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Phlebotomy National Exam, Exams of Nationality law

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Phlebotomy National Exam

OSHA correct answersOccupational Saftey & Health Administration What vaccination does OSHA require all health care personnel get? correct answersOSHA requires that all health care personnel exposed to blood and other bodily fluids must receive a vaccination against Hepatitis B Pulmonary Edema correct answersFluid in the lungs How much blood can a person donate in a session? correct answers500 mL Patients have the right to what? correct answersUnder the Patient Bill Of Rights they always have the option to decline medical treatment and to know what tests are being performed on them. What can you NOT give a patient? correct answersResults or a diagnosis. Because you are not medically qualified to do so. Negligence is? correct answersFailure to give appropriate care. DON'T BE NEGLIGENT! PPE stands for? correct answersPersonal Protective Equipment One of the most important practices is? correct answersHand Washing is one of the most important (and easiest) practices used to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens Needles should never be correct answersrecapped Sharps containers must be what? correct answerspuncture-resistent, leak proof on the sides and bottom and must be labeled or color-coded

Types of Hazards correct answersBiologic - Infectious agents that can cause bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections Sharps - Needles, lancets and broken glass can puncture and cut, causing blood-borne pathogen exposure Chemical - Preservatives and chemicals used in the laboratory. Exposure to Toxin, Carcinogenic or caustic substances Fire or explosive - bunsen burners, oxygen and chemicals can cause burns or dismemberment Physical - wet floors, heavy lifting ance cause falls, sprains and strains

  • ALLERGIC reaction ** - Latex sensitivity is a PHYSICAL reaction to care worker allergic reation to the patient In infection control WHO is the agent? correct answersPerson In infection control WHAT is portal of exit? correct answersNeedle In infection control WHAT can we control? correct answersMode Of Transmission OR exit of infection In infection control WHAT is a portal of entry? correct answersMucas membrane In infection control WHO is a susceptible host? correct answersPerson Mode of Transmission correct answersSpecific ways in which microorganisms travel from the reservoir to the suseptible host Five main types or mode of transmission correct answerscontact - direct and indirect (fomite)

Droplet - Cold, Flu and sneezing Airborne - viral - breath in common vehicle - person, fomite and not handwashing vector borne - illness that is transmitted through an invertebrate, such as an insect Mode of infection correct answersthe point in the infection chain where we aim at preventing the spread of infectious disease Standard precautions do what? correct answersInfection control method designed to prevent direct contact with blood and other body fluids and tissues by using a barrier of protection and work control practices. What do we assume all patients to be? correct answersPatients are presumed to be infective for blood- borne pathogens Standard precautions consist of what itmes? correct answersGloves - when collecting and handling body fluids, or tissue specimen Face shield - when danger of splashing on mucous membranes Disposal - dispose of all needles and sharp objests in punture-proof containers, WITH OUT RECAPPING Disinfectants - clean fluid spills, thus killing pathogenic organisms Medical Asepsis correct answersThis condition is best defined as "the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms after they leave the body". It also involves enviromental hygien measures such as equipment cleaning and disinfection procedures. Methods of medical asepsis are Standard Precautions and Transmission-based Precautions What are barrier protections? correct answersMasks Gloves Face Shields Resirator Gloves

How do you remove PPE equipment? correct answers1st - Gloves 2nd - Gown 3rd - Shield What type of soap should be used? correct answersNon-abrasive, antibacterial soap. What do you do if blood splashes in the eye or mucous membane? correct answersFlush with warm water (hotter the better) for 15 minutes Report incident exposure to your supervisor ASAP! Who cannot be identified in an incident report? correct answersa minor Bedside manner includes? correct answersintroduce yourself, ask patient name and b-day. Explain what you will be doing. Chat with patient to keep mind off poke. ADVISE them WHEN you are poking! Speak to them on a first name basis What phase is best practice correct answers"pleasant with the patient and professional with the poke". If patient has an I.V. where do you draw blood? correct answersDownstream from the I.V. Double Mastectomy patients should ONLY have blood drawn from what? correct answersHands Left Mastectomy patients should have blood drawn from what side? correct answersRight side What is a Fistula? correct answersartificial connections of veins What is a Graft? correct answersartificial artery connection to vein Sclerosis is? correct answersHard and cord like veins

