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PC 832 Practice EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025), Exams of Nursing

PC 832 Practice EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

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ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

In every crime or public offense, there must exist a union, or joint operation of act and intent, or criminal negligence. T or F - Correct Answers ✅T A person who, after a felony has been committed, knowingly harbors, conceals,or aids a principal who has been charged with, committed or been convicted of that felony, with intent of helping the principal escape is called an... a) principal b) accomplice c) accessory - Correct Answers ✅c A woman renting an apartment refused to pay rent for two months, stating the landlord had failed to provide heat in her apartment. The landlord called an officer to remove the tenant. Should the officer treat this as a civil or criminal matter? - Correct Answers ✅Civil The right to ABSOLUTE privacy is one of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Search and arrest warrants must show probable cause and must also particularly state items or persons to be searched or seized. Peace Officers must always adhere to the constraints of the warrant. T or F - Correct Answers ✅T

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Mr. Guzman was living in a drug treatment center. In his room he had several suitcases in which he kept his personal property. Police came to the center and asked the Facility Director for consent to search Mr. Guzman's property. It was appropriate for the Facility Director to give consent to the police to search Guzman's suitcases? T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Can a person's failure to act constitute a crime? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅Y Monroe embezzled $300,000 from his engineering firm in Illinois. Six months later he was found in California and the embezzled funds were traced to an account he recently set up in a San Diego bank. Although the crime was in Illinois, Monroe is still considered to have attempted to commit a crime in California as well? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅Y Which of the following persons are generally presumed to be legally incapable of committing a crime? a) Children under 14 b) Mentally disabled individuals c) A person who committed the illegal act under a mistake of fact or facts. d) All of the above e) Only a) and b) - Correct Answers ✅d

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

A prisoners right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment is a right that is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? T or F - Correct Answers ✅T Uncooperative detainees may be handcuffed during a detention? a) True, but this action elevates the detention into an arrest. b) False. Restraints may only be used during an arrest c) True. You may use restraints during a detention. - Correct Answers ✅c A Peace Officer approached a lone man walking through the business district at 3:00 am. The man agreed to talk to the officer. After a few minutes of conversation, the man stated he needed to go home. However, the Officer told him to remain where he was because he had more questions for him. This is an example of: a) A consensual encounter b) A detention c) An arrest d) An illegal search - Correct Answers ✅b The fourth amendment provides protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. This protection is applied only to residents of the United States of America. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

What two circumstances must exist before Miranda warnings are required? a) Detention and custodial interviewing b) Custody and detention c) Custody and interview d) Detention and interrogation - Correct Answers ✅b An officer can make a warrantless arrest under which of the following circumstances? a) A felony was committed, though not in the officers presence. b) The officer has probable cause to believe the person has committed a misdemeanor outside of the officers presence. c) A felony or misdemeanor is committed in the officers presence d) Both a) and c) - Correct Answers ✅d A peace officer is engaged in foot pursuit of a forgery suspect. The suspect is about 200 yards ahead of him on a currently deserted suburban street. As the suspect is about to run past a parked car, he jumps in and starts the car. In this time the officer has closed the distance and is at the rear of the car as the suspect begins to pull away. Based only on the facts presented, is lethal force authorized to prevent escape in this situation? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅N

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Reasonable suspicion to justify a detention is defined as enough facts and circumstances to make it reasonable to strongly believe the person is GUILTY of a crime. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F According to U.S Code, Title 18, Section 241, how many are required to constitute a conspiracy? a) Two or more poersons b) Two or more peace officers c) Two or more government officials d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅a A person acknowledged and waived her Miranda rights by nodding her head in an affirmative manner. This is an example of: a) An express waiver b) An implied waiver c) an invalid waiver - Correct Answers ✅b A patdown search during a detention is limited to: a) Search for weapons b) Search for outer clothing c) Manipulation of a large object in the detainees sock to determine if it is a weapon

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅d Johnson resembled an individual suspected of robbing a convenience store. He was stopped by police and asked investigative questions concerning his whereabouts at the time of the robbery. Johnson refused to answer the questions. The detention may now be elevated to an arrest? T or F - Correct Answers ✅F In order to protect their Fifth Amendment Right against self- incrimination, Peace Officers must provide Miranda warnings to individuals about to undergo: a) Custodial interrogation b) An information gathering interview c) Questioning during a detention d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅a Arrest is defined by what? a) Taking a person into custody b) Detaining an individual for more than four hours c) Reading an individual their Miranda rights. d) Both a) and c) - Correct Answers ✅a

