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PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023, Exams of Psychology

PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023/PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage learning) 2023PSYC 101 Module 6 Exam (Portage l

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Question 1

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Question 2

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of 30 Submitted Mar 14 at 3:11am This attempt took 49 minutes. Short essay questions. Short essay answers should be in clearly written in full sentences. What does the Yerkes-Dodson law tell us about optimal sports performance? Summarize this law and then write out a talking point that you could tell a teenage boy about what this law tells us about getting ready for the big game. Your Answer: Yerkes-Dodson law states that more the arousal is high, more the performance is greater, but the arousal should be good for performance at certain point, it has a pick , too much arousal will decrease the performance , it works like inverted U. Toget the best performance The teenage before the game should not be sleepy, too relaxed, in the mean time, he should not very anxious, very stressed, he should be just in the middle to get the best of his performance. If the arousal is too high, probably he will make mistakes, too law he won't be engaged in the game. Answers need to summarize the inverted U of performance, as indicated by the Yerkes-Dodson law--- arousal and performance increase together up to a certain point, and then increased arousal starts to harm performance. (2.5 points) The talking point needs to concretely apply this law in the situation of an upcoming sports performance. (2.5 points) If an alarm messages passes into the Reticular Formation in the brain, what

is the likely outcome? Your Answer: High heart rate, sweating, breathing rate is high, it's what we experience with fear.

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Question 4

5 / 5 pts

External lo^ c The RF will send its own alarm message, which will ultimately trigger “fight or flight” responses such as sweating and increased heart rate Fill in the blanks with the correct word, phrase, or definition. Kristen, who feels that it doesn’t matter how hard she studies for an exam, is exhibiting a/an [answer1] of control. Correct Answers external locus Fill in the blanks. Arrange the following needs from Maslow’s Hierarchy from the most basic needs (#1) to the most complex needs (#5): Biological, Esteem, Safety, Self- actualization, Social

Answer 1: Biological Answer 2: Safety Answer 3: Social Answer 4: Esteem Biologica l Safety Social Esteem Self- actual

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Question 6

5 / 5 pts

Question 7

0 / 1 pts

Answer 5: Self-actualization True or false? Maslow believed that individuals need to address more basic needs before being concerned about more advanced ones. True False Short essay questions. Short essay answers should be in clearly written in full sentences. Define what internal locus of control is. Then, provide a specific and fairly detailed example. Your Answer: Internal locus of control is when you believe that you have the ability to control the actions are responsible of the events happening in your life. The example that comes in mind right now is this exam, i believe that i studied hard and understood the materials, so i get a good grade. I am the only responsible of the outcomes. Internal LOC means that you have some control over events in your life (2.5 points). Examples must accurately depict this in sufficient detail (2.5 points). good example For the following illustrations, indicate whether each is either an example of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation.

Question 8

0 / 1 pts

Question 9

10 / 10 pts

Jessica works hard on her schoolwork; she wants to be valedictorian. intrinsic Correct Answer extrinsic For the following illustrations, indicate whether each is either an example of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. Dan joined the band because he loves playing clarinet. Correct Answer intrinsic extrinsic Fully answer the essay question. Essay answers should be in clearly written in full sentences. (10 points) Summarize and describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory. In doing so, be sure to explain what the point of the theory is—that is, why does Maslow arrange these needs in a hierarchy? Finally, evaluate what you think about the theory. Do you think that Maslow’s basic premises about the hierarchical nature of needs are true? Why or why not? Your Answer:

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theory groups five needs. The biological needs which are food, water and sleep, once we got these we can move to the next level. Safet yneed, now we need security, comfort, tranquility and live without fear. After biological and safety needs there is social needs, to belong, love and be loved, then The Esteem, so we need confidence and self- esteem, and finally the Self- actualization need which is making the best version of yourself. Maslow arranged these needs so because he thinks that if you are stuggling with hunger or thirst you won't think about security or be loved, anyway you are in unsafe situation of hunger, which can lead you to die; also, without confort, security you won't think to be loved, because you are thinking to save yourself and survive and so on with the rest of needs according to Maslow. I do think that Maslow is right at certain point but not hundred percent, because i beleive that people also have dreams, even if they are unsafe and starving, they still have self-esteem and confidence, they do have a strong personality and they won't give up their principles because they are just hungry or it's cold outside. The best expemple to strenghthen my opinion is a soldier, he fights because he believes on protecting his land, country, house and family in extreem condition, he sacrifices even his life ( not only hunger or luck of sleep) to defend his ideas. He got self-esteem despite the luck of the basics needs. Answers need to accurately summarize and describe the 5 categories (biological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization…in this order) of needs as well as the hierarchical nature of the needs. (5 points). Then, answers need to evaluate, in sufficient detail, whether or not they agree with this hierarchy, and offer reasons for their points. (5 points for evaluation).