For obese patients what vein is used? correct answersCephalic Vein is most likely to be the one you can palpate and draw blood from in an obese patient Cephalic means what? correct answersHead Most common complication in Phlebotomy correct answersHematoma To prevent a Hematoma correct answersprevented if pressure is placed on the venipuncture site until bleeding stops If a patient faints what is the 1st thing to do? correct answersGET the needle out of the arm Vasovagal Syncope is correct answersfainting, dizziness before, during or after venipuncture Circulatory System funtion correct answersis todeliver oxyge, nutrients, hormones and enzymes to the cells. Transport cellular waste such as carbon dioxide and urea to the organs where they can be expelled from the body. Circulatory exchange is done where? correct answerscapillary level 45% of blood is correct answersformed elements - Erythrocytes (red blood cells) = 99% of formed elements. Leukocytes (white blood cells) and Thrombocytes (platelets) All blood cells originate from correct answersstem cells in the bone marrow The heart acts as what? correct answerstwo pumps (right and left sides) Left and right sides of heart are connected by correct answerstwo circulations, with each pump equipped with two valves the function of which is to maintain a one way flow of blood

Pulmonary circulations correct answerscarries deoxygentated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. (alveoli) and return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium Oxygenation takes place correct answersat the alveoli - sacks in the lungs Systemic circulation correct answerscarries oxygentated blood from the left ventricle throughout the body Tricuspid valve correct answersan atrioventricular valve, being situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle Pulmonic valve correct answerssemi lunar valve situated between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery Mitral valve correct answers(bicuspid valve) is another atrioventricular valve, being situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle Aortic valve correct answerssemi lunar valve situated between the left ventricle and the aorta How long does it take for a full circulation? correct answersone minute The average person weighting 155 pounds has correct answersapproximately 5-6 liters of blood in their system. Blood composes of correct answers7-9 percent of total body weight of a person Blood has how much plasma? correct answers55% is plasma Plasma is what? correct answersa clear, pale yellow fluid

what does plasma do? correct answersit carries nutrients, lipids, glucose, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, antibodies, as wells as vitamins and hormones ect. What is 45% of blood? correct answersRed blood cells, White blood cells and Platelets. Known as the formed cellular elements How long does your body take to regenerate RBC you lose during donation correct answers6 to 8 weeks if you donate the maximum of 500 mL Three layers of the heart are? correct answersEndocardium Myocardium Epicardium Endocardium correct answersthe endothelial inner layer lining of the heart Myocardium correct answersthe muscular middle layer. This is the contractile element of the heart Epicardium correct answersthe fibrous outer layer of the heart. The coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart are found in this layer Blood vessels are correct answersAorts, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins, superior and inferior vena cava Erythrocytes correct answersRed blood cells or RBC's Erthrocytes contain correct answershemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein. Hemoglobin correct answersenters the blood as an immature reticulocyte where in one to two days, it matures into erythrocyte. How many RBS's per microliter correct answers4.2 to 6.2 million RBC's per microliter of blood.

What is the normal life span of RBC's correct answersis 120 days What is leukocytes function correct answersprovide the body protection against infection. How many WBC's for adults per microliter correct answers5,000 to 10, Leukocytosis is? correct answersan increase in WBC's, is seen in the case of infection and leukemia. Leukopenia is what? correct answersa decrease in WBC's, is seen with viral infection or chemotherapy How many types of WBC's are in the blood correct answersFive A differential count does what? correct answersdetermines the percentage of each type Neutrophils are what? correct answersphagocytic cells, meaning, they engulf and digest bacteria. Their number increase in bacterial infection. Neutrophils comprise how much of the WBC's population? correct answers40 to 60% of the WBC population Lymphocytes do what? correct answerstheir numbers increase in viral infection, they also play a role in immunity. Lymphocytes comprise how much of the WBC population? correct answers20 to 40% of the WBC population Monocytes do what? correct answersIncrease in intracellular infections and tuberculosis

