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PECT Module 2 Practice Test Questions with 100% Correct Answers 2023-2024, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive set of practice test questions and answers for the pect (pennsylvania educator certification tests) module 2 exam, which covers various topics related to early childhood education, including classroom management, instructional strategies, assessment, and more. The questions cover a wide range of scenarios and concepts that a teacher might encounter in a 1st grade social studies, pre-k, kindergarten, or 4th grade classroom. The document aims to help aspiring teachers prepare for the pect module 2 exam by providing them with a valuable resource to practice and reinforce their understanding of the key topics tested on the exam. By working through these practice questions and reviewing the correct answers, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus their study efforts accordingly to ensure they are well-prepared for the actual pect module 2 exam.

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Available from 08/20/2024

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Download PECT Module 2 Practice Test Questions with 100% Correct Answers 2023-2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!

PECT Module 2 Practice Test Questions

With 100% Correct Answers 2023-

A teacher is teaching 1st grade social studies community concept and activity and you have a girl on a wheel chair. What would you do to reinforce the concept of community?

  • Correct Answer-give ample amount of space for her to maneuver around the classroom You are having pre-K kids organize rhyming words for a poem. What concept are you teaching? - Correct Answer- A kindergarten teacher allows students to express their feelings and expressions about art. What should the teacher do next to reinforce these skills? - Correct Answer-put art in play areas (prop box full of costumes) What computer tool would you use to adjust the intensity of color? - Correct Answer- Saturation You are teaching about ecology and the students are reading the textbook. What is a proper activity to assess reading comprehension? - Correct Answer-Ask them what would happen if the ecosystem was missing _________. You are discussing community and wanted to make a brochure with graphs and diagrams. What computer system would you use with 3rd graders? - Correct Answer- Publishing program Best calming colors to paint a room? - Correct Answer-Green and blue What way would you utilize "art" to convey feelings? - Correct Answer-create/put on a play If you are just about ready to publish a newspaper article, what phase of the writing process would you be in? - Correct Answer-Editing for punctuation and grammar If you want to increase a child's vocabulary - Correct Answer-increase reading time To help kindergarten students understand the difference between long and short vowels, - Correct Answer-do a vowel sort To help a child understand silent vowels, - Correct Answer-show him/her words that contain silent vowels and compare them to words that do not have silent vowels. The five components of reading (phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, fluency with text, vocabulary, and comprehension) - Correct Answer-should all work together

Why is it important to have a writing center in the classroom? - Correct Answer-Allows for free flow of ideas and shows children the importance and creativity of writing You are giving a reading preK assessment in which you have children identify numbers and letters. Why are you doing this assessment? - Correct Answer-To diagnose and discover who may be having difficulty You are giving a reading preK assessment in which you have children identify numbers and letters. You also reading a "task card" to children and ask them questions. What are you assessing? - Correct Answer-Receptive language Which is most likely to interrupt a student's reading fluency? - Correct Answer-Student doesn't know sight words or phonetic sounds You ask a student to look at a book without words and orally tell a story just by looking at the pictures. Which ability are you assessing? - Correct Answer-Story structure A boy reads slowly but accurately. What is an appropriate intervention? - Correct Answer-Repeated reading on a text that is at his independent level If a child struggles with fluency, what can you expect? - Correct Answer-The student will struggle with comprehension A teacher has her students crouch when the music is low and stand on their tiptoes when the music is high. What musical concept is she reinforcing? - Correct Answer- Pitch A class goes on a field trip to a supermarket. The produce manager explains to the class that fruits are grown in other areas and then transported to the store. Which activity would further the student's knowledge of spatial interaction? - Correct Answer- Find the location of where different fruits are grown and map how they get to the store. A first grade class visits a pet store. Once returning back to the classroom the students are broken up into various groups for different jobs. After this the teacher holds a discussion of their activities, what topic is the teacher laying the foundation for in future years? - Correct Answer-Economic interdependence A teacher wants to connect a Science unit with Social Studies. The students are charting a plant's growth. Which concept is the teacher targeting? - Correct Answer- Time Ms. Duke is teaching a small group of first grade students. She is giving them letter /b/, /i/, /g/ and then sweeping them together to say "big". Her group is practicing this skill with several short vowel words. What skill is Ms. Duke working on with this group? - Correct Answer-Phonemic awareness

