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Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Preparation, Exams of Pharmacy

A comprehensive study guide for the pharmacy technician certification exam. It covers a wide range of topics, including the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacy technician, the classification and scheduling of drugs, medical terminology, and various laws and regulations governing the pharmacy industry. The guide provides detailed explanations and practice questions to help individuals prepare for the certification exam.

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Pharmacy Technician

Certification study guide Test

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  1. Pharmacy Technician - correct answer a person who helps licensed pharmacists provide meds and other health care products to patients
  2. Pharmacist - correct answer a person who is educated & licensed to dispense drugs and to provide drug info to patients and other health care providers
  3. U.S. D.E.A. - correct answer United States Drug Enforcement Administration -enforces federal laws & regulations governing controlled substances
  4. Schedule Me Drugs - correct answer Abuse potential- high abuse potential (no medical use accepted)
  5. No prescriptions allowed
  6. Examples- heroin/LSD/Mary Jane/PCP/amphetamines
  7. Schedule II Drugs - correct answer Abuse potential- high/accepted medical use
  8. Prescription required (no refills unless prescription written to renew)
  9. Examples- Cocaine/codeine/amphetamine salts (Adderall)/opium/morphine
  10. Schedule III Drugs - correct answer Abuse potential- moderate (medical usage)
  11. Refills 5 times in a six month period
  12. Examples- compounded drugs with small amounts of narcotics (other drugs with high potential for abuse like Tylenol or empiric with codeine tablets) and certain barbiturates.
  13. Schedule IV Drugs - correct answer Potential abuse- low (medical usage)
  14. Prescription required (5 refills in 6 month period)
  15. Example- barbital/diazepam (Valium)
  16. Schedule V Drugs - correct answer Potential abuse- low abuse (medical usage)
  17. Prescription- none but must 18 yr. To buy
  1. Acu- - correct answer Abrupt, sudden (acute)
  2. Adeno- - correct answer Gland (adenoid)
  3. Adipo- - correct answer Fat (adipose)
  4. Aero- - correct answer Air (aerosol)
  5. Alb- - correct answer White (albumin)
  6. Ambulo- - correct answer Walk (ambulatory)
  7. Andro- - correct answer Male (androgen)
  8. Angio- - correct answer Vessel (angiogram)
  9. Arthr- - correct answer Joint (arthritis)
  10. Bucc/a- - correct answer Inside of cheek (buccal)
  11. Carcin/o- - correct answer Crab,cancer (carcinogen)
  12. Cardi- - correct answer Heart (cardiology)
  13. Cereb- - correct answer Brain (cerebrum)
  14. Chemo- - correct answer Chemistry/chemical (chemotherapy)
  15. Chol- - correct answer Bile (cholangiogram)
  16. Cyst- - correct answer Urinary bladder (cystoscopy)
  17. Cyt- - correct answer Cell (cytology)
  18. Dactyl- - correct answer Finger (syndactylism)
  19. Dermat- - correct answer Skin (dermatologist)
  20. Encephal- - correct answer Brain (electroencephalogram
  21. Erythro- - correct answer Red (erythrocytes)
  22. Gastr- - correct answer Stomach (gastric acid)
  23. Gluco- - correct answer Sugar (glucose)
  1. Hemo- - correct answer Blood (hematoma)
  2. Hepat- - correct answer Liver (hepatoma)
  3. Hydro- - correct answer Water (hydrocephalus)
  4. Lachry- - correct answer Tear (lachrymal fluid)
  5. Lacto- - correct answer Milk ( lactose)
  6. Lapar- - correct answer Abdomen (laparoscope)
  7. Laryng- - correct answer Larynx/voice box (laryngitis)
  8. Leuko- - correct answer White (leukemia
  9. Lingua/o- - correct answer Tongue (sublingual)
  10. Mal- - correct answer Bad ( malpractice)
  11. Mast, mamm- - correct answer Breast (mastectomy)
  12. Melano- - correct answer Black (melanoma)
  13. Meter- - correct answer Measure (thermometer)
