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Portage Learning BIOD 171 Microbiology Lecture Exam VERIFIED Key 1-6. 2023-2024 .pdf, Exams of Chemistry

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Women’s iGynecologic iHealth, iThird iEdition

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Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. Which iof ithe ifollowing ibest idefines ithe iterm i“gender” ias iused iin ithis itext? a. A iperson’s isex b. A iperson’s isex ias idefined iby isociety c. A isocietal iresponse ito ia iperson’s iself-representation ias ia iman ior iwoman d. A iperson’s ibiological ipresentation ias idefined iby ihimself ior iherself
  2. Which ifactor ibears imost ion iwomen’s ihealth icare itoday? a. The icomplexity iof iwomen’s ihealth b. Women’s istatus iand iposition iin isociety c. Population igrowth d. The ieconomy
  3. Why iis iacknowledging ithe ioppression iof iwomen imore idifficult iwithin iWestern isocieties? a. The imultiplicity iof iminority igroups icomplicates ithe iissue. b. The iavailability iof ihealth icare imakes iacknowledgment imore idifficult. c. The idiversity iof ithe inews imedia iclouds ithe iissue. d. Affluence iand iincreased iopportunities imask ioppression.
  4. Which iof ithe ifollowing imost iaccurately idefines i“oppression” ias iused iin ithe itext? a. Not ihaving ia ichoice b. Not ihaving ia ivoice c. An iact iof ityranny d. A ifeeling iof ibeing iburdened
  5. In iwhat iway idoes ia imodel iof icare ibased ion ia ifeminist iperspective icontrast isharply iwithia ibiomedical imodel? a. It iprovides ia iforum ifor ithe iexploration iof igender iissues. b. It iseeks iequal idistribution iof ipower iwithin ithe ihealthcare iinteraction. c. It iemphasizes iwomen’s irights. d. It iopens inew iavenues ifor iwomen’s ihealth icare.
  6. Gender iis irooted iin and ishaped iby. a. society, ibiology b. self-representation, isocietal iexpectations c. biology, ienvironment iand iexperience

d. biology, ihormones

  1. Women’s ihealth irisks, itreatments, iand iapproaches iare inot ialways ibased iin iscience iand ibiology ibecause i i a. they iare ioften ibased ion ioutdated itreatments iand iapproaches. b. they iare idetermined iby isocial iexpectations iand igender iassumptions. c. they ioften irely ion ialternative itreatments iand iapproaches. d. scientific iresearch ioften ifails ito itake iwomen iinto iconsideration.
  2. Reproductive irights iwere iadded ito ithe iWorld iHealth iOrganization’s ihuman irights iframework iin ithe ilast? a. 5 iyears b. 10 iyears c. 20 iyears d. 40 iyears
  3. “Safe iMotherhood” iwas iadded ito ithe ihuman irights iframework iin iorder ito i i i a. address imaternal imorbidity iand imortality ion ia iglobal ilevel b. meet ia ilegal iobligation c. correct ian iinjustice d. correct ian ioversight
  4. What iis ia ichief ifailing iof ithe ibiomedical imodel iin iregards ito iwomen’s ihealth icare? a. Its ireliance ion istudies icomprised iexclusively iof imales b. Its iconsideration iof iwomen ias icentral ithe imodel c. Its iemphasis ion iscience iand imedicine d. Its ilimited idefinition iof i“health” ias i“the iabsence iof idisease”
  5. The isocial imodel iof ihealth iplaces ithe ifocus iof ihealth ion i i a. the icommunity. b. the iindividual. c. environmental iconditions. d. scientific iresearch.
  6. Which iquestion ibelow isupports ithe istrategy: i“Identify iwomen’s iagency iin ithe imidst iof isocial iconstraint iand ithe ibiomedical iparadigm.”? a. “Are i‘all iwomen’ ithe isame?” b. “Why ido iyou icare iabout ithe iissue?” c. “Are iwomen ireally ivictims ior iare ithey iacting iwith iagency?” d. “Who ihas ia ichoice iwithin ithe icontext iof ihealth?”
  7. What ihad ibeen ia isignificant iproblem iin imedical iresearch iwell iinto ithe i1990s? a. The ifocus ion irandomized iclinical itrials iover iepidemiological iinvestigations b. The ilack iof irepresentation iof iwomen iin iresearch itrials c. The ilack iof iresearch irelated ito igynecology d. The ifocus ion irandomized iclinical itrials iover iobservational iresearch
  1. Gender idifferences iin iheart idisease ican ibe ifound iin i i a. diagnosis. b. treatment. c. identification iof isymptoms. d. all iof ithe iabove.
  2. What iopportunities iare icreated iby iapplying ifeminist istrategies ito igynecologic ihealth? a. Better iinsight iinto iresearch imethods irelated ito igynecology b. Better iaccess ito ithe ipopulations iaffected iby igynecologic ihealth c. Better iunderstandings ifrom ia iwellness-oriented, iwomen-centered iframework d. Better iunderstandings iof ithe isocial iconstruction iof igender



