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Presentations LETRS Units 5 - 8 Pre & Post Latest complete solution, Exams of Nursing

Presentations LETRS Units 5 - 8 Pre & Post Latest complete solution Presentations LETRS Units 5 - 8 Pre & Post Latest complete solution Presentations LETRS Units 5 - 8 Pre & Post Latest complete solution

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Download Presentations LETRS Units 5 - 8 Pre & Post Latest complete solution and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 1. Once students decode well, which statement describes the relationship between vocabu- lary and reading comprehension? 2. In teaching the word invisible, the teacher broke it into the parts in - vis - ible and talked about the meanings of the parts. Which as- pect of language was emphasized? 3. The Hart and Risley study (1995) identified a "30- million-word" gap. This gap refers to: 4. Which of the following is least likely to narrow the vocabulary gap between lan- guage-rich and language-poor students? 5. To introduce a Tier 2 vocabulary word explic- itly and systematically before reading, which of these strategies would be the least effec- tive? 6. Students must learn the meanings of sev- eral thousand new words every year if they are going to meet grade-level expectations for vocabulary growth. About how many of those word meanings should teachers aim to teach explicitly and thoroughly per week? 7. When a student is an accurate but slow read- er, which of the following practices is most effective? 8. In what way should the vocabulary instruc- tion of English Learners (ELs) be distin- guished from the vocabulary instruction ofnative English speakers? 2 Vocabulary is the best single predictor of reading compre-hension. morphology the difference in the numberof words heard by preschoolchildren raised in high- and low- language family environ-ments. watching children's televi-sion programs asking students to write the word 10 times until they canspell it 10-12 Focus instruction on founda-tional reading skills that ad- dress multiple aspects of lan-guage. They may need to learn the meanings of the Tier 1 wordsin a passage. 5 19. Which kind of text structure organization is suggested by the topic sentence, "Here are some easy steps for making pancakes"? 20. Which of the following would be a good example to use while teaching students to identify compound sentences? 21. Which criterion best describes a high-quali- ty text for use in read-alouds or comprehen- sion instruction? 22. When students are still learning foundation- al reading skills, the recommended division of instructional time between word work and language comprehension is: 23. The research consensus on the teaching of comprehension strategies during reading instruction indicates that: 24. During a teacher-mediated reading of a sto- ry such as The Three Little Pigs, which of these questions is most likely to facilitate construction of a mental model of the texts meanings? having students draw arrows between pronouns and their referents process (time sequence) The rain came but the team played on. It is worth rereading for new meanings. about 30-40 minutes on word work during a 90-minute reading lesson. - after 1-2 lessons, strategies easily generalize to students' independent reading. - strategy instruction is more effective in grades 4 and up than in grades 1-3. (Not sure on this one, but it's between these two) "What have we learned so far about the third pig?" 6 25. retelling or summarizing the text, either orally or in writing. 7 One of the most important follow-up activi- ties to deepen student understanding of and memory for the content of a specific text is: 26. Students with comprehension weakness- es benefit from teachers actively mediating comprehension because these students: 27. Which one of the following is not a key dif- ference between narrative and informational text? 28. Dialect differences characterize students in typically make fewer, low- er-quality inferences on their own. its appropriateness for class- room libraries in all grades explicitly contrasting "home many regions of the United States. Research language" with "school lan- supports handling these language differ- ences by: 29. The most practical way for teachers to as- sess student progress in writing is to use: 30. If an English Learner (EL) is confused about the meaning of a reading passage, a teacher might be more successful conveying the meaning by: 31. During the editing phase of writing, a per- sonal editing/proofreading checklist should contain: 32. Which of these techniques is least helpful for encouraging comprehension monitoring (e.g., students noticing and reacting when the text does not make sense to them)? 33. Of the topic sentences below, which one would be most appropriate for writing an opinion? 34. About how many American students demon- strate "proficient" or "advanced" writing guage" in frequent, brief lessons. all of the above. supplementing the language in the text with pictures, ac- tions, and objects. a few specific reminders of skills the student has learned and practiced. waiting until a reading is completed and then asking students to summarize