Download Pharmacology CMS Exam with (87 Correctly Answered Questions) yr. 2023. and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
nursing intervention to do when removing nitroglycerin ointment - Correct
Answer remove prior dose before applying the new one
after measuring nitroglycerin ointment dose with the applicator paper, how many
inch should you spread it over the paper - Correct Answer 2.5-3.5 inches
What should you avoid doing when apply nitroglycerin ointment - Correct
Answer avoid touching the ointment with your hands
Where should you apply the nitroglycerin ointment - Correct Answer clean,
hairless area over the body, then cover w/ a clear plastic wrap
how do you administer enteric-coated medication - Correct Answer swallowed
What is Rifampin for? - Correct Answer Antibiotic to treat TB given in
combination with another antituberculosis med to help prevent antibiotic resistance
What are complications of Rifampin? - Correct Answer -Orange color of the
urine, saliva, sweat, or tears -Jaundice, fatigue, mild abdominal discomfort (anorexia)
How should you administer Rifampin? - Correct Answer 1 hour before or 2 hours
after meal with a full glass of water
Contraindications for Rifampin? - Correct Answer -Pregnancy/lactation
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
-Liver dysfunction
What should be monitored when taking Rifampin? - Correct Answer -Liver
function -PT/INR
Patient education when taking Rifampin? - Correct Answer -Avoid alcohol
-Monitor for anorexia fatigue and malaise -When taken with food it decreases the absorption of the medication
What happens when Rifampin interacts with an HIV medication? - Correct
Answer The HIV medication dose increases
How will you know Rifampin was effective? - Correct Answer -Clear breath
sounds -No night sweats -Increased appetite, decreased temp -3 negative cultures for TB How will you administer multiple medications through an enteral feeding tube -
Correct Answer Administer each medication separately, do not mix the
medications with enteral feeding
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
How to crush medications through an enteral feeding tube - Correct Answer
Dissolve crushed medications in 15 to 30 ml of sterile water priority tp administration via enteral feeding tube
How to prevent clogging with an enteral feeding tube - Correct Answer Flush
the tube before/after each medication with 15 to 30 ml of warm sterile water What to do after administering ALL medications through enteral feeding tube -
Correct Answer Flush with another 30 ml of warm sterile water
What is Enoxaparin - Correct Answer An anticoagulant, used to treat/prevent
DVT and pulmonary embolism
What should you not do when drawing Enoxaparin in a syringe - Correct Answer
Do not expel the air bubbles unless dose adjustment needs to be made If Enoxaparin prefilled syringe is not available, what size gauge should you use to
withdraw the medication? - Correct Answer 20-
After withdrawing Enoxaparin medication you should then change to what size
needle to inject? - Correct Answer 25-26, ½-⅝ long
Where should you administer Enoxaparin subcutaneously - Correct Answer In
the abdomen, two inches from the umbilicus, do not aspirate and you should always rotate sites What should be monitored when administering Enoxaparin subcutaneously -
Correct Answer -Bleeding
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
-Bruising -Abdominal pain -Coffee ground emesis -Tarry stool
What should be avoided when taking Enoxaparin - Correct Answer -NSAIDs
-Aspirin -Anything containing salicylates
How to shave a patient taking Enoxaparin - Correct Answer Use an electric razor
What toothbrush should a patient taking Enoxaparin use - Correct Answer Soft-
bristled toothbrush
What is levothyroxine used for - Correct Answer Hypothyroidism
What are complications of Levothyroxine - Correct Answer -Tachycardia, chest
pain, nervousness, palpitations -Anxiety, tremors -Fever, diaphoresis, weight loss -Abdominal cramping
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
What is a contraindication when taking Levothyroxine - Correct Answer
Myocardial infarction
What reduces the absorption of Levothyroxine - Correct Answer Binding agents
What should be used cautiously when interacting with Levothyroxine - Correct
Answer Catecholamines (neurotransmitter)
What increases the risk of hypoglycemia in a patient taking Glyburide - Correct
Answer Concurrent use of insulin, glipizide, glimepiride with Glyburide
What can taking Glyburide cause - Correct Answer Hypoglycemia
How should you store nitroglycerin tablets - Correct Answer Original bottle, in a
cool dark place
What is Fexofenadine for - Correct Answer Seasonal allergies such as rhinitis,
motion sickness, anaphylaxis, insomnia (blocks histamine)
What are side effects of Fexofenadine - Correct Answer -GI discomfort
(constipation) -Tachycardia -Sedation, dry mouth -Urinary retention, pupil dilation
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
What is a contraindication for Fexofenadine - Correct Answer Pregnancy
What are negative interactions with Fexofenadine - Correct Answer CNS
depression, therefore avoid alcohol
What is a nursing intervention of fexofenadine - Correct Answer Be aware of
sedating effects and instruct the patient to avoid driving
When should the patient take Fexofenadine - Correct Answer At night to
decrease daytime side effects How should a patient treat the negative side effect of dry mouth when taking
Fexofenadine - Correct Answer Suck on sugarless candy
Patient education about fluids in a patient taking Fexofenadine - Correct Answer
Take sips of water and maintain 2 to 3 liters of water a day
How will you know Fexofenadine was effective - Correct Answer -Relief of
motion sickness (decreased nausea, vomiting) -Improvement of allergic reaction (absence of urticaria, rhinitis)