  1. c
  2. b
  3. d
  4. a
  5. b
  6. c
  7. b
  8. c
  9. a
  10. d
  11. a
  12. c
  13. b
  14. d
  15. c



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. How idoes iErick iErikson’s igrand itheory iof ihuman idevelopment idiffer ifor ifemales? a. It irecognizes iachieving iautonomy ias ia iprimary ifocus. b. It iassumes ionly imen idesire iautonomy. c. It iassumes ifemale idependence ion ianother iin iorder ito iachieve ia isense iof iself. d. It iassumes ifemales idesire idependence ion iothers.
  2. What iis itrue iabout ihuman idevelopment itheories ipublished ibefore ithe i1970s? a. They iare ibased ion iinterviews iconducted ionly iwith imen. b. They iassume iandrocentric imodels ican ibe iapplied icorrectly ito iwomen. c. They iframe iwomen’s idevelopment ias iflawed iin icomparison ito ithe istandard. d. All iof ithe iabove.
  3. What iis ithe iintention iof ithe inewer ifeminist imodels iof idevelopment? a. To ioffer ia inew imodel iwithin ithe itraditional ibiomedical ifocus. b. To ioffer ialternatives ito ithe iconstrained iand ipreviously imisapplied imodels. c. To ireplace imale igeneralist imodels iwith ifemale igeneralist imodels. d. To ipresent ia icontrast ito iprivileged, iwhite imale-based imodels.
  4. What iis ia ikey ilimitation iof iprevailing idevelopmental imodels ifor iwomen? a. Gender idifferences iassumed ito ibe ibiologically idetermined iare imore ioften isocially iconstructed. b. They ipresent iconflicting iand imisapplied imodels. c. Gender idifferences iare iassumed ito ibe isocially iprescribed. d. Similarities ibetween imale iand ifemale iare iemphasized iover idifferences.
  5. What ievent iin ifemale idevelopment imarks ithe ibeginning iof ia itension ibetween ibiologic ichanges iand ithe isocial icontext? a. Turning i 18 iyears iold b. The ionset iof imenses c. The iaccumulation iof iadipose itissue iwith ithe ionset iof ipuberty d. Pregnancy
  6. How imany istages idoes ithe iTanner iscale iuse ito istage isexual imaturity? a. 3 istages b. 5 istages c. 6 istages d. 8 istages
  7. What iis ithe imedian iage ifor ithe ionset iof imenstruation ifor iadolescent igirls iin ithe iUnited iStates?

a. i9. b. i10. c. i12. d. i13.

