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PHILOSOPHY EXAM Questions with 100% Verified Answers Latest Updates 2024 TOP GRADED, Exams of Philosophy

PHILOSOPHY EXAM Questions with 100% Verified Answers Latest Updates 2024 TOP GRADED

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PHILOSOPHY EXAM Questions with 100%

Verified Answers Latest Updates 2024 TOP


What is the study of fundamental reality?

Question 1 options:

Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Logic

Question 2 (0.5 points)


What is the study of the nature, sources and scope of knowledge?

Question 2 options:

Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Logic

Question 3 (0.5 points)


What is the study of value?

Question 3 options:

Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Logic

Question 4 (0.5 points) What is the study of reasoning and argument?

Question 4 options:

Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Logic Question 5 (0.5 points) According to Vine Deloria, Jr. many people do not understand Native American religion because they fail to see that Native American religion stresses:

Question 5 options:

the importance of true religious beliefs. the importance of religious arguments. the importance religious authority the importance of sacred places. Question 6 (0.5 points) For each type of sacred land, Deloria gives examples from non-Indian traditions, for example, from the Bible, in order to:

Question 6 options:

help non-Indians understand the kind of sacredness involved in each type of land. argue that non-Indians are incorrect about which lands are sacred. argue that whether a certain place is sacred is simply a matter of opinion. contrast the kinds of places that Indians and non-Indians regard as sacred. Question 7 (0.5 points)

According to Deloria, Native Americans believe that it is important to conduct sacred ceremonies in holy places to:

Question 7 options:

ensure that everyone will go to heaven. be released from the endless cycle of death and rebirth. seek atonement for one’s sins. ensure that earth and all its forms of life might survive and prosper. Question 8 (0.5 points) The Buddha was particularly troubled by the problem of:

Question 8 options:

whether there is an afterlife. the existence of the divine. suffering and death. the exploitation of the poor. Question 9 (0.5 points) The basic philosophy of life formulated by Buddhism is contained in:

Question 9 options:

the four major yogas. the Four Noble Truths. the four castes. the four castes. Question 10 (0.5 points) One of the essential Buddhist teachings is:

Question 10 options:

seek pleasure. everything is changing. live for yourself only you have only one life to live. Question 11 (0.5 points) According to Buddhism, which of the following are examples of suffering?

Question 11 options:

birth old age death all of the above Question 12 (0.5 points) The Fourth Noble Truth which outlines the Buddhist way to enlightenment is also known as:

Question 12 options:

the Seven Factors of Enlightenment the Divine Dwelling Places. the Eightfold Noble Path. the Six Perfections. Question 13 (0.5 points) The Buddhist doctrine of anātman could be most closely summarized as the claim that:

Question 13 options:

The self is the unperceived, unchanging thing behind our sensations, thoughts, and feelings. The self is a thinking thing.

It is impossible to perceive the true self because that would involve an infinite regress. The self is nothing more than an interrelated set of processes, such as bodily processes, sensations, perceptions, volitions and consciousness. Question 14 (0.5 points) According to basic Buddhist teaching, the belief in the ātman:

Question 14 options:

is essential for enlightenment. can be demonstrated by philosophical argument is an illusion and the source of human suffering. is an article of faith. Question 15 (0.5 points) Buddhism is called the “Middle Way” because:

Question 15 options:

it avoids the extremes of a pleasure-seeking life and a life of asceticism. it teaches life is pleasure. Brahma wants us to live moderately. none of the above Question 16 (0.5 points) The Buddha would most likely answer the question: “How should one live?” by saying:

Question 16 options:

“follow the Yellow Brick road.” “seek wisdom, be moral, practice mental discipline.” “since suffering is inescapable, do what you want and live for today.” “realize your essential unity with Brahman.”

Question 17 (0.5 points) According to the Eightfold Path, Right Effort involves:

Question 17 options:

abstaining from harsh, rude and impolite speech. promoting moral, honorable and peaceful conduct abstaining from making your living through professions that bring harm to others. resolving to eradicate or prevent evil and unwholesome states of mind from arising. Question 18 (0.5 points) Which of the following most accurately characterizes Nibbāna?

Question 18 options:

a selfless existence free of suffering a retreat into one’s true, inner self an ascetic renunciation of the world a state of narcissistic self-absorption Question 19 (0.5 points) The view that there is only one true religion which is the only way to salvation is:

Question 19 options:

exclusivism. inclusivism. pluralism. relativism. Question 20 (0.5 points) The Dalai Lama is regarded as the leader of:

Question 20 options:

Zen Buddhists. Tibetan Buddhists. Theravada Buddhists. Pure Land Buddhists. Question 21 (0.5 points) Which of the following best characterizes the Dalai Lama’s views regarding religion?

