Download Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Exam Questions and more Papers Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 2 Test Week I6 I- IMidterm IExam Status Completed Attempt IScore 96 Iout Iof I100 Ipoints I I Time IElapsed 54 Iminutes Iout Iof I3 Ihours Iand I20 Iminutes Results IDisplayed Submitted IAnswers When Icompleting Ithis Iquiz, Idid Iyou Icomply Iwith IWalden IUniversity’s ICode Iof IConduct Iincluding Ithe Iexpectations Ifor Iacademic Iintegrity? Selected IAnswer: Yes Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iregarding Iadolescent Isubstance Iuse Iis Itrue? Selected IAnswer: a. I Tobacco Iis Ithe Imost Icommonly Iabused Isubstance Iduring Iadolescence. You Isee Ia I4-year-old Ifor Ia Iwell-child Ivisit. IHe Ihas Ireceived Ifour Idiphtheria, Itetanus, Iand Iacellular Ipertussis Ivaccines I(DTaP); Ithree Iinjected Ipolio Ivaccines I(IPV); Ione Imeasles, Imumps, Iand Irubella Ivaccine I(MMR); Ione Ivaricella Ivaccine; Iand Itwo Ihepatitis IB I(Hep IB) Ivaccines. IWhat Ido Iyou Iorder Itoday? Selected IAnswer: d. I DTaP, IIPV, IMMR, Iand IVarivax The Iparents Iof Ia I7-year-old Iare Iconcerned Itheir Ison Idoes Inot Iwant Ito Iattend Ischool. IWhich Iof Ithe Ihistorical Ifindings Iare Inot Iusually Iassociated Iwith Ithe Idiagnosis Iof Ischool Iphobia? Selected IAnswer: c. I Chronic Imedical Iillness P a g e 1 | 21 • Question I1 0 Iout Iof I0 Ipoints • Question I2 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I3 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I4 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Chelsea, Iage I8, Icomplains Ithat Ishe Ifeels Ias Iif Isomething Iis Istuck Iin Iher Iear. IWhat Iaction Iis Icontraindicated? Selected IAnswer: b. I Flushing Ithe Iear Iwith Iwater. You Isee Ia I7-year-old Iwith Icomplaints Iof I"having Iaccidents Iat Inight." IPhysical Iexam Iand Ihistory Iare Iunremarkable. IUrinalysis, Iurine Iculture, Iand Ispecific Igravity Iare Inormal. IHis Iparents Iask Iabout Ithe Ibest Itreatment Ifor Ithis Iproblem. IThe Ibest Iresponse Iis Selected IAnswer: c. I Fluid Irestriction Iand Ivoiding Iprior Ito Ithe Inight Imay Ibe Ieffective. You Iare Idoing Ia Ikindergarten Iphysical Ion Ia I5-year-old Igirl. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iscenarios Iwould Isuggest Ithe Ichild Iis Inot Iready Ito Istart Ikindergarten Iin Ithe Ifall? Selected IAnswer: d. I Counts Ito I4 Iand Idraws Ia Iperson Iwith Ithree Iparts. Upon Ieye Iexamination Iof Ia Inewborn, Iyou Inote Iinner Icanthal Ifolds Iand IBrushfield Ispots. IWhat Ido Iyou Isuspect? Selected IAnswer: c. I Down Isyndrome I Ilike Ito Iuse Imy Ipincer Igrasp Ithat Iinvolves Ithe Iablitily Ito Ipick Iup Ia Ismall Iobject Isuch Ias Ia Iraisin Ior Ipiece Iof Icereal Iwith Ithe Ithumb Iand Iforefinger, Iand Ithat Iis Imastered Iaround Iwhat Iage? Selected IAnswer: b. I P a g e 2 | 21 • Question I5 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I6 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I7 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I8 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I9 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 A Ihealthy, Iwell-developed I6-year-old Ichild Iarrives Ias Ia Inew Ipatient Ito Iyour Iclinic. IHis Iimmunization Icard Ireveals Ithat Ihe Ireceived Ian Iimmunization Iat Ibirth Iand Isome Iwhen Ihe Iwas I2 Imonths Iold, Ibut Inone Isense. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iabout Ihim Iis Icorrect? Selected IAnswer: b. I He Iis Itoo Iold Ito Ireceive Ithe IHaemophilus Iinfluenzae IType IB Ivaccine. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iissues Ior Iconcepts Iis Irelevant Ito Ithe Ischool-age Ichild? Selected IAnswer: b. I Erikson's Iinitiative Iversus Iguilt You Iwould Ibe Iconcerned Iabout Ithe Ilanguage Idevelopment Iof Ia Ichild Iwho: Selected IAnswer: c. I Stutters Iwhen Iexcited Ior Itired Iat Ithe Iage Iof I7 You Idiagnose Ia I16-year-old Iwith Iacute Iotitis Imedia Iand Ineed Ito Iprescribe Ian Iantibiotic Iwith Ibetalactamase Icoverage. IWhat Ido Iyou Ichoose? Selected IIAnswer: b. II amoxicillin IIand IIpotassium IIclavulanate II(Augmentin) A I2-year-old Iboy Ihas Ibeen Islightly Iless Ithan Ithe I50th Ipercentile Ifor Iweight, Iheight Iand Ihead Icircumference, Ibut Iin Ithe Ilast I6 Imonths Ihe Ihas Ifallen Ito Islightly Iless Ithan Ithe I25th Ipercentile Ifor Iweight. IThe Ipregnancy Iwas Inormal, Ihis Idevelopment Iis Ias Iexpected, and the family reports no psychosocial problems. The mother says that he is now a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ifinicky Ieater I(wants Ionly Imacaroni Iand Icheese Iat Iall Imeals), Ibut Ishe Iinsists Ithat Ihe Ieat P a g e 5 | 21 • Question I20 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I21 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I22 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I23 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I24 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Ia Ivariety Iof Ifoods. IThe Imeals Iare Imarked Iby Imuch Ifrustration Ifor Ieveryone. IHis Iexamination Iis Inormal. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Ibest Inext Istep Iin Ihis Icare? Selected b. I Reassurance Iand Icounseling Ifor Ifamily Iabout Ichildhood Inormal Idevelopmental IAnswer: Istage Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Icharacterizes Imiddle Iadolescence I(14 Ito I16 Iyears Iold)? Selected IAnswer: a. I Intense Ipeer Igroup Iinvolvement, Ifeelings Iof Iimmortality, Isexual Iexperimentation Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iforeign Ibody Iin Ithe Inose Irequires Iimmediate Iremoval? Selected IAnswer: c. I battery Which Iis Ithe Icorrect Iorder Ifor Iintroduction Iof Isolid Ifoods Ito Ian Iinfant? Selected IAnswer: d. I Cereal, Ivegetables, Ifruits, Iand Imeats FIRST-LINE Itherapy Ifor Ipreschoolers I(4-5 Iyears Iof Iage) Idiagnosed Iwith Iattention-deficit Ihyperactive Idisorder Iis: Selected IAnswer: d. I Behavior Itherapy • Question I29 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints A I15-month-old I Iboy Isays I“mama” Iand I“dada,” Ipoints Iand Igestures Iif Ihe Iwants Ithings, Iand Ifollows Isimple Ione-step Icommands. IYour Ibest Iresponse Iis Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing? P a g e 6 | 21 • Question I25 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I26 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I27 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I28 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Selected IAnswer: c. I Tell Iparent, I"Your Ichild's Ilanguage Idevelopment Iis Inormal." A I4-month-old Ichild Ihas Ipoor Iweight Igain. IHer Icurrent Iweight Iis Iless Ithan Ithe I5th Ipercentile, Iheight Iabout Ithe I10th Ipercentile, Iand Ihead Icircumference Iat Ithe I50th Ipercentile. IThe Iplanned Ipregnancy Iresulted Iin Ia Inormal, Ispontaneous, Ivaginal