  1. What ifactor ilimits ian iindividual’s iability ito ifunction iproductively ias ian iadult? a. Failure ito itake iinto iaccount isocial iand icultural inorms b. The iinability ito imove ithrough ithe iworld iwith icredibility iand irespect c. Poverty d. Failure ito inegotiate ithe idevelopmental itasks iof iadolescence isuccessfully
  2. The itype iof ithinking ithat iinfluences ithe irisk-taking ibehaviors iof iadolescence a. involves ithe iuse iof isymbols, iadvanced ireasoning iand iexpanded ipossibilities. b. works iproactively ito iachieve iautonomy. c. encourages iexperimentation iand iforesight. d. is irooted iin ithe iimmediate iand iconcrete.
  3. What inarrow iterm iis ioften iused ito irefer ito ithe iperiod iof iEarly iAdulthood? a. Productive iyears b. Reproductive iyears c. Young iAdulthood d. Adolescence
  4. Why ihave iwomen’s ichanging iroles icome iat ia icost ito itheir ihealth? a. Increases iin icaregiving iexpectations icompromise ihealth b. Balancing icompeting idemands iincreases istress c. Less iattention iis ibeing iplaced ion ihealth icare d. Men’s iroles ihave inot ichanged iin irelation ito ithe ichange iin iwomen’s iroles
  5. How ido iFranz iand iWhite i(1985) iexpand iErikson’s itheory iof idevelopment? a. Byiproposing ia itwo-pathway iprocess ithat iincludes iboth iindividuation iand icapacity ifor iattachment b. Byirefining iErikson’s isingle ipathway ito iinclude icapacity ifor iattachment c. By iexpanding iissues iaround icareer iand ilifestyle d. Byiexpanding iissues iaround iidentity
  6. What ifactors iaffect ithe imood ichanges imany iwomen iin imidlife isuffer? a. Deficiencies iof iestrogen b. Psychological itransitions c. Cultural ibeliefs iand iexpectations d. All iof ithe iabove
  7. What iis ithe iprimary ireason imany iolder iwomen ilive iin ipoverty iand ihave ihealth iproblems? a. They ioutnumber iolder imen.

b. They ihave ioutlived itheir isupport isystems. c. Their icognitive iabilities idecline. d. They imust icontend iwith iageism iand isexism.



  1. c
  2. d
  3. b
  4. a
  5. c
  6. b
  7. c
  8. d
  9. a
  10. b
  11. b
  12. a
  13. d
  14. b



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. According ito iWuest i(1994), ithe imajor igoal iof ifeminist iresearch iis i i a. to ichange ithe idesign iand ievaluation iof iresearch. b. to iliberate iwomen ifrom isocietal iexpectations. c. to iemancipate ithe iworld ifrom isystemic ibias ibased ion igender iand iclass. d. to iexpand inotions iof igender ibeyond istereotypes.
  2. What iconcern iprompted ithe iinitiation iof ithe imodern iEBP imovement iin ihealth icare? a. That iclinicians ioften ifailed ito ievaluate ithe ieffectiveness iof itheir iown icare b. That iexpert iopinion iwas ivalued iover iscientific ievidence c. That iscientific ievidence iwas ivalued iover iexpert iopinion d. That ipatients iwere idemanding imore ievidence ito isupport icare idecisions
  3. Quine’s i(1952) iconcept iof ia iweb iof iinterconnecting ibeliefs iand iknowledge isupports a. the iinferiority iof iquantitative iresearch. b. a imultiple-method iapproach ito iexamining iphenomena. c. the isuperiority iof iqualitative iresearch. d. the idifficulties iof iestablishing ibest ipractices.
