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A comprehensive study guide or practice exam for the pect (pennsylvania educator certification tests) module 2 exam, which is likely related to early childhood education or elementary education. A wide range of topics, including phonics, phonemic awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary development, writing instruction, and various teaching strategies and assessment methods. The questions and answers provided seem to be designed to help students prepare for the pect module 2 exam, which is scheduled for the 2023-2024 academic year. The document could be useful for university students pursuing degrees in education, as well as high school students interested in pursuing a career in teaching.
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What interrupts a student's fluency? - Correct Answer-Student doesn't know sight words or phonetic sounds. You ask a student to look at a book without words and orally tell a story by looking at the pictures. What ability are you assessing? - Correct Answer-Story structure A boy reads slowly but accurately. What is an appropriate intervention? - Correct Answer-Repeated reading of text that is on his independent level. Struggles with fluency, will struggle with.. - Correct Answer-Reading comprehension Teacher has students crouch when music is low and stand when music is high. What musical concept? - Correct Answer-Pitch Which activity will further a student's knowledge of spacial interaction? - Correct Answer-Find the location of where different fruits are grown and how they get to the store A teacher has students all have different "jobs" to create a classroom pet store. What concept is the teacher laying the foundation for? - Correct Answer-Economic interdependence Connect science with social studies ad studying plant growth. What concept is a teacher targeting? - Correct Answer-Time /b/ /i/ /g/ - big. What is the teacher working on with this group? - Correct Answer- Phonemic awareness Teacher has students listen to rhyming story and create new rhyming words. What reading skill is she practicing with her class? - Correct Answer-Phonemic awareness How to explain invented spelling to parents? - Correct Answer-The use of letter-sound relationships to attempt to write words Sculptures (or any 3D art) - Correct Answer-Form Teaching the concept of change over time, you should... - Correct Answer-Make a poster with a timeline of birth through kindergarten years
Recognizing words children see frequently like their favorite restaurant or cereal name is a type of familiar print called, - Correct Answer-Environmental print What design element is correlated with math? - Correct Answer-Pattern A K teacher wants her students to understand that words are made up of smaller sound units or syllables. What should she say? - Correct Answer-Say tiger. Now say ti then say ger What phonics unit should you teach last? - Correct Answer-Silent consonants like "k" in "know" Art activity for Kindergarten - Correct Answer-Stamping How can a student demonstrate civic responsibility? - Correct Answer-Cleaning up and recycling Student speaking alone during a play is a - Correct Answer-Monologue A 1st grader mentions she lives near the library. What social studies concept can the teacher reinforce? - Correct Answer-Community A teacher asks her students to pick a book and pretend to reach it. She is assessing? - Correct Answer-Book handling skills The best way to develop a student's prewriting skill is to - Correct Answer-Discuss ideas with a partner before drafting How to make a hypothesis on who will win an election? - Correct Answer-Read through surveys on voters' opinions on candidates How can a teacher show how dance relates to feelings and ideas? - Correct Answer- Reenact a favorite story through dance The purpose in teaching students civic education is - Correct Answer-To show that laws are created by members in society and are constantly changing Which activity boosts child's vocabulary development? - Correct Answer-Play and interact with other students - social stories and play What marked the change from 18th century farm workers in Western PA to 19th century steel workers? - Correct Answer-Technological advances A fourth grade teacher is moving her students from learning to read to reading to learn. She wants to scaffold an independent reading activity. She should - Correct Answer- Review the headings and subheadings with students before they begin reading
Which would be an appropriate initial assessment of word recongition? - Correct Answer-Graded word lists A student is reading quickly and above grade level but is making silly mistakes. What strategy does this child need help with? - Correct Answer-Checking for understanding A student can spell vocabulary words, understand their usage, and put the words into his or her own story, but when given a quiz, they cannot match the words to the correct definition. Why? - Correct Answer-They can use the words contextually but do not understand the exact meaning How does recognizing words with the same ending sound help a child? - Correct Answer-Builds automaticity and fluency A teacher gives her students cards with modes of transportation on them. She wants the students to categorize them. What should she do first? - Correct Answer-Go over criteria for sorting When is it appropriate to use decodable books? - Correct Answer-When the students are good at phonics and sight words but still working on automaticity and decoding words Which word has a consonant blend? - Correct Answer-Frog A student having trouble reading words that contain silent consonants combinations, how can we help the student? - Correct Answer-Compare and contrast between words that do and do not have silent consonant combinations like no and know How to teach 2nd graders to positively perceive and reflect on their environment? - Correct Answer-Walk around school and draw favorite thing you see Active listening - Correct Answer-I hear you say you are upset about How to help 1st graders learn about community? - Correct Answer-Have guest speaker talk about roles shared in community A teacher reads a big book and reads it again because the students enjoy it so much. What follow up activity promotes oral language development? - Correct Answer-Acting out the story with puppets (dramatic play center) Teacher has students practice reading book with expression. What concept is this? - Correct Answer-Prosody Prosody - Correct Answer-Expression while reading, this is a part of fluency along with speed and accuracy
Pointing to words in book as she reads, - Correct Answer-Text to print connection Sorting words into words that rhyme - Correct Answer-Phonics Talking about the assembly they say yesterday enforces which skill - Correct Answer- Reflection Students are talking about invasive species, where to check for more information? - Correct Answer-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) What teaching plan can help students find out what they already know about a topic and what they would like to know? - Correct Answer-KWL Chart (What I know. What I want to know. What I learned) To get a child interested in reading, what could you do? - Correct Answer-Take them to the library and have them pick a book that interests them on their own independent reading level A teacher has materials about gardening for her students to explore. She suggests they build a garden and asks how they could build an imaginary garden inside. What is she demonstrating? - Correct Answer-Encouraging discussion and how to solve problems creatively Why use nonsense words when teaching phonics? - Correct Answer-When a teacher has students read nonsense words such as "ib" or "dright," as if they are real words they can determine a student's phonological skills. What is the fr sound in frog? - Correct Answer-A blend (specifically a consonant blend) Spelling helps with reading comprehension because - Correct Answer-It helps with automaticity and fluency What is connected text? - Correct Answer-Words that are linked (as opposed to words in a list) as in sentences, phrases, and paragraphs Sight words are important because - Correct Answer-They help build reading fluency Why use decodable books and Phonics lessons? - Correct Answer-Students who learn phonics master the sound/symbol code that enables them to read and spell. Decoding helps with recognition of sight words, phonemic awareness, word families, automaticity, and fluency Which design element would you teach in correlation to math? - Correct Answer- Patterns
What can a teacher do to help develop a positive attitude toward art - Correct Answer- Allow them to trust and express their own feelings What is a creative movement to teach children how to express ideas and feelings? - Correct Answer-Have them act out a story What is an activity that a teacher can do to teach students about their perceived environment? - Correct Answer-Take a walk around the school and then talk about what they saw What can you teach a student to use to predict the results of an election? - Correct Answer-Voter opinion surveys Why would a teacher ask students to look at various websites and books before they write a research paper? - Correct Answer-It helps them develop a thesis statement and gather background information Talking about what is close to their house is - Correct Answer-Community A teacher talks about police officers, mailmen, and firefighters and their roles in the community. She is teaching - Correct Answer-How community works together to achieve common goals What is important to teach students when discussing a controversial topic? - Correct Answer-To value and respect the opinions of others What is the color level or depth of an image on a computer screen? - Correct Answer- Contrast A teacher narrates her thinking when making an inaccurate prediction of a text. She is - Correct Answer-Teaching students how to monitor their own comprehension When children learn that print is written and read from left to right and top to bottom, they are aquiring - Correct Answer-Directionality concepts The goal of reading and writing instruction in the primary grades is to ensure that all children reach the fluent stage of reading by - Correct Answer-The end of 1st grade Emergent readers are - Correct Answer-In PreK and K There is a pretend post office where students are motivated to read and write. This could be described as - Correct Answer-A literacy play center Children read accurately, rapidly, and automatically and they read with expression in the
A 1st grade teacher wants to provide scaffolding to students who are struggling to read and write. An effective scaffold is - Correct Answer-Interactive writing The concept that stories have a beginning, middle, and end is - Correct Answer-Story structure Most fluent readers prefer to read - Correct Answer-silently Phonemic awareness is the basic understanding that - Correct Answer-Speech is composed of a series of individual sounds The smallest unit of speech is - Correct Answer-Phonemes When working with students who are ELL, researchers reccommend - Correct Answer- Providing explicit instruction in phonemic awareness PreK teachers can nurture young phonemic awareness by - Correct Answer-Singing songs and sharing word play books The rime in the word Cat is - Correct Answer-at High frequency words are - Correct Answer-Words that appear often in printed material The strategy of identifying words by examining the root and affixes of longer words is - Correct Answer-Morphemic analysis The ability to orally read sentences expressively with appropriate phrasing and innotation is known as - Correct Answer-Prosody The technique in which students practice reading stories to develop fluency is - Correct Answer-Reader's theatre Reading fluency involves the components of - Correct Answer-speed, prosody, automaticity and accuracy Children select a topic, consider purpose, audience, and form and gather and organize ideas for writing during what stage of the writing process? - Correct Answer-Prewriting stage When a teacher and a student create a text together they engage in - Correct Answer- Interactive writing Children pour out ideas with little concern about spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical errors during the - Correct Answer-Drafting stage