Moncytes comprise how much of the WBC population? correct answers3 to 8%, they are also the largest WBC's Eosinophils do what correct answersthey are active against antibody-labeled foreign molecules. Eosinophils increase correct answersin allergies, skin infections and parasitic infections Eosiniphils come correct answersfirst in allergic reactions. During an allergic reaction it would show an increase in Eosinophil count Basophils do what correct answersrelease histamine Basophils count for what of the WBC population? correct answers0 to 1% in the blood Thrombocytes are essential for what? correct answersblood coagulation Thrombocytes are also know as correct answersplatelets are small irregularly shaped packets of cytoplasm formed in bone marrow Three major veins are located correct answersin the antecubital fossa The three major veins are? correct answersMedian cubital vein Cephalic vein Basilic vein 1st order of draw correct answersRed topper tube Red top tube also known as correct answersplain vacume tube and contains no additive or anticoagulant.

collected blood clots, by normal coagulation process is correct answers30 minutes Do you need to invert a Red Tube correct answersNo Common test for red tubes are correct answersSerum chemistry, Serology, Blood bank Arteria Blood Gas (ABG) sample must be run within correct answers15 minutes of collection Arterial blood is used to determine correct answersblood gas levels and blood PH. Usually collected by a nurse or respiratory therapist Basal state is correct answersWhen the patient has fasted and not excersiced in 12 hours Do you note if a patient has not fasted? correct answersYES! 2nd order of draw tube color is correct answersLight blue Light blue tube has what additive correct answersSodium Citrate Different ratios Light blue tubes MUST be inverted how many times correct answers5 to 10 Light blue tubes are used to test correct answerscoagulation determinations on plasma specimens.

  • Certain test require chilled specimens* Always fill to MAX fill line 3rd order of draw tube color is correct answersTiger top or gold top (gold in Utah)

Tiger top / Gold top tubes have what additives correct answersClot activator - (silica in Utah) or glass particles Fixotropic gel Blood cagulates with additive in correct answers15 to 30 minutes 4th order of draw tube color(s) are correct answersGreen top Mint top Hash marks on label Green top tube has what additives correct answersHeparin combined with sodium, lithium or ammonium ion Mint green top tube has what additive correct answersPST - Plasma Seperator tube Hash marked tube has what additive correct answersSodium Heparin Common tests for Green tubes are correct answersAmmonia Carboxyhemoglobin ( HCg preg test) STAT Lytes LYTES are correct answerselectoliytes - potassium, sodium BMP Panel is correct answersBasic Metobolic Panel A Panel is correct answersA group of tests ordered together

Sodium additive tubes test for correct answersLithium 5th order of draw tube color is correct answersLavendar Lavendar tube has what additive correct answersEDTA - Ethylenediaminetetraacetate BMP - chem 8 Tiger/Gold tube correct answersBasic Metobolic Panel CMP - chem 14 Tiger/Gold tube correct answersComprehensive Metobolic Panel Drk purple tube has correct answers7. mL of EDTA - calcium binding agent Lt purple tube has correct answers3.6 mL of EDTA - calcium binding agent Pink top tubes are used for correct answersBlood banks / transfusion - for blood typing Lavendar top tubes are used for correct answersCBC = Complete Blood Count CBCAN = Complete Blood Count Automatice Differential CBCDN - Complete Blood Count Manual Differential ESR - Lavendar top tub correct answersErythocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR tests for correct answersSickle Cell Screening EDTA correct answersinhibits coagulation by binding to calcium in the specimen What tube is used for coagulation studies? correct answersLight Blue Tubes must be filled correct answersat least two-thirds full