  4. Why iare imultiple iapproaches ineeded ito iidentify ibest iclinical ipractices? a. To ireflect ithe imultiple ivariables iwithin iclinical isettings b. To ioffer ialternatives ito ipoorly ifunctioning ipractices c. To iaddress ithe icomplexity iof ithe ihuman icondition d. To iensure ithat ino isingle iapproach idominates
  5. What iis ithe ithird ipart iof ithe iclinical idecision-making itriad ithat iincludes iclinical iexperience iand ipatient ipreference? a. An iinvestigation iof itreatment ipathways b. A iconsultation iwith iclinical imanagement c. An ievaluation iof icurrent iclinical iresearch d. Establishing iresearch imethodology
  6. How imany iclassifications iare iused iby ithe iU.S. iPreventative iService iTask iForce ito igauge ithe istrength iof irecommendations ifor iusing iresearch ievidence iin iclinical ipractice? a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8
  1. What iare ithe icorresponding iclinical iterms i for iType iI iand iType iII ierrors iin iquantitative iresearch? a. “false ipositive” iand i“false inegative” b. “negativity” iand i“positivity” c. “bias iI” iand i“bias iII” d. “evidence iflaw” iand i“process iflaw”
  2. What ikey ifactor ishapes ithe imethodology iof iqualitative iresearch? a. A iperson’s iview iof ithe iworld b. The iability ito iestablish icontrol iover ivariables c. The iability ito iestablish icause iand ieffect d. A iwell-conducted imeta-analysis
  3. What iis ia idifference ibetween iquantitative iand iqualitative iresearch? a. One ifollows istrict iprotocols iwhile ithe iother idoes inot. b. One i deduces i the ireason iwhy isomething ihappens iand ithe iother i induces i why iit ihappens. c. One iplaces igreater iemphasizes ion ithe iexpansion iof iknowledge. d. All iof ithe iabove.
  4. What ifield iof istudy iinforms iqualitative iresearch? a. Anthropology b. Ecological ipsychology c. Sociolinguistics d. All iof ithe iabove
  5. Which iresearch iquestion imost iclosely iexemplifies ia iqualitative iapproach? a. Why ido isome iwomen iexperience ipostpartum idepression? b. How idoes iphysical iexercise iaffect imenopause? c. How idoes iKegel iexercise iaffect ia iwoman’s iperinatal ioutcomes? d. Does ia ispecific imethod iof icontraception icause iweight igain?
  6. What iis ia irecognized ilimitation iof iEBP? a. Emphasis ion ithe iroutinization iof ipractice b. Over-reliance ion iRCT-derived iresults c. The ichallenge iof istaying iabreast iof icurrent iresearch d. All iof ithe iabove
  7. What iis ithe ipurpose iof ithe iStetler i(2001) imodel iof iresearch iutilization? a. To iweigh ithe irisks iand ibenefits iof iEBP b. To isupply imethods ifor icritiquing ievidence c. To iencourage ia isynthesis iof iall iresearch imethods d. To ihelp imove ibest ievidence iinto ithe iclinical ipractice isetting
  8. One icommon ibarrier ito iusing iEBP iin iclinical isettings i is ithe ilack iof iconfidence iin icritiquing iresearch istudies. iThe isecond iis i i

a. the ilack iof itime ito ifind istudies. b. the ilack iof iwilling icolleagues. c. the ilack iof isupport ifrom imanagement. d. the ilack iof iprotocol iin iusing iEBP.

  1. What iis ithe isingle imost iimportant iaction ia iclinician ican itake ito iadvance iEBP iin ithe iclinical isetting? a. Employ iquantitative iresearch imethods b. Employ iqualitative iresearch imethods c. Question ieverything d. Consult iwith imanagement



  1. c
  2. a
  3. b
  4. c
  5. c
  6. b
  7. a
  8. a
  9. b
  10. d
  11. a
  12. d
  13. d
  14. a
  15. c



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. What iis ithe iannual imedical iexpenditure inationwide, iapproximately, idue ito ismoking iand ibeing ioverweight? a. $60 ibillion b. $100 ibillion c. $160 ibillion d. $260 ibillion
  2. What iapproach idoes iHealth iPeople i 2020 iuse ito iachieve iits igoals iand iobjectives? a. Social ideterminants iof ihealth b. Evidence-based ideterminants iof ihealth c. Quality-of-life ideterminants iof ihealth d. Longevity ipromotion ideterminants iof ihealth
  3. What ipercentage iof ithe ination’s igross idomestic iproduct iwas ispent ion ihealth icare iin i2005? a. 0.6 ipercent b. 6 ipercent c. 16 ipercent d. 26 ipercent
  4. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ia inew ifocus iarea iadded ifor iHealthy iPeople i2020? a. Lesbian, igay, ibisexual iand itransgender ihealth b. Maternal, iinfant iand ichild ihealth c. Nutrition iand iweight istatus d. Family iplanning
  5. Why imust idefinitions iof ihealth iand iprevention ibe iclarified? a. To iprovide iclinicians iwith ia istandard ipoint iof iview b. To ishift ifrom ian iillness-centered ifocus itoward iwellness c. To iestablish iclarity iand iprotocol d. To istreamline ihealth icounseling iand ieducation
  6. According ito ithe iWorld iHealth iOrganization i(WHO), ithe ipresence iof ia idisease istate a. necessitates iprompt imedical iattention. b. excludes ia iperson ifrom ibeing iconsidered ihealthy. c. does inot iexclude ia iperson ifrom ibeing iconsidered ihealthy. d. classifies ia iperson ias iin ipoor ihealth.
  1. Which iapproach ito ihealth ipromotion icomes iclosest ito ithat iadvocated iby ithe itext? a. Is idetermined iprimarily iby ithe iclinician b. Pays iclose iattention ito icost ieffectiveness c. Focuses ion ithe iabsence iof idisease d. Considers ithe ipatient iand ihis ior iher icultural iperceptions
  2. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis iconsidered iprimary iprevention? a. Targeted iimmunization b. Serves ithat ilimit ian iexisting idisability c. Routine ilaboratory iscreening d. Rehabilitation
  3. What iratio iof iambulatory ivisits imost iclosely irepresents ithose idue ito ichronic ior iacute iproblems iversus ipreventative icare? a. i2/ b. i1/ c. i3/ d. i5/
  4. What iarea iof iinjury iprevention iis ia ifocus iof ithe iUSPSTF’s iguidelines ifor icounseling all i healthy, iasymptomatic iwomen? a. motor ivehicle iaccidents b. falls c. domestic iviolence d. All iof ithe iabove
  5. What iis ithe iUSPSTF irecommendation iregarding ifirearms? a. Removed ifrom ihomes iwith ichildren iunder ithe iage iof iten b. Stored iin ilocked icompartments c. Removed ifrom ihome ior istored, iunloaded, iin ilocked icompartments d. Removed ifrom iprivate ihomes
  6. Which itype iof icounseling iresults iin ia istatistically isignificant ireduction iin iSTIs? a. Abstinence-only ieducation b. Counseling idelivered iin imultiple iindividual ior igroup isessions itotaling imore ithan i 3 ihours c. Remote icounseling ivia iInternet ior iphone d. Brief, iindividual isessions iin ithe iprimary icare isetting
  7. What iis ithe ileading ipreventable icause iof ideath iacross iall ipopulations iin ithe iU.S.? a. Motor ivehicle iaccidents b. Tobacco c. Obesity d. Alcoholism
  1. What ipercentage iof iolder iwomen idoes iNOT ireceive ithe irecommended iimmunizations ifor itheir iage igroup, iaccording ito ia irecent istudy? a. 10 ipercent b. 25 ipercent c. 50 ipercent d. 75 ipercent



  1. c
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. b
  6. c
  7. d
  8. a
  9. c
  10. a
  11. c
  12. b
  13. b
  14. c



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. A imajor icontributor ito ipelvic istability iis i i a. the icoccyx. b. the ipubis. c. the iilium iand iits iligaments. d. the isacrum.
  2. The isheet imade iup iof idense ifibrous itissue ithat ispans ithe iopening iof ithe ianterior ipelvic ioutlet iis/are ithe i i a. sphinter imuscles. b. deep iperineal ispace. c. perineal imembrane. d. distal ivagina.
  3. How imany idifferent ifiber isections isubdivide ithe ilevator iani imuscular isheet? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
  4. What iis ithe ifunction iof ithe iBartholin’s igland? a. To ihelp iprevent iinfection iof ithe iintroitus b. To isecrete ilubricating imucus iinto ithe iintroitus iduring isexual iexcitement c. To iassist iin ikeeping ithe ivaginal iintroitus iclosed d. To isecrete iestrogen iand iregulate iits ilevels
  5. Which iarteries isupply iblood ito ithe iclitoris? a. Arcuate iarteries b. Dorsal iand iclitoral icavernosal iarteries c. Two iovarian iarteries d. Coiled iarteries
  6. What iis ithe iapproximate inumber iof iovarian ifollicles iat ithe iinitiation iof ipuberty? ia. i100, b. i200, c. i400, d. i600,
  7. The ifour isegments iof ia ifallopian itube iare ithe ipars iinterstitialis, ithe iisthus, ithe iampulla, iand ithe i i a. infundibulum.

b. medulla. c. hilum. d. myometrium.

