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Download PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 Labelthefollowingfivemuscles: Question1 10/10pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 B: C: E: G: J: YourAnswer: B.temporalis C.orbicularisoculi E.zygomaticusmajor G.buccinator J.depressorlabiiinferioris B:Temporalis C:Orbicularisoculi E:Zygomaticusmaj orG: Buccinator J:Depressorlabiiinferioris Question2 10/10pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 YourAnswer: A. pisiform B. hamate C. capitate PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 D. trapezoid E. trapezium A: PisiformB: HamateC: CapitateD: Trapezoid E:Trapeziu m A patient has a diagnosis of osteoporosis. (1) In your own words, describe thisdiagnosisand(2)Whattypeofbonecellwouldtheybelacking?Explainyouran swer. YourAnswer: Osteoporosisisabonediseaseinwhichbonetissuedegenerateswhichcauseswe akbones. This can lead to fractures. They would be lacking osteoblasts which would bedecreasedandwould inhibit bonerepair. (1) Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease. When bone tissue degenerates fasterthanisreplaced,thebonesbecomeweak.Brittlebonescauseincreas edpainandare morelikelyto fracture. Question4 5/5pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 (2) Theywouldhavedecreasedosteoblastswhichareresponsibleforboner epair.The bone repair would be unable to keep up with the ongoing breakdown of bonewhichisdonebytheworkof osteoblasts. Lookcarefullyatthediagrambelow.Labelthefollowing5organsofthedigestives ystem. Toreceivecreditfortheintestinesyoumustlabelthespecificreg ion.3: 4: 7: 9: 10: Question5 10/10pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ C. Extensionofdigit1 D. Extensionofdigits2-5 E. A&C F. B&D Labelthefollowingfiveitemsfromthediagram: Question7 10/10pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ LabelB- LabelD- LabelE- LabelF- LabelG- PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ YourAnswer: B- oralcavityD -epiglottis E-Glottis F-trachea G-esophagus Label B- Oral CavityLabel D- EpiglottisLabel E- GlottisLabel F- TracheaLabelG- Esophagus Fromwidesttonarrowest,thebranchesofthebronchialtreeare: Question8 2/2pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ food. Chief cells secrete pepsinogen. HCLconvertsinactivepepsinogentoactive pepsin. Theparietalcells(locatedinthewallofthestomachbody)secretehydrochl oricacid, generating a pH of 1.3-3.5. This very acidic pH kills many of the bacteriaingested along with food. In addition, the low pH stops the activity of salivaryamylase. The secretion of hydrochloric acid is essential in the activation ofpepsin. Chiefcells:secretepepsinogen.Pepsinogen(apre- enzyme)issecretedbythechiefcellsinthestomach.Hydrochloricacidcon vertstheinactivepepsinogen(secreted by the chief cells) into the active enzyme pepsin which begins thebreakdownofproteins. nametheirlocation Wouldyouexpectamaletohaveestrogenintheirbloodstream?Explainwhyorw hynot. YourAnswer: Question12 5/5pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ Yes,bothmalesandfemaleshaveallofthesexhormones.Adrenalglandisresponsi blefor fortheoppositesexeshormones. (1) Yes.Bothmaleandfemalebodiesproduce“all”thesexhormones.How ever,the ratiosaredifferent. (2) Theadrenalglandsarelargelyresponsibleforproducingthis“opp osite”hormone thatthetestiswould not. Inyourownwords,discussTay- Sachsdisease.Whatorganellewithinthecellisimpacted?Whatare the symptomsofthe disease andwhydo theyoccur? YourAnswer: Tay- Sachsdiseaseimpactsthelysosomeofthecell.Thisleadstoatoxicbuildupoftoxi nsinthebrain.Thiscanleadtodisability anddeath. (1) Lysosomes (2) buildupoftoxiclipidsinsidethecell(biomacromolecules) (3) disabilityanddeath InthegeneticdiseaseknownasTay- Question13 5/5pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ Sachs,oneofthenormallypresentdigestiveenzymes inside lysosomes is lacking. Thus, a toxic lipid in the brain cells cannotbe broken down. The resulting buildup of lipids in these cells can causeintellectualdisabilityand death. You are observing two cells under the microscope. They are the same type ofeukaryoticcellbutoneappearsmuchlarger.Basedonappearancealone,whic honewould you expect to be carrying out respiration at a more active rate, the larger orsmallercell?Explainwhy. YourAnswer: Thesmaller cellwouldcarryoutrespirationatamoreactiverate.This isbecause oftheincreasedsurfaceareacomparedtolargercells. The smaller cell. Cells need to remain relatively small because as a cell expandsthe amount of surface area relative to the volume of the cell decreases. Thesmallercellismoreactivebecauserelativetoitsvolume,itssurfacearea Question14 5/5pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ 8: PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ YourAnswer: 1.frontal 3.maxilla 5.vomer 7. maxilla 8. mandible 1:Frontalbone/frontalsinu ses3:Maxilla PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ 5:Vomer 7:Maxilla 8:Mandible Listthehormone(s)thatbestdescribesthestatementbelow: Ilowerthelevelofcalciuminthebloodbydepositingcalciumintobone.Y ourAnswer: calcitonin Calcitonin Question18 2.5/2.5 pts PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ YourAnswer: Sebaceousgland-producesoilinwhich topreventhairandskinfrom dryingout. Sebaceousgland(oilgland)producesoil(sebum)toprotectthe skinandhairfromdrying PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ Matchthe cellwithitssinglebestdescription,usingeachdescriptiononlyonce. Keratinocytes Fibroblasts Melanocytes Langerhanscells Question22 10/10pts Producesaproteintoprotecttheskin Producescollagen Producesapigmentthat absorbsUVrays PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ PORTAGE LEARNING BIOD 151 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ALL 100% CORRECT LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+ OtherIncorrectMatchOptions: • Detectspain • Detectslighttouch . A- Identifythesensorycellreceptorhighlightedinblue,below,alsoindicatedbythea rrow. B-Whatsensoryinformationisdetectedbythistypeofreceptor? Assistsinimmuneresponses Question23 5/5pts