Download PHTLS Post Test - Trauma Care Assessment and Management and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! PHTLS - Post Test, 8th Edition 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Answers. Graded A+ A 38 year old male sustained a large wound to his right thigh while at work. What action is the most important initial step? - ANShemorrhage control A 55-year-old male is found unconscious after being assaulted. Assessment reveals: snoring respirations, brady-pnea, facial swelling, and unequal pupils. What is the most appropriate first step? - ANSjaw thrust maneuver A patient presents with, a blunt trauma injury to the chest. On exam, he has absent breath sounds on one side of his chest and respiratory distress. Which additional sign would indicate that the patient has a tension pneumo-thorax? - ANShemo-dynamic compromise (proper blood flow is being prevented) A patient who sustained extensive blunt trauma to his trunk; has absent lung sounds on the right, marked respiratory distress, tachy-cardia and hyper-tension. What is the most appropriate intervention? - ANSneedle decompression (DART) After falling from the high bar, a gymnast has a loss of sensation from the nipples down. What area of the spine is most likely damaged? - ANSthoracic four (T4) After falling from the third story at a construction site, a 27-year-old male is found unconscious with unequal pupils and irregular respirations. What is the most appropriate rate of ventilations? - ANS20 beats per minute (bpm) Care of the trauma patient in the field is an evolving science and should be evidence-based. As lifelong learners, we must be prepared to adapt our practices based on research. This is because research may lead to, what? - ANSchanges in our current practices (p.11) E.M.S. arrived on scene and finds an emergency medical responder immobilizing a pediatric patient onto a long backboard. They know that the patient's head is in a flexed position. What action is most appropriate? - ANSplace padding under the patient's torso E.M.S. is treating an unrestrained driver of an automobile involved in a high- speed crash who struck his chest against the steering column. Patient has: paradoxical movement of a portion of chest wall; respiratory rate, 16; oxygen saturation, 94%. What is the most appropriate action? - ANSprovide supplemental oxygen and observe E.M.S. responds to a patient involved in a motor vehicle versus car collision. The patient is unresponsive with vital signs of: BP 82, palpitation; respirations, 24; pulse, 128. What is the most likely type of shock? - ANShypo-volemic E.M.S. responds to a patient who has sustained a blunt injury to the head. She had a period of unconsciousness followed by a brief period of consciousness and then became unresponsive just as E.M.S. arrived. Based solely on this information, what is most likely her injury? - carbon dioxide (CO2) What definition best describes shock? - ANSa state of inadequate energy production What findings would indicate the need for immobilization when using a selective spinal immobilization protocol? - ANSpain or tenderness along the spine What indicates that a trauma patient is having trouble breathing? - ANSthe patient's breathing is noticeable What information gathered can best guide the decision to provide spinal immobilization? - ANSthe (patient's) history and complaints What is a golden principle of trauma care? - ANSprovide adequate pain relief What is a preventable cause of secondary brain injury? - ANSsystemic hypoxia What is an early sign of deterioration in a patient with a flail chest? - ANSrespiratory rate increase What is most likely the source of hemorrhage in a patient with unexplainable signs of shock? - ANSintra-abdominal injury What is the best method for confirming proper placement of an endo-tracheal tube in a trauma patient that has a palpable pulse? - ANScapnography What is the most common cause of airway obstruction in the unconscious trauma patient? - ANStongue What is the most common cause of death from trauma in patients over 75 years of age? - ANSfalls What is the most common type of shock resulting from trauma? - ANShemorrhagic What is the most important physical finding in a patient with a suspected traumatic brain injury (TBI)? - ANSabnormal levels of consciousness What organ is most sensitive to hypo-tension? - ANSbrain What patient should be treated first in a blast-related situation involving multiple patients? - ANSa 30- year-old female with altered level of consciousness and decreased capillary refill What sign of shock is not found during the primary survey? - ANSlow blood pressure measurement When approaching a trauma patient, what is the first assessment that must be made? - ANSscene safety When energy produced by cells occurs during the state of inadequate oxygenation, it is referred to as what condition? - ANSanaerobic metabolism When should the secondary survey be accomplished? - ANSwhen the time and situation allow (p.146) Which subset of patients compensate for blood loss the longest? - ANSpediatrics While caring for a patient who was involved in an altercation, he vomits and his airway is totally obstructed with vomitus and blood. What is the maximum amount of time that you can suction his airway? - ANSsuction until his airway is clear You respond for a patient who has sustained a GSW to the right upper thorax. He is barely responsive, pale, and diaphoretic. What device is most appropriate for transport? - ANSscoop stretcher You're called to treat a patient who was knocked unconscious when he slipped and fell on a wet floor striking his head. It is now several hours later and he is awake but confused, does not recall the incident, and is vomiting with a headache. What injury is he most likely to have suffered? - ANSconcussion