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Private Security Midterm Exam: Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A series of questions and answers related to a private security midterm exam. It covers topics such as use of force, negligent hiring, miranda warnings, searches and seizures, property and premises crimes, proactive and reactive policing, business losses, residential locations, broken windows theory, human and physical disorder, neighborhood watch, business improvement districts, private residences, public housing developments, hospitals and healthcare facilities, laboratories, government buildings and facilities, education facilities, museums, libraries, and archives, cemeteries, houses of worship, and transportation facilities. The document offers a basic overview of these topics, but lacks in-depth analysis and critical thinking.

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Private Security Midterm Exam With

100% Correct And Verified Answers 2024

use of force - Correct Answer-private security employees are bound by these "citizen use of force" statutes when detaining people. negligent hiring - Correct Answer-a business can be held liable for negligent hiring if it knew of any unfit or dangerous employees being hired Miranda Warnings - Correct Answer-when a security officer is also a off-duty police officer, he or she must advise any person in custody of his or her constitutional rights prior to any interrrogation Searches and Seizures - Correct Answer-private security officers do not need a warrant courtroom testimonies - Correct Answer-must have good demeanor and appearance for court, have to prepare and get re-acclaimated with information Chapter 5 Property and Premises Crimes - Correct Answer- 2007 FBI Uniform Crime Report - Correct Answer-over 10 million property crime offenses reported to police throughout U.S. -2 million burglaries serious property crimes are committed every? - Correct Answer-3.2 seconds Proactive Policing - Correct Answer-police patrolling routinely in residential and commercial areas looking for suspicious persons and other indications that may suggest that a crime may be in progress. reactive policing - Correct Answer-police responding to calls of crimes in progress Business Losses - Correct Answer-bankruptcies, business failures, increased insurance premiums, loss of profit. Residential Locations - Correct Answer-Disorder in neighborhoods creates fear. certain neighbors send out signals that encourage or attract crime. broken windows theory - Correct Answer-broken windows in a community leads to disorder. shows that community doesn't care Human and Physical Disorder - Correct Answer-Wesley G Skogan- he surveyed numerous neighborhoods and identified two major categories of disorder that affect quality of life in the community

Human disorder - Correct Answer-prostitution, selling and abuse of drugs, street corner gangs, street harassment, noisy neighbors Physical Disorder - Correct Answer-vandalism, dilapidation and abandonment, rubbish. Criminals are attracted to these neighborhoods because of perceived vulnerabilities and a lack of police presence. neighborhood watch and citizen patrol - Correct Answer-help community policing Business Improvement district - Correct Answer-involves the combined efforts of the business community and the private security industry with the cooperation of police. They are private organizations that oversee critical services for businesses in a defined geographical area or district. Private Residences - Correct Answer-60% of household burglaries occur during daytime hours when houses are most often onoccupied 87% of burglars were male, 63% were under 25. - Correct Answer- in apartments and condominiums, security is often a serious concern - Correct Answer- crime is also a significant issue at building sites for private residences Public Housing Developments - Correct Answer-numerous security problems, high density population. extreme crimes of violence like murder, rape, felonious assault, and robbery. High property crimes like burglary, vandalism, and theft. makes it impossible for tenants and their children to live a normal life Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities - Correct Answer-protection and safety of patients and employees, order maintenance, and the prevention of thefts, fraud, and internal employee theft are all major security problems Hospitals cont. - Correct Answer-increase in aggressive patients due to substance abuse and psychiatric problems. more assaults on E.R. staff visitor control: unauthorized persons gaining access. hospitals have alarms, access controls, electronic video surveillance - Correct Answer- hospitals and healthcare facilities generally use what kind of security? - Correct Answer- both proprietary and contract security Special attention is given to areas with what? - Correct Answer-where medications are stored. missing drugs are investigated.

3 measures to help decrease loss and thefts of drugs at hospitals or healthcare facilities: - Correct Answer-1. internal reporting and monitoring