Tubes must be inverted correct answers8 times Hematocrit measures correct answersthe percentage of the RBC's (Red Blood Cells) in a given volume of whole blood What test is ALWAYS given before blood donation correct answersHematocrit 1- blood enters the heart correct answersSuperior & Inferior Vena Cava (V-C) 2- goes to correct answersRight Atrium 3- from there to correct answersTricuspid Valve 4- then onto correct answersRight Ventricle 5- and now out to the correct answersPulmonary Artery - and lungs 6- back into the correct answersPulmonary Veins 7- then onto the correct answersLeft Atrium 8- moves onto the correct answersBicusped Valve 9- down to the correct answersLeft Ventrical 10- finally to your hot bod via the correct answersAorta Veins have correct answersValves

ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) correct answersAnalyes arteial blood for oxygen, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate content in addition to blod PH

  • used to determine the effectiveness or respiration Aseptic correct answersThe absence of microoganisms or by contrast, something that just discourages the growth of microoganisms is antiseptic Basilic Vein correct answersThe large vein on the inner side of the bicep and is often chosen for tntravenous injections and blood drawing Battery correct answersThe basis of tort in this case the unprivileged touching of one person by another. Informed Consent correct answersPatient gives consent for a procedure to be performed in full knowledge of the procedure and the risk it entails Bleeding Time correct answersA test done to ascertain platelet function. A Plug is correct answersA special paper applied to a wound (small incision) in the forearm. The paper is applied and then timed to see how long it takes for platelets to form a "plug" and stop the bleeding Asprin will affect correct answersbleeding time results Blood Clot correct answersThe conversion of blood from a liquid form to solid through the process of coagulation Thrombus is correct answersa clot which forms inside of a blood vessel an embolism is correct answersa clot that moves inside the vessel it is referred to as an embolus Blood borne infection correct answersan infection transmitted from blood to blood

Butterfly correct answersa small needle with two plastic wings attached which are squeezed together to form a tab that is used to manipulate the needle. A long 6-12" plastic tubing is attached which again offers better manipulation. This assembly is then attached to a syrings or Vacutainer holder for the purpose of drawing a blood sample CDC correct answersCenters for Didease Control and Prevention Circulation correct answersmovement of fluid in a regular or circuitous cource. Heart failure is and example of a problem with circulation Citrate correct answersA compound that is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle (krebs cycle) Citrate chelates (binds) calcium ions, preventing blood clotting and thus is an effective anticoagulant Coagulation Factors correct answersGroup of plasma protein substances (Factor I-XIII) contained in the plasma which act together to bring about blood coagulation Complete Blood Count correct answersThe number of RBC's (red blood cells), WBC's (white blood cells) and platelets (per cubic millimeter) that are present in the patient's sample of blood is determined. Also included is the HEMOTACRIT (%), hemoglobin concentration (gm%) and the differential. Most common test done on the blood Contamination correct answersThe soiling of pollution by inferior material, as by the introduction of organisms into a wound Coumadin correct answersTrademark for the preparation of warfarin sodium Cyanotic correct answersBluish skin color due to lack of Oxygen Defamation of character correct answersConsists of injury to another person's reputation, name or character through spoken (slander) or written (libel) words.

Differential correct answersA count made on a strained blood smear of the proportion of the different leukocytes (WBC's) and express as a percentate. A differential is a normal part of a complete blood count (CBC) Ecchymosis correct answersThe skin discoloration caused by a bruise (contusion) EDTA correct answersEthylenediaminetetraacete. A calcium chelating (binding) agent that is used as an anticoagulant for laboratory blood specimens Electrolyte correct answersA substance that will acquire the capacity to conduct electricity when put into solution. Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and phosphate. informally know as "LYTES" Embolus correct answersA sudden blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot or some other obstruction which has been transported through blood vessels and lodged at a site to small for passage. Examples of emboli are detached blood clot, a clump of bacteria or other foreign material such as air. Contrast to thrombus Fibrin correct answersA protien formed during normal blood clotting tht is the essence of the clot Fibrinogen correct answersThe protein form which fibrin is formed/generated in normal blood clotting Flash correct answersRelative to venipuncture, the appearance of a small amount of blood in the neck of a syringe or the tubing of a butterfly. This is a sign the the vein has been properly accessed. Fomite correct answersAn inanimate object that transports microoganisms Formed Elements correct answersRed Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and platelets Gauge correct answersNeedle Diameter is measured by gauge; the larger the needle diameter, the smaller the gauge.

For example, a very large diameter needle (16 ga) may be used to hemodialysis, whereas a much smaller needle (23 ga) would be used to draw blood for laboratory testing Germicide correct answersAn agent that kills pathogenic microoganisms Good Samaritan Law correct answersThis law deals with the rendering of first aid by health care professionals at the scene of an accident or sudden injury. It encourages health care professionals to provide medical care within the scope of their training without fear of being sued for negligence Glucose correct answersThe sugar measured in the blood an urine specimens to determine the presences or absence of diabetes. Glucose is the end product of carbohydrate metabolism and is the cheif source of energy for all living organisms Heparin correct answersAn anticoagulant that acts to inhibit a number of coagulation factors, especially factor Xa. Heparin is formed in the liver Hematocrit correct answersThe ratio of the total RBC (red blood cell) volume to the toal blood valume and expressed as a percentage Hematoma correct answersA localize collection of blood within tissued due to leakage from a wall of a blood vessel, producing a bluish discoloration (ecchymosis) and pain Hemoconcentration correct answersA decrease in the fluid content of the blood (plasma), resulting in an increase concentration. This is determined by an increase in the hematocrit. Caused by a filtration of plasma into the body tissue and often created by dehydration Hemoglobin correct answersThe oxygen carrying pigment of the RBC's (red blood cells) Hemolyze correct answersThe breakin of the RBC's (red blood cells) membrane releasing free hemoglobin into the cirulating blood. In phlebotomy, this is usually a result of mechanical damage due to poor technique

Hyerglycemia correct answersAbnormally high blood sugar level Hypoglycemia correct answersAbnormally low blood sugar level Indirect Infection correct answersAn infection transmitted through body fluids to blood Informed Consent correct answersGiving the patient adequate information concerning the method, risk and consequences to a specific procedure, it's reisks, expected outcome and alternatives Invasion of privacy correct answersThis is the release of medical records without the patient's knowledge and permission Lipemic correct answersAfter blood is spun and seperated in a centerfuge the serum/plasma portion is milky in apprearance. Hyperlipidema would cause the blood to be lipemic Lymphedema correct answersLymphedema is a type of swelling wich occurs in lymphatic tissue when excess fluid collects in the arms or legs because the lymp nodes or vessels are blocked or removed. Regarding Phlebotomy, this can be a major complication of mastectomies Multi-Sample Adapter correct answersA device used with a butterfly and Vacutainer holder to allow for then withdrawl of multiple tubes of blood during a venipuncture Negligence correct answersThis is the failure to exercise the standard of card that a resonable person would give under similar circumstances and someone suffers injury because fo another's failur to live up to a required duty of care Four elements of negligence correct answers1-Duty of care 2-Derelict: breah of duty if care 3-Direct cause: legally recognizable injury occurs as a result of breach of duty of care 4-Damage: wrongful activity must have been caused the injury or harm that occurred

Nosocomial correct answersHealthcare setting acquired infections Oncology correct answersThe study and treatment of cancer Oxyhemoglobin correct answersHemoglobin that has be bound with oxygen in the lungs for the purpose of transport of oxygen to cells of the body. In the cells oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide Papate correct answersTo examine of feel by the hand. The technique is used to help determine the size, depth and direction of a vein Pathogen correct answersAny microorganism that produces disease Pathogenic correct answersHaving the capability of producing disease Peripheral Blood correct answersBlood obtained from the circulation away from the heart, such as from the fingertip, heel pad and earlobe or from an antecubital vein Petechiae correct answersThese are tiny non-raised red spots that appear on the skin from rupturing of the cappillaries due to the tourniquest being left on to long or to tight Phlebitis correct answersInflammation of a vein as a result of repeated venipuncture on that vein Pipette correct answersA glass or transparent plastic tube used to accurately measure small amounts of liquid Plasma correct answersThe fluid protion of the blood in which the cellular components are suspended. PLASMA IS DIFFERENT FROM SERUM! Platelets correct answersAlso known as a thrombocyte, this is a particulate component of the blodd, approximatley 2-4 microns in diameter and known for it's invlovement in blood coagulation.