  1. What icauses ithe iepithelium ito ithicken, idifferentiate, iand iaccumulate iglycogen? a. Progesterone b. Pudendal inerve c. Estrogen d. Vagus inerves
  2. About ihow imany iopenings iare iin ithe inipple? a. 1 ito i 5 b. 5 ito i 10 c. i 10 i- i 15 d. i 15 i- i 20
  3. What iis ione iof ithe imost ifrequent ireasons iwomen ivisit itheir iclinician? a. Changes iin imenstruation b. Family iplanning c. Pregnancy d. Prevention iand iwellness
  4. What iis ithe iobjective iof ithe iendometrial icycle? a. To iemulate ithe iactivities iof ithe iovaries b. To iproduce ian iovum c. To ireach ithe imenstruation iphase d. To iprepare ia isite ito inourish iand imaintain ithe iovum
  5. Ovulation iis idependent ion ian iincreased ilevel iof i_ i a. enzyme iactivity. b. progesterone. c. prostaglandins. d. estrogen iand ithe iLH isurge.
  6. What iinitiates icontractions iof ithe iuterine imuscle ileading ito imenstruation? a. Lysosomal ienzymes b. Vascular ithrombosis c. Rupture iof ithe ibasal iarterioles d. Prostaglandins
  7. Why idoes ithe icervical imucus ibecome ithick, iviscous iand iopaque iafter iovulation? a. To imake ian ihospitable ienvironment ifor ithe isperm b. To ipromote istromal ivascularization c. To irelax ithe imyometrial ifibers ithat isupply ithe icervix d. To ireduce ithe irisk iof iascending iinfection iat ithe itime iof iimplantation



  1. c
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. b
  6. c
  7. a
  8. c
  9. d
  10. a
  11. d
  12. d
  13. d
  14. d



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. What idoes ithe iGreek iterm i“gyne” imean ifrom iwhich i“gynecology” iis iderived? a. Speculum b. Gender c. Woman i— imore ias iqueen d. To ireproduce
  2. What iis ithe iprimary ipurpose iof itaking ia ihealth ihistory? a. To ilearn iabout ia iwoman’s ihealth iconcerns b. To iestablish ia irelationship iwith ia iwoman iwhile ilearning iabout iher ihealth c. To iidentify iany iunresolved/latent ihealth iissues d. To iensure ithat ia iwoman’s ihealth icare irecords iare iup ito idate
  3. Which iskills iare ivalued iin ia iclinician itaking ia ihealth ihistory? a. Respectful iattention b. Empathy c. Trust-building d. All iof ithe iabove
  4. What ishould ibe ithe iclinician’s ifirst iobjective iafter ilearning ithe ichief ireason ithe iwoman idesires icare? a. To igive ithe ireason ior iproblem ia istructural iand ichronological iframework b. To iprobe ifor iany iadditional iconcerns imissed c. To itake ia ifamily ihistory irelated ito ithe ipresenting iconcern d. To igain iinsight iinto ithe iwoman’s icultural iand isocial iinfluences
  5. Which iof ithe ifollowing ishould iNOT ibe ia ipart iof itaking ia ihealth ihistory? a. Taking ia ifamily ihealth ihistory b. Seeking iinformation ion istressors ior ipersonal iproblems c. Asking iabout iexercise iand isleep ipatterns d. Counseling ifor itobacco-use icessation
  6. In ithe iGTPAL isystem ifor irecording ipregnancy ihistory, ithe i“T” istands ifor: i i a. Term ibirths. b. Terminal ipregnancies. c. Total inumber iof ipregnancies. d. Type iof ibirth i(spontaneous, iassisted, ior icesarean).
  7. In ia icomplete iphysical iexamination iin ithe iambulatory igynecology isetting, iit iis icustomary ito i i a. evaluate imajor iorgan isystems ibriefly iand icarefully, ibut inot iexhaustively.

b. ask ithe iwoman iwhich iphysical iexamination imaneuvers ishould ibe iperformed. c. evaluate imajor iorgan isystems ithoroughly. d. palpate ithe iprecordium.