  1. investigations
  2. employee education At night, all main entrances and exits are locked and alarmed: all employees and visitors must use the main entrance - Correct Answer- Laboratories - Correct Answer-in response to recent terrorism incidents, substantial enhancement of existing regulations and creation of new regulations governing laboratory security to prevent such incidents have surfaced how they prevent the unintentional infliction or injury for lab workers, and how they prevent contamination to the outside environment? - Correct Answer-The center of disease control has emphasized "bio safety guidelines" biologic, chemical, and radioactive materials can be used as terrorism agents Public Health Security and Bio-terrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 - Correct Answer-intruders could easily break into two U.S. specific laboratories, classified as Bio-Safety level 4 facilties, where some of the world's deadliest germs and toxins are held use security cameras, intrusion detection alarms, and a visible armed guard at the entrance - Correct Answer-In a San Antonio Texas laboratory Government Buildings and Facilities - Correct Answer-since 9/11, the Federal Protectice Service of the Department of Homeland Security has guarded Federal buildings. over 1 million visitors and tenants pass through bollards - Correct Answer-are heavy concrete barriers that are intended to prevent vehicles from ramming into the buildings or parking right in front of them Federal Buildings are operated & managed by the General Services Administration - Correct Answer- private contract security guards are being used at military installations to? - Correct Answer-free up soldiers from doing garrison support to do what they are trained to do. 4100 soldiers who were deployed over seas were replaced by 4,385 private security guards Education facilties: college, k -12, libraries, museums, archives - Correct Answer- Colleges - Correct Answer-campus security guards engage in investigation of serious crimes, enforcement of parking regulations, alarm monitoring, building lock up, medical center, stadiums, nuclear facility security, personal safety escorts

Drexel University - Correct Answer-more than 60% of all university buildings, including residence halls and computer labs, are protected by a card access system. A comprehensive Public safety program includes? - Correct Answer-target patrols, strong access controls, electronic video surveillance, call boxes, photo- I.D. scans for access, and annual testing of evacuation plans Federal Clery Act - Correct Answer-mandates that colleges and Universities that receive federal funding must report crime data to inform the public about crimes on campus how many fatal shootings on college campuses since 1990? - Correct Answer-13 fatal shootings, 8 were graduate students Secondary and Elementary Schools - Correct Answer-security departments focus on order maintenance, student safety, access control, crime controls and prevention, and vandalism. Contract security guards are mostly employed to public schools 2008 Harrold Texas voted in favor of? - Correct Answer-teachers carrying concealed weapons Camera Surveillance has increased in high schools - Correct Answer-this has helped reduce crime schools have become easy targets for theft, especially after school hours - Correct Answer-laptops, t.v.s, supplies Museums, Libraries, and Archives - Correct Answer-protections of valuables, access control, perimeter protection, vandalism, order maintenance, and crowd control, lighting cameras. generally use proprietary security depts. make extensive use of them at entrances and in exhibits. these places have valuables, art, artifacts, books, manuscripts, other treasures - Correct Answer-INTERPOL estimates that the dollar figure of stolen art is only exceeded by drug trafficking, money laundering, and arms dealing. FBI uses a dedicated Art Crime Team to combat art crime. - Correct Answer-This team is made up of 13 special agents to investigate reported crimes of stolen artifacts. The national stolen art file most heists occur after hours (nighttime) - Correct Answer-often, stolen art is quickly returned. some art thieves are low level criminals, likely to bungle the operation. other are members of organized gangs who use stolen art as bartering chips in underworld drug deals or forged documents

Private firms like... - Correct Answer-Art Recovery Unlimited help track down stolen art work What type of security enforcement do libraries, museums, and archives have? - Correct Answer-they use electronic markings on books and other valuables that trigger sensors at exits. have mandatory staff training, developing a workplace and security plan, and installing security devices designed to deter and prevent thefts and vandalism. Cemeteries, houses of worship - Correct Answer-churches, synagogues, temples, mosques are all targets for burglaries, vandalism, arson, theft, Etc. many houses of worship have ancient scrolls, documents, and valuable artifacts. desecration of grave sights - Correct Answer-perimeter protection, security, increased lighting, installation of a caretaker house, and partnerships with dog walkers. Transportation facilties - Correct Answer-airports, bus and train stations, subways, ports, cargo depots, trucks, parking lots and garages all require new and improved security measures since 9/11. security screenings or checkpoints - Correct Answer-check points set up in 1973 at all nation's airports to screen all travelers External security - Correct Answer-arsonists, like burglars fear light. Motion activated lighting, reduced shrubbery, fencing, and secured ladders, external stairways and fire escapes internal scurity - Correct Answer-deadlock bolts, window locks, wrought iron protection, burglar/fire alarms. community awareness and cooperation to spot unusual activities. residential construction sites across the country have suffered an increase in crime - Correct Answer-annual cost of theft is $5 billion. The soaring cost of building materials like copper, wiring, piping, siding, lumber, shingles, bags of cement and insulation- most common stolen materials Private Residences factors that burglars consider for targets include: - Correct Answer-familiarity, convenience, occupancy, accessibility, and potential rewards. 87 % of burglars are males, 63% are under the age of 25. Recommendation to prevent burglaries: CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) - Correct Answer-this includes the visibility of the house to the street. alarm systems, security surveys, private security and self-protection methods.