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Which of the actions below is considered appropriate for a peace officer to take during the detention of a robbery suspect? a) Asking questions about identity and conduct b) Patdown search of outer clothing c) Bringing victim to suspect for identification d) All of the above e) Only a) and b) - Correct Answers ✅d A uniformed peace officer tells a person that he is under arrest. She proceeds to place him in a police car and drive him to the station. Has all necessary information been provided to the arrested person? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅N Peace Officers are in hot pursuit of a murder suspect who went into the fenced backyard of a private residence apparently to hide. The officers: a) should not enter the backyard until they have received consent from the homeowner. b) May enter without knock and notice, due to exigent circumstances. c) Must provide expedited knock and notice, identifying themselves and demanding entry. - Correct Answers ✅b

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Johnson has been stopped by the police for being out after curfew. The officers transport Johnson home and do not site him for this violation of a city ordinance. This is an example of applying the law in the "spirit" of the law. T or F - Correct Answers ✅T Probable cause to search an area for an object means that: a)A reasonable person would strongly believe that the object sought is located in the place to be searched b) An officer can search any area at any time c) The object actually exists in the area that is being searched d) An officer has enough facts or information to provide a fair probability, or a substantial chance, that the object sought is located in the place to be searched - Correct Answers ✅d The elements of a lawful arrest require that: a) The person submits to restraint b) The arrest be made by a peace officer or a private person c) Reasonable force may be used d) All of the above e) Both a) and b) - Correct Answers ✅d

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

A set of facts that would cause a person of ordinary care and prudence to entertain an honest and strong belief that the person to be arrested is guilty of a crime is called: a) Reasonable suspicion b) The totality of the circumstances c) Probable cause d) Both b) and c) - Correct Answers ✅c Officers on patrol are met in the street by a man who reports that he believes his neighbor is selling marijuana to the neighborhood children. Since the informant is not tested, officers decide to check out the situation before proceeding. Without a warrant, they knock on the neighbors door and identify themselves. The man looks out the front window rather than answering the door. Immediately after, officers hear a flurry of activity inside. May officers enter at this time without consent and without a warrant based on exigent circumstances? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅N An officer has a felony warrant for a suspected methamphetamine dealer. Which of the following statements is true? a) The officer must wait until 6:00 am to make the arrest b) The officer may arrest the suspect at any time c) The suspect must be a parolee or probationer to be arrested d) All of the above

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

e) None of the above - Correct Answers ✅b During a consensual encounter the officer asked Mr. James if he had been near the liquor store when it had recently been robbed. This question elevated the encounter to a detention. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Officers stopped a vehicle after the driver failed to stop at a red light. One officer approached the suspects vehicle to obtain license and registration in formation and encountered a strong smell of marijuana. The driver was ordered out of the car. The car was searched and the butt of the marijuana joint was found in the ashtray, and a small quantity of marijuana in a plastic bag was found under the front seat. Based on the information presented, was this a legal search? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅Y Searching a neighborhood for a fleeing burglar, officers asked for and received consent to search a private residence for the suspect. Based on the consent, officers can legally: a) Search any room in the house b) Search any container big enough to hide a person c) Answer the phone, if believe it may provide information on the search d) Both a) and b) - Correct Answers ✅d

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

A suspect is attempting to swallow six diamond rings he stole from a jewelry store. The responding officer at the scene MAY NOT use any force to prevent the suspect from swallowing the evidence? T or F - Correct Answers ✅F When seeking a warrant for a bodily intrusion search, officers should be aware that the Fifth Amendment protection against self incrimination protects not only what a person may say, but also any evidence physically contained on or in the person's body itself. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Officer Smith was at a doughnut shop when he observed a petty theft occur. Considering just the information given, the use of deadly force is justified. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Officer Jones cited Kevin due to his failure to adhere to the city noise ordinance. This is an example of: a) Application of the spirit of the law b) Civil Law c) Criminal Law d) Criminal negligence - Correct Answers ✅c During the middle of the day on an urban street, an officer on foot patrol noticed two individuals glancing around nervously in front of the municipal building. Concerned with the recent rise in vandalism in the area, the officer asked them what they were doing in the area and conducted patdown/frisks of

