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Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services for Military Vehicles, Exams of Advanced Education

Detailed information and guidance on the proper operation and maintenance of military vehicles, including the responsibilities of the vehicle operator, the purpose and use of technical manuals (tms), the definition and importance of preventative maintenance checks and services (pmcs), the differences between the da form 5988-e and da form 2404, the significance of warning signs, the proper procedures for operating and maintaining various vehicle components, and the importance of following safety protocols. A wide range of topics related to the care and upkeep of military vehicles, making it a valuable resource for vehicle operators, mechanics, and anyone involved in the maintenance and operation of these vehicles.

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Available from 10/15/2024

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Download Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services for Military Vehicles and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! 88M Study Guide latest updated PMCS iistands iifor... ii- iiAnswers ii-Preventative iiMaintenance iiChecks iiand iiServices Who iiis iiresponsible iifor iithe iivehicle iiand iiit's iiload ii(if iiapplicable) ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiVehicle iiOperator TM iistands iifor ii- iiAnswers ii-Technical iiManual PMCS iiDefinition ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiSystematic iiCare iiAnd iiInspection iiOf iiAll iiArmy iiVehicles iiAnd iiEquipment What iiis iia iiTM ii(Technical iiManual) iiPurpose? ii- iiAnswers ii-Provide iispecific iiinformation iiand iiguidance iion iithe iiproper iioperation iiand iimaintenance iion iia iisingle iisystem iior iiseries iiof iivehicles TM-9-2320-345-10-1 What iiDoes iiThe ii9 iiStand iiFor ii- iiAnswers ii-Identifies iiThe iiOrdnance iiMaterial TM-9-2320-345-10-1 What iiDoes iiThe ii2320 iiStand iiFor ii- iiAnswers ii-Identifies iiThe iiClassification ii# TM-9-2320-345-10-1 What iiDoes iiThe ii345 iiStand iiFor ii- iiAnswers ii-Identifies iiThe iiSeries ii# TM-9-2320-345-10-1 What iiDoes iiThe ii10 iiStand iiFor ii- iiAnswers ii-Echelon iiLevel iiOf iiMaintenance What iiAre iiThe ii5 iiLevels iiOf iiMaintenance ii? ii- iiAnswers ii-10 ii- iiOperator 20 ii- iiMechanic 30 ii- ii 40 ii- ii 50 ii- TM-9-2320-345-10-1 What iiDoes iiThe ii1 iiStand iiFor ii- iiAnswers ii-Volume iiNumber iiOf iiThe iiManual A iiWarning iiSignifies ii- iiAnswers ii-Death iior iiSerious iiInjury ii(PEOPLE) A iiCaution iiSignifies ii- iiAnswers ii-Damage iito iiEquipment ii(EQUIPMENT) A iiNote iiSignifies ii- iiAnswers ii-Important iior iiHelpful iiInformation ii(INFORMATION) What iiare iithe ii5 iiintervals iiof iiPMCS ii- iiAnswers ii-Before ii(B) ii- ii(Before iiMission) iiMake iiSure iiTo iiProperly iiPMCS iithe iivehicle iiwith iia iiTM iiand iia ii5988-E iior iia iiDA ii2404 During ii(D) ii- ii(During iiMission) iiWhile iiyour iidriving iicheck iifor iiunusual iinoises iior iiunusual iidriving iivibrations iior iilights iithat iiappear iinot iito iiwork After ii(A) ii- ii*MOST iiIMPORTANT* iiAfter iiEvery iiMission ii(Most iiImportant iiBc iiit iimakes iisure iithe iivehicle iiis iiprepared iiand iiready iifor iithe iinext iimission) Weekly ii(W) ii- iiEvery ii7 iiDays Monthly ii(M) ii- iiEvery ii30 iiDays What iiare iithe iitwo iiform iiyou iiuse iifor iiPMCS ii- iiAnswers ii-DA iiForm ii5988-E ii& iiDA ii2404 What iiis iithe iidifference iibetween iithe iiDA iiForm ii5988-E iiand iithe iiDA iiForm ii2404? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiDA iiForm ii5988-E iiis iia iiElectronic iiVersion ii& iiThe iiDA iiForm ii2404 iiis iia iimanual iiversion iiof iithe iiform. What iiis iithe iisame iibetween iithe iiDA iiForm ii5988-E iiand iithe iiDA iiForm ii2404? ii- iiAnswers ii-They iiare iiboth iirunning iiforms ii(meaning iiif iiyou iihave iispace iion iiit iiyou iican iiuse iiit iiover iiand iiover iias iilong iias iiyou iihave iispace) When iiyou iiare iiwriting iimore iithan iione iifault iiduring iiPMCS iiwhat iishould iiyou iido? ii- iiAnswers ii-Skip iia iiline iito iiallow iiroom iifor iithe iimechanic iito iimake iihis iicomments iior iiadjustments Why iido iiyou iiskip iia iiline iion iithe ii5988-E iior ii2404? ii- iiAnswers ii-To iiallow iimaintenance iito iiwrite iiin iicomments iior iirepairs During iiPMCS iihow iido iiyou iiknow iia iifault iior iideficiency iideadlines iithe iivehicle ii- iiAnswers ii-The iifault iior iideficiency iiwill iibe iiin iithe iiright iiColum iiof iithe iiTM iipage When iiusing iia iiTM iimake iisure iiit iicorresponds iito iithe ii___________ iivehicle iiyou iiare iiperforming iiPMCS iion ii- iiAnswers ii-(SAME) How iimany iiclass iileaks iiare iithere? ii- iiAnswers ii-Three ii(Class iiI,II,III) What iidoes iia iiClass iiI iileak iimean? ii- iiAnswers ii-Seepage iiof iifluid iior ii(Wetness iior iiDiscoloration) What iidoes iia iiClass iiII iileak iimean? ii- iiAnswers ii-Formed iiDrops iiBut iiNot iiDropping What iidoes iia iiClass iiIII iileak iimean? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiDrops iiAre iiFalling You iimay iioperate iia iivehicle iiwith iia iiClass iiI ii& iiII iiexcept ii- iiAnswers ii-A iiFuel iiLeak What iicolor iilights iiup iithe iiair iifilter iirestriction iiindicator iiwhen iithe iiair iifilter iibecomes iiclogged? ii- iiAnswers ii-Red The iiover iispeed iiindicator iiilluminates iiRED iiwhen iiengine iispeed iiexceeds ii____ iiRPM's. ii- iiAnswers ii-2450 Which iione iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiconcerning iithe iiM1120A4 iiengine iibrake? ii- iiAnswers ii-Operates iibest iiwhen iiengine iispeed iiis iibetween ii1,650 iiand ii2,100 iiRPM's What iicolor iiand iisize iiflag iiis iiplaced iion iia iiload iiextending iimore iithan ii4 iifeet iibeyond iithe iiend iiof iia iivehicle iibed? ii- iiAnswers ii-Red, ii12 iiby ii12 What iitype iiof iiditch iiwould iiyou iimaneuver iithrough iiat iian iioblique iiangle? ii- iiAnswers ii- Shallow Which iiof iithe iifollowing iisignifies iia iipotential iihazard iithat iicould iicause iideath iior iiserious iiinjury iito iia iiperson? ii- iiAnswers ii-Warning Which iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iipertaining iito iibacking iia iisemi-trailer iiis iifalse? ii- iiAnswers ii-Shift iiyour iieyes iito iithe iifront iias iisoon iias iiyou iiare iiready iito iistop What iiaction iimust iian iioperator iitake iiif iithe iiM915A5 iitransmission iigauge iigoes iiinto iithe iiyellow iiband? ii- iiAnswers ii-Stop iiand iiinvestigate iithe iicause It iiis iipermissible ii(allowed) iito iiuse iithe iiengine iibrake iiwhen iithe iivehicle iiis iion ii______ iisurfaces. ii- iiAnswers ii-dry What iicolor iiis iithe iiM915 iiparking iibrake iicontrol? ii- iiAnswers ii-Yellow During iibacking iiprocedures, iiwhat iiis iithe iicorrect iiway iito iidetermine iiif iiyour iitrailer iiis iidrifting iito iithe iiright? ii- iiAnswers ii-Use iiyour iimirrors What iiis iithe iifirst iistep iiin iiperforming iiPreventive iiMaintenance iiChecks iiand iiService ii(PMCS)? ii- iiAnswers ii-360 iiWalk iiAround You iiare iiassigned iito iia iiunit iitransporting