Transportation Facilities and Airports - Correct Answer-ASIS offers several professional training courses in transportation security issues. 1 billion passengers fly each year. major threats are terrorism, skyjacking, air cargo thefts, access control, property and facility protection, crowd control and order maintenance. Problems at airports before 9-11 - Correct Answer-missed weapons, buying one way tickets, piggy backers gaining unauthorized access, failure to follow access control procedures, loop holes in background checks, unlocked and unattended airplanes. After 9-11 - Correct Answer-The TSA was established to protect the nation's transportation systems

  1. Access Control
  2. Profiling
  3. Explosion detection, more searches and seizures Bus and Train Stations - Correct Answer-since 9/11, the New York Port Authority has spent more than $200 million on security at the city's bus terminal The Federal Railway Administration and the DHS have taken steps to focus on security vulnerabilties - Correct Answer- Ports, Cargo Depots and Trucks - Correct Answer-95% of all international commerce enters the U.S. through its 360 public and private ports. Loss estimates range from $15- 30 billion annually in U.S. The U.S. coast guard plays an integral role in providing a secure environment for mariners and ports. Bio-metric fingerprinting for employees from TSA. Business Security - Correct Answer- Retail Stores - Correct Answer-"point of sales retail businesses." large supermarkets, grocery stores, drug stores, dept. stores, furniture, clothing stores. Enormous amount of "white collar crime"- computer crime, bad checks, credit card crimes, theft, internal theft, loss prevention - Correct Answer-they are targets of crime from both inside (employee theft) and outside the business (shoplifting) Convenience Stores - Correct Answer-cash is main objective of robber. Two types of stores: those with few or no robberies where crime prevention efforts are unlikely to influence future robbers; and a fewer number of stores with several robberies where prevention efforts may be more productive. nacs - Correct Answer-cash control, visibility: cashiers in the front of stores,, eliminating escpape routes, and employee traning

Retail Security Measures - Correct Answer-proprietary and Contract Security is employed to perform and control loss prevention, safety, and internal auditing. Plainclothes and uniformed detectives employed to observe shoppers extra precautions to protect high theft items - Correct Answer-which include leather, perfume, cosmetics, tools, liquor, cigarettes, and baby formula Retail/Point of Sale Security - Correct Answer-train employees not to talk to, plead, argue, or resist robbers. studies show that they are 40 times more likely to be killed than those who cooperated. do not allow customers to leave until police arrived. install panic buttons. keep cashier visible to the street. optimize signage that says cash register only carries certain amount of money CPTED - Correct Answer-Use physical features to limit access and escpape routes; and improve lighting in work areas, building exteriors, parking lots and other areas. helps minimize opportunities for retail theft CPTED - Correct Answer-using and designing the space on the inside and outside buildings, entrances, exits. Fences and hedges can make a robber's escape route more difficult. Trim trees and bushes. Shopping Centers and Malls - Correct Answer-gangs and loitering youth are linked to shopping malls. People are most vulnerable in large parking lots near malls - Correct Answer- abductions, robberies, car-jackings, purse-snatchers, strong arm robberies shoppers are often distracted, fumbling for keys and thinking about what they're going to do next - Correct Answer-lighting, security cameras, and roving security patrols can help deter parking lot crimes. ground lighting, cut tall shrubs and trees, etc. shopping mall concerns for security: vandalism, loss prevention, order maintenance, crowd control, etc - Correct Answer-all security concerns for shopping malls. Many malls hire contract security firms to patrol parking lots and outside of mall stores. In the past few years, many malls have hired police officers; however, can be very costly Fast food restaurants - Correct Answer-robbery and theft, internal theft, and order maintenance. Generally have proprietary security depts that provide training and advice on security Electronic video surveillance with text insertion - Correct Answer-captures unique register transactions and superimposes related text onto the video tape are used in fast food restaurants. This is a feature that displays cash register activity on corresponding surveillance footage.

