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Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 1 Exam
Typology: Exams
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1. This is a bundle of axons found in the peripheral **nervous system.
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True or false: Neu- rons do not physi- cally touch one an- other.
8. Describe the syn- thesis and stor- age of neurotrans- **mitters.
4 / True Neurons do not physically touch. They are separated by synapses. The neuron cell body manufactures neurotransmitters, which are stored in secretory vesicles at the end of axon terminals. A) From the central to the peripheral nervous system B) Correct Answer From the peripheral to the central nervous system C) Within the central nervous system D) Within the peripheral nervous system A) Correct Answer Before the synapse B) After the synapse C) Inside the synapse D) Only in the peripheral nervous system Location: Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Function: Regulation of environment of neuron cell bodies No; Only peripheral system axons are capable of re- generation. The spinal cord is in the central nervous system. Afterpolarization (Hyperpolarization) Potassium gates are slow to close and there is an undershoot of the potential. The charge drops below -70mV and then returns to -70mV once at resting state again.
charge of the mem- brane during this phase. 7
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14.At rest, a neuron plasma membrane is: 15.Which of the following is false concerning the sodium- potassi- um pump? 16.True or false: A sensory neuron is signaling the body of extreme pain. This means that the strength of the action potential is greater than usu- al. Explain your rea- soning. 17.Which of the fol- lowing statements is true concerning the neuromuscular junction?
6 / A) 0 mV B) +40 mV C) Correct! Polarized (around -70mV) D) Depolarized A) It maintains the resting phase of an axon. B) For every three sodium ions pumped out, two potas- sium ions are pumped in. C) It must remain in constant operation to maintain the resting state. D) Correct Answer The overall effect is a negative charge on the outside of the membrane. (False, the effect of the pump is a negative charge inside the membrane, positive on the outside.) False There is no variation in the strength of action potentials. (It is an all- or-nothing response). There is variation in the number and frequency of neurons firing. A)The NMJ terminates on neurons within the brain and spinal cord. B) Correct! The NMJ terminates on a muscle fiber. C) The NMJ terminates on a presynaptic motor neuron. D) The NMJ does not have a synapse.
How is a message sent from one neu- ron to another? 19.What neurotrans- mitter is found at the neuromuscular junctions? 20.True or False: Ac- tion potentials trav- el in multiple di- rections within the same neuron. 21.True or False: Re- flexes occur only with conscious in- tervention from the brain. 22.Fill in the blank: In a reflex, the neu- ron conducts nerve impulses along a pathway towards the central nervous system. 23.Where is the inte- gration center of a reflex located?
8 / There is a minute fluid-filled space, called a synapse, between the axon terminal of the sending neuron and the dendrite of the receiving neuron. When a nerve impulse reaches the end of an axon, neurotransmitters are released into the synapse. These bind with a re- ceptor on the next neuron, opening Na+ gates in the receiving dendrite which causes depolarization and the impulse is carried. acetylcholine False (only one direction in the same neuron) False afferent or sensory CNS (central nervous system) 24.24.
5 / 6 Which of the follow- ing statements is false about reflex- es? 25.What is true about the stretch reflex? 26.What is true about the flexor withdraw- al reflex? 27.Answer the follow- ing essay ques- tions: You touch a hot pan when cooking. List out the steps, in de- tail, of the nervous pathway of the re- flex that occurs. In- clude any sensory organs involved and the action of the re- flex.
6 / 6 A) Reflexes do not require higher levels of voluntary processing from the brain. B) Regulation of blood sugar by hormones is one ex- ample of a reflex. C) Some reflexes can be tested to determine injury. D) Correct Answer Pulling a hand away from a hot flame is not a reflex; it is entirely voluntary. A) Stretch reflexes help to increase the stretch on a muscle. B) The patellar reflex tests the stretch reflex of the patella. C) Correct! The muscle spindle detects stretch within the muscle. D) The effect of the motor signal is to relax a muscle. A. It does not involve interneurons. B. It involves excitatory interneurons. C. It involves inhibitory interneurons. D.The effect of the reflex is to create a co- contraction of two muscles E. A&D Correct! F. B&C
5 / 6 Answer the follow- ing essay ques- tions: Botulism is a dis- ease caused by a neurotoxin that in- terferes with the release of Acetyl- choline. Patients with this disease experience flaccid paralysis, or the in- ability to contract their muscles. Ex- plain why this would occur. The nervous system interacts with the muscular sys- tem at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine must be released from the presynaptic motor neuron into the synapse to bind onto the muscle fiber, eventually causing a muscle contraction. Without the release of acetylcholine, there will be no interaction between the nervous system and the muscular system and there- fore no muscle contraction.