iiwheeled iiand iitrack iivehicles; iihow iioften iimust iiyou iiinspect iithe iichains iiand iiload iibinders? ii- iiAnswers ii-Monthly Once iian iiM915 iitractor iiand iiM872 iisemitrailer iiis iicoupled, iian iioperator iishould iicheck iithe ii5th iiwheel iiconnection iiby ii______. ii- iiAnswers ii-pulling iithe iitractor iiahead iigently iiwith iithe iitrailer iibrakes iilocked Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iicorrect iisequence iifor iiuncoupling iia iitractor-trailer iicombination? ii- iiAnswers ii-Block iitrailer iiwheels, iilower iilanding iigear, iidisconnect iiIV iicables, iipull iisecondary iilock iirelease iihandle, iipull iiprimary iilock iirelease iihandle, iiand iipull iiforward The iicharge iiair iicooler, iiintakes iiair, iiallowing iiit iito iicool iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii- iiAnswers ii-Engine iiinlet iiair iitemperature, iitransmission iioil iiand iihydraulic iisystem iifluid Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iitype iiof iiinitiating iisystem iifor iian iiIED? ii- iiAnswers ii- Common iiWire Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iisafest iiway iito iirelease iithe iihandle iion iia iiload iibinder? ii- iiAnswers ii-Use iia iisteel iibar iiand iipry iiunder iithe iihandle How iimany iihours iido iiyou iihave iito iiMedevac iian iiinjured iiperson iilisted iias iipriority? ii- iiAnswers ii-4 What iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iithe iiM915 iiprimary ii(A) iiair iipressure iigauge? ii- iiAnswers ii- Register iiair iipressure iiin iithe iirear iibrake iisystem iionly What iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iithe iislave iihydraulics iion iithe iiM1120A4? ii- iiAnswers ii- Hydraulically iipowers iithe iiLHS iiof iianother iiM1120 iiLHS iivehicle The iiLHS iiis iicapable iiof iiloading/unloading iithe iiFlatrack iito ii____ iiinches iibelow iiground iilevel. ii- iiAnswers ii-12 It iiis iipermissible ii(allowed) iito iiuse iithe iiengine iibrake iiwhen iithe iivehicle iiis iion ii______ iisurfaces ii- iiAnswers ii-Dry You iishould iiNOT ii___________________ iiwhen iidriving iion iisand. ii- iiAnswers ii-make iisharp iiturns What iiaction iishould iian iioperator iitake iiif iithe iiengine iicoolant iitemperature iigauge iireads iiover ii219 iidegrees iiFahrenheit? ii- iiAnswers ii-Idle iiengine iiuntil iitemperature iicools What iidoes iithe iiacronym iiCWS iistand iifor? ii- iiAnswers ii-Collision iiWarning iiSystem Which iiengine iibrake iiswitch iiposition iiprovides iiMAXIMUM iiengine iibraking? ii- iiAnswers ii-High What iiis iithe iiprocess iifor iiresetting iithe iiair iicleaner iirestriction iiindicator iigauge iion iithe iiM915? ii- iiAnswers ii-Service iithe iiair iicleaner, iithen iipush iithe iiyellow iireset iibutton When iiis iia iicommander's iiauthorization iirequired iion iia iiDA iiForm ii5987? ii- iiAnswers ii- Prior iito iioff-post iitravel On iithe iiM915, iiwhat iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iithe iiPrimary ii(A) iiAir iiPressure iiGauge? ii- iiAnswers ii-Register iiair iipressure iiin iithe iirear iibrake iisystem iionly The iiDD iiForm ii518 iiis iicalled ii___________________. ii- iiAnswers ii-Accident iiIdentification iiCard What iiis iithe iifirst iitask iivehicle iiof iieach iicolumn iiin iithe iiorder iiof iimarch iicalled? ii- iiAnswers ii-Head During iioperation, iithe iiair iipressure iirange iifor iian iiM915 iiis ii____ iito ii____ iipsi. ii- iiAnswers ii-90, ii120 The iiautomatic iiparking iibrake iicontrol iiapplies iithe iiparking iibrakes iiwhen iiair iipressure iidrops iibelow ii___ iipsi ii- iiAnswers ii-30