  14. My- - correct answer Muscle (myalgia)
  15. Nas- - correct answer Nose (nasal)
  16. Nephr- - correct answer Kidney (nephrosis)
  17. Ocul/o - correct answer Eye (ocular)
  18. Odont- - correct answer Shaped like a tooth (orthodontist)
  19. Onc/o- - correct answer Tumor (oncology)
  20. Opthalm- - correct answer Eye (opthalmoscope)
  21. Optic/o- - correct answer Eye (optician)
  22. Oste- - correct answer Bone (osteoarthritis)
  23. Ot- - correct answer Ear (otalgia)
  1. Patho- - correct answer Disease (pathology)
  2. Phleb/o- - correct answer Vein (phlebotomy)
  3. Ven/o- - correct answer Vein (venipuncture)
  4. Procto- - correct answer Rectum (proctologist)
  5. Psych- - correct answer Mind (psychology)
  6. Ren- - correct answer Kidney (renal)
  7. Rhino- - correct answer Nose (rhinovirus )
  8. Spir- - correct answer Breathing (spirometer)
  9. Thrombo- - correct answer Blood clot (thrombolysis)
  10. Tom/e- - correct answer Cut (phlebotomy)
  11. Tox/o- - correct answer Poisonous (toxicology)
  12. Uro- - correct answer Urine (urology)
  13. Uter/o- - correct answer Uterus (intrauterine)
  14. Hyster/o- - correct answer Uterus (hysterectomy)
  15. Vaso- - correct answer Blood vessel (vasoconstriction)
  16. Xanth/o- - correct answer Yellow (xanthin)
  17. Xero- - correct answer Dry (xeroderma)
  18. Zyme- - correct answer Ferment (enzyme) A- - correct answer Without (aphonia)
  19. Ab- - correct answer From/away from (abduct)
  20. Ad- - correct answer Toward (adduct)
  21. Ambi- - correct answer Both (ambidextrous)
  22. Ana- - correct answer Up/against/back (anaphylactic)
  1. Ante- - correct answer Before (antecubital)
  2. Auto- - correct answer Self (autoimmune)
  3. Bi- - correct answer Two/double (biceps/bilateral)
  4. Bio- - correct answer Life (biopsy/biology)
  5. Cata- - correct answer Down (cataleptic)
  6. Brady- - correct answer Slow (bradycardia)
  7. Circum- - correct answer Around (circumcised)
  8. Con- - correct answer Together (congestion)
  9. Contra- - correct answer Against (contraception)
  10. De- - correct answer From/away from/down (decalcify)
  11. Deca- - correct answer Ten (dekaliter)
  12. Dia- - correct answer Through/complete (diagnosis)
  13. Dis- - correct answer Separate/apart (dislocated)
  14. Dys- - correct answer Bad/abnormal/painful (dyspepsia)
  15. Ec- - correct answer Out/away (ectopic)
  16. Ecto- - correct answer Outside (ectoplasm)
  17. Em- - correct answer In (embolism)
  18. En- - correct answer In (endemic)
  19. Endo- - correct answer Into/ within (endoscope)
  20. Epi- - correct answer Upon/high (epidermis)
  21. Eu- - correct answer Well/good (eupnea)
  22. Infra- - correct answer Within/ inside (intravenous)
  23. ISO- - correct answer Equal (isometric)
  1. Juxta- - correct answer Near/beside (juxtaarticular)
  2. Macro- - correct answer Large/long (macrocyctic)
  3. Mega- - correct answer Large (megacephaly
  4. Meso- - correct answer Middle (mesodermal)
  5. Meta- - correct answer Change/after (metastasis)
  6. Micro- - correct answer Small (microscope)
  7. Milli- - correct answer One-thousandth (milliliter)
  8. Neo- - correct answer New (neonatal)
  9. Non- - correct answer Not (noninvasive)
  10. Para- - correct answer Near/beside/ beyond (paramedics)
  11. Per- - correct answer Through (percutaneous )
  12. Peri- - correct answer Around (perianal)
  13. Re- - correct answer Again/back
  14. Retro- - correct answer Backward/behind
  15. Semi- - correct answer Half
  16. Sub- - correct answer Under/beneath/below
  17. Super- - correct answer Above/over
  18. Supra- - correct answer Above/excessive
  19. Syn- - correct answer Together/with
  20. Ultra- - correct answer Beyond/excessive
  21. FDA - correct answer
  22. FDA - correct answer
  23. OTC - correct answer Over the counter
  1. DEA - correct answer Drug Enforcement Administration
  2. Durham Humphrey Amendment-1951 - correct answer Came up with definition of OTC and prescriptions. One has adequate directions for use and other drugs do not.
