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PGA Associate PGM Qualifying Level Prep Exam Study Quiz, Exams of Community Health

A comprehensive study guide for the pga associate pgm qualifying level prep exam. It includes multiple-choice questions, answers, and explanations covering various aspects of golf management, including professional golf management program, pga organization, golf industry impact, and career paths. Designed to help aspiring golf professionals prepare for the exam and gain a deeper understanding of the golf industry.

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  1. Information Aided in Passing with 80% Score in 3/2020 PGA Qualifying Exam. 65 question and 90 min- utes. With many dis- tractions with PSI. Just prepare for the noise and many coming in and out of exam. Distractions if IMPORTANT NOTE>
  3. A national profes- sional association was conceived by a owner of what kind of business?
  4. What PGA President was instrumental in the formal education of the membership in 1954.
  5. Test Question. How is PGA of America organized? Describe Highlighted in Violet Terms and Definition should help you focus for the exam. 30% - Resumes, Cover Letter, Interviewing, 25% - Constitution and Bylaws organi- zational processes and structure, 25% - PGA PGM Program and some 10% - Rules and 10% - Histo- ry Question should be focused study. There are 84 Starred Questions suspects and prospects questions that were similar or could be similar to a Test Ques- tion. 25% of Exam Answer: Golf Ball Retail Answer: Horton Smith was key in developing formal golf education for PGA in 1954. Answer. The vice president is focused on financials, Annual Report and financial matters.
  1. PGA PGM program is designed for what golf employers are looking for in a golf professional. Employers are look- ing for what? How many hours are re- quired to complete the PGM program?
  2. What year did PGA Launch PGM? Answer: True. The PGM program is designed for em- ployment in the field of golf, and it takes 830 hours complete the program Answer: PGM was launch in 1994
  3. Is PGA non-profit? Answer: True. PGA is a non profit organization.
  4. What year was PGA PGM revised to meet the demands? Answer: PGM was revised in 2018 the role. PGA Vice President role?
  1. How many partici- pants does the game of golf attract only in US annually? Answer: 40 million participants in the US annually.
  2. What are the sectors Answer: Real-estate and Tourism are cluster spin offs. or industry cluster spin offs beside the sport of golf?
  3. What is the estimate of green-grass facil- ities participants in the US annually?
  4. In 2005, 2011, 2016 and 2018 the sport of golf impacts on the US golf economy re- garding "goods and services" was how much?
  5. What is the estimate of media and tourna- Answer: 25 million green-grass participants to the game out of 40 million participants in the US. Answer: $84 billion industry for only goods and ser- vices Answer: 10 to 15 million participants annually for me- dia and tournament.
  1. What is the esti- mate of part-time and full time employ- ment golf as a sport has on the US econ- omy? In terms of P/T and FTE jobs.
  2. What is the overall US economic impact the sport of golf has on the US economy?
  3. Is the PGA of Ameri- ca the worlds largest working sports orga- nization?
  4. What is the estimate personal wage in- come golf has on the US economy?
  5. What is the estimate of PGA of America key players in the Answer: 2 million workers that support the US econ- omy. Answer: $190 billion golf industry estimates that im- pact the US economy Answer: True Answer: $60 Billion it the estimate personal income in the US. Answer: 29,000 PGA "key" players in the US. ment participants in the US annually?
  1. Test Question. At a PGA authorized golf facility a profession- al who either owns and operates a golf shop OR supervis- es and directs the golf shop and in- structional services is called what?
  2. Test Question. At a PGA authorized golf facility, a profession- al who spends 25% of the time work- ing on golf oper- ations, instructions, business planning, club repair and other is called what?
  3. At a PGA authorized golf facility, a pro- fessional who man- ages all golf opera- tions to include: golf shop, golf range, golf car operations and supervision of Golf professional is call what? Answer: Head Golf Professional oversees golf shop and instructional services. Answer: False. Assistant Golf Professional oversees 50% of his time to golf operations, teaching, business and repair. Answer: Director of Golf oversees golf shop, range, carts and golf professionals. US both male and fe- male today?
  1. At a PGA autho- rized golf facility, a professional who manages and directs golf facility to in- clude: golf opera- tions , golf main- tenance, clubhouse administration, food and beverage opera- tion, an other recre- ational activities is call what?
  2. At a PGA authorized golf facility, a pro- fessional who man- ages instruction and supervises all teach- ing programs to in- clude a PGA autho- rized School is call what?
  3. At a PGA authorized golf facility or Golf School or Indoor fa- cility, a teaching pro- fessional employed either as a golf in- structor or supervi- sor of golf instruc- tors is called what? Answer: General Manager oversees golf facility, oper- ations, maintenance, clubhouse, food and beverage, recreational, and other. Answer: Director of Instruction oversees instructional programs. Answer: Teaching Professional that teaches golf lessons or oversees other golf instructors
  4. A progressive career Answer: Lateral move up is called a Career Ladder path from 2nd As- sistant Golf Profes- sional to 1st As- sistance Golf Pro- Path