Idelivery; Imother Iand Ichild Iwere Idischarged Iafter Ia I48-hour Ihospitalization. IFeeding Iis Ivia Ibreast Iand Ibottle; Ithe Iquantity Iseems Isufficient. IThe Ichild Ihas Ihad Ino Iillness. IThe Iexamination Iis Iunremarkable Iexcept Ifor Ithe Ichild’s Ismall Isize. IScreening Ilaboratory Ishows Ithe Ihemoglobin Iand Ihematocrit Iare I11 Img/dL Iand I33% Irespectively, Iwith Ia Iplatelet Icount Iof I198,000/mm3. ISerum Ielectrolyte Ilevels Iare Isodium I140, Ichloride I105, Ipotassium I3.5, Ibicarbonate I17, Iblood Iurea Initrogen I15, Iand Icreatinine I0.3. ILiver Ifunction Itests Iare Inormal. IUrinalysis Ireveals Ia IpH Iof I8 Iwith Ioccasional Iepithelial Icells Ibut Ino Iwhite Iblood Icells, Ibacteria, Iprotein, Iketones, Ior Ireducing Isubstances. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Imost Iappropriate Itherapy Ifor Ithis Ichild? Selected IAnswer: e. I Oral Isupplementation Iwith Ibicarbonate Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Isigns Imay Iindicate Ia Ibaby Iis Inot Ireceiving Isufficient Ibreastmilk? Selected IAnswer: c. I Sleepiness, Ijaundice, Iand Ivomiting Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ichildren Ishould Ibe Ireferred Ifor Ia Icomprehensive Idevelopmental Ievaluation? Selected IAnswer: b. I A I19-month-old Iwith Iexplosive Itemper Itantrums. By Iwhat Iage Ishould Imost Ichildren Ibe Iable Ito Isit Iwell Iwithout Isupport? Selected IAnswer: c. I 9 Imonths P a g e 7 | 21 • Question I30 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I31 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I32 0 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I33 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 A Imother Istates Ithat Iher I4-year-old Ison Iconstantly Igrinds Ihis Iteeth Iat Inight. IYou Idocument Ithis Ias: Selected IAnswer: c. I Bruxism The Ifather Iof Ia I3-year-old Iis Iconcerned Ibecause Ithe Ichild Istutters. IWhat Ishould Iyour Iapproach Ibe? Selected IAnswer: d. I Explain Ithat Ithis Ican Ibe Inormal Iuntil I4 Iyears Iof Iage. A Imother Iof Ia I6-month-old Iasks Iyou Iabout Inormal Isleep Ipatterns Ifor Ian Iinfant Ithis Iage. IThe Ibest Iresponse Iis: Selected IAnswer: b. I 10 Ihours Iat Inight Iand I3-4 Ihours Iduring Ithe Iday Josh, Iage I13, Ihas Isome Ienlargement Iof Ithe Iscrotum Iand Itestes, Ia Ireddened Iscrotal Isac, Iand Isome Ihair Itexture Ialteration. IHis Ipenis Iis Inot Ienlarged. IHe Iis Iin ITanner Istage Selected IAnswer: d. I II Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ieye Ifindings Iwould Ibe Iconsidered Ian Iophthalmic Iemergency? Selected IAnswer: d. I Unilateral Ivesicular Ilesions Ion Ithe Iupper Ieyelid Iin Ia I3-week Iold. P a g e 10 | 21 • Question I44 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I45 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I46 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I47 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I48 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Mark Iis Iin Ithe Iexam Iroom. IYou Iare Iconcerned Ihe Imay Ihave Iepiglottitis. IIn Iwhat Iposition Ido Ithese Ipatients Iprefer Ito Isit? Selected IAnswer: d. I Sitting Iup Iand Ileaning Iforward A I14-year-old Ifemale Icomes Iinto Ithe Ioffice Ifor Ian Iurgent Ivisit Iafter Itaking I10 Ivalium tablets. Following the initial emergent care and stailization, the most important part of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ithe Imanagement Iis: Selected IAnswer: c. I Assessing Ithe Ifamily Isupports Iavailable Ito Ithe Ichild. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iabout Ibullying Iis Itrue? Selected IAnswer: d. I It Ioccurs Imost Icommonly Iduring Iunstructured Itimes I(lunch, Irecess, Ietc.). For Iadolescent Igirls, Ipeak Iheight Ivelocity Ishould Ioccur Iby ITanner IStage I(SMR): Selected IAnswer: c. I 3 You Isee Ia I30-month-old Iwho Ispeaks Iin Imixed ISpanish Iand IEnglish. IThe Ichild’s Ivocabulary Iis Inormal Ibut Iat Ithe Ilow Iend Iof Ithe Inormal Ilanguage Ispectrum. IThe Iparent Iis Iworried Ithe Ichild’s Idevelopment Iwill Inot Ibe Inormal Ibecause Ishe Imixes Iup Ithe Itwo Ilanguages. IYou Irespond: P a g e 11 | 21 • Question I49 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I50 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I51 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I52 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I53 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Selected b. I "Your Ichild's Ispeech Iis Inormal Iand Ibilingual Ichildren Icommonly Iintermix Ithe Iwords IAnswer: Ifrom Iboth Ilanguages Iuntil Iabout I3 Iyears Iof Iage." A I4-month-old Ipresents Iwith Iboth Ieyes Iturning Iinward. IWhat Iis Ithis Icalled? Selected IAnswer: b. I Esotropia An I8-year-old Ifemale Ihas Ian Iedematous, Imildly Ierythematous Iright Iupper Ieyelid Ifor I2 Idays Iwith Ia Ifever Iof I102.9 I(F). IWhich Iimportant Ieye Iassessment Ido Iyou Ineed Ito Iconsider? Selected IAnswer: d. I Ocular Imobility Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istrategies Iwould Inot Ibe Iappropriate Ito Iinclude Ias Ipart Iof Iyour Itreatment Iplan Iof Ian I8-year-old Iboy Iwho Iis Iobese? Selected IAnswer: a. I Referral Ito Inutritionist Ifor Iweight Ireduction Iplan. A I13-month-old Ichild Iis Inoted Ito Ibe Iat Ithe I25th Ipercentile Ifor Iweight, Ithe I10th Ipercentile Ifor Iheight, Iand Iless Ithan Ithe I5th Ipercentile Ifor Ihead Icircumference. IShe Iwas Iborn Iat Iterm. IShe Iwas Inoted Ito Ihave Ia Ismall Ihead Iat Ibirth, Ito Ibe Idevelopmentally Idelayed Ithroughout Iher Ilife, Iand Ito Ihave Irequired Icataract Isurgery Ishortly Iafter Ibirth. IShe Icurrently Itakes Iphenobarbital Ifor Iseizures. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iwould Imost Ilikely Iexplain Ithis Ichild’s Ismall Isize? Selected IAnswer: c. I Congenital Icytomegalovirus Iinfection P a g e 12 | 21 • Question I54 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I55 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I56 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I57 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I58 0 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Selected IAnswer: d. I Information Ithat Ithe Ichild Iwill Istart Ito Ivalue Ipersonal Iidols Iand Irole Imodels. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iis Itrue Iregarding Ilying Iand Istealing Iby Ithe Ischool-age Ichild? Selected IAnswer: d. I They Irepresent Ia Icommon, Itransient Iproblem. Epiglottitis Ihas Idecreased Idue Ito Iwhich Iimmunization? Selected IAnswer: c. I Hib A I7-year-old Ihas Ijust Ibeen Idiagnosed Iwith Iattention Ideficit Ihyperactivity Idisorder (ADHD). Her parents report that she is doing poorly in school and is disruptive in the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iclassroom. IThey Iask Iyou Iwhat Ithey Ican Ido. IYour Ibest Iresponse Iis: Selected IAnswer: b. I "Use Ia Iconsistent Iapproach