  3. How are Schedule II drugs ordered? - correct answer Pharmacists order the drugs with Form 222
  4. Who must have a DEA license - correct answer Anyone who orders schedule II drugs
  5. Form 222 includes: - correct answer -purchaser signature
  6. -company name and address
- order date 
  1. -# of packages of each item
  2. -size of package of each item
  3. How many orders on a form 222 can a pharmacist order up to? - correct answer A maximum of 10 orders
  4. NDC - correct answer National Drug Code
  5. Schedule II and Controlled Drugs must include what on the label? - correct answer -pharmacists name
  6. -pharmacists address
  7. -pharmacy name
  8. -Drug serial #
  9. -date prescription filled
  10. -prescribers name
  11. -directions on use
  12. -cautionary statements
  13. *schedule type/ phone # in some states
  14. Poison Prevention-1970 - correct answer Child lock on less unless other wise told
  15. OSHA-1970 - correct answer Occupational Safety & Health A. Becomes a thing because workers were becoming hurt and ill and they needed some type of protection provided for them
  16. Drug List-1972 - correct answer Introduce NDC for many new drugs so they were identifiable
  1. Medical Device-1976 - correct answer Items like IUD did not need to be approved by the FDA
  2. Resource Conservation Recovery-1976 - correct answer Waste like radioactive ones be regulated and destructed properly
  3. Drug Regulation Reform- 1978 - correct answer Shortening of time for trial of new drugs
  4. Orphan Drug- 1983 - correct answer Make previously not available drugs available to treat rare diseases
  5. Drug Price Competition & Patent Term Restoration- 1984 - correct answer Encouraging making of generic meds and creative new drugs
  6. Prescription Drug Marketing- 1987 - correct answer -Prohibited the sampling/ selling or trading common people
  7. -illegal to bring meds back into the US once they were imported out
  8. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation -1990 - correct answer Pharmacists must inform patients of new drugs and refills
  9. FDA Safe Med Devices-1990 - correct answer FDA increased ability to regulate meds and manufacturers had to better their quality control due to many accidents and deaths
  10. Anabolic Steroid Control-1990 - correct answer Regulates steroids in response to dying/injured athletes when misusing them. (Steroids are now schedule III)
  11. Americans with Disabilities-1990 - correct answer Prohibits discrimination against those with a disability
  12. Dietary Supplement Health & Edu- 1994 - correct answer Required increase of regulation of dieting drugs
  13. Health insurance-1996 - correct answer All insurance policies were to obey all HIPAA laws or companies were fined or imprisoned
  14. FDA Modernization Act-1997 - correct answer (FDAMA) affected user fees/compounding in pharmacies/ & medical devices regulation. Also extended pediatric drug trials. Manufacturers required to place "Rx" on labels. Act made to speed up drug approval process
  1. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act-2003 - correct answer Offer Medicare recipients a tax break so they could afford the new meds
  2. Isotretinoin (Accutane) Safety & Risk Management Act (Proposal Only) - 2004 - correct answer (Not passed act)
  3. FDA created SMART (system to manage accutane related teratogenicity) due to deaths, depression, spontaneous abortions, and more
  4. Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic-2005 - correct answer Created to stop illegal use of methamphetamine (this act controls other drugs like crack/ cocaine)
