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PC 832 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2023, Exams of Advanced Education

PC 832 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2023 40% - Correct Answer-of peace officer's work involves writing Report users - Correct Answer-* Other attorneys: To evaluate the basis for civil litigation. * Parole, probation, and custody personnel: To determine probation conditions. * Involved parties: Under certain circumstances, victims, witnesses, or suspects may gain access for court preparation. * Media: As a source of news material. * * Insurance agencies: To verify claims. Field Notes: (Field Interview) Victims and Witnesses - Correct Answer-* Full name * Age * Date of birth * Race * Sex * Telephone number ( home, cellular, and work) * Address * E-mail address(s)

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PC 832 Exam Questions With 100%

Correct Answers 2023

40% - Correct Answer-of peace officer's work involves writing Report users - Correct Answer-* Other attorneys: To evaluate the basis for civil litigation.

  • Parole, probation, and custody personnel: To determine probation conditions.
  • Involved parties: Under certain circumstances, victims, witnesses, or suspects may gain access for court preparation.
  • Media: As a source of news material.
    • Insurance agencies: To verify claims. Field Notes: (Field Interview) Victims and Witnesses - Correct Answer-* Full name
  • Age
  • Date of birth
  • Race
  • Sex
  • Telephone number ( home, cellular, and work)
  • Address
  • E-mail address(s) Field Notes: Suspects - Correct Answer-* Race
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Type of body build (i.e., heavyset, medium, small frame)
  • weight
  • Height
  • Color of eyes
  • Color of hair
  • Hair style (e.g., long, short, curly)
  • Clothing -type: hats, jeans, jackets, etc. -color, style, (e.g., casual, conservative)
  • Unusual physical attributes: Scars, Tattoos, Moles, Missing teeth. Proposition 115 - Correct Answer-The Crime Victims Justice Reform Act, was passed into law June 5, 1990. The act amends the State Constitution regarding criminal and juvenile cases: affords the accused no greater Constitutional rights than the Federal Constitution; prohibits post-indictment preliminary hearings; due process, speedy public trial,

provides reciprocal discovery; limits the presentation of defense witnesses, and allows hearsay evidence to be presented at preliminary hearing. The peace officers role is affected in three areas: Investigation, Reporting, Testifying in Court. Officer Actions (but not limited to): - Correct Answer-* stop made

  • searches conducted
  • seizures of evidence *arrest made
  • standard procedures following (e.g., knock and notice, field showups, etc.)
  • Miranda admonishments *use of force
  • medical attention (offered, accepted, or refused)
  • safety measures taken
  • disposition of suspects
  • Methods used to preserve evidence or capture essential information. Reasonable Officer Standard - Correct Answer-The standard:
  • would another officer
  • with like or similar training and experience
  • facing like or similar circumstance
  • act in the same way or use similar judgment? The officer's intent - Correct Answer-The use of force by peace officers in any situation is to ultimately gain or maintain control of an individual and the situation. Control, as it relates to defensive tactics, means maintaining composure to make sound judgments and decisions. Additional gauges for reasonableness - Correct Answer-The court noted that the following facts should also be considered, but not limited to, when gauging reasonableness:
  • The severity of the crime
  • The nature and extent of threat posed by the subject
  • The degree to which the subject resist arrest or detention
  • Any attempts by the subject to evade arrest by flight Subject's duty to submit to arrest (Penal Code Section 834a) - Correct Answer-Whether a subject is legally detained or arrested, it is the subject's duty to refrain from resisting the officer's authority. Officer authority to use restraint (Penal Code Section 835) - Correct Answer-An arrest can be made by physically restraining a subject or by the subject submitting to the authority of the officer Authority and criteria for the use of force

Penal Code Section 835 a states: - Correct Answer-"Any officer who has reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a public offense may use reasonable force to effect an arrest, to prevent escape or to overcome resistance." Agency policies - Correct Answer-Peace officers are responsible for becoming familiar with and complying with their agency's policies and guidelines regarding the use of force. Serious bodily harm or injury (Penal Code Section 243 (f)(4)) - Correct Answer-Means a serious impairment of physical condition, including, but not limited to the following: loss of consciousness, concussion, bone fracture, protracted loss or impairment of functioning of any bodily member or organ, a wound requiring extensive suturing, and serious disfigurement. Reasonable Necessity - Correct Answer-Means that delay in apprehension would create substantial and unreasonable risk to officers or others possibly resulting in serious physical injury or death. Imminent danger - Correct Answer-means a significant threat that peace officers reasonably believe will result in death or serious bodily injury to themselves or to other persons. Consideration when deciding to use deadly force - Correct Answer-May be influence by the officer's:

