe iisurface iiof iia iitumor iicell

Although iianyone iicould iidevelop iicancer, iiwho iiwould iibe iiat iigreatest iirisk iito iidevelop iicancer iibased iion iithe iiimmune iisurveillance iihypothesis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Someone iiwho iiis iiimmune iicompromised Although iiboth iigrading iiand iistaging iiare iimethods iiof iiclassifying iicancer iiand iiselecting iia iitreatment iiplan, iistaging iiis iiused iito iiselect iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii- iiAnswers ii- Metastasized Patient iiis iidiagnosed iiwith iicancer iiand iigiven ii 4 iimonths iito iilive, iiwhat iiis iithe iitreatment iiplan? ii- iiAnswers ii-Pallative iicare Trisomy iiof iichromosome ii 21 iiresults iiin iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iidisorder? ii- iiAnswers ii- Down iiSyndrome A iiPedigree iichart iican iibe iiused iifor iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iireasons? ii- iiAnswers ii-ALL iiof iithe iiabove predicts iidisease, iipredicts iifamily iihistory iietc Which iistatement iicharacterizes iiAutosomal iiDominate iiDisorder? ii- iiAnswers ii-Gene iiwill iibe iiexpressed iiand iiDominate Which iigenetic iiabnormality iiresults iiin iithe iimost iisevere iidefect? ii- iiAnswers ii-Deletion What iiprenatal iitests iievaluates iithe iifetus iifor iigenetic iidefects? ii- iiAnswers ii- Amniocentesis iiand iiChorionic iiBilus iiSample Which iistatement iibest iidefines iimultifactorial iiinheritance? ii- iiAnswers ii-Both iimultiple iigenes iiand iienvironment iicould iiaffect iione iitrait What iiis iithe iiterm iiused iito iidescribe iithe iicondition iiwhen iifood iiintake iiis iinot iienough iito iimeet iibasic iineeds? ii- iiAnswers ii-Starvation Anorexia iiand iiBulimia iiNervosa iihave iiwhat iiin iicommon? ii- iiAnswers ii-Body iiimage iidisturbance Obesity iiproduces iihypertrophy iiof iifat iicells, iiwhat iiother iicellular iiadaption iican iibe iifound iiin iipediatric iiobesity? ii- iiAnswers ii-Hyperplasia Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiconditions iiis iiconnected iito iimetabolic iisystem? ii- iiAnswers ii- Apple iishape, iiHIGH iiTriglycerides, iiLOW iiHDL-cholesterol, iiinsulin iiresistance iiand iiHTN What iiis iithe iiideology iiof iipernicious iianemia? ii- iiAnswers ii-Decreased iiVIT iiB

Anemia iican iimanifest iias iis/s iiof iihypoxia, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iis/s iiare iiresulting iifrom iihypoxia? ii- iiAnswers ii-HTN, iiCyanotic, iitired, iilow iio2 iiincreased iiHR, iiincreased iiRR ii(tachypnea) which iiconditions iiindicate iideficiency iiof iiWBC's? ii- iiAnswers ii-Leukopenia iiand iiNeutropenia Hodgkins iiLymphoma iiwould iitypically iihave iiwhat iifindings? ii- iiAnswers ii-Reed iiSteinberg iiCells Health iiCare iiPractitioner iiwould iiidentify iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iisymptoms iiof iithrombocytopenia? ii- iiAnswers ii-Petechiae iiand iiPurpura What iiwould iioccur iidue iito iiproliferation ii(build iiup) iiof iithe iilymphocyte iiand iiphagocytic iiWBC iiwithin iia iilymph iinode iiproducing iilymphadenopathy? ii- iiAnswers ii-Remove iior iiengulf iiforeign iibodies iiand iiinfection Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiexplains iiwhy iirest iiis iibeneficial iito