Iwith Ibehavioral Icues Iboth Iat Ihome Iand Iat Ischool." You Isee Ia I3-year-old Ifor Ia Iwell-child Ivisit. IHis Imother Iinforms Iyou Ithat Ipotty Itraining Ihas Ibeen Ivery Ieasy Ibecause Ihe I“has Ian Iamazing Iinternal Iclock. IHe Ifalls Iasleep, Igets Ihungry, Iand Ihas Ibowel Imovements Iat Ithe Isame Itime Ievery Iday.” IThis Idescribes Iwhich Iaspect Iof Itemperament? Selected IAnswer: c. I Rhythmicity A I2-day-old Iinfant Ihas Isignificant Inasal Iand Irectal Ibleeding. IHe Iwas Idelivered Iby Ia Imidwife Iat Ihome; Ithe Ipregnancy Iwas Iwithout Icomplications. IHis IApgar Iscores Iwere I9 Iat I1 Iminute Iand I9 Iat I5 Iminutes. P a g e 15 | 21 • Question I69 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I70 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I71 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I72 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I73 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 IHe Ihas Ibreastfed Iwell Iand Ihas Inot Irequired Ia Ihealth Icare Iprofessional Ivisit Isince Ibirth. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ivitamin Ideficiencies Imight Iexplain Ihis Icondition? Selected IAnswer: a. I Vitamin IK • Question I74 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints A I14-year Iold Ihas Iataxia. IHe Iis Ibrought Ito Ithe Ilocal Iemergency Idepartment, Iwhere Ihe Iappears Ieuphoric, Iemotionally Ilabile, Iand Idisoriented. IMany Inotice Ihis Iabusive Ilanguage. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iagents Iis Imost Ilikely Iresponsible Ifor Ihis Icondition? Selected IAnswer: d. I Alcohol An I11-year-old Igirl Ihas Idizziness, Ipupillary Idilation, Inausea, Ifever, Itechycardia, Iand Ifacial Iflushing. IShe Isays Ishe Ican I"see" Isound Iand I"hear" Icolors. IThe Iagent Ilikely Ito Ibe Iresponsible Iis Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing? Selected IAnswer: e. I Lysergic Iacid Idiethylamide I(LSD) • Question I76 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints You Iare Iperforming Ian Iexamination Iof Ia I3-year-old Iwho Iis Inew Ito Iyour Ioffice. IWhich Ifinding Irequires Iimmediate Ifurther Ievaluation? Selected IAnswer: d. I An Iequal IA-P Iand Itransverse Ichest Idiameter. Please Iinterpret Ithe Ifollowing Ilabs Ifor Ian Iadolescent. IThe Iadolescent Ihas Ia Ihistory Iof Iobesity Iand Iacanthosis Inigricans. P a g e 16 | 21 • Question I75 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I77 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints Results d Iglucose 112 Img/dL randial Iglucose 138 Img/dL 2 Selected IAnswer: d. I Impaired Ifasting Iglucose, Ipostprandial Iglucose Iwithin Inormal Ilimits A I2-year-old Ichild Iweighs I34 Ilb. IWhat Itype Iof Icar Iseat Ishould Ithe Ichild Iuse? Selected IAnswer: a. I A Iforward-facing Icar Iseat Iin Ithe Iback Iof Ithe Ivehicle. Most Ichildren Ican Iindependently Iget Idressed Iby Ithemselves Iby Iage: Selected IAnswer: d. I 5 Iyears Which Iadolescent Iwould Ibe Iat Igreatest Irisk Ifor Ideveloping Ianorexia Inervosa? Selected IAnswer: c. I 14-year-old Ifemale Igymnast The Imost Icommon Isubstance Iused Iin Imiddle Ischool Iis Selected IAnswer: d. I Alcohol Sarah, Iage I15, Ipresents Iwith Ipain Iand Ipressure Iover Iher Icheeks Iand Idiscolored Inasal Idischarge. IYou Icannot Itransilluminate Ithe Isinuses. IYou Isuspect Iwhich Icommon Isinus Ito Ibe Iaffected? Selected IAnswer: b. I Maxillary Isinus P a g e 17 | 21 • Question