fessional to Head Golf Professional is called what?

  1. Alternative to Ca- reer Ladder are a series of cross-piv- ots and lateral move- ments that poten- tially lead to a se- nior golf position is called what?
  2. There are more as- sistance profession- al jobs available than General Man- agers.ere are more assistance profes- sional jobs available than General Man- agers.
  3. In career lattice pro- vides greater diver- sification of skills, offers more options and is more repre- sentative in today's job market. Answer: A Cross-pivot and side position movements is called a Career Lattice Path Answer: True Answer: True
  4. There are 15,000 golf Answer: True. There are 15,000 golf facilities creating facilities in the US that employ PGA Members and esti- mate of 900,000 jobs.
  5. As an active PGA Member your rights 900,000 golf jobs in US.

are to vote, hold of- fice, attend PGA An- nual Meetings, use PGA initials, name and logo.

  1. There are two path- ways to a PGA Mem- bership. What are the two pathways.
  2. Test Question. PGA Associates are not considered associ- ates until comple- tion of Qualifying Level and then regis- ter for the PGM pro- gram.
  3. Test Question. PGA Golf Management University student are required to in- ternship at PGA au- thorized golf facili- ties and "are not" considered profes- Answer: True. Active Member means you can vote, hold office, attend meetings, use PGA name and rep- resent PGA. Answer:The two pathways are *PGM Program for PGA Associates and *PGA Golf Management Uni- versity Program for PGA Students are the two career paths. Answer: True. Associates must pass qualifying level first before starting PGM Level 1. Answer: True. Students are required to intern but do not have to be employed or attend seminars
  1. Test Question. PGA Associates must complete a Play- ers Ability Test (PAT) that consist of 54 holes within 15 shots of the 18th hole course rating
  2. Once PGM Level 1 is complete then the PGA Associate se- lects one of the three (3) levels (Golf Op- erations or Teach- ing and Coaching or Executive Man- agement) in Level 2 and Level 3.
  3. PGM is divided into three levels. What are the three levels?
  4. PGM is structured. What are the PGM Answer: False. PGA Associates must complete a Players Ability Test and score within 15 shots of a 18 hole course rating and 36 holes. Answer: True. An associate selects career paths that are either Golf Operations, Teaching and Coaching or Executive Management career paths. Answer:The PGM career paths are Golf Operations , Teaching and Coaching and Executive Management. Answer: True. Level 1 reviews core concepts, planning and operations models. sionals and "do not" have to be em- ployed, and "are not" required to attend seminars at the PGA Education Center.

Course levels? Lev- el 1 for the PGM Pro- gram comprises of modeling core con- cepts, planning and operational models at the beginning phase and golf facil- ities.