  5. Medical Tamper-Resistant Prescriptions- 2008 - correct answer Secures that a prescription cannot be changed.
  6. cc - correct answer Cubic centimeters
  7. g/gm - correct answer Gram
  8. gr - correct answer Grain
  9. gtt - correct answer Drop(s)
  10. ht - correct answer Height
  11. m^2 - correct answer Square meter
  12. mcg - correct answer Microgram
  13. mEq - correct answer Milliequivalent
  14. mm - correct answer Millimeter
  15. no/NO - correct answer number
  16. ss - correct answer One- half
  17. T/tbsp - correct answer Tablespoon
  18. Tsp - correct answer Teaspoon
  19. U - correct answer Unit
  20. wt. - correct answer Weight
  1. w/v. - correct answer Weight to volume ratio
  2. PO, p.m. - correct answer By mouth, orally
  3. PRN, p.r.n. - correct answer As needed
  4. PR, p.r. - correct answer Through the rectum
  5. PV,vag - correct answer Through the vagina
  6. Pulv. - correct answer A powder
  7. q - correct answer Every
  8. q AM - correct answer Every morning
  9. q h - correct answer Every hoir
  10. q2h - correct answer Every 2 hours
  11. q.i.d. - correct answer Four times a day
  12. q.v. - correct answer As much as you want
  13. S (s with bar on top of it) - correct answer Without
  14. Sat. - correct answer Saturated
  15. Sig. - correct answer Instruction to patient
  16. SL, sl - correct answer Sublingual
  17. sol., Soln. - correct answer Solution
  18. SP - correct answer spirits
  19. S.O.S. - correct answer There is a need
  20. supp., suppos. - correct answer Suppository
  21. syr. - correct answer Syrup
  22. T - correct answer Temperature
  23. tab - correct answer Tablet
  1. t.i.d., TID - correct answer Three times a day
  2. tr., tinct - correct answer Tincture
  3. w.a. - correct answer While awake
  4. WK, wk - correct answer Week
  5. X - correct answer Times, for
  6. AD - correct answer Right ear
  7. AS - correct answer Left ear
  8. AU - correct answer Both ears
  9. BT - correct answer Bedtime
  10. D/C - correct answer Discharge/discontinue
  11. HS/hs - correct answer Half-strength
  12. i/d - correct answer One daily
  13. IJ - correct answer Injection
  14. IN - correct answer Intranasal
  15. OJ - correct answer Orange juice
  16. o.d.,OD - correct answer Once daily
  17. OD - correct answer Right eye
  18. OS - correct answer Left eye
  19. US - correct answer Both eyes
  20. Per os - correct answer By mouth or orally
  21. q.d. Or QD - correct answer Every day
  22. qhs/ qn - correct answer Nightly at bedtime
  23. q.o.d./ QOD - correct answer Every other day
  1. qId - correct answer Daily
  2. q6PM - correct answer Every evening at 6pm
  3. SC, SQ, sub q - correct answer Subcutaneous
  4. ss (both s's with a bar over them) - correct answer Sliding scale or one-half
  5. SSI - correct answer Sliding scale insulin
  6. SSRI - correct answer Sliding scale regular insulin or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  7. TIW/ tiw - correct answer Three times a week
  8. AQ, aq. - correct answer Water
  9. a (with bar over it) - correct answer Before
  10. aa or aa (with bar over them) - correct answer Of each
  11. a.c. - correct answer Before meals
  12. ad - correct answer To, up to
  13. ad lib. - correct answer As desired
  14. b.i.d. - correct answer Twice a day
  15. BSA - correct answer Body surface area
  16. Buc. - correct answer Buccal
  17. c (with bar over it) - correct answer With
  18. cap. - correct answer Capsule
  19. comp. - correct answer Compund
  20. d - correct answer Day
  21. dil - correct answer Dilute
  22. disp. - correct answer Dispense
  1. el./elix - correct answer Elixir
  2. fl/fld - correct answer Fluid
  3. h/hr - correct answer Hour
  4. IM - correct answer Intramuscular
  5. IV - correct answer Intravenous
  6. liq - correct answer Liquid
  7. m. - correct answer Mix
  8. mixt., mist. - correct answer A mixture
  9. noc. - correct answer Night
  10. Non rep., n.r. - correct answer Do not repeat
  11. NPO - correct answer Nothing by mouth
  12. Oint./ung - correct answer Ointment
  13. P - correct answer After
  14. p.c. - correct answer After meals
  15. per. - correct answer By, through
  16. PNS - correct answer Peripheral nervous system (contains the cranial and spinal nerves) these branch from the brain and spinal chord to all body parts
  17. ANS - correct answer Divides into 2
  18. Parasympathetic nervous system
  19. Sympathetic nervous system
  20. CNS - correct answer Central Nervous System
  21. PNS - correct answer Peripheral nervous system (contains the cranial and spinal nerves) these branch from the brain and spinal chord to all body parts
  22. ANS - correct answer Divides into 2
  23. Parasympathetic nervous system
  24. Sympathetic nervous system
  1. CNS - correct answer Central Nervous System