iirelieving iipain iiassociated iiwith iiangina? ii- iiAnswers ii-Rest iiso iithat iimore iio2 iican iigo iito iithe iiheart Who iiis iiat iithe iigreatest iirisk iifor iiHTN? ii- iiAnswers ii-African iiamerican iimale iiover ii 40 Heath iicare iiprovider iiwould iiassess iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iito iibe iisymptomatic iiof iian iiarterial iiocclusion iiin iian iiextremity? ii- iiAnswers ii-Weak iipulse, iicold, iipale Teaching iia iiclient iis/s iiof iia iiMI, iiwhat iiwould iibe iiincluded iiin iithe iiteaching? ii- iiAnswers ii-Crushing iichest iipain, iinausea What iido iiall iiforms iiof iiSHOCK iihave iiin iicommon? ii- iiAnswers ii-Supply iicannot iimeet iidemand, iihypoxia, iicell iideath, iitissue iideath What iicauses iithe iis/s iiof iiheart iifailure? ii- iiAnswers ii-impaired iiability iifor iithe iiL iiventricle iito iipump What iiwould iia iihealth iicare iiprovider iiexpect iito iisee iiin iia iiclient iiwith iiCongenital iiHeart iiDisease iiinvolving iiR iito iiL iishunt? ii- iiAnswers ii-Cyanotic, iinot iienough iio2 iiin iiblood, iisymptomatic What iiis iifound iiin iithe iiHypothalamus iito iiregulate iiwater? ii- iiAnswers ii-Osmoreceptors Kidney iiregulates iiECF iivolume iiby iieliminating? ii- iiAnswers ii-water iiand iisodium Which iiclients iiwould iibe iiunusual iiof iideveloping iia iiUTI? ii- iiAnswers ii-Young iiMales

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iicorrectly iidescribes iipathophysiology iiof iiglomular iinephritis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Swelling iiand iiinfection iiby iidebris iinot iibeing iifiltered iicorrectly iiin iiglomeruli iiand iiDECREASED iiGFR Which iistage iiof iiacute iirenal iifailure iiis iiassociated iiwith iithe iigreatest iirisk iiof iiirreversible iikidney iidamage? ii- iiAnswers ii-Stage ii 1 iiOlguric/Anuric iidecreased iiurine iioutput Which iistatement iiis iitrue iiof iiboth iiacute iiand iichronic iirenal iifailure? ii- iiAnswers ii-BUN iiand iiCreatine Client iiwith iiChronic iirenal iifailure iiwould iibe iiat iigreatest iirisk iifor iideveloping iiwhat? ii- iiAnswers ii-HTN What iifindings iiare iiconsistent iiwith iiUlcerative iiColitis? ii- iiAnswers ii-toxic iimegacolon, iimucosal iilayer, iilesions iiin iicolon Physical iiassessment iifindings iispider iiangiomas, iipalmer iierythema, iiperipheral iiedema, iiascites, iiand iichange iiin iimental iistatus? ii- iiAnswers ii-Cirrhosis iiof iithe iiliver, iiChronic iiLiver iidisease Portal iiHTN iidevelops iias iia iiresult iiof iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iipathologic iichange iiin iithe iiliver iitissue? ii- iiAnswers ii-fibrous iiscar iitissue What iiwould iibe iiexpected iito iibe iielevated iiin iia iiclient iiwith iihepatic iiencephalopathy? ii- iiAnswers ii-Ammonia Lab iiresults iion iia iiclient iisuspected iiwith iipancreatitis, iiwhat iiis iiconcluded iias iia iipositive iiresult? ii- iiAnswers ii-Elevated iiLIPASE Diagnostic iinon iialcoholic iifatty iilover iidisease iiis iireported iiwhen iiclient iihas iian iienlarged iiliver, iiwhat iiare iilab iivalues? ii- iiAnswers ii-Elevated iiTriglycerides Possible iicauses iiof iiHep iiA, iiin iia ii 22 iiyear iiold iimale, iiwhat iiwould iimost iilikely iibe iia iifactor? ii- iiAnswers ii-Food Which iivalue iiis iiused iito iidetermine iiif iirespiratory iiis iicause iiof iiAlkalosis/acidosis? ii- iiAnswers ii-PaCO Term iidescribing iithe iiintroduction iiof iiatmospheric iiair iiinto iithe iipleural iispace? ii- iiAnswers ii-Pneumothorax In iiasthma iithe iibronchi iiand iibronchioles iirespond iito iiirritants iiwith iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactions? ii- iiAnswers ii-Constrict, iiincreased iimucous, iiedemitis