I78 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I79 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I80 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I81 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I82 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 A Inew Imom Icalls Ithe INP Ion Ipostpartum Iday I5. IShe Ireports Iher Inewborn Iwants Ito Inurse Ifor I30 Iminutes Ievery I1-1/2 Ito I2 Ihours. IWhich Iof Ithese Iis Ithe Ibest Iresponse? Selected IAnswer: b. I "This Iis Ia Ivery Ihealthy Ibreastfeeding Ipattern. IBe Isure Ito Irest Iwhen Iyou Ican. IYou Iare Idoing Ia Igreat Ijob." • Question I94 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints Tammy, Iage I3, Iis Iat Ithe Ioffice Ifor Iher Iwell-child Ivisit. IShe Ihas Itrouble Iremoving Iher Iown Ishirt Ias Irequested. IHer Imother Iyanks Ioff Iher Ishirt Iafter Ismacking Iher Iwrist Iand Isaying, I"you Imust Ido Ias Iyou're Itold Iquickly." IWhich Iaction Iis Iindicated? Selected IAnswer: d. I Observe ITammy Ifor Isigns Iof Ichild Iabuse. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iinjuries Iis Imost Ilikely Ito Ibe Icaused Iby Iabuse Iof Ia Itoddler? Selected IAnswer: c. I A Idisplaced Iposterior Irib Ifracture. Hannah, Iage I4, Iis Ibrought Iinto Ithe Ioffice Iby Iher Ifather. IShe Icomplains Iof Ia Isore Ithroat, difficulty swallowing, copious oral secretions, stridor, and a temperature of 102F. She I I I I I I I I I I I I Idoes Inot Ihave Ipharyngeal Ierythema Ior Icough. IWhat Ido Iyou Isuspect? Selected IAnswer: d. I Epiglottitis Miguel, Iage I14, Iwas Ihit Iin Ithe Ieye Iwith Ia Ibaseball Iand Ideveloped Ieye Ipain, Idecreased P a g e 20 | 21 • Question I93 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I95 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I96 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I97 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 2 Ivisual Iacuity, Iand Iinjection Iof Ithe Iglobe. IUpon Iexam Iyou Inote Iblood Iin Ithe Ianterior Ichamber Iand Iconfirm Idiagnosis Iof Ihyphema. IWhat Itreatment Ido Iyou Irecommend Iwhile IMiguel Iis Iwaiting Ito Isee Ithe Iophthalmologist Selected IAnswer: c. I Apply Ibilateral Ieye Ipatches. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ichildren Ihas Iabnormal Ilanguage Idevelopment? I Selected IAnswer: c. I Speech Iis I50% Iunderstandable Iat I36 Imonths Iof Iage The Iparent Iof Ia I2-year-old Itells Iyou Iher Idaughter Irecently Istarted Ihaving Ibreathholding Ispells. IShe Itells Iyou Ithe Iolder Isibling I“did Ithe Isame Ithing” Iand Iasks Iyou Ifor Ihelp. IYou Iadvise Iher Ithat Iafter Ia Ibreath-holding Ievent: I Selected IAnswer: a. I Act Ias Iif Inothing Iabnormal Ihappened. You Iassess Ia I15-year-old's Ivisual Iacuity Iand Inote Iher Ivision Ito Ibe I20/50 Iin Ithe Iright Ieye. IShe Iasks Iyou Iwhat Ithat Imeans Iand Iyou Irespond Selected IAnswer: d. I "You Ican Isee Iat I20 Ifeet Iwith Iyour Iright Ieye Iwhat Imost Ipeople Ican Isee Iat I50 Ifeet." You Isee Ia I5-month-old Iwho Iis Ifussy, Ihas Iinterrupted Isleep, Iand Iis Idrooling. IYou Inote Ilarge Ilower Ilateral Iincisor Ibulges. IYou Irecommend: Selected IAnswer: e. I A Iand ID P a g e 21 | 21 • Question I98 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I99 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I100 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints • Question I101 1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints