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- Information Aided in Passing with 80% Score in 3/2020 PGA Qualifying Exam. 65 question and 90 min- utes. With many dis- tractions with PSI. Just prepare for the noise and many coming in and out of exam. Distractions if IMPORTANT NOTE>
- A national profes- sional association was conceived by a owner of what kind of business?
- What PGA President was instrumental in the formal education of the membership in 1954.
- Test Question. How is PGA of America organized? Describe Highlighted in Violet Terms and Definition should help you focus for the exam. 30% - Resumes, Cover Letter, Interviewing, 25% - Constitution and Bylaws organi- zational processes and structure, 25% - PGA PGM Program and some 10% - Rules and 10% - Histo- ry Question should be focused study. There are 84 Starred Questions suspects and prospects questions that were similar or could be similar to a Test Ques- tion. 25% of Exam Answer: Golf Ball Retail Answer: Horton Smith was key in developing formal golf education for PGA in 1954. Answer. The vice president is focused on financials, Annual Report and financial matters.
- PGA PGM program is designed for what golf employers are looking for in a golf professional. Employers are look- ing for what? How many hours are re- quired to complete the PGM program?
- What year did PGA Launch PGM? Answer: True. The PGM program is designed for em- ployment in the field of golf, and it takes 830 hours complete the program Answer: PGM was launch in 1994
- Is PGA non-profit? Answer: True. PGA is a non profit organization.
- What year was PGA PGM revised to meet the demands? Answer: PGM was revised in 2018 the role. PGA Vice President role?
- How many partici- pants does the game of golf attract only in US annually? Answer: 40 million participants in the US annually.
- What are the sectors Answer: Real-estate and Tourism are cluster spin offs. or industry cluster spin offs beside the sport of golf?
- What is the estimate of green-grass facil- ities participants in the US annually?
- In 2005, 2011, 2016 and 2018 the sport of golf impacts on the US golf economy re- garding "goods and services" was how much?
- What is the estimate of media and tourna- Answer: 25 million green-grass participants to the game out of 40 million participants in the US. Answer: $84 billion industry for only goods and ser- vices Answer: 10 to 15 million participants annually for me- dia and tournament.
- What is the esti- mate of part-time and full time employ- ment golf as a sport has on the US econ- omy? In terms of P/T and FTE jobs.
- What is the overall US economic impact the sport of golf has on the US economy?
- Is the PGA of Ameri- ca the worlds largest working sports orga- nization?
- What is the estimate personal wage in- come golf has on the US economy?
- What is the estimate of PGA of America key players in the Answer: 2 million workers that support the US econ- omy. Answer: $190 billion golf industry estimates that im- pact the US economy Answer: True Answer: $60 Billion it the estimate personal income in the US. Answer: 29,000 PGA "key" players in the US. ment participants in the US annually?
- Test Question. At a PGA authorized golf facility a profession- al who either owns and operates a golf shop OR supervis- es and directs the golf shop and in- structional services is called what?
- Test Question. At a PGA authorized golf facility, a profession- al who spends 25% of the time work- ing on golf oper- ations, instructions, business planning, club repair and other is called what?
- At a PGA authorized golf facility, a pro- fessional who man- ages all golf opera- tions to include: golf shop, golf range, golf car operations and supervision of Golf professional is call what? Answer: Head Golf Professional oversees golf shop and instructional services. Answer: False. Assistant Golf Professional oversees 50% of his time to golf operations, teaching, business and repair. Answer: Director of Golf oversees golf shop, range, carts and golf professionals. US both male and fe- male today?
- At a PGA autho- rized golf facility, a professional who manages and directs golf facility to in- clude: golf opera- tions , golf main- tenance, clubhouse administration, food and beverage opera- tion, an other recre- ational activities is call what?
- At a PGA authorized golf facility, a pro- fessional who man- ages instruction and supervises all teach- ing programs to in- clude a PGA autho- rized School is call what?
- At a PGA authorized golf facility or Golf School or Indoor fa- cility, a teaching pro- fessional employed either as a golf in- structor or supervi- sor of golf instruc- tors is called what? Answer: General Manager oversees golf facility, oper- ations, maintenance, clubhouse, food and beverage, recreational, and other. Answer: Director of Instruction oversees instructional programs. Answer: Teaching Professional that teaches golf lessons or oversees other golf instructors
- A progressive career Answer: Lateral move up is called a Career Ladder path from 2nd As- sistant Golf Profes- sional to 1st As- sistance Golf Pro- Path
fessional to Head Golf Professional is called what?
- Alternative to Ca- reer Ladder are a series of cross-piv- ots and lateral move- ments that poten- tially lead to a se- nior golf position is called what?
- There are more as- sistance profession- al jobs available than General Man- agers.ere are more assistance profes- sional jobs available than General Man- agers.
- In career lattice pro- vides greater diver- sification of skills, offers more options and is more repre- sentative in today's job market. Answer: A Cross-pivot and side position movements is called a Career Lattice Path Answer: True Answer: True
- There are 15,000 golf Answer: True. There are 15,000 golf facilities creating facilities in the US that employ PGA Members and esti- mate of 900,000 jobs.
- As an active PGA Member your rights 900,000 golf jobs in US.
are to vote, hold of- fice, attend PGA An- nual Meetings, use PGA initials, name and logo.
- There are two path- ways to a PGA Mem- bership. What are the two pathways.
- Test Question. PGA Associates are not considered associ- ates until comple- tion of Qualifying Level and then regis- ter for the PGM pro- gram.
- Test Question. PGA Golf Management University student are required to in- ternship at PGA au- thorized golf facili- ties and "are not" considered profes- Answer: True. Active Member means you can vote, hold office, attend meetings, use PGA name and rep- resent PGA. Answer:The two pathways are *PGM Program for PGA Associates and *PGA Golf Management Uni- versity Program for PGA Students are the two career paths. Answer: True. Associates must pass qualifying level first before starting PGM Level 1. Answer: True. Students are required to intern but do not have to be employed or attend seminars
- Test Question. PGA Associates must complete a Play- ers Ability Test (PAT) that consist of 54 holes within 15 shots of the 18th hole course rating
- Once PGM Level 1 is complete then the PGA Associate se- lects one of the three (3) levels (Golf Op- erations or Teach- ing and Coaching or Executive Man- agement) in Level 2 and Level 3.
- PGM is divided into three levels. What are the three levels?
- PGM is structured. What are the PGM Answer: False. PGA Associates must complete a Players Ability Test and score within 15 shots of a 18 hole course rating and 36 holes. Answer: True. An associate selects career paths that are either Golf Operations, Teaching and Coaching or Executive Management career paths. Answer:The PGM career paths are Golf Operations , Teaching and Coaching and Executive Management. Answer: True. Level 1 reviews core concepts, planning and operations models. sionals and "do not" have to be em- ployed, and "are not" required to attend seminars at the PGA Education Center.
Course levels? Lev- el 1 for the PGM Pro- gram comprises of modeling core con- cepts, planning and operational models at the beginning phase and golf facil- ities.
- PGM is structured. What are the PGM Course levels? Lev- el 2 of the PGM Pro- gram comprises of applying new knowl- edge and skills of a facility environment at the intermediate phase and for multi- ple golf facilities. 40.40. Teaching an Coaching 1 - Core content about learn- ing, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on beginning play- ers. Facility Management 1 - Core content about business, customer service, and key operations at golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- agement 1 and Performance and Tournament Opera- tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test. Answer: True. Level 2 reviews application of new knowledge and facility environments. True. Teaching an Coaching 2 - Application of content about learning, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on intermedi- ate players. Facility Management 2 - Application of content about business, customer service, and key operations at multiple golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- agement 2 and Performance and Tournament Opera- tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test.
PGM is structured. What are the PGM course levels? Lev- el 3 of the PGM Pro- gram to be effective in conducting key operations and man- agement functions integrated with work activities from facil- ities based experi- Answer: True. Level 3 reviews operations and man- agement functions. Teaching an Coaching 3 - Integration of content about learning, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on advanced players. Facility Management 3 - Integration of content about business, customer service, and key operations on the management at golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- ences at the advance agement 3 and Performance and Tournament Opera- phase with focus on management of fa- cilities. tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test.
- Level 1 must be com- Answer: True. Level 1 must be completed in 2 years pleted in 2 years.
- Level 2 must be com- Answer: True. Level 2 must be completed in 2 years pleted in 2 years.
- Answer: True. Level 3 must be completed in 8 years
- PGM is structured. What are the PGM Course levels? Lev- els 1, 2, and 3 curriculum con- sist of Teaching and Coaching and Facil- ity Management tar- get career paths in Golf Opera- tions, Teaching and Coaching and Exec- utive Management.
- Level 1- Teaching and Coaching 1 in- corporates two (2) courses under Golf Operation Career Path. What are they?
- Level 1 - Fa- cility Management 1 incorporates six (6) courses. What are they? Under Answer:True. Level 1, 2, 3 are teaching and coach- ing, and facility management career paths that target golf operations, teaching and coaching and executive management Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 1 Teach- ing and Coaching incorporates both Introduction to Teaching (Learning, Teaching, Game) and Player De- velopment Program (PDP). Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 1 Facility Management incorporates Applying and Pro- moting Rules at a Facility, Business Planning, Career Enhancement, Customer Relations, Golf Car Fleet Management and Tournament Operations. Level 3 must be com- pleted in 8 years.
- Level 2 - Teaching and Coaching 2 has one (1) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
- Level 2 - Facility Management 2 has three (3) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
- Level 3 - Teaching and Coaching 3 has one (1) course under Golf Operations Ca- reer Path. What is it? Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 2 Teaching and Coaching incorporates Intermediate Teaching, a) Learning : Feedback and Transfer Prac- tice, b) Teaching : Tempo Teaching c) Game : Swing Improvements methodologies Answer Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 2 Facility Management incorporates Golf Operations, Merchandising and Inventory and Turf grass Management Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Lev- el 3 Teaching and Coaching incorporates Advanced Teaching and Golf Club Fitting under a ) Learning : Mental practice, motor imagery, optimiz- ing transfer b) Teaching : Assessing and Improving Teaching Golf Operation Ca- reer Path
c) Game : Teaching methodologies, club fitting, phys- ical evaluation
- Level 3 - Facility Management 3 has three (3) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
- ALL Career Paths. "Teaching and Coaching Level 1 Objectives" has two courses. What are they and their objec- tives?
- All Career Paths. Level 1 : Teach and Coaching Course 1 is "Introduction to Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 3 Facility Management incorporates food and beverage control, supervising and delegating and facility man- agement simulation Answer: Level 1 : Teaching and Coaching objectives is to addresses human learning, process and proce- dures and elements of the game, player development, programs and teaching business. * Format is Learn- ing, Teaching and Game. Answer: Level 1 : Teaching and Coaching 1 course is " Introduction to Teaching" about laws, principles, bio-mechanics and teaching technologies, club per- formance and swing cause and effects, ball flight, club performance metrics.
- Difference between Teaching and Play- er Development. All Career paths. Lev- el 1: Player Devel- opment course 2 means what?
- Difference between Teaching and Facili- ties Management. All Career paths. Level 1 : Facility manage- ment has 6 cours- es course objectives means what? Answer: Level 1 Teaching and Coaching 1 course is a Player Development Course 2 is about increasing facility business and growing the game, operate and promote player development programs and the facili- ty. Answer: Level 1 Facility Management 1 has 6 courses are managing golf facilities by applying rules, busi- ness planning, career enhancements, customer rela- tions, fleet management, tournament operations.
- Level 1 is for ALL Ca- Answer: True reer paths? teaching course" is about what?
- Level 3 Management Simulation (Facility Management) allows teams to apply all PGM Level 1, 2, 3 courses. Answer: True
- Four and half years (4.5) program de- signed for aspiring PGA Professional is called.
- Test Question. PGM progress evaluation. What are the three (3) ways PGA eval- uates your progress regarding the PGM Program?
- Test Question. What is meant by PGA Answer: PGA Golf Management University Program Answer: PGA evaluates progress from *work experi- ence portfolio, *knowledge tests, and *Level 3 Facility Management Simulation. Answer: PGA evaluates employment from PGA pre-approved employment classifications, full-time at time of registration and maintain eligible employment
as eligible employ- ment?
- Test Question. Golf course and range that meets PGA standards and con- stitution, bylaws and regulations is called what?
- The "Gold Standard" professional in the game of golf is called what?
- Provides students enhancement of their learning con- necting with PGA Education facility and PGA members is called. throughout the program (University PGM Students is not required, however must complete internships) Answer: Is is known as a PGA Recognized Golf Facil- ity Answer: Gold Standard refers to a PGA Professional. Answer: PGA PGM Mentor Program
- Answer: True
- Tests Question. Indi- vidual registered in the PGA PGM pro- gram is called what?
- Test Question. In the orgin of golf they were concerned about keep the golf players employed.
- "Doctors of the Game of Golf" was written by who? Answer: PGA Associate Answer: True Answer: Billy Dettlaf is a PGA Master Professional and golf historian of over 50 years. Test Question. In- ternships for PGA PGM University Stu- dents are required.
- In 1842 who is recognized as the "First Golf Profes- sional and by de- finition the first of the Game.?
- Golf started in Scot- Answer: Alan Robertson was the First Golf Profes- sional in 1842 and by definition the first Doctor of the Game also. Answer: Great Britain golf became popular 60 years land and 60 years lat- after Scotland. er became popular in what country in Eu- rope?
