Download Research Administration at University of Florida: Pre-Award Overview and more Slides Law in PDF only on Docsity! Overview of Research Administration Pre Award How Are We Organized? Office of the Vice President for Research
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(Upslated 08/22/01
Division of Sponsored Research The Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) was established in 1962 by an act of the Florida Legislature. Purpose: To manage and stimulate the University’s research program. Florida Statute: 1004.22
Office of Research
Division of Sponsored Research
Assistant Directors of Research
Anthe Hoffman, COM Clinical Trials
Brian Miller, Grinter Hall
‘ice President for Research
Director of Research
and Compliance
Tom Walsh
Senior Secretanes
‘Chnstina Moore
Helene Proulx
Associate Director of Research
Brian Pandle
Propozal Processing
& Pre Award
Research Administration
Team Lead
Vera Teel
Research isgeEe
Grants Specialist e
Rosita Chen Administrators Sadia
Debbie Thizp: Dee Dee Carver
Sr. Clerk
fie nak Joyce Jackson Sic Fehecea
Elaine Parker Cherly Stephen:
Secretary Deva eae ane Tnaacs
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Sas ser Kare Wetherington Relicy Exaky
OPS Student Stacey Sandrey Jamie Hams
‘Natereis Principe
Michele Romano
Sr. Clerk
Teresa Jones
OPS Clerk
Anna Fortes
Sobha Jaishankar, Funding Information Judy Harris, Proposal Processing Dee Dee Teel, Award Administration Division of Sponsored Research PROGRAM INFORMATION FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES 2 Senior Information Specialists Assigned Specific Area of Interest Disseminate Information to Colleges, Depts, and Individual PIs Personalize Funding Searches Publish “FYI” Online Telecommunigator Proposal Processing
We need to meet the Deadline! Things Proposal Processing look at: Agency Forms Budget / IDC Correct Cost Sharing Federal Conflict of Interest Disclosure (NSF, NIH) Subcontractor Documentation Jazzi Gator Submit Proposal Processing And PreAward Services NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE MANY TYPES OF GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS Research Agreements & Clinical Trials Confidentiality Agreements Consortium & Teaming Agreements Contracts & Subcontracts Purchase Orders (Incoming) AWARD ADMINISTRATION ASSISTS with many POST AWARD BUSINESS FUNCTIONS •Pre Award Costs •Assigning Budget Control Levels (KK Levels 3 vs. 5) •Rebudgeting •Prior Approval for Award Changes •Subprojects (internal) •Subcontracts, Subawards, Subrecipients (external) •Overexpenditures •Cost Transfers •Expense Advances When Working in Remote Locations •Program Income •Purchasing •Travel (GSA Rates or Rates set by Sponsor) •No Cost Extensions AWARD ADMINISTRATION ASSISTS with Many POST AWARD BUSINESS FUNCTIONS AWARD ADMINISTRATION ASSISTS WITH ALL POST AWARD BUSINESS FUNCTIONS- Continued •Equipment ($5,000 or more) •Records Management (3 years from Final Invoice) •Change of Principal Investigator •Absence of the Principal Investigator •Change of Grantee Institution •Closing Out a Project (90 and 30 day early warning message) Faculty (PI) Department Chairs Center Directors Deans Dept & College Administrators Research Offices Other University Business Units RESEARCH TEAM Vincent Van Go Gator Summary of Sponsored Research Activity – FY11 $619M Awards 7,252 Active Projects 1012 Different Sponsors 4,887 Proposals Submitted 1,750 Faculty Receiving Awards Darth Gator FY 11 Sponsored Research Awards By SPONSOR TYPE (in millions) $ 416 Federal 67% $ 61 State/Local 10% $ 77 Foundations 13% $ 44 Industry 7% $ 20 Other 3% Gainesville Gator Research Awards HSC ($323 M) $ 268 Medicine $ 18 Public Health $ 14 Dentistry $ 11 Pharmacy $ 9 Vet Med $ 1 Nursing $ 2 PHHP/Medicine Integrated Pgms Top Institutions in Licensing Income, FY 2004 (Source: AUTM) Institution Licensing income U.S. Patent Applications Filed U.S. Patents Issued 1. New York University $109,023,125 110 23 2. California system $74,275,000 965 270 3. U. of Wisconsin at Madison $47,689,165 217 93 4. Stanford University $47,272,397 277 87 5. University of Minnesota $45,550,764 153 38 6. University of Florida $37,402,284 301 53 Popular Pre Award Topics • Proposal Budgets • Cost Sharing • Cost Accounting Standards • Electronic Proposal Submissions • INDIRECT COSTS
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Indirect Costs Not Easily Allocated or Identifiable to a Specific Project Include the Appropriate Rate in Budgets - Federal / Non-Federal UF does not waive indirect costs Recovered IDC is returned to PI, Dept, Center and College COST SHARING Cost Sharing represents that portion of project costs not paid for by the sponsor OMB Clarification Memo dated 1/5/2001 UF Cost Share Policy dated 11/6/2002 - Mandatory -Voluntary Committed -Voluntary Un-committed