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

each man. Given the circumstances, was this warrantless search legal? Yes or No - Correct Answers ✅n A vehicle may be searched without a warrant if: a) The driver committed a speeding violation b) Probable cause exists that contraband is in the vehicle c) A passenger in the car is arrested for possession of heroin d) Both b) and c) - Correct Answers ✅d A man who was critically injured by a gunshot believes that he is dying. As he waits for the paramedics, witnesses overhear him say that his wife shot him. The man survives and chooses not to testify under privilege. Witness testimony about what he said could probably be admissible under what exception to the hearsay rule? a) Admissions and confessions b) Dying declarations c) Spontaneous statements d) None of the above - Correct Answers ✅b The express purpose of conducting a vehicle inventory is to: a) Take note of personal property to protect it and prevent false claims of loss b) Search for evidence of a crime or contraband c) Search for weapons or any dangerous item

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅a Enrique has just purchased a new vehicle from the used car lot in his neighborhood. The car fails to start the day after he bought it. He goes to the car dealership and demands his money back. Police are called to the dealership due to Enrique's violent behavior. The event has now become a: a) Civil issue b) Criminal issue - Correct Answers ✅b A shop owner made a private arrest of a young man he thought had shoplifted a bag of candy. The responding peace officer accepted the arrest. What options in relation to disposition of the young man does the officer have? a) Cite and release b) Determine that there was sufficient evidence and release him c) Take him to the magistrate d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅d Officers stopped a vehicle matching the description of one seen leaving the scene of an armed robbery of a convenience store. During a probable cause vehicle search, what areas of the car can be legally searched in this situation? a) Passenger compartment b) Glove compartment

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

c) Trunk d) Any of the above e) Only a) and b) - Correct Answers ✅d Peace officers must select a force option that is appropriate for a given situation and be prepared to stick with this force option regardless of sudden situation changes. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F pursuant to the 8th Amendment punishments for criminal offenses should vary with the location of where the crime occurred. T or F - Correct Answers ✅f Which of the following acts by a peace officer will help ensure evidence is admissible in court. (a) conduction voir dire interviews with witnesses. (b)leaving hearsay evidence out of reports. (c) following chain of custody requirements. (d) all of the above - Correct Answers ✅c An eyewitness reported that she saw the suspect run out of the building and down the block just after she heard gunshots.Is there sufficient probable cause to arrest the suspect? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅N

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

which of the following areas of a vehicle may not be searched incident to the custodial arrest of an occupant? (a) glove compartment (b) trunk (c) containers inside the passenger compartment (d) containers owned by vehicle occupants not arrested - Correct Answers ✅b this federal constitutional standard(Tennessee V. Garner) is the sole guideline for peace officers regarding the use of deadly force: T or F - Correct Answers ✅f according to the Ca Penal Code peace officers have the authority to use reasonable force only when the officer has given a verbal warning that force will be used if submission is not immediate or if the officer feels that their own safety or the safety of others is at risk. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F A person suspected of committing a homicide is surprised in a hotel room by peace officers.the suspect fires his gun at one of the officers but misses.when the suspects realizes he is out numbered he throws his gun down.based only on the

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

information presented does a sufficiency of fear exist for the officers that would justify the use of lethal force at this point? Y or N - Correct Answers ✅N A burglar is surprised in a room by a peace officer.The burglar shoots at the officer but misses.the officer shoots back at the burglar and hits him.the burglar dies as a result of the bullet wound.based only on the information presented the: (a) homicide by the peace officer is justifiable. (b) homicide by the peace officer is not justifiable. (c) death of the burglar is not considered a homicide. - Correct Answers ✅a at 3:00am officer Simpson legally detained Mr.Jones for suspicious behavior.based upon the circumstances Simpson conducted an officer safety search of jones.Simpson discovered a small amount of marijuana that jones had hidden in his wallet.Simpson then arrested jones and booked him into the county jail.Based upon the circumstances described why will the evidence(marijuana)be excluded at the time of the trial? (a) the chain of custody was not followed (b) illegal detention (c) improper scope of search durning officer safety search (d) marijuana not relevant or competently handled - Correct Answers ✅c

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

The primary purpose of a vehicle inventory is to: a) Search the vehicle for any and all contraband b) Protect the property of a person whos vehicle has been impounded c) Assess value to personal property contained in the vehicle

