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Pest Control Practice Test: Questions and Answers for Pest Management Professionals, Exams of Pest Management

A comprehensive set of questions and answers covering various aspects of pest control practices, including identification, control methods, and regulations. It is a valuable resource for students and professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge in pest management.

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The powder post beetle makes its tunnels across the grain or parallel? Parallel Indian meal moths hind wings are coppery False What are the wing characteristics of an Indian Meal Moth? Coppery Front Wings What is the best way to treat on rainy days or when drizzling? Dust What cockroach, other than American cockroach, flies in California? Brown Banded The average number of eggs a female brown banded cockroach produces in each egg capsule, or oothecas, is? 10 - 15 How many egg capsules does a German roach drop in a lifetime? 4 - 8 How many eggs are in a brown banded cockroach egg capsule? 14 - 16 How many eggs for a German Roach? 30 - 40 American roaches can be found in hospitals? True Where do you treat for German Cockroaches? Cabinets Corners Crevices What diseases do roaches carry?

E. Coli Salmonella Zoos are treated like hospitals True Is it legal to dump empty pesticide bottles in trash cans behind grocery stores? Yes, if the label has been stripped and the top broken off aerosol cans, or bottles are triple rinsed, cut & crushed. Who regulates pesticides in transportation? Department of Transportation Which California ant has the biggest crater? Western Harvester Ant Most common household pest in California is the Argentine Ant. True The Odorous house ant does not defend its colonies with odor/sting False Pharaoh, Pavement, Argentine and Thief ants are commonly controlled with baits. True Leaf cutter ants frequently lay their eggs in feces True How do you get a colony of odorous ants out of the wall? Use of boric acid dust in voids along with barrier treatments What ant is generally misidentified with the argentine ant? Odorous house ant When a treatment for ants fails it is because: Misidentified ant Incorrect dose of pesticide Treated incorrect areas What ants kill off queen for maximum mating? Red Imported Fire Ant At what stage are the most ants produced? Egg stage How many segments in a Pharaoh Ant Antenna? 12 What ant has one node? Carpenter Ant Argentine Ant

Field Ant Crazy Ant What ant has two nodes? Pavement Ant Pharaoh Ant Thief Ant What ant has grooves on its head? Pavement Ant What ant has a smooth thorax? Carpenter Carpenter ants can be found in attic and wall voids? True If an ant walks across chemical what type of poisoning is likely to occur? Stomach, because each ant grooms itself after it enters the nest. With Pharaoh ants, should one bait or take off paneling? Bait When treating for ants what should you consider around the structure? Surfaces Environment Amount of infestation Is it on the label? What time of day is best to treat Argentine ants? Early morning What ant invades water boxes? Red imported fire ant What is the fee imposed if an operator or field rep makes a late payment for their renewal of license? Shall be 50% of the fee required for renewal of license applied to before expiration date, but not more than $ If an operator changes companies how long does he/she have to notify the board? The company must notify registrar in writing in 10 days How many companies can an operator qualify in California Two How many hours of CEUs (continual education units) are needed for renewal for a branch 2 field rep license? 16 hours How many CEU hours are required for renewal in just the "Rules & Regulations" topic?

8 hours How many days do you have to report to structural pest control board a new office/change of address? 30 days Lice can be treated like bed bugs False Control of lice (crab louse) on a person's body is a medical problem and the person must see a physician. True Bumble bees nest is found where? Below ground What would be the best treatment for wood boring bees? Treat each boring hole When treating bees and wasps around eaves, should you have customers leave or just stay inside? Leave Which beetle has three segmented antennae ending in club? Red Flour Beetle When treating inside wall voids which chemical is best? Dust Who do you call first for a chemical spill? 911 In the event of an accidental pesticide release or spill that could jeopardize public safety, which of the following agencies must be notified after the spill has been cleaned up? County agricultural commissioner What insect does not have a complete metamorphosis? Bedbug For live trapping what license do you need? Department of Fish & Game Live trap license What issues may you encounter if you do not rinse you sprayer? Chemical less effective Which of the following spiders is considered a hunter? Wolf spider How often should you clean your sprayer tank if it is used daily? Once a week When putting sprayer equipment in storage you should do what? Eliminate all chemical residues

When must eyewear (goggles) be worn? When handling and applying pesticides How many years must you keep service records? 3 Which of the following pests have a violin shape on the back of the neck? Brown recluse spider How many eggs can a flea lay in a lifetime? Approx. 2000 How far can a flea larvae travel? Less than an inch Where do you target when spraying a lawn for fleas? Shaded areas where pets rest How many pounds per inch for spraying fleas/lawns? 10 - 15 psi How often can you retreat for fleas? Every Three Weeks What is the most common flea? Cat flea What is the quickest means of knockdown for control of fleas in a lawn? Power Spray Should you spray concrete when treating for fleas? No Should an occupant clean wood floors prior to flea treatment? No How many PSI for spraying fleas for indoor treatment? Low but consistent pressure (about 7 to 10 psi) What pressure should be used when treating carpet beetles? 10 psi It is usually recommended that pesticide treatments be performed: When problem becomes severe What is appropriate pressure for crack and crevice treatments? 5 - 10 psi In California, what is the most common carpet beetle? Varied carpet beetle What agency identifies plants/animals for protection? EPA

When it is only slightly windy and treating the base of a home, do you re-schedule or use other treatment methods? Use other treatment methods How do you apply when next to water Follow label Large droplet size Do not spray in windy conditions When do yellow jackets start reproducing? Spring What is the most active time of year for yellow jackets? Summer Paper wasp females can produce up to 200 offspring per year. True What wasp nest will you most likely have to come back for follow up? Yellow Jackets How do you treat carpenter bees? Treat all gallery openings What would you treat a wasp nest with? A freezing agent How many larvae per summer do paper nest wasps make? Several to 2000 (depends on species) How big of an opening is needed for mice to get through? 1/4 inch How big of an opening for rats? 1/2 inch Best way to deal with rats inside a single family home? Snap traps Which method do you not use if you don't want rats to die in a homeowners walls? Bait box How many litters does a female roof rat have in a lifetime? 3 - 4 How long does the house mouse live in Normal Conditions? 2 years What do you do if rats aren't eating bait? Effective trapping How far can a mouse jump vertically? 12 inches

When you see a rodent during the day what does it mean? Severe infestation The average litter size of a Norway rat is: 8 How long does a roof rat live? 12 - 24 months What is the first stage of rat infestation? Sight of rat Droppings Dark rub marks along baseboards/wall from fur How many mice can be produced by its mother? 42 - 60 per year If millipedes are in a home where do you look? Cracks and crevices Moist areas Basements What fly lays its' eggs in trash cans or hangs out around soiled trash cans? House Basic sanitation is the most important fly control measure that can be applied in most cases. True How far from food handling must a fly light be installed? 15 feet Where do you most likely find dead flies in a structure? Window sill When you see very active larva in a pool, what insect is present? Mosquitoes What disease comes from a rat? Plague Rat Bite Fever Salmonella Vitamin K1 is an antidote for Warfarin and Diphacin rodenticides True Where do you bait for Filth Flies? Where adult flies are active & areas where bait won't get wet Which of the following diseases can be found being carried by the House mouse? Salmonella What pest is considered a stored product pest?

Beetle Psocid Firebrat The maximum distance for mice to travel/feed is? 23 - 45 ft What pest is considered commercial? Rat Mole Gopher Squirrel Where do you apply bait for crickets? Sidewalks Cracks Garage How many segments are in a Bed Bug antennae? 4 How many days need to pass to re-spray for bed bugs? 2 weeks after due to egg biology How long does it take a bed bug to digest their meal? 5 - 10 days How many pupa/larva stages are there for bed bugs? Zero, only have nymphal stages What is the minimal amount of nymphal stages in a bed bug cycle prior to adulthood? 5 It is legal to carry pesticides in side toolboxes? True What should be considered when treating open voids? Insulation, ignition source (fire hazard) Who do you contact when injury or death occurs? Structural Pest Control Board OSHA What is a Cigarette beetle? Stored product pest In what conditions do Carpet Beetles thrive? Unsanitary areas - remove lint, hair, dead insects What is the best non-chemical pest control practice for stored products in commercial business? Rotate Stock

Best treatment for a commercial facility/food area? Crack/crevice Why does any treatment fail Resistance Lack of cooperation from customers Re-introduction Biggest reason bed bug application fails? Re-introduction (for example a hotel would continue to have new guests bring in more bed bugs) Why does German Roach treatment fail? Cockroaches find alternative food sources and do not take to baits Lack of cooperation from customers Re-introduction What could cause Oriental Roach treatment to fail? Cockroaches find alternative food sources and do not take to baits Lack of cooperation from customers Area remains Damp If you applied a pesticide, but it did not control the pest, what are possible reasons you did not gain control? Misidentifying the pest Pest resistance Wrong product Applying incorrectly What happened if you sprayed and ants come back? Insufficient coverage Resistance Wrong product How long must a tenant be notified before treatment? At least 24 hours What agency determines pesticide use? Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) What happens when you leave chemical in a tank? Chemical separates and sinks to the bottom If an applicator left chemical in his tank for a long period of time without cleaning it, which of the following might occur? Tarnish the tank How big is a bedbug? 1/4 inch

Are bed bugs preventable in a hotel? No How big is a Brown Recluse Spider? 5 - 11 mm How do you treat for spiders? Crack & crevices What tools do you use for spider webs? Webster What is the best technique to kill spiders? Spray areas conducive to spiders Sweep spider webs Remove clutter When cutting down bushes and shrubs what pest will you deny harborage too? Spiders What animal is controlled when ground cover/lawns cut back? Root feeding caterpillars Crown feeding caterpillars Scarab beetle larvae What animal is controlled when ground cover/lawns cut back? Voles Cutting back shrubs in gardens limits this flying insect? Bees Cutting grass and ground cover would eliminate what pest? Spider How long does the board keep test results? 1 year How long do you have to dispute? 10 days Must all notifications be in writing? Yes How do you store spray equipment? Triple Rinsed How do you spray near a body of water? Downswing/upwind? Smaller droplets? More pressure? Less pressure Large droplets Downwind (ideally no wind)

Avoid runoff Follow label When applying to furniture what should be considered? Fabric type? What is being treated? Chemically sensitive in the house? How else does pesticide get into the body if wearing gloves and outfit? Inhalation Eye contact Do moths eat silk or wool? Silk What are pheromones used for? As an attractant (often for fruit flies) How far away do you hold an aerosol? Depends on the product and species read the label What tick carries Rocky Mountain spotted fever? American Dog tick Rocky Mountain Wood Tick Brown Dog TIck What tick carries Lyme disease? Black legged (deer tick) How are granules applied? Spreaders How do you treat a thick ground cover, such as ivy? Granulate Why would you not bait in a food processing plant for rats? Alternative food source How long after a flea spray can occupants start to clean? (Minimum time) 48 hours Residents need to be out of the house until flea spray is dry True What is the most important tool when inspecting? Flashlight How do you decide what product and what way to apply/rate? Read the label Where do you spray to prevent silverfish from entering? Attic access

Which of the following recommendations should be made to a home owner prior to treatment? Sweep & clean all tile & wood floors Which of the following pesticide formulations should be used to avoid visible residues? Emulsifiable Concentrations What should you do if you are doing a treatment and the wind is 8 mph? Stop What wash cycle should be used when cleaning clothing that is contaminated with pesticides? Hot and full cycle Which formulation would be less likely to cause plant injury? Wettable Powder Recorded of wages and wage rates and job classifications in CA must be kept for a period of: 7 years What insect likes to eat starches, coated paper, or the glue on the back of books? Silverfish What is the primary food source of Silverfish in a residence? Wallpaper glue Most insects are the most difficult to kill when they ______________? Are in their egg In treating flies, where would you place pesticide? On resting surfaces How do argentine ants most likely enter a structure? Through cracks in slab (or foundation) How do you treat for carpet beetles? Treat drapes, carpet & fabric furniture How long does a branch manager hold onto the "service tickets" and/or "pesticide use reports"? 3 years What gloves do you use when handling pesticide Neoprene (rubber) Unlined Which of the following is a good aid in remedying a carpenter ant infestation? Insecticide Baits Proper treatment for control of fabric moths: Remove source and dry clean clothing Store items in airtight containers Dry clean clothing Pheromones and trapping How many eggs can a cigarette beetle lay in freshly harvested tobacco?