The best way to assess students' writing is to use a - Correct Answer-Rubric developed by the teacher The 4th grade class selects their own topics and writes independently while the teacher circulates and monitors. This is a - Correct Answer-Writing workshop Diagrams that provide organized visual representations of information from texts are - Correct Answer-Graphic organizers Informational books are organized using - Correct Answer-expository text structures A 4th grade teacher is compiling a text set for students to use during a thematic unity. While selecting books, the teacher correctly has decided to - Correct Answer-Select books written on a range of levels to fit the needs of all students Difference between editing and revising - Correct Answer-Revising is changing ideas and editing is changing punctuation and spelling mistakes Which would you teach morphemically rather than syllabically - Correct Answer-Tricycle The importance of tone and audience awareness can by taught by having her 4th grade students - Correct Answer-Interview a Kindergartener and a teacher A student forms a group of friends to discuss a book they read. This is a - Correct Answer-Literature circle Un Want Ed has - Correct Answer-3 morphemes Scoring guide - Correct Answer-Rubric Running Records - Correct Answer-Reading fluency Children with larger vocabularies are - Correct Answer-More capable readers Instruction of prefix "post" by sharing terms like postseason and post game. This is - Correct Answer-Morphemic analysis Comparing a book to a different book - Correct Answer-Text to text connection Creating mental images while reading is - Correct Answer-Visualizing Connecting a book to global knowledge is - Correct Answer-Text to world connection Most effective way for a teacher to assess students' ability to apply comprehension strategies is to - Correct Answer-Ask students to think aloud and share their thinking as they read passages
During guided reading, students should read books as their - Correct Answer- Instructional level Books selected for a child's recreational reading should match the students' - Correct Answer-Independent level Informal reading inventory usually contains - Correct Answer-Graded word lists and pasages To assess reading fluency, teachers mark on a paper as a child reads each word correctly. - Correct Answer-Running Record When students make connections that are not explicitly stated in text, this is an - Correct Answer-Inference Allowing students to spell words that reflect their developmental knowledge of phonics is known as the practice of invented spelling. In which type of classroom are you most likely to see this approach - Correct Answer-In a classroom that is primarily focused on while language instruction Children learning how to hold books and turn pages and engaging in pretend reading - Correct Answer-Emergent readers An activity where students read part of a reading together to build fluency - Correct Answer-Choral Reading Meaning of a word - Correct Answer-Semantics The way in which words are put together to make phrases or sentences - Correct Answer-Syntax The structure of a word (roots, suffixes, prefixes) - Correct Answer-Morphology The origin of a word - Correct Answer-Etymoogy Breaking apart sentences into words - Correct Answer-Word segmentation The division of words into syllabols - Correct Answer-Syllabication A type of graphic organizer in which a student identifies the elements of a plot line - Correct Answer-Story map A teacher is teaching 1st grade social studies community concept and activity and you have a girl in a wheelchair. What would you do to reinforce concept of community? - Correct Answer-Give ample amount of room to maneuver around the room
Have preK kids organize rhyming words for a poem. What concept? - Correct Answer- Awareness of phonemic skills A K teacher allows students to express their feelings about art. What should the teacher do next to reinforce these skills? - Correct Answer-Put art in play areas (prop box full of costumes) Brighten a picture using - Correct Answer-Contrast Adjust color intensity - Correct Answer-Saturation You are teaching ecology and the students are reading a textbook. What activity to assess reading comprehension? - Correct Answer-Ask them what would happen if the ecosystem was missing __ You are discussing community and wanted to make a brochure with graphs and diagrams. What computer system would you use with 3rd graders? - Correct Answer- Publishing program Calming colors to paint a classroom? - Correct Answer-Green and Blue What way would you utilize art to convey feelings? - Correct Answer-Put on a play If you are just about ready to publish a newspaper article, what phase of the writing process would you be in? - Correct Answer-Editing for punctuation and grammar Increase a child's vocabulary by - Correct Answer-Increasing reading time Kindergarteners to understand the difference between long and short vowels - Correct Answer-Do a word sort To help a child understand silent vowels - Correct Answer-show him/her words that contain silent vowels and compare them to words that do not have silent vowels Saying words inside your head while reading - Correct Answer-Subvocalization. (Great to increase fluency in YOUNG students. Bad for OLDER students' comprehension) According to the national panel on reading, the five components of reading - Correct Answer-Phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, fluency with text, vocab, and comprehension SHOULD ALL WORK TOGETHER Why is it important to have a writing center in the classroom? - Correct Answer-Allows for free flow of ideas and shows children the importance of creativity in writing
PreK assessment to have kids identify letters and numbers to - Correct Answer-To diagnose and discover who may be having difficulty You are assessing PreK with a "task card" and asks them questions (example> the dog sits near the door. where does the dog sit?) This is assessing - Correct Answer- Receptive language