  • Correct Answers ✅b Janice was at a party in a bar. She drank many alcoholic beverages. The last drink she had, the bartender made excessively strong. She was arrested after she left the bar for DUI. Due to the "unconscious act" exception, she is considered incapable of committing this crime. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Officers were interrogating a young man who had been arrested regarding a drive by shooting. The suspect had waived his rights regarding self incrimination. During the questioning, the suspect told officers that he was in the car but his friend fired the weapon. The suspect's statement was a lawfully obtained ___: a) Admission b) Confession c) Neither of the above since the suspect's attorney was not present at the time of the statement - Correct Answers ✅a

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Negative non-verbal communication from peace officers towards citizens could possibly result in a loss of community involvement by those citizens and the people they influence. T or F - Correct Answers ✅T A peace officer was directing traffic during a traffic jam after a sporting event. Smith annoyed with the driver behind him, disregarded the officer's directions and did not move his vehicle from the intersection, preventing the drivers behind him from proceeding, even when he was specifically told to do so by the officer. Smith has committed: a) Resisting, delaying or obstructing an officer b) Bribery c) Unlawful assembly d) no crime - Correct Answers ✅a Individuals are not held accountable for any crimes they commit when they are under threat or menace that reasonably causes them to believe their lives would be in danger. T or F - Correct Answers ✅False (unsure of this answer) A felony is a crime that can be punished with either county jail time or a state prison commitment. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Which step of the SARA model contains collecting and examining information? a)Response b) Evaluation c) Analysis d) Identification of the problem e) Only b) and c) - Correct Answers ✅c The process of questioning individuals who may otherwise be unwilling to provide information to investigating officers is referred to as an: a) interview b) interrogation c) inquiry d) None of the above - Correct Answers ✅b A member of the city council received a note from a homeowner threatening to "slash your car tires" if he did not vote to pass a resolution to repave a number of residential streets. Since he did not own a car, the councilman thought the note was a joke and totally disregarded it. What crime has been committed? a) Threatening a public officer b) Attempting to deter an executive officer c) Obstructing a public officer

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

d) No crime was committed as it was not reasonable for the threat - Correct Answers ✅d Johnson liked to commit practical jokes on his brother in law. He told everyone at the company picnic that his brother in law was dealing drugs to the children. He was hoping someone would report it to the police. What crime has Johnson committed? a) Providing false information to a peace officer b) Perjury c) Falsely reporting a criminal offense d) no crime - Correct Answers ✅d Th eowner of a local auto repair shop was stopped for a traffic violation. The man told the officer that he would give him two new tires if the officer would just give him a warning rather than a ticket. The officer agreed and let the man go with only a warning. Which person committed a crime involving bribery? a) The shop owner b) The officer c) Both d) Neither, since no money was exchanged - Correct Answers ✅c

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Jack pulled the fire alarm in his apartment building to see if it really worked. After the responding emergency vehicles arrived, emergency personnel determined that no emergency existed. Jack committed: a) An infraction b) A crime involving falsely reporting an emergency c) no crime because he didn't know it was against the law to pull a fire alarm improperly d) No crime was committed because no one was injured - Correct Answers ✅b Any violation of the rights noted in the Sixth Amendment, Mode of Trial in Criminal Proceedings, may result in which of the following: a) An exclusion of evidence b) Criminal liability to the officer involved c) Dismissal of the criminal charge d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅d The purpose of bail is so that the county jails are relieved of their population pressures. T or F - Correct Answers ✅F Probable cause is required to elevate a detention to the level of an arrest. T or F - Correct Answers ✅T

ANSWERS 100% SOLVED (Newest 2025)

Officer Smith has legally detained two men. Smith believes that the men may have weapons. Smith may legally do a pat down search of the two men for weapons? T or F - Correct Answers ✅T During a legal detention the officer may take the following common actions: a) Ask the detainee questions concerning their whereabouts at the time a crime had been committed b) Conduct an officer safety search of the detainee at any time c) Detain the individual as long as the officer wishes d) None of the above - Correct Answers ✅a A recent immigrant, non-citizen during a legal detention was being questioned by law enforcement concerning his involvement in a robbery. The following statements are true concerning this scenario: a) The immigrant has diplomatic immunity and may use that as a defense. b) The immigrant can claim ignorance of the law, and law enforcement may not pursue arresting this individual c) All constitutional rights guaranteed to citizens also apply to this immigrant in this event d) All of the above - Correct Answers ✅c