A kindergarten teacher includes poetry in her daily read-alouds. She asks her students to listen to the rhymes of familiar poems and sometimes to provide a new rhyming word. Which reading skill is she practicing with her class? - Correct Answer-Phonemic awareness Sometimes parents are not up-to-date on current instructional practices. Which would be a good way to explain invented spelling to a parent of a kindergarten student? - Correct Answer-The use of letter-sound relationship to attempt to write words There are yellow balloons that your students make into a sculpture. What concept is being taught? - Correct Answer-Form You want to teach the concept of change over a period of time. What activity should you choose? - Correct Answer-Make a poster with a timeline of your birth to your kindergarten years Young children often begin to recognize words that they see like names of restaurants and toy stores or names of cereal on the boxes. This type of familiar print is referred to as: - Correct Answer-Environmental print Which of the following design elements would you teach in correlation with a math unit?

  • Correct Answer-Pattern A kindergarten teacher wants her students to understand that words are made up of smaller sound units or syllables. Which of the following questions should the teacher use to work on phonological awareness? - Correct Answer-Say tiger. Now say "ti" and then say "ger" Which phonics unit should be taught last? - Correct Answer-Silent consonants What is an appropriate art activity for kindergarten? - Correct Answer-Stamping How is a student demonstrating civic responsibility/being a good citizen? - Correct Answer-Clean up for recycling What is it called when a student speaks alone on stage during a play? - Correct Answer-Monologue During a first grade social studies lesson, a child mentions that she lives near the city library. The teacher could take this time to reinforce which social studies concept? - Correct Answer-Community A teacher in a kindergarten classroom wants to take an initial assessment of the students in her class. She ask them individually to pick a book from the reading center

and pretend to read it by flipping through the pages. What is she assessing? - Correct Answer-Book handling skills What is the best way to develop children's prewriting skills? - Correct Answer- Discussing ideas with a partner In a 4th grade class you are learning about making a hypothesis for which candidate will win an election. Which activity would best support this learning goal? - Correct Answer- Read through surveys of voters opinions on candidates A music teacher wants to show young students how dance relates to feelings and ideas. What would be a good activity? - Correct Answer-Reenact a favorite story through dance What is the purpose in teaching students civic education? - Correct Answer-To show students that laws are created by members of society and are constantly changing Which activity boosts child's vocabulary development? - Correct Answer-Playing and interacting with other students - social stories/dramatic play What marked the change from 18th century farm workers in Western PA to 19th century steel workers? - Correct Answer-Technological advances A fourth grade teacher is moving her students from learning to read to reading to learn. She wants them to read a passage independently to themselves. What should she do to scaffold this activity? - Correct Answer-Review the headings and subheadings with students before they begin reading Which would be an appropriate initial assessment of word recognition? - Correct Answer-Graded word lists A student is able to read quickly and above grade level. However, they make careless mistakes such as saying "car" for "care" or replacing "me" with "my." What reading strategy does this child need help with? - Correct Answer-Checking for understanding A student can spell vocabulary words, understand their usage, and put the words into his or her own story, but when given a quiz, they cannot match the words to the correct definition. Why? - Correct Answer-They can use the words contextually, but do not understand the exact wording of definitions How does recognizing words with the same ending sounds help a child? - Correct Answer-Builds automaticity and fluency A teacher gives her students cards with modes of transportation on them. She wants the students to categorize them. What should she do first? - Correct Answer-Go over criteria before sorting

When is it appropriate to use decodable books with students? - Correct Answer-When students are good at phonics and sight words, but still working automaticity and decoding words Which word has a consonant blend? - Correct Answer-FROG A student is having trouble reading words that contain silent consonants combinations, what would be a good approach to help the student? - Correct Answer-Compare and contrast between words that do and do not have silent consonant combinations, like no and know. How do you teach 2nd graders to positively perceive and reflect on their environment? - Correct Answer-This gets the kids actively engaged, allows them to work independently and have free choice, and is a positive activity Which is an example of active listening? - Correct Answer-"So what I hear you say, is that you are upset about..." How to help first graders learn about community? - Correct Answer-Community jobs and roles is a first grade SS standards