  1. PGM is structured. What are the PGM Course levels? Lev- el 2 of the PGM Pro- gram comprises of applying new knowl- edge and skills of a facility environment at the intermediate phase and for multi- ple golf facilities. 40.40. Teaching an Coaching 1 - Core content about learn- ing, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on beginning play- ers. Facility Management 1 - Core content about business, customer service, and key operations at golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- agement 1 and Performance and Tournament Opera- tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test. Answer: True. Level 2 reviews application of new knowledge and facility environments. True. Teaching an Coaching 2 - Application of content about learning, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on intermedi- ate players. Facility Management 2 - Application of content about business, customer service, and key operations at multiple golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- agement 2 and Performance and Tournament Opera- tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test.

PGM is structured. What are the PGM course levels? Lev- el 3 of the PGM Pro- gram to be effective in conducting key operations and man- agement functions integrated with work activities from facil- ities based experi- Answer: True. Level 3 reviews operations and man- agement functions. Teaching an Coaching 3 - Integration of content about learning, elements of the game, club performance, and player development with emphasis on advanced players. Facility Management 3 - Integration of content about business, customer service, and key operations on the management at golf facilities. Pre-Seminars activities and Seminars at Port St. Lu- cie, Florida on Teaching and Coaching, Facility Man- ences at the advance agement 3 and Performance and Tournament Opera- phase with focus on management of fa- cilities. tions, Work Experience Portfolio and Knowledge Test.

  1. Level 1 must be com- Answer: True. Level 1 must be completed in 2 years pleted in 2 years.
  2. Level 2 must be com- Answer: True. Level 2 must be completed in 2 years pleted in 2 years.
  3. Answer: True. Level 3 must be completed in 8 years
  1. PGM is structured. What are the PGM Course levels? Lev- els 1, 2, and 3 curriculum con- sist of Teaching and Coaching and Facil- ity Management tar- get career paths in Golf Opera- tions, Teaching and Coaching and Exec- utive Management.
  2. Level 1- Teaching and Coaching 1 in- corporates two (2) courses under Golf Operation Career Path. What are they?
  3. Level 1 - Fa- cility Management 1 incorporates six (6) courses. What are they? Under Answer:True. Level 1, 2, 3 are teaching and coach- ing, and facility management career paths that target golf operations, teaching and coaching and executive management Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 1 Teach- ing and Coaching incorporates both Introduction to Teaching (Learning, Teaching, Game) and Player De- velopment Program (PDP). Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 1 Facility Management incorporates Applying and Pro- moting Rules at a Facility, Business Planning, Career Enhancement, Customer Relations, Golf Car Fleet Management and Tournament Operations. Level 3 must be com- pleted in 8 years.
  1. Level 2 - Teaching and Coaching 2 has one (1) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
  2. Level 2 - Facility Management 2 has three (3) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
  3. Level 3 - Teaching and Coaching 3 has one (1) course under Golf Operations Ca- reer Path. What is it? Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 2 Teaching and Coaching incorporates Intermediate Teaching, a) Learning : Feedback and Transfer Prac- tice, b) Teaching : Tempo Teaching c) Game : Swing Improvements methodologies Answer Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 2 Facility Management incorporates Golf Operations, Merchandising and Inventory and Turf grass Management Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Lev- el 3 Teaching and Coaching incorporates Advanced Teaching and Golf Club Fitting under a ) Learning : Mental practice, motor imagery, optimiz- ing transfer b) Teaching : Assessing and Improving Teaching Golf Operation Ca- reer Path