Putting more distance between a structure and the grass or ground cover near it would assist in the control of which insect? Crickets When do you wash rubber boots? After each use daily wash outside of boots before removing them How long does the board keep test results? 1 year What moth leaves a white/clear path or trail (like a snail) when it goes over food? Indian Meal Moth and/or Mediterranean Flour Moth If you're quitting your job as a field rep, how long do you have to give a written notice to the SPCB? 10 days What cricket is known for a hard bite and is roughly 2 inches long? Jerusalem cricket Which of the following is a proper distance to place traps apart for an infestation of house mice? No more than 10 ft. No less than 6 ft. 6 - 10 ft. What is the maximum distance of traps for a severe rodent infestation? 10 feet Length of Indian Meal Moth life cycle (egg to adult to death)? 25 to 135 days First thing to do before treating a carpet beetle? Vacuum carpet If the smell, taste, or respirator you are wearing is irritating you what should you do? Replace filter What do you do if you have a damaged pesticide bottle? Pour it in another bottle with the same label The product label is the law and one must legally read it prior to each use of the product. True The first thing you need to find out when you have a pest problem is: Identify the pest An example of a pesticide formulation that must be used dry is: A granule You should always see a doctor when you believe you have been affected by pesticides. True

Adult varied carpet beetle cannot be found in birds nest, wasp and bees nests. False The occasional invader beetle lives in in hardwoods. True Danger/Peligroso signs must be visible for storage area a minimum of ___________ feet. 25 Pesticides must be stored in cool, dry places with liquids on bottom shelf. True It's okay to spray pesticides when winds exceed 10 mph or higher? False California county agricultural officers can levy a maximum fine of $5000 for violations of state codes. True Which of the following conditions should be considered a hazard when treating with liquid pesticides? Confined spaces Which of the following areas should be avoided during a liquid pesticide application floor drains Which of the following procedures should be recommended to a homeowner if a stored product beetle is found? Freeze possible infested food products for 4 days Which of the following recommendations should be made in preparation for treatment of stored products pest in a retail store? Locate and remove infested materials Which of the following methods should be used to insure success of an IPM program? Monitoring What is the maximum area considered to be a spot treatment? 2 square feet What stage in a flea does IGR affect? Larvae Aerial Nest (Birds) which type of beetle should a homeowner worry about? Drugstore Which section of a label tells toxicity? Signal word Which word suggests least toxic? Caution How long after a month ends do you have to submit a pesticide use report?

10 days How long do you need to store pesticide use records? 24 months How do you treat for Harvester ants? Power sprayer When should you use a certain type of lined gloves? When the label directs After bed bug treatment what should a customer do? Re-inspect previous infested areas After treating moths, what should be done? Place monitoring traps How many legs does a Deer tick have? 8 How do you clean a respirator? Rinse warm/hot water & mild detergent Which is most potentially dangerous for an applicator using pesticides? Mixing and handling pesticides How many hours in advance must you give a school notice before treatment? 72 What can cause a fire to occur when treating a wall void where hot water pipes are located? Aerosol Which of the following features of protective headgear should be used when selecting a hard hat for working in an attic with protracting nails? Make sure OSHA approved Of the following, which is the most appropriate hat to wear outdoors? Waterproof with large bill Which of the following management techniques should be considered when dealing with house flies? Sanitation Which of the following procedures should be taken before treating a kitchen for cockroaches using a crack and crevice treatment? Remove all dishes and utensils What is the minimum height requirement for a ladder to stand above the edge of a roof? 3 feet A yellow jacket nest may contain up to how many individuals? 20, Wall voids (exterior) are a good spot to check for bee colonies