What is Prednisone - Correct Answer A steroid
What is Prednisone for - Correct Answer -Prevents inflammation
-Reduction in airway mucosal edema
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
What can happen if prednisone is administer for more than 10 days - Correct
Answer -Adrenal glands become suppressed
-Bone loss, infection -Myopathy, peptic ulcer disease -Hyperglycemia, glycosuria (reduced glucose in urine) -Increased appetite, weight gain
What is prednisone intended for - Correct Answer Short term use
What should be monitored when taking prednisone - Correct Answer Blood
glucose, the dose should be tapered when weaning off of the medication
What should be administered with prednisone - Correct Answer Food such as
an increase with calcium and vitamin D What should the patient report if they experience when taking prednisone -
Correct Answer -Muscle weakness
-They should perform weight-bearing exercises
What are S/S of aspirin toxicity - Correct Answer Tinnitus and hearing loss
What can increase the absorption of aspirin - Correct Answer Caffeine
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
When a patient is taking aspirin when will they be able to take an NSAID - Correct
Answer 2 hours after taking the aspirin
What is a contraindication of taking aspirin - Correct Answer -Feverfew
-Garlic, ginger, glucosamine -Ginkgo biloba -Saw Palmetto THESE ALL INCREASE THE RISK OF BLEEDING W/ ASPIRIN
What can happen when taking a corticosteroid with Aspirin - Correct Answer -
Increase aspirin excretion -Decrease the aspirin's effect -Increase GI bleeding
What are complications when taking acetaminophen - Correct Answer -Liver
damage -Sweating, coma, death -Abdominal discomfort (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
Contraindications when taking acetaminophen - Correct Answer -Liver, kidney
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
-Chronic alcohol use disorder -Malnutrition What is the dose that should not be exceeded in a day when taking
acetaminophen - Correct Answer -4 grams
-3 grams for malnourished patient -2 grams for alcohol use
What is diphenhydramine used for - Correct Answer Cough suppression,
seasonal allergys
Contraindication when taking diphenhydramine - Correct Answer Lactation
How will you know that diphenhydramine was effective - Correct Answer -
Improvement of allergic reaction (rhinitis, urticaria) -Relief of cough nausea and vomiting
What to watch for when taking diphenhydramine - Correct Answer -Sedating
effects -Do not drink (Same as fexofenadine)
What is captopril - Correct Answer ACE inhibitor
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
Adverse effects of diuretics - Correct Answer -Dehydration
-Hypotension -Hyponatremia (decreased sodium) -Hypokalemia (decreased calcium) -Hypochloremia (decreased chloride) -Hypomagnesemia (decreased magnesium) -Hyperglycemia (increased glucose) -Hyperuricemia (increased uric acid) -Increase LDL levels -Hirsutism (excessive growth of dark hair) -Ototoxicity
What does captopril treat - Correct Answer -Hypertension
Complications of captopril - Correct Answer -Hypotension
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
-Neutropenia -Angioedema, rash, dysgeusia (altered taste) -First dose orthostatic hypotension, cough
Contraindications for captopril - Correct Answer Pregnancy, lactation
What to monitor for when taking captopril - Correct Answer Blood pressure
after first dose for 2 hours for hypotension
When should you take captopril with food - Correct Answer One hour before
When should the patient notify the provider when taking captopril - Correct
Answer Development of cough, rash, dysgeusia
What should the patient do when taking captopril - Correct Answer Rise slowly
when sitting
What activities should be avoided when a patient is taking captopril - Correct
Answer Activities that require alertness until the effects of captopril are known
What medication is a contraindication for hypertension - Correct Answer -
Decongestants such as phenylephrine, Ephedrine Naphazoline Pseudoephedrine
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
-Antihistamines which end in -INE plus dimenhydrinate
What is Furosemide - Correct Answer Diuretic
What does furosemide treat - Correct Answer Fluid retention and swelling
caused by heart failure, kidney/liver disease, hypertension
Contraindication for furosemide - Correct Answer -Pregnancy, lactation
-Auria (no urine output)
Complications of Furosemide - Correct Answer -Dehydration
-Hyponatremia, hypotension, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, hypochloremia -Hyperglycemia, ototoxicity
What can occur if hypokalemia occurs in a patient taking Furosemide - Correct
Answer Digoxin toxicity
When taking furosemide with lithium carbonate what can happen - Correct
Answer Increased lithium carbonate
What happens when you take furosemide with an NSAID - Correct Answer
Decreases blood flow to the kidney
When should you notify the provider and a patient taking Furosemide - Correct
Answer Chest pain, calf pain, pelvic pain occurs
Answered Questions) yr. 2023.
What should you monitor for in a patient taking Furosemide - Correct Answer
Dehydration, lightheadedness, dizziness (postural hypotension)
What medication should be avoided in a patient taking Furosemide - Correct
Answer Ototoxicity medication such as gentamicin
What should a patient notify the provider that has occurred when taking
Furosemide - Correct Answer Tinnitus
What should a patient monitor when taking Furosemide - Correct Answer Blood
glucose What are signs of hypokalemia that should be reported in a patient taking
Furosemide - Correct Answer -Nausea, vomiting, fatigue
-Leg cramps, weakness
How will you know furosemide has been effective - Correct Answer -Decrease in
edema -Decrease in blood pressure -Weight loss -Decreased calcium level -Increase in urine output