Question 21 options:

Differing core religious beliefs regarding the nature of reality, God and salvation are incompatible, so only one way can be the true way. There is one divine reality and that this one divine reality can be encountered in many different ways in many different religions. Thus, all religions are one. Religions are not all one but they are all equally valid paths to salvation. none of the above Question 22 (0.5 points) The Dalai Lama presents an argument to defend religious pluralism by comparing religion to:

Question 22 options:

a mansion with many rooms. medicine. an ark. an endless journey. Question 23 (0.5 points) According to the Dalai Lama, which of the following is not something that is common to all major world religions?

Question 23 options:

a shared belief about the origin of the universe. an emphasis on love and compassion a concern with helping people to become good human beings a concern with morality and ethics Question 24 (0.5 points) The Analects are:

Question 24 options:

the sayings of Confucius. the principal source of Legalist philosophy. the principle source of Mohist philosophy. a compilation of ancient Chinese songs. Question 25 (0.5 points) According to Henry Rosemont, which of the following best captures the Confucian view of the connection between emotion, rituals (li), and morality?

Question 25 options:

As long as you observe the proper rituals, you have acted appropriately regardless of your emotions. Traditional rituals are unimportant, as long as you act from genuine emotion. Acting appropriately requires observing the proper rituals with the proper emotion. Rituals exist to instill in us the emotions that we need in order to act appropriately. Question 26 (0.5 points) According to Rosemont, which of the following, best describes the Confucian view of the self?

Question 26 options:

The self is a substantial self.

The self is an immaterial self The self is a relational self. The self is an illusion. Question 27 (0.5 points) Rosemont gives the example of shaking hands with someone for the first time in order to:

Question 27 options:

show that emotions can be faked when performing rituals (li). illustrate the kinds of actions involved in Confucian rituals (li). emphasize how Confucian rituals (li) eliminate individuality. contrast the way you greet a stranger with the way you greet a parent. Question 28 (0.5 points) With which of the following would Rosemont be most likely to agree?

Question 28 options:

The Confucian emphasis on li made sense in ancient China, but has no parallel in modern American society. The Confucian emphasis on li reveals something important about what it is to be a civilized human being. The Confucian emphasis on li slows progress in society by forcing everyone to conform to the same rules. The Confucian emphasis on li fails to distinguish between sincere and insincere actions. Question 29 (0.5 points) Which of the following Western philosophers provides a view of ethics that most resembles Confucian moral philosophy?

Question 29 options:


Jean-Paul Sartre Immanuel Kant Friedrich Nietzsche Question 30 (0.5 points) The personal ideal of Confucianism is the:

Question 30 options:

doctor. businessman. gentleman-scholar. simple peasant. Question 31 (0.5 points) The Chinese philosopher Confucius had:

Question 31 options:

a pessimistic view of human nature. an optimistic but guarded view of human nature. a rationalist view of human nature. an existentialist view of human nature. Question 32 (0.5 points) According to Confucius, which of the following would be the most fundamental relationship?

Question 32 options:

the relationship between sisters. the relationship between friends. the relationship between mother and daughter.

the relationship between father and son. Question 33 (0.5 points) According to Confucius, the virtue of filial piety means:

Question 33 options:

doing what is appropriate to a situation. love of education. devotion to one’s family, especially to one’s parents. doing only what is spontaneous. Question 34 (0.5 points) The Daodejing is known for its:

Question 34 options:

deliberate and mysterious obscurity. careful and analytical prose. logical organization of themes. mention of important sites in China. Question 35 (0.5 points) From a Daoist perspective, the proper job a person should have would be determined by:

Question 35 options:

whatever his or her family decides. the caste she or he belongs to. what the government decides is needed. the individual’s nature and what he is most capable of doing. Question 36 (0.5 points)

For Daoists “no action” (wuwei) means:

Question 36 options:

the lack of power to do anything whatsoever. a kind of being that is in conflict with nonbeing. acting spontaneously, freely, and naturally. forcing your will on others. Question 37 (0.5 points) Which of the following, according to the Dao De Jing, best characterizes the Dao?

Question 37 options:

nameless static ruled-governed logical Question 38 (0.5 points) J. S. Mill says that with the emergence of modern democracies, our biggest concern should be:

Question 38 options:

the tyranny of the monarch. the tyranny of the judiciary. the tyranny of the minority. the tyranny of the majority Question 39 (0.5 points) According to Mill’s “Harm Principle” when is the limitation of individual’s liberty justified?

Question 39 options:

to prevent harm and injury to others.

to prevent the individual from harming himself. to prevent the individual from saying things that might offend others. all of the above Question 40 (0.5 points) What is John Dewey’s verdict regarding philosophy’s traditional claim to know ultimate reality?