What iiexplains iiproblems iiwith iiEmphysema? ii- iiAnswers ii-Alveoli iishrink, iiloss iiof iielastic iirecoli iiand iiair iigets iitrapped iiin iilungs ARDS iiand iiRDS iiof iia iinewborn iishare? ii- iiAnswers ii-decreased iisurfactant iiin iithe iilungs Manifested iian iiincrease iiin iiappetite, iiweight iiloss, iiintolerance iito iiheat iiand iinervousness? ii- iiAnswers ii-HYPERTHYROIDISM Hormone iiresponsible iifor iiregulation iiof iiBMR? ii- iiAnswers ii-Thyroxine Which iistatements iidescribe iithe iipathology iiinvolved iiin iithe iidevelopment iiof iidiabetes iimellitus, iitype ii1? ii- iiAnswers ii-beta iicells iiin iithe iipancreas iiare iidestroyed Type ii 1 iiand ii 2 iishare iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii- iiAnswers ii-BS iiabove ii 200 Complications iiin iitype ii 1 iiand ii 2 ii? ii- iiAnswers ii-Hypoglycemia Possible iiprecipitating iifactors iithat iimay iilead iito iiaddisons iidisease, iisevere iiHypoTN, iiunresponsiveness? ii- iiAnswers ii-Exceeding iistress iiand iinot iitaking iimeds Most iilikely iito iiappear iiin iia iiclient iiwith iiPrimary iiDysmenorrhea? ii- iiAnswers ii-Painful iimenses iisince iithe iibeginning What iiis iitrue iireguarding iiBenign iiProstatic iiCancer? ii- iiAnswers ii-Enlarged iiprostate, iihard iito iiurinate, iidecreased iiurine, iilow iioutput, iifrequent iiurination STDs iithat iiare iiviral iiinfections? ii- iiAnswers ii-Herpes, iichondolyoma, iiHPV Primary iidifference iibetween iiconcussion iiand iiDiffuse iiaxonal iiinjury? ii- iiAnswers ii- Sloshing iivs iishearing iiand iitearing What iiis iithe iimost iiserious iihead iiinjury? ii- iiAnswers ii-Edema iior iiincreased iiICP Which iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iian iiincomplete iispinal iiinjury? ii- iiAnswers ii-Partial iiCord iiInjury Can iibe iicaused iiby iitumors, iitrauma Prognosis iiis iibetter iidue iito iipreservation iiof iiaxonal iifunction Autonomic iiDysreflexia iicharacterized iiby iivasospasm, iiHTN, iiskin iicolor? ii- iiAnswers ii- lifelong iiuninhibited iiresponse iito iithe iiSympatheticNS s/s iiof iiCVA? ii- iiAnswers ii-drooping, iiweakness, iidecreased iicoordination, iinon iisymetric iilimbs ALZ iiexhibits? ii- iiAnswers ii-plaque iiformations iiupon iideath

Neurologic iidisorders iithat iiare iinot iidegenerative? ii- iiAnswers ii-Cerebral iiPalsy Which iitype iiof iicerebral iibleeding iiwill iicause iiblood iito iiappear iiin iithe iiCSF? ii- iiAnswers ii-SUBARACHNOID After iian iiaccident iiclient iihas iiregained iiconsciences iiand iihas iisevere iiheadache? ii- iiAnswers ii-Expanding iiepidural iihematoma What iiis iian iiindication iiof iia iifracture? ii- iiAnswers ii-Unnatural iialignment which iimusculoskeletal iiinjury iiinvolves iiSTretching iior iipartial iitear? ii- iiAnswers ii-Strain What iiis iitrue iiregarding iicompartment iisyndrome? ii- iiAnswers