This structure, which has no nucleus or DNA, is formed by breaking off from the cytoplasm of the parent cell, known as a megakaryocte in the bone marrow. Under normal conditions, platelets will aggegate at the site of a break in vascular intergity, by forming the beginning stages of a clot. Normal platelets counts rage from 150,000 - 450,000/cm Point-of-care-testing (POCT) correct answersDefined as diagnostic testing near the dite of patient care. The driving notion behind POCT is to bring the test conveniently and immediately to the patient. This increased the likelihood that the patient will receive the results in a timely manner. Red Blood Cells (RBC's) correct answersOne of the solid compontents of the blood which is notmally a biconcava disc without a nucleus. This is the component of the blood that contains hemoglobin with is responsibel for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. A Red Blood Cell count is performed as part of a complete blood count and ranges from 4,200,00 - 5,00,000 RBC's per cubic millimeter Sclerosis correct answersA hardening; especially from inflammation and certain disease states. Though sclerosis may occur in many areas of the body, the term is most often associated with blood vessels. Septicimia correct answersThis is systemic infection associated with the presence of pathogenic organism introduces during a venipuncture Serum correct answersReferring to blood, the clear liquid portion of blood that separates out after clotting has taken place. Since clotting has accurred, the serum is fibrinogen deficient. Contrast to plasma Trauma correct answersThis is injury to underlying tissues carused by probing of the needle

Thrombophlebitis correct answersInflammation of a vein with formation of a clot Thrombus correct answersThis is blood clot usually a consequence of insufficient pressure applied after the withdrawl of the needle. Tort correct answersTort is a wrongful act that results in injury to one person by another Touriquet correct answersIn regards to venipuncture, a constrictive band, placed over an extrenity to disten veins for the purpose of blood aspiration or intravenous injectons. Materials used may be rubber, latex or synthetice elastic material. Blood pressure cuff may also be used. Universal Precaustions correct answersThe name used to describe a prevention strategy in which all blood and potentially infectious materials are treated as if they are, in fact, infectious, regardless of the perceived status of the source individual. In other words, wether or not you think blood/body fluid is infected with blood borne pathogens, you treat it as if it is. This approach is used in all situations where exposure to blood or potentially infectious materials is possible. This also means that certain engineering and work practice controls shall alsy be utilized in situations where exposure may occur Vacutainer correct answersVacutainer is a federally and internationally registered trademark owned by BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) that is used in connection with a complete system of tubes, needles and needle holders, sharps collectors and safety devices in blood collection. The Vacutainer evacuated tube, for example, automatically aspirates the correct aount of blood into a tube. It is used indtead of a syringe. Despite the fact that BD owns the Vacutainer trademark, the term has become so widley used to describe similar blood collection tubes and devices, that it has become a generically used term Vacutainer Holder correct answersA cylindrical shaped holder that accepts a Vacutatiner tube on one end and Vacutainer needle on the other, The holder tube and needle comprise the Vacutainer system used to draw multiple tubes of blood with one venipuncture Vacutainer Needle correct answersThe needed is used to attach to a Vacutainer holder. The needle has a male thread on one end which screws into the holder. The threaded end also has a large guage needle, enclised by a rubber sheath. This needle will puncture the stopper of a Vacutainer tube allsoing blodd to enter the tube. Upon withdrawal of this needle from the tube, the rubber sheath covers the needle

bevel, stopping the flow of blood. Thus, any number of tubes may be drawn with ony one single venipuncture Warfarin Sodium correct answersThe sodium salt of warfarin, one of the synthetic coumarin anticoaulants. Coumadin White Cell Count (WBC) correct answersThe number of white blood cells (leukocytes) found in the peripheral blood and measure per cubic millimeter Whole Blood correct answersBlood from which none of the elements have been removed. It is usually referred to as blood, collected from a doner and anticoagulated for the purpose of blodd replenishment for a recipient