- "A Tale of Two Con- tinents" is a famous book about.
- Golf was introduced in the United States in what year?
- In what year was golf branded "pro- fessionals" and their interest to become an association from Answer: About Britain and United States Answer:In the 1890s the game of golf was introduced in the US. Answer: April 1901 golf professionals were first brand- ed as professionals.
- Test Question. In the 1800s Golf con- centration of profes- sionals came from what two countries?
- Test Question. In what year in an agreement was cre- ated in London to form a golf associa- tion?
- Who first spearhead- ed the idea for a na- tional professional association in New York?
- Where was the meet- ing held in New York founding the first and new nation- al professional asso- Answer: United States and Great Britain in 1800s held majority of golf professionals. Answer: June 1901 an agreement was formed a golf association. Answer: Rodman Wanamaker at a luncheon January 17, 1916 meeting as a golf equipment representative it was mention of a national association. HE was a department store magnate. Answer:The meeting was on the 9th Floor Wanamak- er Store NYC and Rodman Wanamaker spearheaded this meeting. a Wales golf profes- sional's letter?
- The first January 24, 1916 meeting of PGA appointed a commit- tee, and all of them were American born.
- How many sections and charter mem- bers were there in 1916 at the origin of PGA in New York City?
- In April 10, 1916 founding PGA in New York City, 92 candidates for mem- bership were vot- ed in with 78 elect- ed Class A Member- ships.
- The first PGA Pres- ident in 1916 elect- Answer: False. None were American born. Answer: In 1916 there were 35 Charter Members and 7 Sections. Answer: True. There were 92 candidates for members along with 78 Class A members for the founding PGA membership in New York City in 1916. Answer: Robert White was the first President of PGA in 1916. ciation in 1916 called today as PGA? Who was the person or owner?
- In 1963 who wins his first PGA Championship?
- The first Ameri- can-born PGA win- ner in 1921 defeating Jim Barnes.
- Who was player of the year in 1948?
- What PGA golfer was first to exceed $100,000 in 1963 golf winnings? Answer: Jack Nicklaus Answer: It was Walter Hagen. Answer: It was Ben Hogan Answer: Arnold Palmer was the first to exceed $100,000 winnings in 1963. ed was Robert White during the annu- al meeting coincid- ed with US Open at the Radisson Hotel in Minneapolis, MN.
- The first PGA Cham- pionship was won by who? What year?
- In 1958 what for- mat did PGA change that promoted CBS to a first time ever National PGA 5-year contract?
- What year did TPD "spin off" from PGA? Who was USGA Director at that time?
- Dewey Brown became the first African-Ameri- can member of PGA in 1928.
- What year were women allow to join PGA? Answer:Long Jim Barnes was the first PGA Champi- on in 1916. Answer: Stroke play vs Match play Answer: TPD span off in December 1968 and Joseph Dey was USGA Director. Answer: True. Answer: In 1979 women were first allowed to join PGA.
- What female filed a lawsuit against PGA in Atlanta Geor- gia Section and be- came the first female "Class A" member.
- Sue Fisco was the first WPGA female section president?
- What three (3) cen- ters of golf in Scot- land produced the bulk of golf profes- sionals in Scotland?
- Suzy Whaley was the first women Secre- Answer: Barrie Naismith became first female Class A member. Answer: True. Sue Fisco was first female section pres- ident. Answer: The three (3) centers in Scotland that pro- duced majority of golf professional were from *Tom Morris of St. Andrews, *The Dunn and Parks of Mus- selburgh and *Robert Simpson of Carnoustie. Answer: True. Suzy Whaley was the first female Sec- retary of PGA in 2010 and later became president in tary of PGA 2010 and 2018. president in 2018.
- In 1896 was John Shippen one of the first home bred "African-Amer- ican" professional and US Open win- ner? What club facil- ity he was a profes- sional?
- In 1896 was Oscar Bunn one of the first homebred "Na- tive-American" pro- fessional and who competed in the US Open winner? What club facility he was a professional?
- Intro of the The PING 1A putter in 1959 was design by what engineer who started "player improvement clubs" followed by and later woods and irons?
- Who was the Spald- ing VP advocating PGA PGM golf ed- ucation in universi- ties. Answer: True. John Shippen first Black professional to win the US Open at Shinnecock Hills Answer: True. Osar Bunn was the the first Native American to compete in the US Open in Shinnecock Hills. Answer: Karsten Solheim began PING golf as a garage business in 1959. The name "PING" came from the sound that Solheim heard as the metal struck the ball. Answer: George Dawson