ii-Edema iicauses iiischemia, iinecrosis iiand iieventually iiloss iiof iilimb Structure iiinjured iiin iia iimusculoskeletal iistrain? ii- iiAnswers ii-Ligament Disease iiproduced iiby iijoint iiwear iiand iitear? ii- iiAnswers ii-Osteoarthritis Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iioften iiresult iiof iiSTAPH iiinfection iiof iicontaminated iiopen iiwound? ii- iiAnswers ii-Osteomyelitis What iiare iicharacteristics iiof iisevere iiscoliosis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Abnormal iicurvature, iiunilateral iicompression iiof iivertebrae, iicompression iiof iithoracic iiand/or iiabdominal iicontents Which iiof iithe iifollowing iicharacteristics iiis iitrue iiregarding iiBasal iiCell iiCarcinoma? ii- iiAnswers ii-Firm iiflesh iicolored iinodule iior iipapule Impaired iiperfusion iiresulting iifrom iihypovolemia iito iiorgans iiafter iia iiburn? ii- iiAnswers ii- fluid iiloss Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiposes iithe iigreatest iirisk iito iia iiburn iivictim iiimmediately iiafter? ii- iiAnswers ii-fluid iiloss iiand iiprotein What iimechanism iicreates iiincreased iilikelihood iiof iiillness iiand iistress iidue iito iithe iisuppression iiof iithe iiimmune iiand iiinflammatory iiresponse? ii- iiAnswers ii-Cortisol Which iihormone iiis iisynthesized iiin iia iiresponse iito iia iistressor? ii- iiAnswers ii-Cortisol, iiADH, iiEpinephrine Factors iieffecting iiadaption iiinclude? ii- iiAnswers ii-ALL iiof iithe iiabove PTSD iiis iian iiexample iiof iichronic iiactivation iiof iistress iiresponse iithat iiis iia iiresult iiof iiwhat? ii- iiAnswers ii-Traumatic iiexperience

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iican iibe iiadversely iiaffected iiby iistress? ii- iiAnswers ii-affects iion iieverything. iiGI iiHeart iibreathing iiall iithe iiabove A iidermal iiinvasion iiof iiSTAPHorrus iiproduces iia iilocalized iiabscess iicalled? ii- iiAnswers ii-Furuncle ii(Boyle) Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiare iitrue iiregarding iiall iiparasitic iiinfestations? ii- iiAnswers ii- Puritis iiand iiclean iithe iisurface Folliculitis, iifuruncles iiand iiimpetigo iiare iicaused iiby iiwhich iiinfestations? ii- iiAnswers ii- STAPH Verruca iivulgaris iiwould iiappear iion iithe iiskin iias iiwhat? ii- iiAnswers ii-WART Skin iicancer iithat iiis iidreaded iidue iito iiearly iimetastasis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Malignant iimelanoma Skin iiresponse iito iilatex iiis iifrom? ii- iiAnswers ii-Allergic iicontact iidermatitis Ringworm iiis iiwhat iikind iiof iidisease? ii- iiAnswers ii-FUNGUS Post iisurgical iipatient iiis iiimmobilized iiand iiunable iito iimove, iiprovider iiis iiconcerned iithat iithere iiis iiskin iibreakdown? ii- iiAnswers ii-ALL iiof iithe iiabove Stage ii 3 iipressure iiulcer iiis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Full iithickness iiskin iiloss iithat iiis iinot iipenetrate iithe iifascia Skin iicancer iithat iihas iigood iiprognosis iioccurs iiin iithe ii6/7th iidecade iiin iilife iiis? ii- iiAnswers ii-Basal iicell iicarcinoma Flat iivascular iilesion, iidue iito iilong iiterm iisun iiexposure iior iihepatic iicirrhosis iiand iihas iicircumscribed iiarea iiof iidilated iisuperficial iiblood iivessels? ii- iiAnswers ii-Telangiectasia