security measures of fast food: - Correct Answer-keep the cash register in a position to allow a clear, unobstructed view from the street. Post signs that say cash registers carry only a small amount of cash, unobstructed view from the street fast food: train employees to be aware of their surroundings. visible monitoring, train employees not to resist robber - Correct Answer-install panic buttons or silent alarms industrial facilities - Correct Answer-property protection, theft, security of proprietary or classified information, fire protection, safety, traffic control, sabotage, and internal theft. Scrap metal theft has risen drastically industrial facilities - Correct Answer-most use proprietary security depts, but some use a mix. alarms and access control technology, video surveillance, and making rounds of buildings. scrap metal thefts, industrial-plant theft, and frivolous injury claims - Correct Answer- security guards are stationed at entrances and cargo docks. Industrial security has limited budgets and a tendency to stay away from complicated solutions. very hard to secure a wide open area. new threats of steel rolls, copper wire, guard rails, street signs, scrap metal, toxic chemicals, bio-medical waste, and flammable materials - Correct Answer-standard solutions include gates, guards, fences and cameras may not be enough to cover large areas. Many industrial security experts have resorted to intelligent video systems - Correct Answer-these video systems watch over areas that are too dangerous for security guards to patrol. Sensors can distinguish between animals and humans; provides the ability to monitor wide areas and detect not just short-range movements, but true intruder behavior scenarios. Office Buildings - Correct Answer-security uses a central monitoring station, using electronic video surveillance to help deter after hour burglaries and theft, unauthorized visitors, and incidents of internal theft. Generally use contract security for offices. Security measures usually work their way from the perimeter of the building to the inside

  • Correct Answer-temporary badging: process of identifying visitors, contractors, and other temporarily visiting a building or other facility. Expiring Time badges - Correct Answer-temporary identification system for visitors, contractors, and others temporarily visiting a building or other facility; these badges change colors when the badge is no longer valid, showing that the wearer is no longer authorized to be on the premises. Public and Private Utilities - Correct Answer-public utilities provide gas, telephone, electricity, water, and other services to the public. Have large plants and service areas.

use proprietary security guards to protect from terrorism, sabotage, destruction of property and assets, thefts of services and assets, and personal protection of employees Dams - Correct Answer-since 9/11, $84 million has been spent on enhancing security at dams, nearly $50 million of which has been dedicated for security personnel. Kenisco Dam in NY, Hoover Dam, and Glen Canyon Dam Army Corps of Engineers identified risk exposures at our nation's damns. - Correct Answer-security at dams is lacking, need for better communication. Flaws in their contingency planning, chain of command is unclear, need better communication with law-enforcement Oil facilties - Correct Answer-uniquely valuable and distinctly vulnerable as reasons of political and economic gain. Oil and gas industry is responsible for the procurement, processing, and transport of petroleum and natural gas products from the ground to the gas pump and beyond. Houston Texas has 2 of U.S. largest oil refineries - Correct Answer-potential for sabotage, terrorist attacks Proprietary and contract security is used for oil facilties - Correct Answer-exposure during the extraction, production, and transportation cycles for sabotage by terrorist factions. Chemical Facilties - Correct Answer-problems with vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks. 123 chemical plants across the country could each expose more than a million people to serious health issues if a chemical release occurred. Another 600 facilities could be endangered between 100,000 to 1 million. risk based performance standards - Correct Answer-U.S. dept of homeland security released an interim final rule that imposes comprehensive federal security regulations for high-risk chemical facilities. These standards require covered chemical facilities to prepare security vulnerability assessments to prepare for events. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Correct Answer-imposed specific criteria for NRC to consider in revising the "Design Basis Threat" (DBT) which specifies the maximum severity of potential attacks that a nuclear plant's security force must be capable of repelling. Required "force on force" security exercises at nuclear power plants at least once every 3 years. In these exercises, a mock adversary force from outside a nuclear plant attempts to penetrate the plant's vital area and simulate damage to key safety components Energy Policy Act - Correct Answer-also included provisions for fingerprinting and criminal background checks of security personnel, their use of firearms, and the unauthorized introduction of dangerous weapons.

Hotels and Motels - Correct Answer-primary security problems are safety of guests, thefts from a guest's room, thefts from cars in parking lots, vandalism hotels/ motel security - Correct Answer-proprietary staff supplemented by contract security guards. Use alarms, access controls, electronic video surveillance, and uniformed and plain clothed security officers American Hotel and Lodging Association - Correct Answer-offers its members assistance in risk management. Larger hotels have a security manager for decision- making and management of security staff ground floor rooms are the most vulnerable to intruders - Correct Answer-rooms above the 5th floor and away from a stairwell are the least vulnerable rooms for a break-in. The escape route is not easy. doors made of solid- core wood or metal offer the best protection. 1 inch deadlock bolts are recommended Banks - Correct Answer-major security concern with banks are the physical protection of assets and information banks generally use contract security uniformed guards. Banks use 3 traditional security methods: - Correct Answer-1. security officers (armed or unarmed offer a deterrent value)

  1. cash control procedures: limits on cash at teller stations
  2. Dye packs- explodes after the robber leaves, rendering the money useless Banks use - Correct Answer-CCTVs, metal detector portals, customer assisted depositories: units inside the branch for use by commercial businesses for daytime deposits. A digital transaction camera photographs the person. Tellers must be trained and re-trained properly to keep heightened sense of alertness.