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PHTLS Post Test 8th Edition Questions with Verified Answers, Exams of Nursing

A list of questions and answers from the phtls (prehospital trauma life support) post test 8th edition. It covers various topics related to trauma care, such as airway management, shock, spinal immobilization, and hemorrhage control. It is a useful study resource for students and professionals in the medical field who are interested in improving their knowledge and skills in prehospital trauma care.

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Available from 04/20/2024

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Download PHTLS Post Test 8th Edition Questions with Verified Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! PHTLS Post Test 8th Edition Questions with Verified Answers 1. Care of the trauma patient in the field is an involving science and should be evidence-based. As lifelong learners, we must be prepared to adapt our practices based on research. This is because research may lead to which of the following? - ANS Change in our current practices 2. In trauma care, a Principle is defined as which of the following? - ANS What needs to be done 3. In addition to oxygen what is required to maintain the metabolic processes of life and energy production? - ANS Glucose 4. You respond for a patient who is sustained a GSW to the right upper thorax he is barely responsive, pale, and diaphoretic which of the following is most appropriate for transport? - ANS Scoop stretcher 5. Units responding to a motor vehicle accident on the highway should consider which of the following as part of their pre-arrival assessment? - ANS Weather conditions 6. The most appropriate for airway maneuver for trauma patients as which of the following? - ANS Trauma jaw thrust 7. Endotracheal intubation is a technique that requires which of the following? - ANS Substantial training to maintain proficiency 8. Which of the following indicates that a trauma patient is having trouble breathing? - ANS The patient breathing is noticeable 16. When should the secondary survey be accomplished? - ANS When the time and situation allow 17. When approaching a trauma patient what is the first thing must be made? - ANS Scene safety 18. What is the most common type of shock resulting from trauma? - ANS Hemorrhagic 19. Which of the following best guides the decision to provide spinal immobilization? - ANS History and complaint 20. A 38 male sustained a large wound to his right thigh while at work what are the following actions is the most important initial step? - ANS Hemorrhage control 21. A patient who sustained extensive blunt trauma to his trunk has absent lung sounds on the right, marked respiratory distress, tachycardia and hypertension. What is the most appropriate intervention? - ANS Needle decompression 22. The prehospital assessment of the trauma patient begins of which of the following? - ANS Information provided by the dispatcher 23. EMS response for patient valve in a motor vehicle versus car collision. The patient is unresponsive with vital signs of BP 82/palpitation, are our 24, pulse 128. What is the most likely type of shock? - ANS Hypovolemic 24. Which of the following best describes shock? - ANS A state of inadequate energy production/ low perfusion 25. What is the most common cause of airway obstruction in the unconscious trauma patient? - ANS Tongue 26. While caring for a patient who was involved in an altercation, he vomits and his airways totally obstructed with vomitus and blood. What is the maximum amount of time that you can suction his airway? - ANS Until his airways clear 27. When energy produced by cells occurs during the state of inadequate oxygenation, it is referred to as which of the following conditions? - ANS Anaerobic metabolism 28. Which of the following signs of shock is not found during the primary survey? - ANS Low blood pressure measurement 37. Which of the following organs are most sensitive to hypotension? - ANS Brain 38. After falling from the third story at a construction site, a 27-year-old male is found in contrast with unequal pupils and regular respirations. Which of the following is most appropriate rate of ventilations? - ANS 20 BPM 39. After falling from the high bar, a gymnast has loss of sensation from the nipples down what area of the spine is most likely damage? - ANS T4 40. What is the most important physical finding a patient with a suspected traumatic brain injury? - ANS Abnormal levels of consciousness 41. Prehospital the writers respond to a male patient lying on the ground after being struck by a high-speed motor vehicle. The patient is apneic and pulseless. What is the most appropriate action? - ANS Declare the patient dead.... (This was the actual ANS were on the test...) 42. EMS response and adult barista who spilled a cup of hot coffee and sustained partial thickness burns to the abdomen and right leg. The patient ran cool water over the branch which of the following interventions is most appropriate next up? - ANS Cover burn area with dry sterile dressing's 43. Prehospital providers have treated a sucking chest wound with an occlusive dressing. During Tran’s port to the hospital, the patient developed increasing respiratory distress with increased respirations and absent lung sounds are noted on repeat auscultation. What is the most appropriate next intervention? - ANS Remove the occlusive dressing 44. EMS arrived on scene and finds an emergency medical responder to immobilize a pediatric patient onto a long backboard. They know that the patient's head is in a flex position. Which of the following actions is most appropriate? - ANS Place padding under the patients torso 45. What is the most common cause of death from trauma patients over 75 years of age? - ANS Falls 46. Which of the following is the earliest signs of deterioration in a patient with a flail chest? - ANS respiratory rate increase 47. EMS is treating an unrestrained driver of an automobile involved in a high-speed crash who struck his chest against the steering column. Prehospital providers no paradoxical movement of a portion of the patient's chest