  • training and experience
  • judgment
  • mental alertness
  • emotional maturity
  • existing circumstances Understanding of the law as it relates to:
  • agency policies concerning the use
  • amount of force that is objectively reasonable to achieve the law enforcement mission Justifiable homicide by public officer (Penal Code Section 196) - Correct Answer-Homicide by a public officer may be justified when...
  • ordered by a court to carry out a death sentence.
  • acting in the course of duty.
  • retaking escaping felons.
  • arresting a felon who resists to the point where deadly force is reasonable. Unjustifiable homicide by a public officer - Correct Answer-Homicide by a public officer may NOT be justified when...
  • pursuing nonviolent felons.
  • arresting or pursuing a felon who does not present a threat to life.
  • arresting or pursuing a misdemeanor who does not pose imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury to people. Response - Correct Answer-are less predictable to the subject than instinctual reaction. are correctable. are flexible (can be adjusted and customized). can lead to increased self-control. Reaction - Correct Answer-more predictable to the subject. limited. improper. dangerous to the officer or others. Training - Correct Answer-*Confidence in an officer's abilities. Officers gain essential confidence in themselves to respond appropriately and apply the use of force effectively to gain control of subjects and situations.
  • Correct responses. The ability to make split-second decisions may mean the difference between the difference between life and death. Self control - Correct Answer-* is one of a peace officer's greatest assets in dealing with a person or situation.
  • is maintaining composure to make sound judgments and decisions. Physiological reaction to fear - Correct Answer-When a person experiences fear, the body reacts, often by an increase in adrenaline, heart rate, and breathing. In addition, some common body responses to fear may include:
  • blood clotting enzymes flow into the system to minimize damage from wounds.
  • raised pain levels.
  • time distortion. etc. Balance stance - Correct Answer-is an essential component of any subject contact.
  • keep the gun side away from the subject *keep weight evenly distributed over the balls of the feet
  • bend the knees slightly -do not lock them
  • keep feet approximately shoulder width apart
  • keep the body relaxed
  • stay alert General control - Correct Answer-is the degree of influence that peace officers must exert over subjects in order to take them into custody. The subject may still have options for movement while under the general control of a peace officer. Precursory acts - Correct Answer-are those events that led up to the encounter with the subject, including how the officer arrived at the scene as well as what observations helped the officer asses the situation.

Situations: that may generate reasonable fear - Correct Answer-The officer may experience reasonable fear as a result of:

  • a sudden or erratic move by a subject
  • the sight of a weapon in a subject's possession
  • the knowledge that a person is in danger of bodily harm
  • a sudden sound produced outside of the officer's field of view
  • unresponsive, unexpected response to the officer's action Situations: that may generate unreasonable fear - Correct Answer-The officer may experience unreasonable fear as a result of:
  • an emotional response to a traumatic event
  • generalization of past trauma (such as being bitten by a dog as a child or suffering a gunshot wound)
  • personal prejudice against people of a particular race, religion, ethic groups, etc.
  • overall anxiety as a result of uncertainty about one's own skill and expertise Physical Source of Unreasonable Fear: - Correct Answer-Unreasonable fear can be responsible for inappropriate responses such as a failure to respond, or responding inappropriately (using unreasonable force)
  • personal physical harm
  • phobias (e.g., claustrophobia)
  • psychological (i.e., paranoia)
  • Using force that may cause harm to others Social Source of Unreasonable Fear: - Correct Answer-Unreasonable fear can be responsible for inappropriate responses such as a failure to respond, or responding inappropriately (using unreasonable force)
  • Racial, cultural. or religious based
  • Responsibility for making critical decisions
  • Peer disapproval Penal Code Section 149 - Correct Answer-Every public officer who, under color of authority and without lawful necessity, assaults or beats any person, is punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or by an imprisonment in the State prison or in a county jail not exceeding one year or by both fine and imprisonment. Penal Code Section 147 - Correct Answer-Every officer who is guilty of willful inhumanity or oppression toward any prisoner under his care is punishable by a fine not exceeding four thousand dollars ($4,000) and by removal from office. U.S. Code Section Title 18, Section 242 (criminal) - Correct Answer-Peace officers are prohibited from depriving citizens of their rights under the color of the law. If death results, officers my be punished by life imprisonment. Failure to Intervene - Correct Answer-Necessity for intervention:
  • it is required by law
  • it is morally and ethically correct
  • personal integrity demands it
  • it enhances officer safety
  • it preserves professionalism and supports the law enforcement mission. *it strengthens public confidence in the law enforcement profession and the individual agency involved Techniques for managing anger - Correct Answer-Few people can exercise effective emotional control when their anger is near the top of the scale. To avoid getting to this point, peace officers need to prepare themselves for dealing with anger-inducing events. Emotional as well as physical (Officers) - Correct Answer-If peace officers allow emotions to affect their judgment, they may lose control. It is essential that peace officer control those emotions.
  • anger *fear
  • Prejudices
  • peer pressure
  • personal problems Emotional as well as physical (Subjects) - Correct Answer-If subjects allow emotions to affect their judgment, they may lose control during an arrest process.
  • anger
  • fear
  • embarrassment
  • lose of freedom
  • prejudices
  • peer pressure
  • personal problems
  • mental illness Potential Hazards - Correct Answer-* Subject's Hands: (or what may be in them that cause harm.)
  • Proper distance
  • Weapons and potential weapons (pens, pencils, and tools)
  • Friends or Associates of the Subject
  • Potential Escape Routes
  • Footing and environment Personal weapons: - Correct Answer-* Head: Both front and back of the head might be used for butting
  • Hands: Parts of the hands are used for striking including:
  • Fist- knuckle area of clench hand used for punching
  • Hammer Fist- lower edge of joint used for pounding blows
  • Blade Edge- edge of the hand/ little finger used for chopping blows
  • Arms: parts of the arms include: elbow-used to strike, forearm- used for sharp, quick blows
  • Legs- Parts of the Leg include: knee- used to strike, shin- used to kick
  • Feet: Parts of the feet include: instep-raking, heel-kicking or stomping, ball of foot- kicking or stomping, edge of foot- kicking or stomping Toe: Kicking Potential locations for weapons concealment (FRONT) - Correct Answer-Locations on a person where a weapon and/or contraband may be concealed.
  • Hair
  • Mouth
  • underarm
  • Waistband
  • Belt Buckle
  • Pockets
  • Groin
  • Inner Thighs
  • Ankles
  • Shoes/ Boots Potential locations for weapons concealment (BACK) - Correct Answer-Locations on a person where a weapon and/or contraband may be concealed.
  • Back of Neck
  • Small of Back
  • Buttocks
  • Heel of Shoes Locating a weapon during a person search - Correct Answer-Maintain control of the subject: *If the weapon is accessible, confiscating the weapon.
  • If the weapon is inaccessible, escalating to a higher risk search technique and greater level of control before confiscating the weapon. Continue the Search:
  • Continue searching for additional weapons. ** Never assume a subject carries only one weapon. Agency policy regarding searching individuals of the opposite sex - Correct Answer- Procedures common in all agency policies may include, but are not limited to:
  • Maintaining officer safety
  • the availability and use of peace officers of the same sex
  • acceptable search techniques
  • how to avoid false claims of misconduct or sexual assault