  1. How ishould ithe iorder iof iexamination iproceed? a. Head ito itoe b. Toe ito ihead c. By imajor iorgan isystem d. By iconcern ipresented
  2. Where imay isupernumerary ioccur? a. Anywhere ifrom ithe ineck ito ithe iankle iunilaterally b. Anywhere ion ithe itorso c. Anywhere ialong ia ivertical iline ifrom ithe iaxilla ito ithe iinner ithigh d. Anywhere ion ithe ibreast itissue, iincluding ithe itall iof iSpence
  3. Where iin ithe ibreast ido imost imalignancies idevelop? a. Upper iinner iquadrant b. Upper iouter iquadrant c. Lower iouter iquadrant d. Lower iinner iquadrant
  4. Which itype iof ispeculum iis ibest iused ito iexamine inulliparous iwomen? a. Small iGraves b. Pederson c. Large iGraves d. Pediatric
  5. What iis ithe ipreferred imaneuver iorder iof ithe ipelvic iexamination? a. Bimanual, iexternal iinspection iand ipalpation, ispeculum b. External iinspection iand ipalpation, ibimanual, ispeculum c. External iinspection iand ipalpation, ispeculum, ibimanual d. Speculum, ibimanual, iexternal iinspection iand ipalpation
  6. Under iwhat iconditions iis ia irectovaginal iexamination imost iuseful? a. Under iall iconditions b. If iscreening ifor icolorectal icancer iis iindicated c. If ithe iuterus iis ianteverted ior ianteflexed d. If ithe iuterus iis iretroflexed ior iretroverted
  7. A iclinician ishould ipresent ia itherapeutic iplan ito ithe ipatient ibased ion a. the iindividual iwoman’s idesire ifor iinformation iand ithe idegree iof iseverity iof ithe finding. b. consultation iwith ianother ihealth iprofessional. c. the iexamining iclinician’s ifindings iand iassessments.

d. the iindividual iwoman’s icultural isensitivities iand ilevel iof ieducation.



  1. c
  2. b
  3. d
  4. a
  5. d
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. c
  10. b
  11. b
  12. c
  13. d
  14. a



Select ithe ione icorrect ianswer ito ieach iof ithe ifollowing iquestions.

  1. What idoes ia iservice igrade iof iD irepresent iin ithe iU.S. iPreventive iServices iTask iForce i(USPSTF) irecommendations? a. Service icarries iinsufficient ievidence ito irecommend iit b. Service iis ifound ito ibe ibeneficial c. Service iis ifound ito ibe ieither iof ino ibenefit ior ipotentially iharmful d. Service ishould inot ibe iroutinely iprovided
  2. Which istatement ibest idefines i“risk ifactor”? a. Any ifactor iwhich iincreases ithe ineed ifor imedical iattention b. Any ibehavior iwhich iplaces ian iindividual iat irisk ifor iillness c. The iprobability ithat ian iindividual iwill idevelop ia imedical icondition d. An iattribute ior iexposure iassociated icausally iwith ian iincreased iprobability iof ia idisease ior iinjury
  3. The iUSPSTF iassigns ia icertainty ilevel ito iassess ithe inet ibenefit iof ia ipreventive iservice ibased ion i i a. the inature iof ithe ioverall ievidence iavailable. b. the icost-effectiveness iof ia iservice. c. known ihealth ioutcomes. d. select istudies iin ia ilimited iprimary icare ipopulation.
  4. What iscreening irecommendation iis isimilar iacross iall igroups ifor icolorectal icancer? a. Screening iwomen iage i 76 ito i 85 ibased ion irisk ifactors b. Screening ionly ifor ithose iwomen iat iincreased irisk c. Screening ifor iall iwomen istarting iat iage i 50 d. Against iroutine iscreening iin iadults iage i 76 iand iover
  5. What iis ithe iscreening irecommendation iby ithe iAmerican iCollege iof iObstetricians iand iGynecologists ifor iintimate ipartner iviolence i(IPV)? a. Routinely iask iall iwomen idirect, ispecific iquestions iabout iabuse. iRefer ito icommunity-based iservices iwhen iidentified. b. Insufficient ievidence ito irecommend ifor ior iagainst iroutine iscreening. c. No iscreening irecommendation. d. Remain ialert ifor isigns iof ifamily iviolence iat ievery ipatient iencounter.
  6. Alcohol iconsumption iis iconsidered ihazardous ifor ia iwoman iwho ihas i i a. either i 5 ior imore idrinks iin ione iweek ior i 3 iper ioccasion. b. either i 7 ior imore idrinks iin ione iweek ior i 3 iper ioccasion. c. either i 9 ior imore idrinks iin ione iweek ior i 4 iper ioccasion. d. either i 10 ior imore idrinks iin ione iweek ior i 5 iper ioccasion.