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Portage Learning NURS 231 Pathophysiology latest 2025 updated & verified Module 5 Exam/ 10, Exams of Pathophysiology

Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 6 minutes 91 out of 100 Score for this quiz: 91 out of 100 This attempt took 6 minutes. True/False: Question 1 2.5 / 2.5 ptsou Answered The rate of perfusion must exceed the rate of ventilation in order to ensure adequate oxygenation of the blood. True Correct! False True/False: Hypoventilation is associated with decreased PCO2. True Question 2 0 / 2.5 ptsCORRECT False chemoreceptors Your Answer: chemoreceptors The breathing rate is determined by input from that monitor oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels in the blood. Question 3 2.5 / 2.5 pts Question 4 2.5 / 2.5 ptsLung is the term used to describe the ease or difficulty with which the lungs can be inflated. Your Answer: compliance compliance True/False: During expiration, air moves out of the lungs as the chest muscles relax and the chest cavity becomes smaller.

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Available from 10/30/2024

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Download Portage Learning NURS 231 Pathophysiology latest 2025 updated & verified Module 5 Exam/ 10 and more Exams Pathophysiology in PDF only on Docsity! Portage Learning NURS 231 Pathophysiology latest 2025 updated & verified Module 5 Exam/ 100% success Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 6 minutes 91 out of 100 Score for this quiz: 91 out of 100 This attempt took 6 minutes. True/False: 2.5 / 2.5 pts Question 1 ou Answered The rate of perfusion must exceed the rate of ventilation in order to ensure adequate oxygenation of the blood. True Correct! False True/False: Hypoventilation is associated with decreased PCO2. True 0 / 2.5 pts Question 2 Correct! True False Correct! False True COPD is reversible airway bronchoconstriction. True/False: 2.5 / 2.5 pts Question 6 Question 7 2.5 / 2.5 pts True/False: The accessory muscles are the main muscles of inspiration. True Correct! False diaphragm True/False: Excess surface tension makes lung inflation harder. 2.5 / 2.5 pts Question 8 Correct! True False Pulmonary surfactant Your Answer: pulmonary surfactants lowers the surface tension and makes lung inflation easier. Fill in the blank: 5 / 5 pts Question 9 Multiple Choice: Histologically, chronic bronchitis would exhibit each of the following except: Correct! Enlargement of the airspaces Increase in goblet cells Fibrosis of the bronchiolar wall Hypertrophy of the submucosal glands CORRECT Airways are hyperreactive ou Answered Alveolar walls are destroyed Question 13 2.5 / 2.5 pts Correct! Presents with decreased respiratory rate Question 14 2.5 / 2.5 pts Multiple Choice: Each of the following are TRUE of ARDS except: Chest x-ray shows a “white-out” Decreased surfactant function Increased capillary permeability 10 / 10 pts Question 15 Short answer: A 10-year-old boy who is having an acute asthma attack is brought to the ER. He is observed to be sitting up and struggling to breathe. His breathing is accompanied by use of accessory muscles, a weak cough, and audible wheezing sounds. His pulse is rapid and weak, and both heart and breath sounds are distant on auscultation. His parents relate that his asthma began to worsen after he developed a “cold,” and now he doesn’t get relief from his albuterol inhaler. Explain the changes in physiologic function underlying his signs and symptoms. Your Answer: Swelling of the bronchial walls, mucus secretion, constriction of the airway. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness to stimuli causes the airway to constrict or narrow. Question 17 6 / 10 pts Short answer: Explain why the oxygen flow rate for people with COPD is normally titrated to maintain the arterial PO2 between 60 and 65 mm Hg. Your Answer: Their medullary respiratory center is used to the Co Level causing there to be no reaction when there is an increase to the PCO levels. Their medullary respiratory center has adapted to the elevated CO2 levels and no longer responds to increases in PCO2. Therefore, a decrease in PO2 becomes the stimulus for respiration. If oxygen is given at too high of a rate, it suppresses the stimulus and the respiratory drive. Thus, a decrease in PO2 becomes the stimulus for breathing Short answer: 1.) Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen is decreased by . Name one factor: 10 / 10 pts Question 18 2.) Blood that moves from the right to the left side of circulation without being oxygenated is referred to as a . Your Answer: body temperature shunt 1.) Any of the following - decreased pH (acidosis), increased CO2 concentration, fever 2.) shunt Fill in the blank 5 / 5 pts Question 19 Multiple Choice: Each of the following are helpful treatments for COPD patients except: Oxygen therapy Bronchodilators Correct! Anticoagulants Pneumococcal vaccination Inhaled corticosteroids Leukotriene modifiers Question 22 5 / 5 pts Influenza vaccination