c) Game : Teaching methodologies, club fitting, phys- ical evaluation

  1. Level 3 - Facility Management 3 has three (3) courses un- der Golf Operations Career Path. What are they?
  2. ALL Career Paths. "Teaching and Coaching Level 1 Objectives" has two courses. What are they and their objec- tives?
  3. All Career Paths. Level 1 : Teach and Coaching Course 1 is "Introduction to Answer: Golf Operation Career Path Example: Level 3 Facility Management incorporates food and beverage control, supervising and delegating and facility man- agement simulation Answer: Level 1 : Teaching and Coaching objectives is to addresses human learning, process and proce- dures and elements of the game, player development, programs and teaching business. * Format is Learn- ing, Teaching and Game. Answer: Level 1 : Teaching and Coaching 1 course is " Introduction to Teaching" about laws, principles, bio-mechanics and teaching technologies, club per- formance and swing cause and effects, ball flight, club performance metrics.
  1. Difference between Teaching and Play- er Development. All Career paths. Lev- el 1: Player Devel- opment course 2 means what?
  2. Difference between Teaching and Facili- ties Management. All Career paths. Level 1 : Facility manage- ment has 6 cours- es course objectives means what? Answer: Level 1 Teaching and Coaching 1 course is a Player Development Course 2 is about increasing facility business and growing the game, operate and promote player development programs and the facili- ty. Answer: Level 1 Facility Management 1 has 6 courses are managing golf facilities by applying rules, busi- ness planning, career enhancements, customer rela- tions, fleet management, tournament operations.
  3. Level 1 is for ALL Ca- Answer: True reer paths? teaching course" is about what?
  1. Level 3 Management Simulation (Facility Management) allows teams to apply all PGM Level 1, 2, 3 courses. Answer: True
  2. Four and half years (4.5) program de- signed for aspiring PGA Professional is called.
  3. Test Question. PGM progress evaluation. What are the three (3) ways PGA eval- uates your progress regarding the PGM Program?
  4. Test Question. What is meant by PGA Answer: PGA Golf Management University Program Answer: PGA evaluates progress from *work experi- ence portfolio, *knowledge tests, and *Level 3 Facility Management Simulation. Answer: PGA evaluates employment from PGA pre-approved employment classifications, full-time at time of registration and maintain eligible employment

as eligible employ- ment?

