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Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam, Exams of Biology

Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam

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Download Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity!

1. This layer of the meninges is tightly **at- tached to the brain.

  1. The fissure separates the right** **and left cerebral hemispheres.
  2. What is the purpose of the blood-brain** barrier? Describe its maintenance **from a cellular level.
  3. All the following are functions of the** hy- pothalamus except: Pia mater (menix) Median longitudinal The blood-brain barrier is a diffu- sion barrier which prevents most particles from entering the cen- tral nervous system tissue, keep- ing the brain and spinal cord sep- arate from general blood circu- lation. The blood-brain barrier is formed by the relatively imper- meable brain capillaries, due to the glial cells astrocytes. Main- tenance of the blood-brain- barri- er is important to provide a sta- ble chemical environment for the nervous system. A. Maintain homeostasis B. Controls the pituitary gland C. Links the nervous and en- docrine systems D.Correct! Relays sensory im- pulses to the cerebrum
  4. What is the largest portion of the brain? A. Cerebellum B. Correct! Cerebrum C. Corpus collosum

D.Cingulate gyrus

6. This region of the brain acts to coordi- nate multiple sources of sensory infor- mation. A. Primary sensory cortex B. Primary motor cortex C. Correct! Association area D.Precentral gyrus E. Postcentral gyrus

7. A patient is having difficulty understand- ing language but is still able to speak fluently. The patient's dermatomes are in- tact. Which area of **the brain is most like- ly damaged?

  1. Describe how memories are stored and** retrieved in the brain. Include a **specific brain region.
  2. Which statement is false concerning** the brainstem? 10.Which of the following is false concern- ing the cerebellum? 11.Alzheimer's disease impacts which re- gion(s) of the brain? A. Broca's area B. Correct! Wernicke's area C. Occipital lobe D.Parietal lobe E. Primary sensory cortex Memories are not stored in one specific area within the brain but instead are stored throughout the cerebral hemispheres. The hippocampus acts as a memory center to help with memory stor- age and retrieval. The involve- ment of the limbic system ex- plains why emotionally charged events result in our most vivid memories. A. Correct! The midbrain portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord. B.The pons helps to regulate breathing. C. The midbrain contains the su- perior and inferior colliculi. D.The medulla contains reflex centers to regulate vasoconstric- tion. A. The gray matter is external while the white mater is internal. B. Correct! The cerebellar pe- duncles are located posteriorly.

C. The anterior lobe receives in- formation from the body trunk. D.The vermis coordinates arm movements. A. Occipital lobe B. Frontal lobe

12.Which of the following is false concern- ing a CVA? 13.A patient is unable to extend his fourth and fifth digits when asked to open his hand. What is most likely the cause? 14.Label the following spinal cord regions in the diagram below: 1: 5: 6: 9: 11: 15.What cranial nerve is highlighted in blue (also indicated by the arrow) in the figure below? C. Parietal lobe D.Hippocampus E. Correct! All the above A. Correct! An ischemic stroke is also known as a "brain bleed". B. A TIA is a form of an ischemic stroke. C. Stroke survivors may regain some lost functions through ther- apy. D.A hemorrhagic stroke is due to a broken blood vessel. A. CVA in the frontal lobe B. Carpal tunnel syndrome C. Correct! Ulnar nerve damage C. Anterior spinal cord injury 1: Posterior (Dorsal) column 5: Anterior median fissure 6: Posterior (Dorsal) horn 9: Dorsal root 11: DRG (Dorsal Root ganglion) A. Optic B. Oculomotor C. Trochlear D.Correct! Abducens E. Spinal Accessory

16.What type of nerve is the cranial nerve below and what does it control? (High- lighted in blue, also indicated by the ar- row) 17.Which of the following is true about the trigeminal nerve? 18.Use the figure below to answer the fol- lowing questions. Answer by writing the letter (A-J) from the figure that corre- sponds with the correct cranial nerve. This cranial nerve receives information from the retina. This cranial nerve is responsible for the sensation of the digestive tract. A. Mixed: Sensation of digestive tract and Regulation of heart rate B. Motor: Tongue movement C. Sensory: Hearing/balance D.Correct! Mixed: Facial muscles and Taste A. The mandibular branch re- ceives sensory information from taste buds. B. The ophthalmic branch con- trols eye movements. C. Correct! The maxillary branch receives information from the up- per lip. D.The maxillary branch controls the muscles of mastication.

  1. B. (Optic)
  2. I. (Vagus)
  3. E. (Abducens)
  4. G. (Vestibulocochlear)
  5. J. (Hypoglossal

This cranial nerve controls movement of the eye laterally. This cranial nerve receives sensory in- formation for hearing. This cranial nerve is responsible for vol- untarily moving the tongue. 19.Label the nerves (A-C) in the figure be- low: A: B: C:


Radial B- Ulnar C- Median

  1. The lumbar plexus is from spinal nerves: A. Correct! T12-L B. L04- S C. C01-C D. L01-S 21.A patient is on a ventilator post a car ac- cident. What region of the spine is most likely damaged? 22.A patient damaged the radial nerve. What action is most likely limited? 23.A patient has decreased sensation over the posterior surface of the thigh. What nerve is most likely damaged? Femoral

A. L01-L

B. S01-S

C. T01-T

D. Correct! C03-C A. Elbow flexion B. Hip extension C. Wrist flexion D.Correct! Wrist extension A. Femoral B. Correct! Sciatic C. Saphenous D.Common fibular nerve 24.24.

Which of the following is true concerning the brachial plexus? 25.These contain the ganglia for the sympa- thetic nervous system that controls the effector organs in the trunk, head and limbs. 26.Which of the following is false concern- ing the parasympathetic nervous sys- tem? 27.A patient comes into the ER following an accident. She is scared and starting to hyperventilate. You talk with her in a A. Roots are located furthest from the spinal cord. B. Correct! There are anterior and posterior divisions. C. Divisions branch next into two cords: anterior and posterior. D.The posterior cord forms the median nerve. A. Correct!Sympathetic trunk ganglia B. Celiac ganglion C. Superiomesenteric ganglion D.Inferior mesenteric ganglion E. Ciliary ganglion A. Primarily contains cholinergic synapses. B. It is also called the cran- iosacral division. C. Correct! Acts to increase the heart rate. D.Promotes the digestion of foods. You are trying to increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system as it is also calm, reassuring manner as she receives sometimes called the "house- medical care. You are trying to increase the activity in which division of her ner- vous system? Explain your answer.

28.If someone sustains an injury to the area of the spinal cord, as shown below by the blue oval, would you be more likely to keeper system" because it pro- motes all the internal respons- es we associate with a relaxed state. The parasympathetic sys- tem also acts to slow the heart rate. You would be more likely to see decreased sensation because sensory neurons enter the spinal cord posteriorly.

see paralysis or decreased sensation? Explain your answer. 29.One of your patients sustained a hem- orrhagic CVA. You notice they have rigid movements when moving their arms. They also have difficulty forming a plan The basal ganglia is responsible for executing a motor plan and to slow and control fine movements (creating the rigid movements). to move their body. What area of the brain Apraxia, or impaired motor plan- is most likely impacted? Explain your reasoning. ning. Apraxia results in rigid movements and difficulty execut- ing a motor plan.