Question 40 options:

Philosophy should continue its search for ultimate reality. Philosophy should attempt to establish that ultimate reality is God. Philosophy should attempt to establish that ultimate reality is the Form of the Good. Philosophy should give up its attempts to know ultimate reality. Question 41 (0.5 points) What does John Dewey conclude about the aim of philosophy?

Question 41 options:

The aim of philosophy is to solve technical problems in the theory of knowledge. The aim of philosophy is to prove the existence of God. The aim of philosophy is to be a method for dealing with real-life problems. The aim of philosophy is to reveal the ultimate ground of Being. Question 42 (0.5 points) According to Dewey, democracy is primarily:

Question 42 options:

a way to determine who has the right to vote. a personal way of life. an obsolete political philosophy.

an external system. Question 43 (0.5 points) According to Hannah Arendt, power is a characteristic of:

Question 43 options:

those few people in authority. a group of consenting individuals. events. natural processes. Question 44 (0.5 points) Which of following does Arendt identify as the “essence of government”?

Question 44 options:

strength force violence power Question 45 (0.5 points) Which of the following is consistent with Hannah Arendt’s views on violence and power?

Question 45 options:

Violence is the most extreme manifestation of power. Power is a kind of mitigated violence. Power and violence are opposites. Power is real but violence is an illusion Question 46 (0.5 points)

How does Nelson Mandela introduce himself at the Rivonia Trial?

Question 46 options:

I am the Prophet of Change. I am the First Accused. I am the Liberator. I am a Marxist. Question 47 (0.5 points) What was the name of the militant branch of the African National Congress?

Question 47 options:

Sword of the People Sword of Freedom Spear of Freedom Spear of the Nation Question 48 (0.5 points) In clarifying the Umkhonto position on the use of violence, which of following does Nelson Mandela identify as the strategy of first resort?

Question 48 options:

sabotage guerilla warfare terrorism open revolution Question 49 (0.5 points) Which of the following actions does Mandela recommend to eliminate poverty among the South Africans?

Question 49 options:

better education for South Africans elimination of the “color-bar” that reserves the better jobs for whites elimination of laws that prohibit Africans from forming labor unions all of the above Question 50 (0.5 points) According to Martin Luther King Jr., how should those who are oppressed engage in the struggle against injustice?

Question 50 options:

They should wait patiently and adjust themselves to the oppressive situation. They should wait patiently and pray to God to change the oppressive situation. They should pursue the path and practice of nonviolent resistance. They should engage in a violent overthrow of the oppressive government. Question 51 (0.5 points) According to Martin Luther King, Jr. which of the following is required before taking the direct action of civil disobedience?

Question 51 options:

collection of the facts to determine whether there are injustices negotiation self-purification all of the above Question 52 (0.5 points) Which of the following is not consistent with King’s views regarding civil disobedience?

Question 52 options:

One can disobey an unjust law since an unjust law is no law at all.

One who practices civil disobedience should be willing to go to jail. One who practices civil disobedience should refuse to go to jail. One who practices civil disobedience should respect the legitimacy of just laws. Question 53 (0.5 points) What does King mean when he says we should reject the “myth of time”?

Question 53 options:

We must reject the idea that if we wait and pray, time with solve our problems. We must reject the story that God created time because it is a myth. We must reject time because it is an illusion. We must reject past philosophies as mere “myths” of ancient times. Question 54 (0.5 points) Which of the following are counted among Cornel West’s accomplishments?

Question 54 options:

philosopher and social activist hip-hop artist acting roles in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions all of the above Question 55 (0.5 points) According to West, a thriving democracy requires:

Question 55 options:

mutual respect. personal responsibility. social accountability.

all of the above Question 56 (0.5 points) How does West characterize genuine spirituality?

Question 56 options:

Genuine spirituality requires regular prayer. Genuine spirituality requires regular church attendance. Genuine spirituality requires an experience of something bigger than our selves. Genuine spirituality requires the acceptance of the correct religious doctrines. Question 57 (0.5 points) What, according to West, is the major obstacle to cultivating a spiritual life?

Question 57 options:

market culture superstition mistaken beliefs about free will mistaken beliefs about the nature of the soul Question 58 (0.5 points) What environment does West identify as a place where we can cultivate spiritual values?

Question 58 options:

a monastery a neighborhood a mountain retreat an empty beach Question 59 (0.5 points)

How does Cornel West characterize his philosophy?

Question 59 options:

Radical Skepticism Postmodern Nihilism Prophetic Pragmatism Romantic Polytheism Question 60 (0.5 points) According to West, to be part of the democratic tradition is to be:

Question 60 options:

a prisoner of reason. a prisoner of hope. a prisoner of skepticism. a prisoner of diligence.