  1. Test Question. Golf course and range that meets PGA standards and con- stitution, bylaws and regulations is called what?
  2. The "Gold Standard" professional in the game of golf is called what?
  3. Provides students enhancement of their learning con- necting with PGA Education facility and PGA members is called. throughout the program (University PGM Students is not required, however must complete internships) Answer: Is is known as a PGA Recognized Golf Facil- ity Answer: Gold Standard refers to a PGA Professional. Answer: PGA PGM Mentor Program
  4. Answer: True
  1. Tests Question. Indi- vidual registered in the PGA PGM pro- gram is called what?
  2. THE HISTORY OF THE PGA 10% of Exam
  3. Test Question. In the orgin of golf they were concerned about keep the golf players employed.
  4. "Doctors of the Game of Golf" was written by who? Answer: PGA Associate Answer: True Answer: Billy Dettlaf is a PGA Master Professional and golf historian of over 50 years. Test Question. In- ternships for PGA PGM University Stu- dents are required.
  1. In 1842 who is recognized as the "First Golf Profes- sional and by de- finition the first of the Game.?
  2. Golf started in Scot- Answer: Alan Robertson was the First Golf Profes- sional in 1842 and by definition the first Doctor of the Game also. Answer: Great Britain golf became popular 60 years land and 60 years lat- after Scotland. er became popular in what country in Eu- rope?
  3. "A Tale of Two Con- tinents" is a famous book about.
  4. Golf was introduced in the United States in what year?
  5. In what year was golf branded "pro- fessionals" and their interest to become an association from Answer: About Britain and United States Answer:In the 1890s the game of golf was introduced in the US. Answer: April 1901 golf professionals were first brand- ed as professionals.
  1. Test Question. In the 1800s Golf con- centration of profes- sionals came from what two countries?
  2. Test Question. In what year in an agreement was cre- ated in London to form a golf associa- tion?
  3. Who first spearhead- ed the idea for a na- tional professional association in New York?
  4. Where was the meet- ing held in New York founding the first and new nation- al professional asso- Answer: United States and Great Britain in 1800s held majority of golf professionals. Answer: June 1901 an agreement was formed a golf association. Answer: Rodman Wanamaker at a luncheon January 17, 1916 meeting as a golf equipment representative it was mention of a national association. HE was a department store magnate. Answer:The meeting was on the 9th Floor Wanamak- er Store NYC and Rodman Wanamaker spearheaded this meeting. a Wales golf profes- sional's letter?
  1. The first January 24, 1916 meeting of PGA appointed a commit- tee, and all of them were American born.
  2. How many sections and charter mem- bers were there in 1916 at the origin of PGA in New York City?
  3. In April 10, 1916 founding PGA in New York City, 92 candidates for mem- bership were vot- ed in with 78 elect- ed Class A Member- ships.
  4. The first PGA Pres- ident in 1916 elect- Answer: False. None were American born. Answer: In 1916 there were 35 Charter Members and 7 Sections. Answer: True. There were 92 candidates for members along with 78 Class A members for the founding PGA membership in New York City in 1916. Answer: Robert White was the first President of PGA in 1916. ciation in 1916 called today as PGA? Who was the person or owner?
  1. In 1963 who wins his first PGA Championship?
  2. The first Ameri- can-born PGA win- ner in 1921 defeating Jim Barnes.
  3. Who was player of the year in 1948?
  4. What PGA golfer was first to exceed $100,000 in 1963 golf winnings? Answer: Jack Nicklaus Answer: It was Walter Hagen. Answer: It was Ben Hogan Answer: Arnold Palmer was the first to exceed $100,000 winnings in 1963. ed was Robert White during the annu- al meeting coincid- ed with US Open at the Radisson Hotel in Minneapolis, MN.
  1. The first PGA Cham- pionship was won by who? What year?
  2. In 1958 what for- mat did PGA change that promoted CBS to a first time ever National PGA 5-year contract?
  3. What year did TPD "spin off" from PGA? Who was USGA Director at that time?
  4. Dewey Brown became the first African-Ameri- can member of PGA in 1928.
  5. What year were women allow to join PGA? Answer:Long Jim Barnes was the first PGA Champi- on in 1916. Answer: Stroke play vs Match play Answer: TPD span off in December 1968 and Joseph Dey was USGA Director. Answer: True. Answer: In 1979 women were first allowed to join PGA.
  1. What female filed a lawsuit against PGA in Atlanta Geor- gia Section and be- came the first female "Class A" member.
  2. Sue Fisco was the first WPGA female section president?
  3. What three (3) cen- ters of golf in Scot- land produced the bulk of golf profes- sionals in Scotland?
  4. Suzy Whaley was the first women Secre- Answer: Barrie Naismith became first female Class A member. Answer: True. Sue Fisco was first female section pres- ident. Answer: The three (3) centers in Scotland that pro- duced majority of golf professional were from *Tom Morris of St. Andrews, *The Dunn and Parks of Mus- selburgh and *Robert Simpson of Carnoustie. Answer: True. Suzy Whaley was the first female Sec- retary of PGA in 2010 and later became president in tary of PGA 2010 and 2018. president in 2018.
  1. In 1896 was John Shippen one of the first home bred "African-Amer- ican" professional and US Open win- ner? What club facil- ity he was a profes- sional?
  2. In 1896 was Oscar Bunn one of the first homebred "Na- tive-American" pro- fessional and who competed in the US Open winner? What club facility he was a professional?
  3. Intro of the The PING 1A putter in 1959 was design by what engineer who started "player improvement clubs" followed by and later woods and irons?
  4. Who was the Spald- ing VP advocating PGA PGM golf ed- ucation in universi- ties. Answer: True. John Shippen first Black professional to win the US Open at Shinnecock Hills Answer: True. Osar Bunn was the the first Native American to compete in the US Open in Shinnecock Hills. Answer: Karsten Solheim began PING golf as a garage business in 1959. The name "PING" came from the sound that Solheim heard as the metal struck the ball. Answer: George Dawson