True Which ant may have multiple queens? Argentine Ants As the weather warms, insects _________________ Increase reproduction How often do bed bugs molt (shed skin)? Every 5-10 days To molt, bed bugs must have a blood meal True What is the largest ant in California Carpenter Ant What is the total term for SPCB members 2 four year terms "Poison" signs for chemical storage must be readable within 25 feet and be in red/white True Of the amount of CEU for Field Rep (Branch 2) licenses, 8 must be for Rules & Regulations True How many members are on the Structural Pest Control Board? 7 How would you treat a zoo or aviary? Biological control Trapping if safe to other animals Pheromone traps or specific baiting in boxes in certain areas As a licensed field representative, if you change companies you must notify the Structural Pest Control Board within how many days via their form? 10 What four residual treatments are recognized by the EPA? Broadcast Treatment, Barrier Treatment, Spot Treatment, & Crack & Crevice Treatment When can products be left out & unattended? Never What products are most effective when watered in? Granules What is the only pest you can contract Hantavirus from? Deer Mice What kind of disease is Hantavirus and how do you get it? Pulmonary/Inhalation How do you treat an area with false ceilings?

Dust At what temperature will an aerosol can explode? Around 120 degrees What do you keep in your truck to contain spills? Spill kit What would cause the nozzle to work on your hand sprayer but the air pressure being pumped stays low? Worn check value Mosquitos are flies True What produces brown/rusty droppings? German Cockrocah The roach darkest in color is the? Oriental Cockroach The best environmentally sound way of eliminating bed bugs is? Heat Treatment at around 120 degrees When you mix air with surfactant what happens? Creates a foam What percentage of German roaches do you need to eliminate on the first service to be successful? Around 95% What is the preferred and most productive way to treat Odorous Ants? Baiting What do Odorous ants smell like when squished? Rotten Coconut Name the body segments of an ant excluding the thorax. Head, nodes, abdomen Head, petiole, abdomen Stick tight fleas attack? Chickens, cats, & ground squirrels Best identification of a German Roach infestation? Visible fecal matter present Fruit fly population build and are most present in what season? Summer Much like Oriental roaches, Turkistan roaches are found in sewers, outdoor leaf litters, basements and other damp areas True

Basic control (cultural control) of Turkistan roaches is done by sanitation, keeping areas dry, exclusion from home (keeping windows and doors closed), and removal of leaf litters True Indoor control from Turkistan roaches consists of? Dusts and Baits What Phylum are ALL Insects and Mites labeled under? Arthropoda At what degree Fahrenheit kills all insect life stages? Around 120 When is lawful for an unlicensed technician to apply pesticides? Under supervision of a licensed field rep Under supervision of a licensed operator Which insect is known for a "pointy finger" or "pointy gun" projection on its hind wing? Angoumois grain moth What weevil is possibly the most destructive food pest in California because it attacks grain in storage as well s in the field due to its ability to fly? Rice Weevil What strength of pesticide solution would you use to treat around the elderly? Whatever is recommended on the products label What should you do to your sprayer if you stop using/applying pesticide for more than an hour? Release the pressure Which application dries out the insect and removes their wax layer? Desiccant Dust Which ant goes into attics adjacent to heating pipes? Odorous House Ant In the winter this ant moves inside, usually near a heat source: Pavement Ant Where do filth flies reproduce? Manure, garbage, & rotting organic matter The most effective place to apply baits for German Roaches is? Cracks and crevices What are the 3 stages of the bed bug? Egg, nymphs (5 instars), adult Where should glue traps be placed? Up against vertical surfaces (a wall) Why would a flea treatment not be effective?

Customer did not have their pet treated as recommended Customer did not clear out under the bed and clear closets (did not follow pre & post instructions) What would be the reason for ongoing stored pest product problems in commercial food facilities? New shipments of contaminated food through supply chain Complete Metamorphosis consists of what stages? Egg/Larva/Pupa/Adult (4 stages) An insect that hatches from the egg already resembling what it looks like as an adult is considered to be an insect with no metamorphosis True Gradual Metamorphosis consists of what stages? Egg/Nymph/Adult (3 stages) Pheromones are chemicals produced as communication that helps affect the behavior of other insects or animals. What forms of communications can be sent through Pheromones? Sex Alarm Trailing Aggregation (grouping) An apartment has been empty for a month with no sign of fleas. New tenants move in and report a massive flea infestation the following day. What would be the likely cause of this? Vibration, body heat, and the carbon dioxide we exhale cause the dormant eggs to hatch Which ant is most likely to be found in hospitals due to infected Lund's, used bandages, and IV lines? Pharaoh ants