Working as a team - Correct Answer-there will be two peace officers available when conducting a person search. Even so, both officers DO NOT actively take part in the searching. Officer responsibilities (Searching Officer) - Correct Answer-* be constantly alert

  • maintain a position of advantage
  • safeguard their weapons *conduct the search systematically
  • make sure the search is thorough
  • search from the rear and never from the front Officer responsibilities (Cover Officer) - Correct Answer-* be constantly alert
  • maintain a position of advantage
  • safeguard their weapons
  • maintain constant observation of the overall situation; be aware of possible dangers and potential interference
  • exhibit command presence or professional demeanor toward subject being search
  • protect the searching officer from possible interference by onlookers or associates of the subject Officer vulnerability - Correct Answer-When using control holds and takedowns, peace officers must be constantly aware that they are close to the subject and therefore vulnerable to attack. Control Hold - Correct Answer-The proper use of a control hold can help an officer gain control of a subject using reasonable force:
  • effectively control a subject
  • guide a subject in a desired direction
  • control a subject for searching
  • control a subject while handcuffing
  • prevent escape Takedown Techniques - Correct Answer-Is a method for taking the subject to the ground so control the subject and situation. -The proper use of a takedown technique may help an officer:
  • defuse a situation
  • achieve greater control over a subject
  • distract a subject
  • control a situation
  • reduce the ability of the suspect to effectively attack, strike, or escape Types of restraints - Correct Answer-* handcuffs
  • plastic flex cuffs
  • leg restraint devices
  • full body restraints

Handcuff Nomenclature - Correct Answer-Peace officers must be familiar with the parts of the handcuff. Locking Mechanisms:

  • Key
  • *Double Lock
  • Key Lock Restraining Bars:
  • Double Bar
  • Single Bar Use of seat belts - Correct Answer-prisoners should be seated in an upright position and wear seat belts during transportation. Seat belts help restrain the prisoner and increase the safety of the prisoner in case of an accident. Observation of prisoner during transport - Correct Answer-When transporting a prisoner:
  • assume that any prisoner is an escape risk and a threat to peace officer safety
  • if available, have a backup or cover officer in the vehicle as well
  • if the prisoner is leg restrained, refer to agency policy Prisoner position in vehicle - Correct Answer-Prisoners should be positioned in the vehicle to:
  • ensure safety and welfare of the peace officers and prisoners
  • allow for clear observation of the prisoners 1st amendment - Correct Answer-Congress shall make no law limiting: Religion, Press, Speech, Assembly, Petition 4th amendment - Correct Answer-Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures 5th amendment - Correct Answer-Criminal Proceedings; Due Process; Eminent Domain; Double Jeopardy; Protection from Self incrimination 6th amendment - Correct Answer-Fair and speedy trial, right to confront your accuser, right to counsel 8th amendment - Correct Answer-Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 14th amendment - Correct Answer-declared that all persons born in the US were citizenship, that all citizens were entitled to equal rights and their rights were protected by due process